1 As they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent out two disciples.
Matthew 21:1 Cross References - VIN
Zechariah 14:4
4 His feet will stand in that day on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem. Then the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west, forming a very large valley, with half of the mountain moving toward the north and half toward the south.
Matthew 24:3
3 While Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will all this happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age?”
Matthew 26:30
30 When they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.
Mark 11:1-10
1 As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage and Bethany at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two of His disciples
2 and said to them, “Go into the village ahead of you, and as soon as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, on which no one has ever sat. Untie it and bring it to Me.
3 If anyone asks you, 'Why are you doing this?,' say, 'The Lord needs it,' and he will send it back here at once."
4 So they went and found the colt outside in the street, tied at a doorway. They untied it,
5 some men standing there asked them, "What are you doing untying that colt?"
6 They answered as Jesus had told them to, and they let them go.
7 And they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their cloaks over it, and he sat on it.
8 Many people spread their coats on the road, while others spread leafy branches that they had cut in the fields.
9 Those who went in front, and those who followed, shouted, "Hosanna. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
10 Blessed, is the coming kingdom of our father David! Hosanna in the highest!
Mark 14:26
26 When they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.
Luke 19:28-38
28 After Jesus had said this, He went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem.
29 When He approached Bethphage and Bethany by the hill called the Mount of Olives, He sent on two of His disciples, and
30 “Go to the village ahead of you,” He said. “As you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, on which no one has ever sat. Untie it and bring it here.
31 If anyone asks you, 'Why are you untying it?' say to him: 'The Lord needs it.'"
32 So those who were sent went and found it just as he had told them.
33 While they were untying the colt, its owners asked them, "Why are you untying the colt?"
34 They said, "The Lord needs it."
35 They brought it to Jesus. They threw their cloaks on the colt, and set Jesus on them.
36 As He rode along, the people spread their cloaks on the road.
37 When he had almost reached the place where the road led down the Mount of Olives, every one of the many disciples began in their joy to praise God loudly for all the miracles that they had seen:
38 Blessed is the King that comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!
Luke 21:37
37 Every day Jesus taught at the temple, but every evening He went out to spend the night on the Mount of Olives.
Luke 22:39
39 Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and the disciples followed Him.
John 8:1
1 But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.
Acts 1:12
12 Then they returned to Jerusalem from the hill called the Mount of Olives, which is near Jerusalem, only half a mile away.