Revelation 7:1 Cross References - Tyndale

1 And after that I sawe .iiii. angels stonde on the iiii. corners of ye erth holdynge ye iiii. wyndes of the erth that ye wyndes shulde not blowe on the erthe nether on the see nether on eny tree.

Jonah 1:4

4 But ye lorde hurled a greate winde in to ye se so that there was a myghtie tepest in the se: in so moch yt the shepp was lyke to goo in peces.

Matthew 8:26-27

26 And the men marveyled and sayd: what man is this that bothe wyndes and see obey hym? 27 And when he was come to ye other syde in to ye coutre of ye Gergesites ther met him two possessed of devylles which came out of the graves and were out of measure fearce so yt no ma myght go by that waye.

Matthew 24:31

31 And he shall sende his angeles with the greate voyce of a trope and they shall gader to gether his chosen from the fower wyndes and from the one ende of the worlde to the other.

Mark 13:27

27 And then shall he sende his angels and shall gaddre to gedder his electe from the fower wyndes and from the one ende of the worlde to the other.

Revelation 4:1-6

1 After this I loked and beholde a dore was open in heven and the fyrste voyce which I harde was as it were of a trompet talkinge with me which said: come vp hydder and I will shewe the thynges which must be fulfyllyd hereafter 2 And immediatly I was in the sprete: and beholde a seate was put in heven and one sate on the seate. 3 And he that sat was to loke apo like vnto a iaspar stone and a sardyne stone: And there was a rayne bowe aboute the seate in syght lyke to an Emeralde. 4 And aboute the seate were .xxiiii. seates. And upon the seates .xxiiii. elders syttinge clothed in whyte rayment and had on their heddes crounes of gold. 5 And out of the seate proceded lightnynges and thundrynges and voyces and there wer vii. lampes of fyre burninge before ye seate which are the vii. sprettes of God. 6 And before the seate there was a see of glasse lyke vnto cristall and in the myddes of the seate and rounde aboute the seate were iiii. bestes full of eyes before and behynde.

Revelation 6:6

6 And I herd a voyce in the myddes of the .iiii. bestes saye: a measure of whete for a peny and iii. measures of barly for a peny: and oyle and wyne se thou hurte not.

Revelation 7:3

3 saying: Hurt not the erth nether the see nether the trees tyll we have sealed ye servauntes of oure god in their forheddes.

Revelation 9:4

4 And it hurt ye grasse of the erth: nether eny grene thinge: nether eny tree: but only those me which have not ye seale in their forhedes

Revelation 9:14

14 saying to the sixte angell which had the trompe: Loose the iiii. angelles which are bounde in the grett ryver Eufrates.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.