Matthew 26:67 Cross References - WestSaxon1175

67 Ða spætton hyo on hys ansiene. & beoton hine mid here festum. Sume hine slogan on hys ansiene mid hera brada (sic) handen.

Matthew 5:39

39 Soðlice ic segge eow. ne winne ge on-gean þa þe eow yfel doð. Ac gyf hwa þe smite on þin swiðre wænge. gegerewe hym þæt oþer.

Matthew 27:30

30 Hall weosse þu iudea kyning. & spætton on hine. ænd namen reod ænd beoton hys heafod.

Mark 10:34

34 & hine bysemeriad. & hyo hym on spæteð. & hine swingeð. & of-sleað hine. & he arist on þam þridðen daige.

Mark 14:65

65 Ænd sume agunnen hym on spæten. & ofer-wreon his ansiene. & mid festen hine beaten. & him to cwæðen. Ared. & þa þenas hine mid handen beoten.

Mark 15:19

19 & beoton hine on þt heafeð mid reode & spetten him on & hire cneow beigden & hine ædmetten.

Luke 22:63-65

63 & þa þe þane hælend heolden hine bismeredon & beoton. 64 & ofer-wrugen hys ansiene. & þurscen his nebb. & axoden hine ared wlych (sic) ys se þe þe smat. 65 And manega oðre þing hyo hym to cwæðen. desigende.

John 18:22

22 Ða he þis cwæð. þa sloh an þare þeigna þe þær stoden þane hælend mid his hand & cwæð. Ændswerest þu swa þam biscoppe.

John 19:3

3 and hyo coman to hym & cwæðen. Hal byo þu iudea kyning. & hyo plætton hine mid hyre handan.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.