Romans 1:14 Cross References - Tyndale

14 For I am detter both to the Grekes and to them which are no Grekes vnto the learned and also vnto the vnlearned.

Matthew 11:25

25 At yt tyme Iesus answered and sayd: I prayse ye o father lorde of heve and erth because thou hast hid these thinges fro the wyse and prudet and hast opened the vnto babes:

Luke 10:21

21 That same tyme reioysed Iesus in ye sprete and sayde: I confesse vnto ye father Lorde of heaven and erth yt thou hast hyd these thynges from the wyse and prudent and hast opened them to the babes. Even so father for soo pleased it the.

Acts 9:15

15 The lorde sayde vnto him: Goo thy wayes: for he is a chosen vessell vnto me to beare my name before the gentyls and kynges and the chyldren of Israel.

Acts 13:2-4

2 As they mynistred to the Lorde and fasted the holy goost sayde: separate me Barnabas and Saul for ye worke where vnto I have called them. 3 Then fasted they and prayed and put their hondes on them and let them goo. 4 And they after they were sent of the holy goost came vnto Seleutia and from thence they sayled to Cyprus.

Acts 22:21

21 And he sayde vnto me: departe for I will sende the a farre hence vnto the Gentyls.

Acts 26:17-18

17 delyverynge the from the people and from ye gentyls vnto which nowe I sende the 18 to open their eyes that they myght turne from darcknes vnto lyght and from the power of Satan vnto God that they maye receave forgevenes of synnes and inheritauce amonge the which are sanctified by fayth in me.

Acts 28:2

2 And the people of the countre shewed vs no lytell kyndnes: for they kyndled a fyre and receaved vs every one because of the present rayne and because of colde.

Acts 28:4

4 When the men of the contre sawe the worme hange on his honde they sayde amonge the selves: this man must nedes be a mortherer. Whome (though he have escaped the see) yet vengeaunce suffreth not to lyve.

Romans 1:22

22 When they couted them selves wyse they became foles

Romans 8:12

12 Therfore brethren we are nowe detters not to the flesshe to live after the flesshe.

Romans 11:25

25 I wolde not that this secrete shuld be hyd fro you my brethren (lest ye shuld be wyse in youre awne consaytes) that partly blyndnes is happened in Israel vntyll ye fulnes of the gentyls be come in:

Romans 12:16

16 Be of lyke affeccion one towardes another. Be not hye mided: but make youreselves equall to the of ye lower sorte. Be not wyse in youre awne opinios.

Romans 13:8

8 Owe nothinge to eny man: but to love one another. For he that loveth another fulfylleth the lawe.

Romans 16:19

19 For youre obedience extendeth to all men. I am glad no dout of you. But yet I wolde have you wyse vnto yt which is good and to be innocetes concerninge evyll.

1 Corinthians 1:19-22

19 For it is written: I will destroye the wysdome of the wyse and will cast awaye the vnderstondinge of the prudet. 20 Where is the wyse? Where is the scrybe? Where is the searcher of this worlde? 21 Hath not God made the wysdome of this worlde folisshnes? For when the worlde thorow wysdome knew not God in ye wysdome of God: it pleased God thorow folisshnes of preachinge to save them yt beleve. 22 For ye Iewes requyre a signe and the Grekes seke after wysdome.

1 Corinthians 2:13

13 which thinges also we speake not in the conynge wordes of manes wysdome but with the conynge wordes of the holy goost makynge spretuall coparesons of spretuall thinges.

1 Corinthians 3:18

18 Let no man deceave him silfe. Yf eny man seme wyse amonge you let him be a fole in this worlde that he maye be wyse.

1 Corinthians 9:16-23

16 16. In that I preache the gospell I have nothinge to reioyce of. For necessite is put vnto me. Wo is it vnto me yf I preache not the gospell. 17 If I do it with a good will I have a rewarde. But yf I do it agaynst my will an office is committed vnto me. 18 What is my rewarde then? Verely that whe I preache the gospell I make the gospell of Christ fre yt I misvse not myne auctorite in ye gospel 19 For though I be fre from all men yet have I made my silfe servaunt vnto all men that I myght wynne the moo. 20 Vnto the Iewes I became as a Iewe to winne ye Iewes. To the that were vnder the lawe was I made as though I had bene vnder the lawe to wynne the that were vnder the lawe. 21 To them that were without lawe be ca I as though I had bene without lawe (whe I was not without lawe as perteyninge to god but vnder a lawe as concerninge Christ) to wynne the that were without lawe. 22 To the weake became I as weake to wynne the weake. In all thinge I fassioned my silfe to all men to save at ye lest waye some. 23 And this I do for the gospels sake that I might have my parte therof.

1 Corinthians 14:11

11 If I knowe not what the voyce meaneth I shalbe vnto him that speaketh an alient: and and he that speaketh shalbe an alient vnto me

1 Corinthians 14:16

16 For els when thou blessest with ye sprete how shall he that occupieth the roume of the vnlearned saye amen at thy gevinge of thankes seynge he vnderstondeth not what thou sayest

1 Corinthians 14:23-24

23 Yf therfore when all the cogregacion is come to gedder and all speake with tonges ther come in they yt are vnlearned or they which beleve not: will they not saye that ye are out of youre wittes? 24 But and yf all prophesy and ther come in one that beleveth not or one vnlearned he is rebuked of all men and is iudged of every man:

2 Corinthians 10:12

12 For we cannot fynde in oure hertes to make oure selves of ye nombre of them or to compare oure selves to them which laude the selves neuerthelesse whill they measure the selves wt them selves and copare the selves wt the selves they vnderstode nought.

2 Corinthians 11:19

19 For ye suffre foles gladly be cause that ye youre selves are wyse.

Ephesians 5:15-17

15 Take hede therfore that ye walke circuspectly: not as foles: but as wyse 16 redemynge the tyme: for ye dayes are evyll. 17 Wherfore be ye not vnwyse but vnderstonde what the will of the Lorde is

Colossians 3:11

11 where is nether gentile ner Iewe circumcision nor vncircumcision Barbarous or Sithian bonde or fre: but Christe is all in all thynges.

2 Timothy 2:10

10 Herefore I suffre all thinges for ye electes sakes that they myght also obtayne that saluacion which is in Christ Iesu with eternall glory.

Titus 3:3

3 For we oure selves also were in tymes past vnwyse disobedient deceaved in daunger to lustes and to diuers maners of volupteousnes livynge in maliciousnes and envie full of hate hatinge one another.

James 3:17-18

17 But the wisdom that is from above is fyrst pure then peasable gentle and easy to be entreated full of mercy and good frutes without iudgynge and without simulacio: 18 yee and the frute of rightewesnes is sowen in peace of them that mayntene peace.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.