Matthew 26:23 Cross References - WestSaxon1175

23 & he andswerede & þus cwæð. Se ðe be-depð on disce mid me his hand se me be-læweð.

Luke 22:21

21 Ðah-hwædere her ys þes læwen hand mid me on myssan.

John 13:18

18 Ne segge ic be eow eallen. ic wat hwilce ic ge-cheas. Ac þæt þæt halig ge-writ seo ge-feld þe cweð. Se þe æt hlaf mid me a-hefð hys ho on-gean me.

John 13:26-28

26 se hælend hym andswerede & cwæð. He is se þe ic raeche be-dyppedne hlaf. And þa þa he dypte þanne hlaf he sealde hine Iudase scariothe. 27 & þa æfter þam bite sathanas eode on hyne. Ða cwæð se hælend to hym. do raþe þæt þu don wylt; 28 nyste nan þare sittendre to hwam he þt saygde.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.