1 And after that I sawe .iiii. angels stonde on the iiii. corners of ye erth holdynge ye iiii. wyndes of the erth that ye wyndes shulde not blowe on the erthe nether on the see nether on eny tree.
2 And I sawe another angell ascende from the rysynge of the sunne: which had the seale of the lyvynge god and he cryed with a loude voyce to the iiii angelles (to whom power was geven to hurt the erth and the see)
3 saying: Hurt not the erth nether the see nether the trees tyll we have sealed ye servauntes of oure god in their forheddes.
4 And I herde the nombre of them which were sealed and there were sealed an C. and xliiii. M. of all the trybes of the chyldren of Israhell.
5 Of the trybe of Iuda were sealed xii.M Of the trybe of Ruben were sealed xii.M. of the trybe of Gad were sealed xii.M.
6 Of the trybe of Asser were sealed xii.M. Of the trybe of Neptalym were sealed xii.M. Of the trybe of Manasses were sealed xii.M.
7 Of ye trybe of Symeo were sealed xii.M. Of ye tribe of Leuy were sealed xii.M. Of ye trybe of Isacar were sealed xii.M.
8 Of the trybe of zabulon weee sealed xii.M. Of the tribe of Ioseph were sealed xii.M. Of the trybe of Beniamin were sealed xii. thowsande.
9 After this I behelde and lo a gret multitude (which noma coulde nombre) of all nacios and people and tonges stode before the seate and before the lambe clothed with longe whyte garmentes and palmes in there hondes
10 and cryed with a lowde voyce sayinge: salvacion be asscribed to him that syttith apon the seate of oure god and vnto the lambe.
11 And all the angelles stode in the compase of the seate and of the elders and of the iiii. bestes and fel before the seat on their faces and worshipped god
12 sayinge amen: Blessynge and glory wisdome and thankes and honour and power and myght be vnto oure god for evermore Amen.
13 And one of the elders answered sayinge vnto me: what are these which are arayed in longe whyte garmentes and whence cam they?
14 And I sayde vnto him: lorde thou wottest. And he sayde vnto me: these are they which cam oute of gret tribulacion and made their garmetes large and made them whyte in the bloud of the lambe:
15 therfore are they in the presence of the seate of God and serve him daye and nyght in hys temple and he that sytteth in the seate wyll dwell amonge them.
16 They shalt honger no more nether thyrst nether shall the sunne lyght on them nether eny heate:
17 For the lambe which ys in the myddes of the seate shall fede them and shall ledde them vnto fountaynes of lyuynge water and god shall wype awaye all teares from their eyes.
Revelation 7 Cross References - Tyndale
Jonah 1:4
4 But ye lorde hurled a greate winde in to ye se so that there was a myghtie tepest in the se: in so moch yt the shepp was lyke to goo in peces.
Matthew 8:26-27
Matthew 24:31
31 And he shall sende his angeles with the greate voyce of a trope and they shall gader to gether his chosen from the fower wyndes and from the one ende of the worlde to the other.
Mark 13:27
27 And then shall he sende his angels and shall gaddre to gedder his electe from the fower wyndes and from the one ende of the worlde to the other.
Revelation 4:1-6
1 After this I loked and beholde a dore was open in heven and the fyrste voyce which I harde was as it were of a trompet talkinge with me which said: come vp hydder and I will shewe the thynges which must be fulfyllyd hereafter
2 And immediatly I was in the sprete: and beholde a seate was put in heven and one sate on the seate.
3 And he that sat was to loke apo like vnto a iaspar stone and a sardyne stone: And there was a rayne bowe aboute the seate in syght lyke to an Emeralde.
4 And aboute the seate were .xxiiii. seates. And upon the seates .xxiiii. elders syttinge clothed in whyte rayment and had on their heddes crounes of gold.
5 And out of the seate proceded lightnynges and thundrynges and voyces and there wer vii. lampes of fyre burninge before ye seate which are the vii. sprettes of God.
6 And before the seate there was a see of glasse lyke vnto cristall and in the myddes of the seate and rounde aboute the seate were iiii. bestes full of eyes before and behynde.
Revelation 6:6
6 And I herd a voyce in the myddes of the .iiii. bestes saye: a measure of whete for a peny and iii. measures of barly for a peny: and oyle and wyne se thou hurte not.
Revelation 7:3
3 saying: Hurt not the erth nether the see nether the trees tyll we have sealed ye servauntes of oure god in their forheddes.
Revelation 9:4
4 And it hurt ye grasse of the erth: nether eny grene thinge: nether eny tree: but only those me which have not ye seale in their forhedes
Revelation 9:14
14 saying to the sixte angell which had the trompe: Loose the iiii. angelles which are bounde in the grett ryver Eufrates.
Deuteronomy 5:26
26 For what is any flesh that he shulde heare the voyce of the lyuynge God speakynge out of the fyre as we haue done and shulde yet lyue:
Matthew 26:63
63 But Iesus helde his peace: And the chefe Preeste answered and sayd to him: I charge the in the name of the lyvinge God that thou tell vs whether thou be Christ the sonne of God.
John 6:27
27 Laboure not for ye meate which perissheth but for ye meate that endureth vnto everlastynge lyfe whiche meate ye sonne of ma shall geve vnto you. For him hath god ye father sealed.
Acts 7:30-32
30 And when .xl. yeares were expired ther appered to him in the wyldernes of mounte Syna an angell of the Lorde in a flamme of fyre in a busshe.
31 When Moses sawe it he wondred at the syght. And as he drue neare to beholde the voyce of the Lorde came vnto him:
32 I am ye God of thy fathers the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Iacob. Moses trembled and durst not beholde.
2 Corinthians 1:22
22 which hath also sealed vs and hath geven the ernest of the sprete into oure hertes.
Ephesians 1:13
13 In whom also ye (after that ye hearde the worde of trueth I meane the gospell of youre saluacio wherin ye beleved) were sealed with the holy sprete of promes
Ephesians 4:30
30 And greve not the holy sprete of God by whome ye are sealed vnto the daye of redempcion.
1 Thessalonians 1:9
9 For they the selves shewe of you what maner of entrynge in we had vnto you and how ye tourned to God from ymages for to serve the livynge and true god
2 Timothy 2:19
19 But the sure grounde of god remayneth and hath this seale: the lorde knoweth them that are his and let every man that calleth on the name of Christ departe from iniquite.
Hebrews 12:22
22 But ye are come vnto the moute Sion and to the citie of the livinge god the celestiall Ierusalem: and to an innumerable sight of angels
Revelation 1:3
3 Happy is he that redith and they that heare the wordes of the prophesy and kepe thoo thinges which are written therin. For the tyme is at honde.
Revelation 5:2
2 And I sawe a stronge angell which cryed with a loude voyce: Who is worthy to open the boke and to loose the seales therof.
Revelation 7:3-8
3 saying: Hurt not the erth nether the see nether the trees tyll we have sealed ye servauntes of oure god in their forheddes.
4 And I herde the nombre of them which were sealed and there were sealed an C. and xliiii. M. of all the trybes of the chyldren of Israhell.
5 Of the trybe of Iuda were sealed xii.M Of the trybe of Ruben were sealed xii.M. of the trybe of Gad were sealed xii.M.
6 Of the trybe of Asser were sealed xii.M. Of the trybe of Neptalym were sealed xii.M. Of the trybe of Manasses were sealed xii.M.
7 Of ye trybe of Symeo were sealed xii.M. Of ye tribe of Leuy were sealed xii.M. Of ye trybe of Isacar were sealed xii.M.
8 Of the trybe of zabulon weee sealed xii.M. Of the tribe of Ioseph were sealed xii.M. Of the trybe of Beniamin were sealed xii. thowsande.
Revelation 8:3
3 And another angell cam and stode before the aultre havynge a golden senser and moche of odoures was geven vnto him that he shulde offre of the prayers of all saynctes apon the golden aultre which was before ye seate.
Revelation 8:7-12
7 The fyrst angell blewe and there was made hayle and fyre which were myngled with bloud and they were caste into ye erth: and the thryd parte of trees was burnt and all grene grasse was brent.
8 And ye seconde angell blewe: and as it were a gret mountayne: burnynge wt fyre was caste in to the see and the thyrde parte of the see tourned to bloud
9 and the thyrde parte of the creatures which had lyfe dyed and the thyrde part of shippes were destroyed.
10 And the thyrde angell blewe and ther fell a grett starre from heven burnynge as it were a lampe and it fell into the thyrde parte of the ryvers and into fountaynes of waters
11 and the name of the starre is called wormwod. And ye thyrde part was turned to wormwod. And many me dyed of the waters because they were made bytter.
12 And the fourth angell blew and the thyrde parte of the sunne was smytten and the thyrde parte of the mone and ye thyrde part of starres: so that the thyrde parte of them was darckned. And the daye was smytten that the thyrde part of it shulde not shyne and lyke wyse ye nyght.
Revelation 10:1
1 And I sawe another myghtye angell come doune from heven clothed with a cloude and the rayne bowe apon his heed. And hys face as it were the sunne and his fete as yt were pyllars of fyre
Revelation 10:4
4 And whe the vii. thondres had spoken their voyces I was aboute to wryte. And I herde a voyce from heven sayinge vnto me seale vp thoo thynges which the vii. thondres spake and write them not.
Exodus 9:4-6
4 But the Lorde shall make a deuysion betwene the beestes of the Israhelites, ad the beestes of the Egiptias: so that there shal nothing dye of all that perteyneth to the children of Israel.
5 And the Lorde appoynted a tyme saynge: tomorow the Lorde shall do this thinge in the londe.
6 And the Lorde dyd the thinge on the morow, and all the catell of Egipte dyed: but of the catell of the childern of Israel dyed not one.
Exodus 12:13
13 And the bloude shall be vnto you a toke vppon the houses where in ye are, for whe I se the bloude, I will passe ouer you, ad the plage shall not be vppo you to destroye you, when I smyte the londe off Egipte.
Exodus 12:23
23 For the Lorde will goo aboute and smyte Egipte. And when he seyth the bloude vppon the vpper doorposte ad on the .ij. syde postes, he will passe ouer the doore and will not suffre the destroyer to come in to youre housse to plage you.
Matthew 24:22
22 Ye and except those dayes shuld be shortened there shuld no fleshe be saved: but for ye chosens sake those dayes shalbe shortened.
John 12:26
26 If eny man mynister vnto me let him folowe me and where I am there shall also my minister be. And yf eny man minister vnto me him will my father honoure.
Romans 6:22
22 But now are ye delivered from synne and made the servauntes of God and have youre frute that ye shuld be sanctifyed and the ende everlastinge lyfe.
Revelation 13:16
16 And he made all bothe smale and grett ryche and poore fre and bond to receave a marke in their right hondes or in their forheddes.
Revelation 14:1
1 And I loked and loo a lambe stode on the mount Syon and with him C. and xliiii. thousande havynge his fathers name written in their forhedes.
Revelation 19:2
2 for true and ryghteous are his iudgmentes for he hath iudged ye grett whore which did corrupt the erth with her fornicacion and hath avenged the bloud of his servauntes of her hond.
Revelation 20:4
4 And I sawe seattes and they sat apon them and iudgement was geven vnto them: and I sawe the soules of them that were behedded for the witnes of Iesu and for the worde of God: which had not worshypped the best nether his ymage nether had taken his marke vpon their forheddes or on their hondes: and they lyved and raygned with Christ a .M. yere:
Revelation 22:4
4 And shall se his face and his name shalbe in their forheddes.
Genesis 15:5
5 And he brought him out at the doores ad sayde. Loke vpp vnto heaven and tell the starres yf thou be able to nobre them. And sayde vnto him Even so shall thy seed be.
Matthew 19:28
28 Iesus sayde vnto them: verely I saye to you: when the sonne of man shall syt in ye seate of his maieste ye which folowe me in ye seconde generacion shall syt also vpon .xii. seates and iudge ye .xii. tribes of Israel.
Luke 22:30
30 that ye maye eate and drynke at my table in my kyngdome and sit on seates and iudge the twelve tribes of Israell.
Acts 26:7
7 vnto which promes oure .xii. tribes instantly servynge God daye and nyght hope to come. For which hopes sake kynge Agrippa am I accused of the Iewes.
Romans 9:27
27 But Esaias cryeth concernynge Israel though the nomber of the chyldren of Israel be as the sonde of the see yet shall a remnaut be saved.
Romans 11:5-6
James 1:1
1 Iames the seruaut of God and of the Lorde Iesus Christ sendeth gretinge to ye .xii. trybes which are scattered here and there.
Revelation 9:16
16 And the nombre of horsme of warre were twenty tymes xM. And I herde the nobre of them.
Revelation 14:3
3 And they songe as it were a newe songe before the seate and before the foure beestes and the elders and no man coulde learne that songe but the hondred and xliiii.M. which were redemed from the erth.
Exodus 1:2-4
Numbers 1:4-15
4 and with you shalbe of euery trybe a heed man in the house of his father.
5 And these are the names of ye me yt shall stode with you: in Rube Elizur ye sonne of Sedeur:
6 In Simeo Selumiel ye sonne of Suri Sadai:
7 In ye trybe of Iuda Nahesson ye sonne of Aminadab:
8 In Isachar Nathaneel ye sonne of Zuar:
9 In Sebulo Eliab ye sonne of Helo.
10 Amoge ye childern of Ioseph: In Ephrai Elisama ye sonne of Amihud: In Manasse Gamaliel ye sone of Pedazur:
11 In Be Iamin Abidan the sonne of Gedeoni:
12 In Dan Ahieser the sonne of Ammi Sadai:
13 In Asser Pagiel the sonne of Ochran:
14 In Gad Eliasaph the sone of Deguel:
15 In Naphtaly Ahira the sonne of Enan.
Numbers 10:14-27
14 euen the standerte of ye hoste of Iuda remoued first with their armies whose captayne was Nahesson ye sonne of Aminadab.
15 And ouer the hoste of ye trybe of the childern of Isachar was Nathaneel the sonne of zuar.
16 And ouer the hoste of ye trybe of the childern of Zabulon was Eliab the sonne of Helon.
17 And the habitacion was taken doune: and the sonnes of Gerson and Merari went forth bearynge the habitacion
18 Then the standert of the hoste of Ruben went forth with their armies whose captayne was Elizur the sonne of Sedeur.
19 And ouer the hoste of the trybe of ye childern of Simeon was Selumiel
20 the sonne of Deguel.
21 Then the Cahathites went forwarde and bare the holy thynges and the other dyd set vp the habitacion agenst they came.
22 Then the standert of the hoste of the childern of Ephraim went forth with their armies whose captayne was Elisama the sonne of Amiud.
23 And ouer the hoste of the trybe of the sonnes of Manasse was Samaleel the sonne of Pedazur.
24 And ouer the hoste of the trybe of the sonnes of Ben Iamin was Abidan the sonne of Gedeoni.
25 And hynmost of all the hoste came the standert of the hoste of the childern of Dan with their armies: whose captayne was Ahiezar the sonne of Ammi Sadai.
26 And ouer the hoste of the trybe of the childern of Asser was Pagiel the sonne of Ochran.
27 And ouer the hoste of the trybe of the childern of Naphtali was Ahira the sonne of Enan
Numbers 13:4-16
4 In the trybe of Ruben Sammua ye sonne of Zacur:
5 In the trybe of Symeon Saphat the sonne of Hori.
6 In the trybe of Iuda Caleph the sonne of Iephune.
7 In the trybe of Isachar Igeal the sonne of Ioseph.
8 In the trybe of Ephraim Hosea the sonne of Nun.
9 In the trybe of Ben Iamin Paltithe sonne of Raphu.
10 In the trybe of Zabulon Gadiel the sonne of Sodi.
11 In the trybe of Ioseph: In the trybe of Manasse Gaddi the sonne of Susi.
12 In the trybe of Dan Amiel the sonne of Gemali.
13 In the trybe of Asser Sethur the sonne of Micheel.
14 In the trybe of Nephtali Nahebi the sonne of Vaphsi.
15 In the trybe of Gad Guel the sonne of Machi.
16 These are the names of the men whiche Moses sent to spie out the londe. And Moses called the name of Hosea the sonne of Nun Iosua.
1 Corinthians 2:1-2
Luke 2:36
36 And ther was a Prophetesse one Anna the doughter of Phanuel of the tribe of Aser: which was of a greate age and had lyved with an husbande. vii. yeres from her virginite.
Genesis 29:34
34 And she conceaued yet and bare a sonne ad sayde: now this once will my husbonde kepe me company because I haue borne him .iij. sonnes: and therfore she called his name Levi.
Genesis 30:18
18 Than sayde Lea. God hath geue me my rewarde because I gaue my mayde to my housbod and she called him Isachar.
Genesis 35:23
23 The sonnes of Lea. Ruben Iacobs eldest sonne and Simeo Leui Iuda Isachar and Zabulon
Genesis 49:5
5 The brethern Simeon and Leui weked instrumentes are their wepos.
Genesis 49:11
11 He shall bynde his fole vnto the vine and his asses colt vnto the vyne braunche ad shall wash his garment in wyne and his mantell in the bloud of grapes
Exodus 6:16
16 These are the names of the childern of Leui in their generations: Gerson, Kahath and Merari. And Leui lyued an hundred and. xxxvij. yere.
Numbers 1:22
22 Among the childern of Simeon: their generacion in their kynredes and housses of their fathers (when euery mans name was tolde) of all the males from .xx. yeres and aboue whatsoeuer was mete for the warre:
Numbers 25:14
14 The name of the Israelite which was smytten with the Madianitish wife was Simri the sonne of Salu a lorde of an aunciet housse amonge the Simeonites.
Numbers 26:14
14 These are the kynredes of the Simeonites: in numbre. xxij. thousande and .ij. hundred.
Genesis 13:16
16 And I wyll make thy seed as the dust of the erth: so that yf a ma can nombre the dust of the erth than shall thy seed also be nombred.
Genesis 49:10
10 The sceptre shall not departe from Iuda nor a ruelar from betwene his legges vntill Silo come vnto whome the people shall herken.
Leviticus 23:40
40 And ye shall take you the first daye, the frutes of goodly trees and the braunches off palme trees and the bowes of thicke trees, ad wylowes of the broke, and shall reioyse before the Lorde .vij. dayes.
Luke 12:1
1 As ther gadered together an innumerable multitude of people (in so moche that they trood one another) he began to saye vnto his disciples: Fyrst of all beware of the leve of the Pharises which is ypocrisy.
Luke 21:36
36 Watche therfore continually and praye that ye maye obtayne grace to flye all this that shall come and that ye maye stonde before the sonne of man.
John 12:13
13 toke braunches of palme trees and went and met him and cryed: Hosanna blessed is he that in the name of the Lorde commeth kynge of Israel.
Romans 11:25
25 I wolde not that this secrete shuld be hyd fro you my brethren (lest ye shuld be wyse in youre awne consaytes) that partly blyndnes is happened in Israel vntyll ye fulnes of the gentyls be come in:
Romans 15:9-12
9 And let the gentyls prayse god for his mercy as it is written: For this cause I will prayse the amonge the gentyls and synge in thy name.
10 And agayne he sayth: reioyse ye gentyles with his people.
11 And agayne prayse the Lorde all ye gentyls and laude him all nacions.
12 And in another place Esaias sayth: ther shalbe the rote of Iesse and he that shall ryse ro raygne over the gentyls: in him shall the gentyls trust.
Ephesians 6:13
13 For this cause take vnto you the armoure of God yt ye maye be able to resist in the evyll daye and to stonde perfect in all thinges.
Hebrews 11:12
12 And therfore spronge therof one (and of one which was as good as deed) so many in multitude as the starres of ye skye and as the sond of the see shore which is innumerable.
Revelation 3:4-5
4 Thou haste a feawe names in Sardis which have not defyled their garmentes: and they shall walke with me in whyte for they are worthy
5 He that overcometh shalbe clothed in whyte araye and I will not put out his name out of the boke of lyfe and I will confesse his name before my father and before his angelles.
Revelation 3:18
18 I counsell the to bye of me golde tryed in the fyre that thou mayste be riche and whyte raymet yt thou mayste be clothed yt thy fylthy nakednes do not apere: and anoynt thyne eyes with eye salve yt thou mayste se.
Revelation 4:4
4 And aboute the seate were .xxiiii. seates. And upon the seates .xxiiii. elders syttinge clothed in whyte rayment and had on their heddes crounes of gold.
Revelation 5:9
9 and they songe a newe songe saynge: thou art worthy to take ye boke and to ope ye seales therof: for thou waste kylled and haste redemed vs by thy bloud out of all kynreddes and tonges and people and nacions
Revelation 5:11
11 And I behelde and I herd the voyce of many angylles aboute the trone and about the bestes and the elders and I herde thousand thousandes
Revelation 6:11
11 And longe whyte garmentes were geven vnto every one of them. And it was sayde vnto them that they shulde reste for a lyttle season vntyll the nomber of their felowes and brethre and of them that shulde be kylled as they were were fulfylled.
Revelation 7:13-15
13 And one of the elders answered sayinge vnto me: what are these which are arayed in longe whyte garmentes and whence cam they?
14 And I sayde vnto him: lorde thou wottest. And he sayde vnto me: these are they which cam oute of gret tribulacion and made their garmetes large and made them whyte in the bloud of the lambe:
15 therfore are they in the presence of the seate of God and serve him daye and nyght in hys temple and he that sytteth in the seate wyll dwell amonge them.
Revelation 11:15
15 The seconde woo is past and beholde ye thyrd woo wyll come ano
Jonah 2:9
9 But I wil sacrifice vn to the with the voce of thankesgeuinge and will paye that I have vowed that sauinge cometh of the lorde.
Luke 3:6
6 and all flesshe shall se the saveour sent of God.
John 1:29
29 The nexte daye Iohn sawe Iesus commyge vnto him and sayde: beholde the lambe of God which taketh awaye the synne of the worlde.
John 1:36
36 And he behelde Iesus as he walked by and sayde: beholde the lambe of God.
John 4:22
22 Ye worshippe ye wot not what: we knowe what we worshippe. For salvacion cometh of the Iewes.
Ephesians 2:8
8 For by grace are ye made safe thorowe fayth and that not of youre selves. For it is the gyfte of God
Revelation 4:2-3
Revelation 4:6
6 And before the seate there was a see of glasse lyke vnto cristall and in the myddes of the seate and rounde aboute the seate were iiii. bestes full of eyes before and behynde.
Revelation 4:9-11
9 And when those beestes gave glory and honour and thankes to him that sat on the seate which lyveth for ever and ever:
10 the xxiiii. elders fell doune before him that sat on the trone and worshipped him that lyveth for ever and caste their crounes before the trone sayinge:
11 thou arte worthy lorde to receave glory and honoure and power for thou haste created all thinges and for thy wylles sake they are and were created.
Revelation 5:7
7 And he cam and toke the boke oute of the right honde of him that sate apon the seate.
Revelation 5:13-14
13 And all creatures which are in heven and on the erth and vnder the erth and in the see and all that are in them herd I sayinge: blyssinge honour glory and power be vnto hym that sytteth apon the seate and vnto the lambe for ever more.
14 And the .iiii. bestes sayd: Ame. And the .xxiiii. elders fell apon their faces and worshypped him that lyveth for ever more.
Revelation 12:10
10 And the grett dragon that olde serpent called the devyll and Sathanas was cast out. Which desceaveth all the worlde. And he was cast into the erth and his angelles were cast out also.
Revelation 19:1
1 And after yt I herde ye voyce of moche people in heven sayinge: Alleluia. Saluacion and glory and honour and power be ascribed to ye lorde oure god
Revelation 21:5
5 And he that sate apon the seate sayde: Behold I make all thynges newe. And he sayde vnto me: wryte for these wordes are faythfull and true.
Revelation 22:3
3 And there shalbe no more cursse but the seate of god and the lambe shalbe in it: and his servauntes shall serve him:
Matthew 4:10
10 Then sayde Iesus vnto hym. Avoyd Satan. For it is writte thou shalt worshyp ye Lorde thy God and hym only shalt thou serve.
John 5:23
23 because that all men shuld honoure the sonne eve as they honoure the father. He that honoureth not ye sonne the same honoureth not the father which hath sent him.
Hebrews 1:6
6 And agayne whe he bringeth in the fyrst begotten sonne in to the worlde he sayth: And all the angels of God shall worshippe him.
Revelation 4:10
10 the xxiiii. elders fell doune before him that sat on the trone and worshipped him that lyveth for ever and caste their crounes before the trone sayinge:
Revelation 5:11-13
11 And I behelde and I herd the voyce of many angylles aboute the trone and about the bestes and the elders and I herde thousand thousandes
12 saynge wt a lowde voyce: Worthy is the lambe that was killed to receave power and riches and wisdom and strenghte and honoure and glory and blyssynge.
13 And all creatures which are in heven and on the erth and vnder the erth and in the see and all that are in them herd I sayinge: blyssinge honour glory and power be vnto hym that sytteth apon the seate and vnto the lambe for ever more.
Revelation 11:16
16 And the seventh angell blewe and therwere made great voyces in heve sayinge: the kyngdoms of this worlde are oure lordes and his christes and he shall raygne for ever more.
Revelation 15:4
4 Who shall not feare o lorde and gloryfy thy name? For thou only arte holy and all gentylls shall come and worshippe before the for thy iudgmentes are made manyfeste.
Revelation 19:4-6
4 And the xxiiii. elders and the iiii. bestes fell doune and worshypped god that sate on the seate sayinge: Amen Alleluya.
5 And a voyce cam out of the seate saying: prayse oure lorde god all ye that are his servauntes and ye that feare him both small and grett.
6 And I herde the voyce of moche people eve as the voyce of many waters and as the voyce of stronge thondrynges sayinge: Alleluya for god omnipotent raigneth.
Revelation 22:9
9 And he sayd vnto me: se thou do it not for I am thy feloweservaunt and the feloweservaunt of thy brethren the prophettes and of them which kepe the sayinges of this boke. But worshippe God.
Matthew 6:13
13 For and yf ye shall forgeve other men their treaspases youre hevenly father shall also forgeve you.
2 Corinthians 4:15
15 For all thinges do I for youre sakes that the plenteous grace by thankes geve of many maye redounde to the prayse of god.
2 Corinthians 9:11-12
Colossians 2:7
7 roted and bylt in him and stedfaste in the fayth as ye have learned: and therin be plenteous in gevynge thankes.
Colossians 3:17
17 And all thynges (whatsoever ye do in worde or dede) do in the name of the lorde Iesu gevinge thakes to god the father by him.
Jude 1:25
25 yt is to saye to God oure saveour which only is wyse be glory maiestie dominion and power now and for ever. Amen.
Revelation 1:18
18 and am alyve and was deed. And beholde I am alyve for ever more and have the kayes of hell and of deeth.
Revelation 5:12-14
12 saynge wt a lowde voyce: Worthy is the lambe that was killed to receave power and riches and wisdom and strenghte and honoure and glory and blyssynge.
Revelation 19:4
4 And the xxiiii. elders and the iiii. bestes fell doune and worshypped god that sate on the seate sayinge: Amen Alleluya.
Genesis 16:8
8 And he sayde: Hagar Sarais mayde whence comest thou and whether wylt thou goo ? And she answered: I flee from my mastresse Sarai.
John 7:28
28 Then cryed Iesus in ye temple as he taught sayinge: ye knowe me and whence I am ye knowe. And yet I am not come of my selfe but he yt sent me is true whom ye knowe not.
Revelation 5:5
5 And one of the elders sayde unto me: wepe not: Beholde a lion beinge of the tribe of Iuda the rote of Dauid hath obtayned to open the boke and to lose the vii. seales therof.
Revelation 7:9
9 After this I behelde and lo a gret multitude (which noma coulde nombre) of all nacios and people and tonges stode before the seate and before the lambe clothed with longe whyte garmentes and palmes in there hondes
Exodus 37:3
3 and cast for it iiij. rynges of golde for the .iiij. corners of it: twoo rynges for the one syde and two for the other,
Matthew 24:21
21 For then shalbe greate tribulacio suche as was not fro the beginninge of the worlde to this tyme ner shalbe.
John 13:8-14
8 Peter sayd vnto him: thou shalt not wesshe my fete whill ye worlde stondeth. Iesus answered him: yf I wasshe ye not thou shalt have no part with me.
9 Simon Peter sayde vnto him: Lorde not my fete only: but also my handes and my heed.
10 Iesus sayde to him: he that is wesshed nedeth not save to wesshe his fete and is clene every whit. And ye are clene: but not all.
11 For he knewe his betrayer. Therfore sayde he: ye are not all clene.
12 After he had wesshed their fete and receaved his clothes and was set doune agayne he sayde vnto them? wot ye what I have done to you?
13 Ye call me master and Lorde and ye saye well for so am I.
14 If I then youre Lorde and master have wesshed youre fete ye also ought to wesshe one anothers fete.
John 16:33
33 33These wordes have I spoke vnto you yt in me ye might have peace. For in ye worlde shall ye have tribulacio: but be of good cheare I have over come the worlde.
Acts 14:22
22 and strengthed the disciples soules exhortinge them to continue in the faith affyrminge yt we must thorowe moche tribulacion entre into the kyngdome of God.
Romans 5:3
3 Nether do we so only: but also we reioyce in tribulacion. For we know that tribulacion bringeth pacience
1 Corinthians 6:11
11 And soche ware ye verely: but ye are wesshed: ye are sanctified: ye are iustified by the name of the Lorde Iesus and by the sprete of oure God.
Ephesians 5:26-27
2 Thessalonians 1:4
4 so yt we oureselves reioyce of you in the congregacions of God over youre pacience and fayth in all youre persecucions and tribulacios that ye suffre
Hebrews 9:14
14 How moche more shall the bloud of Christ (which thorow the eternall sprete offered him silfe with out spot to God) pourdge youre consciences from deed workes for to serve the livynge god?
Hebrews 13:12
12 Therfore Iesus to sanctifye the people with his awne bloud suffered with out the gate.
1 Peter 1:19
19 but with the precious bloud of Christ as of a lambe vndefiled and withouten spot
1 John 1:7
7 but and yf we walke in (lyght) even as he is in lyght then have we fellishippe with him and the bloud of Iesus Christ his sonne clenseth vs from all synne.
Revelation 1:5
5 and from Iesus Christ which is a faythfull witnes and fyrst begotte of the deed: and Lorde over the kinges of the erth. Vnto him that loved vs and wesshed vs fro synnes in his awne bloud
Revelation 2:9
9 I knowe thy workes and tribulacion and poverte but thou art ryche: And I knowe the blaspemy of them whiche call them selves Iewes and are not: but are the congregacio of sathan.
Revelation 6:9-11
9 And when he opened the fyfte seale I sawe vnder the aultre the soules of them that were kylled for the worde of God and for the testymony which they had
10 and they cryed with a lowde voyce sayinge: How loge tariest thou lorde holy and true to iudge and to avenge oure bloud on them that dwell on the erth?
11 And longe whyte garmentes were geven vnto every one of them. And it was sayde vnto them that they shulde reste for a lyttle season vntyll the nomber of their felowes and brethre and of them that shulde be kylled as they were were fulfylled.
Revelation 12:11
11 And I harde a lowde voyce sayinge: in heve is nowe made salvacio and strengthe and ye kyngdome of oure God and the power of his Christ For he is cast doune which accused them before god daye and nyght.
Revelation 15:2
2 And I sawe as it were a glassye see mingled with fyre and the that had gotten victory of the beest and of his ymage and of his marke and of the nombre of his name stode on the glassye see havinge ye harpes of god
Revelation 17:6
6 And I sawe the wyfe dronke with the bloud of saynctes and with the bloud of the witnesses of Iesu. And when I sawe her I wondred with grett mervayle.
Revelation 22:14
14 Blessed are they that do hys commaundmentes that their power maye be in the tree of lyfe and maye entre in thorow the gates into the cite.
Exodus 29:45
45 And moreouer I will dwell amoge the children of Israel and wilbe their God.
John 1:14
14 And the worde was made flesshe and dwelt amonge vs and we sawe the glory of it as the glory of the only begotten sonne of ye father which worde was full of grace and verite.
1 Corinthians 3:16
16 Are ye not ware that ye are the temple of god and how that the sprete of god dwelleth in you?
2 Corinthians 6:16
16 how agreeth the temple of god wt ymages? And ye are the temple of yt lyuynge god as sayde god. I will dwell amonge the and walke amoge the and wilbe their god: and they shalbe my people.
Hebrews 8:1
1 Of the thynges which we have spoke this is the pyth: that we have soche an hye preste that is sitten on ye right honde of the seate of maieste in heven
Hebrews 12:2
2 lokynge vnto Iesus the auctor and fynnyssher of oure fayth which for the ioye that was set before him abode the crosse and despysed the shame and is set doune on the right honde of ye trone of God.
Revelation 14:3-5
3 And they songe as it were a newe songe before the seate and before the foure beestes and the elders and no man coulde learne that songe but the hondred and xliiii.M. which were redemed from the erth.
4 These are they which were not defyled with wemen for they are virgyns. These folowe the lambe whither soever he goeth. These were redemed from men beynge the fyrste frutes vnto God and to the lambe
5 and in their mouthes was foude no gyle. For they are with oute spott before the trone of god.
Revelation 20:10
10 and the devyll that desceaved them was cast into a lake of fyre and brymstone where the beest and the falce prophet were and shalbe tormented daye and nyght for ever more.
Revelation 21:3-4
3 And I herde a grett voyce out of heaven sayinge: beholde the tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with the And they shalbe his people and God him sylffe shalbe with the and be their god.
4 And God shall wype awaye all teares fro their eyes. And there shalbe nomore deeth nether sorowe nether cryinge nether shall there be eny more payne for the olde thynges are gone.
Revelation 22:5
5 And there shall be no nyght there and they nede no candle nether light of the sunne: for the lorde God geveth them light and they shall raygne for evermore.
Jonah 4:8
8 And assone as the sonne was vpp God prepared a feruent eest winde: so that ye sonne bete ouer the heed of Ionas that he fainted agayne ad wished vn to hys soule that he might dye and sayd it is better for me to dye then to liue.
Matthew 5:6
6 Blessed are they which honger and thurst for rightewesnes: for they shalbe filled.
Matthew 13:6
6 and when ye sunne was vp it cauht heet and for lake of rotynge wyddred awaye.
Matthew 13:21
21 yet hath he no rottes in him selfe and therfore dureth but a season: for assone as tribulacion or persecucion aryseth because of the worde by and by he falleth.
Mark 4:6
6 but as sone as the sunne was vp it caught heet and because it had not rotynge wyddred awaye.
Mark 4:17
17 yet have no rotes in them selves and so endure but a tyme: and anone as trouble and persecucion aryseth for ye wordes sake they fall immediatly.
Luke 1:53
53 He filleth the hongry with good thinges: and sendeth awaye the ryche emptye.
Luke 6:21
21 Blessed are ye that honger now: for ye shalbe satisfied. Blessed are ye yt wepe now: for ye shall laugh.
John 4:14
14 But whosoever shall drinke of ye water yt I shall geve him shall never be more a thyrst: but the water that I shall geve him shalbe in him a well of water springinge vp in to everlastinge lyfe.
James 1:11
11 The sonne ryseth with heate and the grasse wydereth and his flower falleth awaye and the beautie of the fassion of it perissheth: even so shall the ryche man perisshe with his aboundance.
Revelation 21:4
4 And God shall wype awaye all teares fro their eyes. And there shalbe nomore deeth nether sorowe nether cryinge nether shall there be eny more payne for the olde thynges are gone.
Matthew 2:6
6 And thou Bethleem in the londe of Iury art not the leest concernynge the Princes of Iuda. For out of the shall come the captayne that shall govern my people Israhel.
John 4:11
11 The woman sayde vnto him. Syr thou hast no thinge to drawe with and the well is depe: from whence then hast thou yt water of lyfe?
John 7:37-38
John 10:11
11 I am ye good shepeheerd. The good shepeheerd geveth his lyfe for ye shepe.
John 10:14
14 I am that good shepeheerd and knowe myne and am knowe of myne.
John 21:15-17
15 When they had dyned Iesus sayde to Simon Peter: Simon Ioana lovest thou me more then these? He sayde vnto him: ye Lorde thou knowest that I love the. He sayde vnto him: fede my lambes.
16 He sayde to him agayne the seconde tyme: Simo Ioana lovest thou me? He sayde vnto him: ye lorde thou knowest that I love ye. He sayde vnto him: fede my shepe.
17 He sayde vnto him ye thyrde tyme: Simon Ioanna lovest thou me? And Peter sorowed because he sayde to him ye thyrde tyme lovest thou me and sayde vnto him: Lorde thou knowest all thinge thou knowest that I love the. Iesus sayde vnto him: fede my shepe.
Acts 20:28
28 Take hede therfore vnto youre selves and to all the flocke wherof the holy goost hath made you oversears to rule the congregacion of God which he hath purchased with his bloud.
1 Peter 5:2
2 se that ye fede Christes flocke which is amonge you takynge the oversyght of them not as though ye were compelled therto but willyngly: not for the desyre of filthy lucre but of a good mynde.
Revelation 4:11
11 thou arte worthy lorde to receave glory and honoure and power for thou haste created all thinges and for thy wylles sake they are and were created.
Revelation 5:6
6 And I behelde and loo in the myddes of the seate and of the .iiii. bestes and in the myddes of the elders stode a lambe as though he had bene kylled which had vii. hornes and vii. eyes which are the spretes of God sent into all the worlde.
Revelation 21:6
6 And he sayde vnto me: it is done I am Alpha and Omega the begynnynge and the ende. I will geve to him yt is a thyrst of the well of the water of lyfe fre.
Revelation 22:1
1 And he shewed me a pure ryver of water of lyfe clere as cristall: procedynge oute of the seate of God and of the lambe.