Matthew 14:22 Cross References - WestSaxon1175

22 Ænd þa sona het se hælend his leorning-cnihtas on scyp astigan. & to-foram (sic) hym faren ofer þanne muþun. oð ðæt he þa mænigeo for-lete.

Matthew 13:36

36 He for-let þa þa menigeo. & com to his inne. & þa ge-neahlahten to hym his leorning-cnihtes & cwæðen. A reche üs þæt bispell þas hwætes & þas coccles

Matthew 15:39

39 & he for-let þa þa manigeo & eode on scyp. & com on þa ændes magedon.

Mark 6:45-51

45 Þa sona he nydde his leorning-cnihtes on scyp stigon þt hyo him be-foren foran ofer þanne muðan to bethsaida. oð he þt folc for-lete. 46 & þa he hyo for-let. he ferde on þanne munt. & hine ane þær ge-bæd. 47 And þa æfen wæs þt scyp wæs on midre sæ. & he ane wæs on lande. 48 & he ge-seah hyo on reowette swincende. heom wæs wiðerward wind. Ænd on nyht ymbe þa feorþan weccan he com to heom ofer þa sæ gangende. & wolde hyo for-bugen. 49 Ða hyo hine ge-seagen ofer þa sæ gangende. hyo wenden þt hyt un-fele gast wære. & hyo clypedon. 50 Hyo ealle hine ge-seagen & wurden ge-drefede. & sone he spræc to heom. & [quoth]. Ge-lefeð ich hit em. nellen ge eow andreden. 51 & he on scyp to heom eode. & se wind ge-swæc. & hyo þas þe ma be-tweoxe heom wundredon.

John 6:15-21

15 Ða se hælend wyste þæt hyo wolden cuman & hine læccen. & to cynge don; þa fleah he äne. uppon þonne munt. 16 ---17 Ænd þa hyo eoden on scyp hyo comen ofer þa sæ. to capharnaum. hyt wærð þa þeostre. & se hælend ne com to heom. 18 mycel wind bleow. & hyt wæs breoht (sic) sæ. 19 Witodlice þa hy hafden ge-rowen swilce twentig furlunge oððe þrittig. þa ge-sæwon hyo þonne hælend uppen þare sæ gan. & þæt he wæs ge-hænde þam scype. & hyo heom on-dredden. 20 he cwæð þa to heom. Ic hyt eom. ne on-drædeð eow. 21 Hyo wolden hine nemen on þæt scyp. & sone ðæt scyp wæs on þam lande. þæt hyo wolden to faren.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.