45 "Before I had finished speaking in my heart, Rebekah came out with her jar on her shoulder. She went down to the spring and drew, and I said to her, 'Please let me drink.'
Genesis 24:45 Cross References - VIN
Genesis 24:15-20
15 Before he finished praying, Rebekah came with her jar on her shoulder. She was the daughter of Bethuel, son of Milcah, who was the wife of Abraham's brother Nahor.
16 The young lady was very beautiful to look at, a virgin. No man had known her. She went down to the spring, filled her pitcher, and came up.
17 The servant ran to meet her, and said, "Please give me a drink, a little water from your pitcher."
18 "Drink, my lord," she said. She quickly lowered her jar to her hand and gave him a drink.
19 And when she had finished giving him drink, she said, I will draw water for your camels also, until they have finished drinking.
20 She quickly emptied her jar into the water trough. Then she ran back to the well to draw more water. She drew enough for all his camels.
1 Samuel 1:13-15
13 And she was speaking in her heart; only her lips moved, but her voice was not heard. Therefore Eli thought she was drunk.
14 Eli said to her, “How long will you be drunk? Get rid of your wine!”
15 "No, sir!" Hannah replied. "I'm a deeply troubled woman. I've drunk neither wine nor beer. I've been pouring out my soul before the LORD.
2 Samuel 7:27
27 For You, O LORD Almighty, God of Israel, have revealed to Your servant, saying, I will build you a house. Therefore Your servant has found in his heart to pray this prayer to You.
Nehemiah 2:4
4 The king answered, "What do you want?" So I prayed to the God of heaven
Isaiah 58:9
9 Then you will call, and the LORD will answer. You will cry for help, and he will say, 'Here I am.' “If you take away from among you the yoke, finger pointing, and speaking wickedly;
Isaiah 65:24
24 "Before they call I will answer! While they are still speaking I will hear.
Daniel 9:19
19 O Lord, hear. O Lord, forgive. O Lord, listen and do. Defer not, for your own sake, O my God, because your city and your people are called by your name.
Daniel 9:23
23 At the beginning of your petitions the commandment went out, and I have come to tell you; for you are greatly beloved. Therefore consider the matter, and understand the vision.
Matthew 7:7
7 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
Acts 4:24-33
24 And when they heard this, they lifted their voices to God together and said, "Sovereign Lord, it is you who made the heaven and the earth and the sea, and everything in them,
25 You spoke by the Holy Spirit through the mouth of Your servant, our father David: ‘Why do the nations rage, and the peoples plot in vain?
26 The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the Lord and against His Anointed One.’
27 For in truth both Herod and Pontius Pilate, together with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel, assembled together in this city against your holy servant Jesus whom you anointed,
28 They carried out what Your hand and purpose had decided beforehand would happen.
29 And now, Lord, consider their threats, and enable Your servants to speak Your word with complete boldness,
30 as You stretch out Your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of Your holy servant Jesus.”
31 After they had prayed, their meeting place was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.
32 The congregation of believers was one in heart and soul. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they owned.
33 With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and abundant grace was on them all.
Acts 10:30
30 Cornelius answered: “Four days ago, I was in my house praying at this, the ninth hour. Suddenly a man in radiant clothing stood before me
Acts 12:12-17
12 And when he had realized this, he went to the house of Mary the mother of John, also called Mark, where many people were gathered together praying.
13 He knocked at the outer gate, and a servant girl named Rhoda came to answer it.
14 When she recognized Peter's voice she was so overjoyed she ran back into the house to tell others he was there. She forgot to open the door for him.
15 “You are out of your mind,” they told her. But when she kept insisting it was so, they said, “It is his angel.”
16 But Peter kept on knocking; so when they opened the door and saw him, they were astounded.
17 Peter motioned with his hand for silence, and he described how the Lord had brought him out of the prison. “Send word to James and to the brothers,” he said, and he left for another place.
Romans 8:26
26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know how we ought to pray, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans too deep for words.