Acts 21:20 Cross References - WestSaxon990
Matthew 13:31-33
31 He rehte him þa gyt oþer big-spel þus cweþende. heofena rice is ge-worden gelic senepes corne þt seow se man on hys æcre
32 þt is ealra sæda læst; Soþlice þonne hit wyxþ hit is ealra wyrta mæst & hit wyrþ treow swa þt heofnan fuhlas cumaþ & eardiaþ on his bogum;
33 He spræc to him oþer big-spel & þus cwæð. heofena rice is gelic þam beorman þone þt wif onfeng & behydde on þrim gemetum melwes oð he wæs eall ahafen;
Luke 12:1
1 mycelum weredum him embe standendum þt hig hine trædun; Ða cwæð he to his leorning-cnihtum warniað wið farisea lare þt is licetung;
Luke 15:3-10
3 Þa cwæþ he þis big-spel to þam;
4 Hwylc man is of eow þe hæfð hund sceapa. & gif he for-lyst än of þam. hu ne for-læt he þonne nigon & hund-nigontig on þam westene. & gæð to þam þe for-wearð oð he hit fint.
5 & þonne he hit fint he hitt set on his exla geblissiende.
6 & þonne he ham cymð he to-somne clypað hys frynd & his nehheburas. & cwyð; Blissiað mid me for-þam ic funde min scep þe for-wearð;
7 Ic secge eow þt swa byð on heofone blis be anum synfullum þe dædbote deð. ma þonne ofer nigon & nigontigum riht-wisra þe dæd-bote ne beðurfon;
8 Oððe hwilc wif hæfð tyn scyllingas. gif heo forlyst anne scylling. hu ne on-ælð heo hyre leoht-fæt. & awent hyre hus & secð geornlice oð heo hine fint;
9 & þonne heo hine fint heo clypað hyre frynd & nehhe-byryna & cwyð. blyssiað mid me forþam ic funde minne scylling þe ic forleas;
10 Ic secge eow swa bið blis beforan godes englum be anum synfullum þe dæd-bote dëð;
Luke 15:32
32 þe ge-byrede gewist-fullian & geblissian for-þam þes þin broðor wæs dead & he ge-edcucede he for-wearð & he is gemet;
John 12:24
24 [Note: Ðys sceal on tywes dæg on þære palm-wucan. Nisi granum frumenti. A. ] Soðlice ic secge eow þt hwætene corn wunað ana buton hyt fealle on eorþan & sy dead; Gif hit [byð] dead hit bringð mycelne wæstm;