Matthew 20 Cross References - Tyndale

1 For the kyngdome of heven ys lyke vnto an houssholder which went out erly in the morninge to hyre labourers into hys vyneyarde. 2 And he agreed wt the labourers for a peny a daye and sent them into his vyneyarde. 3 And he went out about the thyrde houre and sawe other stonding ydell in the marketplace 4 and sayd vnto them go ye also into my vyneyarde: and whatsoever is right I will geve you. And they went there waye. 5 Agayne he wet out about the sixte and nynthe houre and dyd lyke wyse. 6 And he went out aboute the eleventhe houre and founde other stondynge ydell and sayde vnto them: Why stonde ye here all the daye ydell? 7 They sayde vnto hym: because no man hath hyred vs. He sayde to them: goo ye alsoo into my vyneyarde and whatsoever is right that shall ye receave. 8 When even was come the lorde of the vyneyarde sayde vnto hys steward: call the labourers and geve them their hyre beginnyng at ye laste tyll thou come to ye fyrste. 9 And they whiche were hyred aboute the eleventhe houre came and receaved every man a peny. 10 Then came ye fyrst supposyng yt they shuld receave moare: and they likewyse receaved every man a peny. 11 And when they had receaved it they murmured agaynst the good man of the housse 12 saying: These laste have wrought but one houre and thou hast made them equall vnto vs which have born ye burthe and heet of the daye. 13 He answered to one of the sayinge: frende I do the no wronge: dyddest thou not agre wt me for a peny? 14 Take that which is thy duty and go thy waye. I will geve vnto this last as moche as to the. 15 Ys it not lawfull for me to do as me listeth with myne awne? Ys thyne eye evyll because I am good? 16 Soo the laste shalbe fyrste and the fyrste shalbe laste. For many are called and feawe be chosen. 17 And Iesus ascended to Ierusalem and toke the .xii. disciples a parte in the waye and sayde to the. 18 Beholde we goo vp to Ierusalem and the sonne of ma shalbe betrayed vnto ye chefe prestes and vnto the scribes and they shall condene him to deeth 19 and shall delyvre him to the getils to be mocked to be scourged and to be crucified: and ye thyrd daye he shall ryse agayne. 20 Then came to hym the mother of zebedes chyldren with her sonnes worshippynge him and desyringe a certayne thinge of him. 21 And he sayd vnto her: what wilt thou have? She sayde vnto him: Gravnte that these my two sonnes may sit ye one on thy right hond and the other on ye lifte hond in thy kyngdome. 22 Iesus answered and sayd: Ye wot not what ye axe. Are ye able to drynke of the cuppe yt I shall drynke of and to be baptised wt the baptyme that I shalbe baptised with? They answered to him that we are. 23 And he sayd vnto the: Ye shall drinke of my cvp and shalbe baptised with the baptyme that I shalbe baptised with. But to syt on my ryght hond and on my lyst hond is not myne to geve: but to them for whom it is prepared of my father. 24 And when the ten hearde this they disdayned at ye two brethre: 25 But Iesus called them vnto him and sayde: Ye knowe yt the lordes of the gentyls have dominacio over them. And they that are great exercise power over the. 26 It shall not be so amoge you. But whosoever wyll be greate amoge you let him be youre minister: 28 eve as the sonne of man came not to be ministred vnto but to minister and to geve his lyfe for the redempcion of many. 29 And as they departed fro Hierico moche people folowed him. 30 And beholde two blinde men sittinge by ye waysyde whe they hearde Iesus passe by cryed sayinge: Thou Lorde ye sonne of David have mercy on vs. 31 And ye people rebuked them be cause they shulde holde their peace. But they cryed ye moare sayinge: have mercy on vs thou Lorde which arte ye sonne of David. 32 Then Iesus stode styll and called the and sayde: what will ye that I shulde do to you: 33 They sayd to him: Lorde that oure eyes maye be opened. 34 Iesus had copassion on the and touched their eyes. And immediatly their eyes receaved syght. And they folowed him.

Matthew 3:2

2 saynge; Repet the kyngdome of heue is at honde.

Matthew 9:37-38

37 Wherfore praye the Lorde of the harvest to sende forthe laborers into hys harvest. 38 And he called his .xii. disciples vnto hym and gave them power over vnclene sprites to cast them oute and to heale all maner of sicknesses and all maner of deseases.

Matthew 13:24

24 Another similitude put he forth vnto the sayinge: The kyngdome of heve is lyke vnto a man which sowed good seed in his felde.

Matthew 13:31

31 Another parable he put forthe vnto the sayinge. The kyngdome of heve is lyke vnto a grayne of mustard seed which a ma taketh and soweth in his felde

Matthew 13:33

33 Another similitude sayde he to them. The kyngdome of heven is lyke vnto leve which a woman taketh and hydeth in .iii. peckes of meele tyll all be levended.

Matthew 13:44-45

44 Agayne ye kyngdome of heve is lyke vnto treasure hidde in the felde ye which a man fyndeth and hideth: and for ioy therof goeth and selleth all that he hath and byeth that felde. 45 Agayne ye kyngdome of heve is lyke vnto a marchaunt that seketh good pearles

Matthew 13:47

47 Agayne the kyngdome of heve is lyke vnto a neet cast into ye see yt gadereth of all kyndes of fysshes:

Matthew 21:28

28 What saye ye to this? A certayne man had two sonnes and came to ye elder and sayde: sonne go and worke to daye in my vineyarde.

Matthew 21:33-43

33 Herken another similitude. Ther was a certayne housholder which planted a vineyarde and hedged it roude about and made a wynpresse in it and bilt a tower and let it out to husbandmen and wet in to a straunge coutre. 34 And when the tyme of the frute drewe neare he sent his servauntes to the husbandmen to receave the frutes of it. 35 And ye husbandme caught his servauntes and bet one kylled another and stoned another. 36 Agayne he sent other servantes moo then the fyrst: and they served them lyke wyse. 37 But last of all he sent vnto the his awne sonne sayinge: they will feare my sonne. 38 But when the husbandmen sawe the sonne they sayde amoge the selves: This is the heyre: come let vs kyll him and let vs take his inheritaunce to oure selves. 39 And they caught him and thrust him out of the vineyarde and slewe him. 40 When the lorde of the vyneyarde commeth what will he do wt those husbandme? 41 They sayde vnto him: he will cruellye destroye those evyll persons and wyll let out his vyneyarde vnto other husbandmen which shall delyver him the frute at tymes convenient 42 Iesus sayde vnto the: dyd ye never redde in the scriptures? The stone which ye bylders refused ye same is set in ye principall parte of ye corner: this was the lordes doinge and yt is mervelous in oure eyes. 43 Therfore saye I vnto you the kyngdome of God shalbe take from you and shalbe geve to the getyls which shall brynge forth the frutes of it.

Matthew 22:2

2 The kingdome of heve is lyke vnto a certayne kynge which maryed his sonne

Matthew 23:37

37 Hierusalem hierusalem which kyllest prophetes and stonest the which are sent to the: how often wolde I have gadered thy chyldren to gether as the henne gadreth her chickes vnder her winges but ye wolde not:

Matthew 25:1

1 Then ye kyngdome of heven shalbe lykened vnto .x. virgins which toke their lampes and wet to mete the brydgrome:

Matthew 25:14

14 Lykwyse as a certeyne ma redy to take his iorney to a straunge coutre called his servautes and delivered to them his gooddes.

Mark 13:34

34 As a man which is gone in to a straunge countrey and hath lefte hys housse and geven auctorite to his servautes and to every man hys worke and commaunded the porter to watche.

John 15:1

1 I am the true vyne and my father ys an husbande man.

1 Corinthians 15:58

58 Therfore my deare brethren be ye stedfast and unmovable alwayes ryche in the workes of the Lorde for as moch as ye knowe how yt youre labour is not in vayne in the Lorde.

Hebrews 13:21

21 make you parfect in all good workes to do his will workynge in you yt which is pleasaut in his syght thorow Iesus christ To whom be prayse for ever whill the worlde endureth Amen.

2 Peter 1:5-10

5 And hervnto geve all diligence: in youre fayth minister vertve and in vertue knowledge 6 and in knowledge temperancy and in temrancy pacience in pacience godlynes 7 in godlynes brotherly kyndnes in brotherly kyndnes love. 8 For yf these thinges be amonge you and are plenteous they wyll make you that ye nether shalbe ydle nor vnfrutefull in the knowledge of oure lorde Iesus Christ. 9 But he yt lacketh these thynges is blynde and gropeth for ye waye with his honde and hath forgotten yt he was pourged from his olde synnes. 10 Wherfore brethren geve the moare diligence forto make youre callynge and eleccion sure. For yf ye do soche thynges ye shall never erre.

Exodus 19:5-6

5 Now therfore yf ye will heare my voyce and kepe myne appoyntment: ye shall be myne awne aboue all nations, for all the erth is myne. 6 Ye shall be vnto me a kyngdome of preastes and and holie people: these are the wordes which thou shalt saye vnto the childern of Israel.

Deuteronomy 5:27-30

27 Goo thou ad heare all that the Lorde oure God sayeth, and tell thou vnto us all that the Lorde oure God sayeth vnto the, and we will heare it and doo it. 28 And the Lorde herde the voyce of youre wordes when ye spake vnto me, and he sayed vnto me: I haue herde the voyce of the wordes of this people which they haue spoke vnto the they haue well sayed all that they haue sayed. 29 Oh that they had soche an herte with them to feare me ad kepe all my commaundmentes alwaye, that it myghte goo well with them and with their childern for euer. 30 Goo ad saye vnto them: gett you in to youre tentes agayne,

Matthew 18:28

28 And ye sayde servaut wet oute and founde one of his felowes which ought him an hundred pence and leyed hondes on him and toke him by the throote sayinge: paye me yt thou owest.

Matthew 20:13

13 He answered to one of the sayinge: frende I do the no wronge: dyddest thou not agre wt me for a peny?

Matthew 22:19

19 Let me se ye tribute money. And they toke hym a peny.

Luke 1:15

15 For he shalbe greate in the sight of the lorde and shall nether drinke wyne ner stronge drinke. And he shalbe filled with the holy goost even in his mothers wombe:

Luke 10:35

35 And on the morowe when he departed he toke out two pece and gave them to the host and sayde vnto him. Take cure of him and whatsoever thou spedest moare when I come agayne I will recompence the.

2 Timothy 3:15

15 and for as moche also as thou hast knowe holy scripture of a chylde which is able to make the wyse vnto saluacion thorowe the fayth which ys in Christ Iesu.

Revelation 6:6

6 And I herd a voyce in the myddes of the .iiii. bestes saye: a measure of whete for a peny and iii. measures of barly for a peny: and oyle and wyne se thou hurte not.

Matthew 11:16-17

16 But wher vnto shall I lyken this generacion? It ys lyke vnto chyldre which syt in the market and call vnto their felowes 17 and saye: we have pyped vnto you and ye have not daunsed? We have morned vnto you and ye have not sorowed.

Matthew 20:6-7

6 And he went out aboute the eleventhe houre and founde other stondynge ydell and sayde vnto them: Why stonde ye here all the daye ydell? 7 They sayde vnto hym: because no man hath hyred vs. He sayde to them: goo ye alsoo into my vyneyarde and whatsoever is right that shall ye receave.

Mark 15:25

25 And it was aboute ye thyrde houre and they crucified him.

Acts 2:15

15 These are not dronken as ye suppose: for it is yet but the thyrde houre of ye daye.

Acts 17:17-21

17 Then he disputed in the synagoge wt the Iewes and with the devout persones and in the market dayly with the that came vnto him. 18 Certayne philosophers of ye Epicures and of ye stoyckes disputed with him. And some ther were which sayde: what will this babler saye. Other sayd: he semeth to be a tydynges bringer of newe devyls because he preached vnto them Iesus and the resurreccion. 19 And they toke him and brought him into Marsestrete sayinge: maye we not knowe what this newe doctrine wher of thou speakest is? 20 For thou bringest straunge tydynges to oure eares. We wolde knowe therfore what these thinges meane. 21 For all the Attenians and straungers which were there gave the selves to nothinge els but ether to tell or to heare newe tydynges.

1 Timothy 5:13

13 And also they learne to goo from housse to housse ydle ye not ydle only but also tryflynge and busybodyes speakynge thynges which are not comly.

Hebrews 6:12

12 that ye faynt not but folowe them which thorow fayth and pacience inheret the promyses.

Matthew 9:9

9 And he arose and folowed him. And it came to passe as he sat at meate in the housse: beholde many publicans and synners came and sate downe also with Iesus and hys disciples.

Matthew 21:23-31

23 And when he was come into the teple the chefe prestes and the elders of the people came vnto him as he was teachinge and sayde: by what auctorite doest thou these thinges? and who gave the this power? 24 Iesus answered and sayde vnto them: I also will axe of you a certayne question which if ye assoyle me I in lyke wyse wyll tell you by what auctorite I do these thinges. 25 The baptime of Iohn: whence was it? fro heve or of men? Then they reasoned amoge them selves sayinge: yf we shall saye fro heven he will saye vnto vs: why dyd ye not then beleve hym? 26 But and if we shall saye of men then feare we the people. For all men helde Iohn as a Prophet. 27 And they answered Iesus and sayde: we cannot tell. And he lyke wyse sayd vnto them: nether tell I you by what auctorite I do these thinges. 28 What saye ye to this? A certayne man had two sonnes and came to ye elder and sayde: sonne go and worke to daye in my vineyarde. 29 He answered and sayde I will not: but afterwarde repented and went. 30 Then came he to the second and sayde lyke wyse. And he answered and sayde: I will syr: yet wet not. 31 Whether of the twayne dyd the will of the father? And they sayde vnto hym: the fyrst. Iesus sayde vnto the: verely I saye vnto you that the publicans and the harlotes shall come into ye kyngdome of God before you.

Luke 19:7-10

7 And when they sawe that they all groudged sayinge: He is gone in to tary with a man that is a synner. 8 And zache stode forth and sayd vnto ye Lorde: beholde Lorde ye haulfe of my gooddes I geve to the povre and if I have done eny ma wroge I will restore him fower folde. 9 And Iesus sayd to him: this daye is healthe come vnto this housse for as moche as it also is become the chylde of Abraha. 10 For the sonne of ma is come to seke and to save that which was looste.

Romans 6:16-22

16 Remember ye not how yt to whom soever ye comit youre selves as servautes to obey his servauntes ye are to whom ye obey: whether it be of synne vnto deeth or of obedience vnto rightewesnes? 17 God be thanked yt though ye were once the servauntes of synne ye have yet obeyed with herte vnto the forme of doctryne wher vnto ye were delyvered. 18 Ye are then made fre from synne and are be come the servauntes of rightewesnes. 19 I will speake grossly because of the infirmitie of youre flesshe. As ye have geve youre membres servauntes to vnclennes and to iniquitie fro iniquitie vnto iniquitie: even so nowe geve youre membres servantes vnto rightewesnes yt ye maye be sanctified. 20 For when ye were the servauntes of synne ye were not vnder rightewesnes. 21 What frute had ye then in tho thinges wher of ye are now ashamed. For the ende of tho thynges is deeth. 22 But now are ye delivered from synne and made the servauntes of God and have youre frute that ye shuld be sanctifyed and the ende everlastinge lyfe.

1 Corinthians 6:11

11 And soche ware ye verely: but ye are wesshed: ye are sanctified: ye are iustified by the name of the Lorde Iesus and by the sprete of oure God.

Colossians 4:1

1 Ye masters do vnto youre servauntes that which is iust and egall seinge ye knowe that ye also have a master in heven.

1 Timothy 1:12-13

12 And I thanke Christ Iesus oure Lorde which hath made me stronge: for he counted me true and put me in office 13 when before I was a blasphemar and a persecuter and a tyraut. But I obtayned mercy because I dyd it ignorautly thorow vnbelefe.

Titus 3:8

8 This is a true sayinge. Of these thinges I wolde thou shuldest certifie that they which beleve God myght be diligent to go forwarde in good workes. These thinges are good and proffitable vnto me.

1 Peter 1:13

13 Wherfore gyrde vp ye loynes of youre myndes be sober and trust perfectly on the grace yt is brought vnto you by the declaringe of Iesus Christ

1 Peter 4:2-3

2 that he hence forwarde shuld lyve as moche tyme as remayneth in the flesshe: not after ye lustes of men but after the will of God. 3 For it is sufficient for vs that we have spent the tyme that is past of the lyfe after the will of the gentyls walkinge in wantannes lustes dronkennes in eatinge drinkinge and in abominable ydolatrie.

Genesis 12:1-4

1 Then the LORde sayd vnto Abra Gett the out of thy contre and from thy kynred and out of thy fathers house into a londe which I wyll shewe the. 2 And I wyll make of the a myghtie people and wyll blesse the and make thy name grete that thou mayst be a blessinge. 3 And I wyll blesse the that blesse the ad curse the that curse the. And in the shall be blessed all the generations of the erth. 4 And Abram wet as the LORde badd hym and Lot went wyth him. Abram was .lxxv. yere olde when he went out of Haran.

Matthew 27:45

45 From the sixte houre was there dercknes over all the londe vnto the nynth houre.

Mark 15:33-34

33 And when the sixte houre was come darknes aroose over all the erth vntyll ye nynthe houre. 34 And at the nynthe houre Iesus cryed with a loude voyce sayinge: Eloi Eloi lamaasbathani which is yf it be interpreted: my God my God why hast thou forsaken me?

Luke 23:44-46

44 And it was about the sixt houre. And ther came a darcknes over all the londe vntyll ye nynth houre 45 and the sonne was darckened. And the vayle of the temple dyd rent even thorow the myddes. 46 And Iesus cryed with a greate voyce and sayd: Father into thy hondes I comende my sprete. And when he thus had sayd he gave vp the goost.

John 1:39

39 He sayde vnto them: come and se. They came and sawe where he dwelt: and abode with him that daye. For it was about the tenthe houre.

John 4:6

6 And there was Iacobs well. Iesus then weryed in his iorney sate thus on the well. And it was about the sixte houre:

John 11:9

9 Iesus answered: are ther not twelve houres in ye daye? Yf a man walke in ye daye he stombleth not because he seith the lyght of this worlde.

Acts 3:1

1 Peter and Iohn went up togedder into the teple at the nynthe houre of prayer.

Acts 10:3

3 The same man sawe in a vision evydetly aboute ye nynthe houre of ye daye an angell of god comynge into him and sayinge vnto him: Cornelius.

Acts 10:9

9 On the morowe as they wet on their iorney and drewe nye vnto the cite Peter went vp into the toppe of ye housse to praye aboute the .vi. houre.

Hebrews 11:24-26

24 By fayth Moses when he was great refused to be called ye sonne of Pharaos doughter 25 and chose rather to suffre adversitie wt the people of God then to enioye the pleasurs of synne for a ceason 26 and estemed the rebuke of Christ greater ryches then the treasure of Egypt. For he had a respect vnto ye rewarde.

Luke 23:40-43

40 The other answered and rebuked him sayinge. Net herfearest thou god because thou arte in the same damnacion? 41 We are ryghteously punesshed for we receave accordynge to oure dedes: But this man hath done nothinge amysse. 42 And he sayde vnto Iesus: Lorde remember me when thou comest into thy kyngdome. 43 And Iesus sayde vnto him: Verely I saye vnto the to daye shalt thou be with me in Paradyse.

John 9:4

4 I must worke the workes of him that sent me whyll it is daye. The nyght cometh when no man can worke.

Acts 17:21

21 For all the Attenians and straungers which were there gave the selves to nothinge els but ether to tell or to heare newe tydynges.

Matthew 22:9-10

9 Go ye therfore out into ye hyewayes and as many as ye finde byd them to the mariage. 10 The seruauntes wet out into the hiewayes and gaddered to gedder as many as they coulde fynde both good and bad and ye weddinge was furnysshed with gestes.

Luke 14:21-23

21 And the servaunt went and brought his master worde therof. Then was the good man of the housse displeased and sayd to his servaut: Goo out quickly into ye stretes and quarters of the cite and bringe in hidder the poore and the maymed and the halt and the blynde. 22 And the servaut sayd: lorde it is done as thou comaundedst and yet ther is roume. 23 And the lorde sayd to the servaunt: Go out into ye hye wayes and hedges and compell the to come in that my housse maye be filled.

Acts 4:16

16 sayinge: what shall we do to these men? For a manifest signe is done by the and is openly knowen to all them that dwell in Ierusalem and we canot denye it.

Acts 17:30-31

30 And the tyme of this ignoraunce God regarded not: but now he byddeth all men every where repent 31 because he hath apoynted a daye in the which he will iudge the worlde acordynge to ryghtewesses by that man whom he hath apoynted and hath offered faith to all men after that he had raysed him from deeth.

Romans 10:14-17

14 But how shall they call on him on who they beleved not? how shall they beleve on him of whom they have not herde? how shall they heare with out a preacher? 15 And how shall they preach except they be sent? As it is written: how beautifull are the fete of them which bringe glad tydynges of peace and bringe glad tydynges of good thinges. 16 But they have not all obeyed to ye gospell. For Esaias sayth: Lorde who shall beleve oure sayinges? 17 So then fayth cometh by hearynge and hearynge cometh by the worde of God.

Romans 16:25

25 To him that is of power to stablisshe you accordinge to my gospell and preachinge of Iesus Christ in vtteringe of the mistery which was kept secret sence the worlde begane

Ephesians 2:11-12

11 Wherfore remeber yt ye beynge in tyme passed getyls in ye flesshe and were called vncircucision to the which are called circucisio in the flesshe which circucision is made by hondes: 12 Remeber I saye yt ye were at that tyme wt oute Christ and were reputed aliantes from the comen welth of Israel and were straugers fro the testamentes of promes and had no hope and were with out god in this worlde.

Ephesians 3:5-6

5 which mistery in tymes passed was not opened vnto the sonnes of men as it is nowe declared vnto his holy apostles and prophetes by the sprete: 6 that the gentyls shuld be inheritours also and of the same body and partakers of his promis yt is in Christ by ye meanes of the gospell

Ephesians 6:8

8 And remember that whatsoever good thinge eny man doeth that shall he receave agayne of the Lorde whether he be bonde or fre.

Colossians 1:26

26 that mistery hid sence the worlde beganne and sence ye begynnynge of generacions: but now is opened to his saynctes

Hebrews 6:10

10 For god is not vnrighteous that he shuld forget youre worke and laboure that procedeth of love which love shewed in his name which have ministred vnto the saynctes and yet minister

Genesis 15:2

2 And Abram answered: LORde Iehouah what wilt thou geue me: I goo childlesse and the cater of myne housse this Eleasar of Damasco hath a sonne.

Genesis 39:4-6

4 Wherfore he founde grace in his masters syghte and serued him. And his master made him ruelar of his house and put all that he had in his hande. 5 And as soone as he had made him ruelar ouer his house ad ouer all that he had the LORde blessed this Egiptians house for Iosephs sake and the blessynge of the LORde was vpon all that he had: both in the house and also in the feldes. 6 And therfore he left all that he had in Iosephs hande and loked vpon nothinge that was with him saue only on the bread which he ate. And Ioseph was a goodly persone and a well favored

Genesis 43:19

19 Therfore came they to the man that was the ruelar ouer Iosephs house and comened with him at the doore

Leviticus 19:13

13 Thou shalt not begile thy neyghboure with cauellacios, nether robbe him violently, nether shall the workmans laboure abide with the vntyll the mornynge.

Deuteronomy 24:15

15 Geue him his hyre the same daye, and let not the sonne goo doune thereon. For he is nedye ad therewith susteyneth his life, lest he crye agenst the vnto the Lorde ad it be synne vnto the.

Matthew 13:39-40

39 And the enemye that soweth the is ye devell. The harvest is ye end of the worlde. And the repers be ye angels. 40 For eve as the tares are gaddred and bret in ye fyre: so shall it be in ye ende of this worlde.

Matthew 25:19

19 After a longe season ye lorde of those servauntes came and rekened with the.

Matthew 25:31

31 When the sonne of ma cometh in his glorie and all the holy angels wt him then shall he syt vpon the seate of his glorie

Luke 8:3

3 and Ioanna ye wyfe of Chusa Herodees stewarde and Susanna and many other: which ministred vnto the of their substaunce.

Luke 10:7

7 And in ye same housse tary still eatinge and drinkinge soche as they have. For the laborer is worthy of his ewarde. Go not fro housse to housse:

Luke 12:42

42 And the Lorde sayde: If there be any faith full servaut and wise whom his Lorde shall make ruler over his housholde to geve them their duetie of meate at due season:

Luke 16:1-2

1 And he sayd also vnto his disciples. Ther was a certayne rych man which had a stewarde that was acused vnto him that he had wasted his goodes. 2 And he called him and sayd vnto him: How is it that I heare this of the? Geve a comptes of thy steward shippe: For thou mayste be no longer stewarde.

Romans 2:6-10

6 which will rewarde every ma accordinge to his dedes: 7 that is to saye prayse honoure and immortalite to them which cotinue in good doynge and seke eternall lyfe. 8 But vnto them that are rebellious and disobey the trueth yet folowe iniquytie shall come indignacion and wrath 9 tribulacion and anguysshe vpon the soule of every man that doth evyll: of the Iewe fyrst and also of the gentyll. 10 To every man that doth good shall come prayse honoure and peace to ye Iewe fyrst and also to the gentyll.

1 Corinthians 4:1-2

1 Let men this wyse esteme vs eve as the ministers of Christ and disposers of ye secretes of God. 2 Furthermore it is requyred of the disposers that they be founde faithfull.

2 Corinthians 5:10

10 For we must all appere before the iudgement seate of Christ that every man maye receave the workes of his body accordynge to that he hath done whether it be good or bad?

Titus 1:7

7 For a bisshoppe must be fautelesse as it be commeth the minister of God: not stubborne not angrye no dronkarde no fyghter not geven to filthy lucre:

Hebrews 9:28

28 so Christ was once offered to take awaye the synnes of many and vnto them that loke for him shall he appeare agayne without synne vnto saluacion.

1 Peter 4:10

10 As every man hath receaved the gyfte minister the same one to another as good ministers of the manyfolde grace of God.

Revelation 20:11-12

11 And I sawe a grett whyte seate and him that sate on it from whose face fleed awaye both the erth and heave and their place was no more founde. 12 And I sawe the deed both grett and small stonde before God: And the bokes were opened and another boke was opened which is the boke of lyfe and the deed were iudged of thoo thynges which weer wrytten in the bokes accordinge to their dedes:

Matthew 20:2

2 And he agreed wt the labourers for a peny a daye and sent them into his vyneyarde.

Romans 4:3-6

3 For what sayth the scripture? Abraham beleved god and it was counted vnto him for rightewesnes. 4 To him that worketh is the rewarde not reckened of favour: but of duty. 5 To him that worketh not but beleveth on him that iustifieth the vngodly is his fayth counted for rightewesnes. 6 Even as David describeth the blessedfulnes of the man vnto whom god ascribeth rihgtewesnes without dedes.

Romans 5:20-21

20 But ye lawe in the meane tyme entred in yt synne shuld encreace. Neverthelater where aboundaunce of synne was there was more plenteousnes of grace. 21 That as synne had raigned vnto deeth even so might grace raygne thorow rightewesnes vnto eternall lyfe by the helpe of Iesu Christ.

Ephesians 1:6-8

6 to ye prayse of the glorie of his grace where with he hath made vs accepted in the beloved. 7 By whom we have redemption thorow his bloude euen the forgevenes of synnes accordynge to the riches of his grace 8 which grace he shed on vs aboundantly in all wisdome and perceavaunce.

Ephesians 2:8-10

8 For by grace are ye made safe thorowe fayth and that not of youre selves. For it is the gyfte of God 9 and commeth not of workes lest eny man shuld bost him silfe. 10 For we are his worckmanshippe created in Christ Iesu vnto good workes vnto the which god ordeyned vs before that we shuld walke in them.

1 Timothy 1:14-16

14 Neverthelater the grace of oure Lorde was more aboundaunt with fayth and love which is in Christ Iesu. 15 This is a true sayinge and by all meanes worthy to be receaved that Christ Iesus came into the world to save synners of whom I am chefe. 16 Notwithstondinge for this cause was mercy geve vnto me that Iesus Christ shuld fyrst shewe on me all longe pacience vnto the ensample of them which shall in tyme to come beleve on him vnto eternall lyfe.

Luke 5:30

30 And the Scribes and Pharises murmured agaynst his disciples sayinge: Why eate ye and drinke ye with publicas and synners?

Luke 15:2

2 And the pharises and scribes murmured sayinge: He receaved to his copany synners and eateth with them.

Luke 15:28-30

28 And he was angry and wolde not goo in. Then came his father out and entreated him. 29 He answered and sayde to his father: Loo these many yeares have I done the service nether brake at eny tyme thy commaundment and yet gavest thou me never soo moche as a kyd to make mery wt my lovers: 30 but assone as this thy sonne was come which hath devoured thy goodes with harlootes thou haste for his pleasure kylled ye fatted caulfe.

Luke 19:7

7 And when they sawe that they all groudged sayinge: He is gone in to tary with a man that is a synner.

Acts 11:2-3

2 And when Peter was come vp to Ierusalem they of the circumcision reasoned wyth him 3 sayinge: Thou wentest in to men vncircumcised and atest with them.

Acts 13:45

45 When ye Iewes sawe the people they were full of indignacion and spake agaynst those thinges which were spoken of Paul spekinge agaynst it and raylinge on it.

Acts 22:21-22

21 And he sayde vnto me: departe for I will sende the a farre hence vnto the Gentyls. 22 They gave him audience vnto this worde and then lifte vp their voyces and sayde: a waye wt soche a felowe fro the erth: yt is pitie that he shuld live.

1 Thessalonians 2:16

16 and forbid vs to preache vnto the gentyls that they myght be saved to fulfill their synnes all waye. For the wrath of God is come on them even to the vtmost.

Jude 1:16

16 These are murmurers complayners walkynge after their awne lustes whose mouthes speake proude thynges. They have men in greate reverence be cause of a vauntage.

Jonah 4:8

8 And assone as the sonne was vpp God prepared a feruent eest winde: so that ye sonne bete ouer the heed of Ionas that he fainted agayne ad wished vn to hys soule that he might dye and sayd it is better for me to dye then to liue.

Luke 12:55

55 And when ye se the south wynde blow ye saye: we shall have heet and it cometh to passe.

Luke 14:10-11

10 But rather when thou arte bidden goo and syt in the lowest roume that when he that bade the cometh he maye saye vnto the: frende syt vp hyer. Then shalt thou have worshippe in the presence of them that syt at meate with the. 11 For whosoever exalteth him sylfe shalbe brought lowe. And he yt hubleth him sylfe shalbe exalted

Luke 18:11-12

11 The pharise stode and prayed thus wt him selfe. God I thanke the yt I am not as other men are extorsioners vniuste advoutrers or as this publican. 12 I fast twyse in ye weke. I geve tythe of all that I possesse.

Romans 3:22-24

22 The rightewesnes no dout which is good before God cometh by ye fayth of Iesus Christ vnto all and vpon all that beleve.Ther is no differece: 23 for all have synned and lacke the prayse yt is of valoure before God: 24 but are iustified frely by his grace through the redemcion that is in Christ Iesu

Romans 3:27

27 Where is then thy reioysinge? It is excluded. By what lawe? by ye lawe of workes? Naye: but by the lawe of fayth.

Romans 3:30

30 For it is God only which iustifieth circumcision which is of fayth and vncircumcision thorow fayth.

Romans 9:30-32

30 What shall we saye then? We saye that the gentyls which followed not rightewesnes have overtaken rightewesnes: I meane the rightewesnes which cometh of fayth. 31 But Israel which folowed the lawe of rightewesnes coulde not attayne vnto ye lawe of rightewesnes. 32 And wherfore? Because they sought it not by fath: but as it were by the workes of the lawe. For they have stombled at the stomblynge stone.

Romans 10:1-3

1 Brethren my hertes desyre and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved. 2 For I beare them recorde that they have a fervet mynde to God warde but not accordinge to knowledge. 3 For they are ignoraut of the rightewesnes which is alowed before God and goo about to stablisshe their awne rightewesnes and therfore are not obedient vnto the rightewesnes which is of valew before God.

Romans 11:5-6

5 Even so at this tyme ys ther a remnanaunt lefte thorow the eleccion of grace. 6 Yf it be of grace the is it not of workes. For then were grace no moare grace. Yf it be of workes then is it no moare grace. For then were deservyng no lenger deservynge.

1 Corinthians 4:11

11 Eve vnto this daye we honger and thyrst and are naked and are boffetted wt fistes and have no certayne dwellinge place

2 Corinthians 11:23-28

23 They are ye ministers of Christ (I speake as a fole) I am moare: In labours moare aboundat: In strypes above measure: In preson more plenteously: In deeth ofte. 24 Of the Iewes five tymes receaved I every tyme .xl. strypes saue one. 25 Thryse was I beten with roddes. I was once stoned. I suffered thryse shipwracke. Nyght and daye have I bene in the depe of the see. 26 In iorneyinge often: In parels of waters: In parels of robbers: In ieoperdies of myne awne nacion: In ieoperdies amoge the hethen. I have bene in parels in cities in parels in wildernes in parels in the see in parels amonge falce brethren 27 in laboure and travayle in watchynge often in honger in thirst in fastynges often in colde and in nakednes. 28 And besyde the thynges which outwardly happe vnto me I am cobred dayly and do care for all congregacions.

Ephesians 3:6

6 that the gentyls shuld be inheritours also and of the same body and partakers of his promis yt is in Christ by ye meanes of the gospell

James 1:11

11 The sonne ryseth with heate and the grasse wydereth and his flower falleth awaye and the beautie of the fassion of it perissheth: even so shall the ryche man perisshe with his aboundance.

Genesis 18:25

25 That be farre from the that thou shuldest do after thys maner to sley the rightwes with the weked ad that the rightwes shulde be as the weked: that befarre from the. Shulde not the iudge of all ye worlde do acordynge to righte?

Matthew 22:12

12 and sayde vnto him: frende how fortuned it that thou camest in hither and hast not on a weddyng garment? And he was eve spechlesse.

Matthew 26:50

50 And Iesus sayde vnto him: frende wherfore arte thou come? Then came they and layed hondes on Iesus and toke him.

Romans 9:14-15

14 What shall we saye then? is there eny vnrightewesses with God? God forbyd. 15 For he sayth to Moses: I will shewe mercye to who I shewe mercy: and will have compassion on whom I have copassion.

Romans 9:20

20 But o man what arte thou which disputest with God? Shall the worke saye to the workeman: why hast thou made me on this fassion?

Matthew 6:2

2 But whe thou doest thine almes let not thy lyfte had knowe what thy righte had doth

Matthew 6:6

6 And whe ye praye bable not moche as the hethe do: for they thincke that they shalbe herde for their moche bablynges sake.

Matthew 6:16

16 But thou whe thou fastest annoynte thyne heed and washe thy face

Luke 15:31

31 And he sayd vnto him: Sonne thou wast ever with me and all that I have is thyne:

Luke 16:25

25 But Abraha sayd vnto him Sonne remembre that thou in thy lyfe tyme receavedst thy pleasure and contrary wyse Lazarus payne. Now therfore is he comforted and thou art punysshed.

John 17:2

2 as thou hast geve him power over all fleshe that he shuld geve eternall lyfe to as many as thou hast geven him.

Romans 3:4

4 God forbid. Let god be true and all men lyars as it is written: That thou myghtest be iustifyed in thy sayinge and shuldest overcome when thou arte iudged.

Romans 3:19

19 Ye and we knowe that whatsoever ye lawe sayth he sayth it to them which are vnder the lawe. That all mouthes maye be stopped and all the worlde be subdued to god

Exodus 33:19

19 And he sayde: I will make all my good goo before the, and I will be called in this name Iehouah before the, ad wil shewe mercy to whom I shew mercy, and will haue compassion on whom I haue compassion.

Deuteronomy 7:6-8

6 For thou art an holy nacion vnto the Lorde thy God the Lorde thy God hath chosen the to be a seuerall people vnto him silf of all nacions that are vppon the erth. 7 It was not because of the multitude of you aboue all nacions, that the Lorde had lust vnto you and chose you. For ye were fewest of all nacions: 8 But because the Lorde loued you and because he wolde kepe the othe which he had sworne vnto youre fathers, therfore he brought you out of Egipte with a mightie hande ad delyuered you out of the housse of bondage: eue fro the hande of Pharao kinge of Egipte.

Deuteronomy 15:9

9 And beware that there be not a poynte of Belial in thine hert, that thou woldest saye. The seuenth yere, the yere of fredome is at honde, and therfore it greue the to loke on thy poore brother and geuest him nought and he then crye vnto the Lorde agenst the and it be synne vnto the:

Deuteronomy 28:54

54 so that it shall greue the man that is tender and exceadynge delycate amonge you, to loke on his brother and vppon his wife that lyeth in hys bosome ad on the remnaunte of his childern, which he hath yet lefte,

Jonah 4:1-4

1 Wherfore Ionas was sore discontent ad angre. 2 And he prayed vn to the lorde ad sayd: O lord was not this my sayenge when I was yet in my contre? And therfore I hasted rather to fle to Tharsis: for I knew well ynough that thou wast a mercifull god ful of copassion long yer thou be angre and of greate mercie and repentest when thou art come to take punishment. 3 Now therfore take my life from me for I had leuer dye then liue. 4 And the lorde said vn to Ionas art thou so angrie?

Matthew 6:23

23 No ma can serve two masters. For ether he shall hate the one and love the other: or els he shall lene to ye one and despise ye other: ye can not serve God and mammon.

Matthew 11:25

25 At yt tyme Iesus answered and sayd: I prayse ye o father lorde of heve and erth because thou hast hid these thinges fro the wyse and prudet and hast opened the vnto babes:

Mark 7:22

22 theeft coveteousnes wickednes diceyte vnclennes and a wicked eye blasphemy pryde folysshnes:

Romans 9:15-24

15 For he sayth to Moses: I will shewe mercye to who I shewe mercy: and will have compassion on whom I have copassion. 16 So lieth it not then in a mans will or cunnynge but in ye mercye of god. 17 For the scripture sayth vnto Pharao: Even for this same purpose have I stered ye vp to shewe my power on ye and that my name myght be declared thorow out all the worlde. 18 So hath he mercye on whom he will and whom he will he maketh hearde herted. 19 Thou wilt saye then vnto me: why then blameth he vs yet? For who can resist his will? 20 But o man what arte thou which disputest with God? Shall the worke saye to the workeman: why hast thou made me on this fassion? 21 Hath not the potter power over the claye even of the same lompe to make one vessell vnto honoure and a nother vnto dishonoure? 22 Even so God willynge to shewe his wrath and to make his power knowen suffered with longe pacience the vessels of wrath ordeyned to damnacion 23 that he myght declare ye ryches of his glory on the vessels of mercye which he had prepayred vnto glorie: 24 that is to saye vs which he called not of the Iewes only but also of ye gentyls.

1 Corinthians 4:7

7 For who preferreth the? What hast thou that thou hast not receaved? Yf thou have receaved it why reioysest thou as though thou haddest not receaved it?

Ephesians 1:11

11 that is to saye in him in whom we are made heyres and were therto predestinate accordynge to the purpose of him which worketh all thinges after the purpose of his awne will:

Ephesians 2:1

1 And hath quickened you also that were deed in treaspasse and synne

Ephesians 2:5

5 even when we were deed by synne hath quickened vs together in Christ (for by grace are ye saved)

James 1:18

18 Of his awne will begat he vs with the worde of lyfe that we shuld be the fyrst frutes of his creatures.

James 5:9

9 Grodge not one agaynst another brethre lest ye be dapned. Beholde the iudge stondeth before the dore.

Matthew 7:13

13 But strayte is the gate and narowe ys the waye which leadeth vnto lyfe: and feawe there be that fynde it.

Matthew 8:11-12

11 and the chyldren of ye kyngdome shalbe cast out in to vtter darcknes: there shalbe wepinge and gnasshing of tethe. 12 The Iesus sayd vnto ye Centurion go thy waye and as thou belevest so be it vnto the. And his servaunt was healed the selfe houre.

Matthew 19:30

30 Many that are fyrste shalbe laste and the laste shalbe fyrste.

Matthew 21:31

31 Whether of the twayne dyd the will of the father? And they sayde vnto hym: the fyrst. Iesus sayde vnto the: verely I saye vnto you that the publicans and the harlotes shall come into ye kyngdome of God before you.

Matthew 22:14

14 For many are called and feawe be chosen.

Mark 10:31

31 Many that are fyrst shalbe last: and the last fyrst.

Luke 7:47

47 Wherefore I saye vnto the: many synnes are forgeve her for she loved moche. To whom lesse is forgeven the same doeth lesse love.

Luke 13:28-30

28 There shalbe wepinge and gnasshinge of teth when ye shall se Abraham and Isaac and Iacob and all the prophetes in the kyngdom of God and youre selves thrust oute at dores. 29 And they shall come from the eest and from the weest and from the northe and from the southe and shall syt doune in the kyngdome of God. 30 And beholde ther are last which shalbe fyrst: And ther are fyrst which shalbe last.

Luke 14:24

24 For I saye vnto you that none of those men which were bidde shall tast of my supper.

Luke 15:7

7 I say vnto you yt lyke wyse ioye shalbe in heven over one synner yt repenteth moore then over nynety and nyne iuste persons whiche nede noo repentauce.

Luke 17:17-18

17 And Iesus answered and sayde: are ther not ten clensed? But where are those nyne? 18 Ther are not founde that returned agane to geve God prayse save only this straunger.

John 12:19-22

19 The Pharises therfore sayde amonge them selves: perceave ye how we prevayle no thinge? beholde the worlde goth awaye after him. 20 Ther were certayne Grekes amoge them that came to praye at the feast: 21 the same cam to Philip which was of Bethsayda a cyte in Galile and desired him sayinge: Syr we wolde fayne se Iesus. 22 Philip came and tolde Andrew. And agayne Andrew and Philip tolde Iesus.

Romans 5:20

20 But ye lawe in the meane tyme entred in yt synne shuld encreace. Neverthelater where aboundaunce of synne was there was more plenteousnes of grace.

Romans 8:30

30 Morover which he apoynted before them he also called. And which he called them also he iustified which he iustified them he also glorified.

Romans 9:30

30 What shall we saye then? We saye that the gentyls which followed not rightewesnes have overtaken rightewesnes: I meane the rightewesnes which cometh of fayth.

1 Thessalonians 2:13

13 For this cause thanke we god with out ceasynge because that when ye receaved of vs the worde wherwith God was preached ye receaved it not as the worde of man: but even as it was in dede the worde of God which worketh in you that beleve.

2 Thessalonians 2:13-14

13 But we are bounde to geve thankes alwaye to god for you brethren beloved of the lorde for because that God hath from the begynnynge chosen you to saluacion thorow sanctifyinge of the sprete and thorowe belevynge the trueth: 14 whervnto he called you byoure gospell to obtayne ye glorye that cometh of oure lord Iesu Christ.

James 1:23-25

23 For yf eny heare the worde and do it not he is lyke vnto a man that beholdeth his bodyly face in a glasse. 24 For assone as he hath loked on him silfe he goeth his waye and forgetteth immediatlie what his fassion was. 25 But who so loketh in the parfaict lawe of libertie and continueth ther in (yf he be not a forgetfull hearer but a doar of ye worke) the same shall be happie in his dede.

Genesis 18:17

17 And the LORde sayde: Can I hyde from Abraham that thinge which I am aboute to do

Matthew 13:11

11 He answered and sayde vnto them: it is geve vnto you to knowe ye secretes of the kyngdome of heve but to the it is not geve.

Matthew 16:13

13 When Iesus cam in to the costes of the cite which is called Cesarea Philippi he axed his disciples sayinge: whom do men saye yt I the sonne of ma am?

Mark 10:32-34

32 And they were in ye waye goinge vp to Ierusalem. And Iesus wet before them: and they were amased and as they folowed were affrayde. And Iesus toke ye .xii. agayne and begane to tell the what thinges shuld happe vnto him. 33 Beholde we goo vp to Ierusalem and the sonne of man shalbe delyvered vnto the hye preestes and vnto the Scribes: and they shall condempne him to deeth and shall delyvre him to the gentyls: 34 and they shall mocke hym and scourge him and spit vpo hym and kyll him. And the thirde daye he shall ryse agayne.

Luke 18:31-34

31 He toke vnto him twelve and sayde vnto them. Beholde we go vp to Ierusalem and all shalbe fulfilled that are written by ye Prophetes of the sonne of man. 32 He shalbe delivered vnto the gentils and shalbe mocked and shalbe despytfully entreated and shalbe spetted on: 33 and when they have scourged him they will put him to deeth and the thyrde daye he shall aryse agayne. 34 But they vnderstode none of these thinges. And this sayinge was hid fro them. And they perceaved not the thinges which were spoken.

John 12:12

12 On the morowe moche people that were come to the feast when they hearde yt Iesus shuld come to Ierusalem

John 15:15

15 Hence forth call I you not servauntes: for the servaunt knoweth not what his Lorde doeth. But you have I called frendes: for all thinges that I have hearde of my father I have opened to you.

Acts 10:41

41 not to all the people but vnto vs witnesses chosyn before of God which ate and dronke with him after he arose from deeth.

Matthew 16:21

21 From yt tyme forth Iesus began to shewe vnto his disciples how yt he must go vnto Ierusalem and suffer many thinges of ye Elders and of ye hye prestes and of the scribes and must be killed and ryse agayne ye thirde daye.

Matthew 17:22-23

22 As they passed the tyme in Galile Iesus sayde vnto them: the sonne of man shalbe betrayed into the hondes of men 23 and they shall kill him and the thyrd daye he shall ryse agayne. And they sorowed greatly.

Matthew 26:2

2 Ye knowe that after ii. dayes shalbe ester and the sonne of man shalbe delyvered to be crucified.

Matthew 26:66

66 what thinke ye? They answered and sayd: he his worthy to dye.

Matthew 27:1

1 When the mornynge was come all ye chefe prestes and the elders of ye people helde a counsayle agenst Iesu to put him to deeth

Mark 14:64-65

64 Ye have herde the blasphemy what thinke ye? And they all gave sentence yt he was worthy of deeth. 65 And some begane to spit at him and to cover his face and to bete him with fistes and to saye vnto him arede vnto vs. And the servauntes boffeted him on the face.

Luke 22:71

71 Then sayde they: what nede we eny further witnes? We oure selves have herde of his awne mouthe.

Acts 2:23

23 him have ye taken by the hondes of vnrightewes persones after he was delivered by the determinat counsell and foreknoweledge of God and have crucified and slayne:

Acts 4:27-28

27 For of a trueth agaynst thy holy chylde Iesus whom thou hast annoynted bothe Herode and also Poncius Pylate with the Gentils and the people of Israel gaddered them selves to gedder 28 for to do whatsoever thy honde and thy counsell determined before to be done.

Matthew 12:40

40 For as Ionas was thre dayes and thre nyghtes in the whales belly: soo shall ye sonne of man be thre dayes and thre nyghtes in ye hert of ye erth.

Matthew 26:67-68

67 Then spat they in his face and boffeted him with fistes. And other smote him with the palme af their hondes 68 on ye face sayinge: tell vs thou Christ who is he that smote the?

Matthew 27:2-10

2 and brought him bounde and delivered him vnto Poncius Pilate the debite. 3 Then when Iudas which betrayed him sawe that he was condempned he repented him sylfe and brought ageyne the .xxx. plattes of sylver to ye chefe prestes and elders 4 sayinge: I have synned betrayinge the innocent bloud. And they sayde: what is that to vs? Se thou to that. 5 And he cast doune the sylver plattes in the temple and departed and went and hounge him sylfe. 6 And the chefe prestes toke the sylver plattes and sayd: it is not lawfull for to put them in to the treasury because it is the pryce of bloud. 7 And they toke counsell and bought with them a potters felde to bury strangers in. 8 Wherfore that felde is called the felde of bloud vntyll this daye. 9 Then was fulfylled that which was spoken by Ieremy the Prophet sayinge: and they toke .xxx. sylver plattes the prise of him that was valued whom they bought of the chyldren of Israel 10 and they gave them for the potters felde as the Lorde appoynted me.

Matthew 27:27-31

27 Then the soudeours of the debite toke Iesus vnto the comen hall and gaddered vnto him all the company. 28 And they stripped him and put on him a purpyll roobe 29 and platted a croune of thornes and put vpon his heed and a rede in his ryght honde: and bowed their knees before him and mocked him saying: hayle kinge of the Iewes: 30 and spitted vpon him and toke the rede and smoote him on the heed. 31 And when they had mocked him they toke the robe of him ageyne and put his awne reymet on him and leed him awaye to crucify him.

Mark 14:65

65 And some begane to spit at him and to cover his face and to bete him with fistes and to saye vnto him arede vnto vs. And the servauntes boffeted him on the face.

Mark 15:1

1 And anone in ye dawnynge the hye prestes helde counsell wt ye elders and ye scribes and ye whoole cogregacion and bounde Iesus and ledde him awaye and delivered him to Pilate.

Mark 15:16-20

16 And the souddeers ledde him awaye into ye commen hall and called togedder the whoole multitude 17 and they clothed him with purple and they platted a croune of thornes and crouned him with all 18 and beganne to salute him. Hayle kynge of the Iewes. 19 And they smoote him on the heed wt a rede and spat apon him and kneled doune and worsheped him. 20 And when they had moocked him they toke the purple of him and put his awne cloothes on him and ledde him oute to crucifie him.

Mark 15:29-31

29 And they that went by rayled on him: waggynge their heedes and sayinge: A wretche that destroyest the temple and byldest it in thre dayes: 30 save thy sylfe and come doune from the crosse. 31 Lyke wyse also mocked him ye hye preestes amonge them selves with the scribes and sayde: He saved other men him sylfe he cannot save.

Luke 23:1-5

1 And the whole multitude of them arose and ledde him vnto Pylate. 2 And they beganne to accuse him sayinge: We have founde this felowe pervertynge the people and forbiddynge to paye tribute to Cesar: sayinge that he is Christ a kynge. 3 And Pylate apposed him sayinge: arte thou the kynge of the iewes? He answered him and sayde: thou sayest it. 4 Then sayde Pylate to the hye prestes and to the people: I fynde noo faute in this man. 5 And they were the moore fearce sayinge. He moveth the people teachynge thorowout all Iewry and beganne at Galile even to this place.

Luke 23:11

11 And Herod wt his men of warre despysed him and mocked him and arayed him in whyte and sent him agayne to Pylate.

Luke 24:46

46 and sayde vnto them. Thus is it written and thus it behoved Christ to suffre and to ryse agayne from deeth the thyrde daye

John 18:28-38

28 Then led they Iesus fro Cayphas into the hall of iudgement. It was in the mornynge and they them selves went not into the iudgement hall lest they shuld be defyled but that they myght eate the paschall lambe. 29 Pylate then went out vnto the and sayde: what accusacion bringe ye agaynste this man? 30 They answered and sayd vnto him. If he were not an evyll doar we wolde not have delyvered him vnto the. 31 Then sayd Pylate vnto the: take ye him and iudge him after youre awne lawe. Then the Iewes sayde vnto him. It is not lawfull for vs to put eny ma to deeth. 32 That ye wordes of Iesus myght be fulfilled which he spake signifyinge what deeth he shuld dye. 33 Then Pylate entred into the iudgemet hall agayne and called Iesus and sayd vnto him: arte thou the kynge of ye Iewes? 34 Iesus answered: sayst thou that of thy selfe or dyd other tell it the of me? 35 Pylate answered: Am I a Iewe? Thyne awne nacion and hye prestes have delyvered ye vnto me. What hast thou done? 36 Iesus answered: my kyngdome is not of this worlde. Yf my kyngdome were of this worlde then wolde my ministres suerly fight yt I shuld not be delyvered to ye Iewes but now is my kyngdome not fro hence. 37 Pylate sayde vnto him: Arte thou a kynge then? Iesus answered: Thou sayst yt I am a kynge. For this cause was I borne and for this cause came I into ye worlde yt I shuld beare witnes vnto the trueth. And all that are of ye trueth heare my voyce. 38 Pilate sayde vnto him: what thinge is trueth? And when he had sayd yt he went out agayne vnto the Iewes and sayde vnto them: I fynde in him no cause at all.

John 19:1-4

1 Then Pylate toke Iesus and scourged him. 2 And ye soudiers wounde a croune of thornes and put it on his heed. And they dyd on him a purple garment 3 and sayd: hayll kynge of the Iewes: and they smote him on the face. 4 Pylate went forthe agayne and sayde vnto them: beholde I bringe him forth to you that ye maye knowe that I fynde no faute in him.

Acts 3:13-16

13 The God of Abraham Isaac and Iacob the God of oure fathers hath glorified his sonne Iesus whom ye delyvered and denyed in the presence of Pylate whe he had iudged him to be lowsed. 14 But ye denyed the holy and iust and desyred a mortherar to be geven you 15 and kylled the Lorde of lyfe whom God hath raysed from deeth of the which we are wytnesses. 16 And his name thorow the fayth of his name hath made this man sound whom ye se and knowe. And the fayth which is by him hath geven to him this health in the presence of you all.

Acts 4:27

27 For of a trueth agaynst thy holy chylde Iesus whom thou hast annoynted bothe Herode and also Poncius Pylate with the Gentils and the people of Israel gaddered them selves to gedder

Acts 21:11

11 When he was come vnto vs he toke Pauls gerdell and bounde his hondes and fete and sayde: thus saith the holy goost: so shall ye Iewes at Ierusalem bynde the man yt oweth this gerdell and shall delyver him into the hondes of the gentyls.

1 Corinthians 15:3-7

3 For fyrst of all I delivered vnto you that which I receaved: how that Christ dyed for oure synnes agreinge to the scriptures: 4 and that he was buried and that he arose agayne the thyrd daye accordinge to the scriptures: 5 and that he he was sene of Cephas then of the twelve. 6 After that he was sene of moo the five hodred brethren at once: of which many remayne vnto this daye and many are fallen aslepe. 7 After that appered he to Iames then to all the Apostles.

Matthew 2:11

11 and went into the house and found the chylde with Mary hys mother and kneled doune and worshipped hym and opened their treasures and offred vnto hym gyftes gold frackynsence and myrre.

Matthew 4:21

21 And he went forthe from thence and sawe other twoo brethren Iames the sonne of zebede and Ihon his brother in the shippe with zebede their father mendynge their nettes and called them.

Matthew 8:2

2 And Iesus put forthe hys hond and touched hym sayinge: I wyll be thou clene and immediatly hys leprosie was clensed.

Matthew 14:33

33 Then they that were in the shippe came and worshipped him sayinge: of a truth thou arte ye sonne of God.

Matthew 15:25

25 Then she came and worshipped him sayinge: master helpe me.

Matthew 27:56

56 Amonge which was Mary Magdalen and Mary the mother of Iames and Ioses and ye mother of zebedes chyldren.

Matthew 28:17

17 And when they sawe hym they worshipped him. But some of them douted.

Mark 10:35-45

35 And then Iames and Iohn ye sonnes of zebede came vnto him sayinge: master we wolde that thou shuldest do for vs what soever we desyre. 36 He sayde vnto them: what wolde ye I shuld do vnto you? 37 They sayd to him: graut vnto vs that we maye sitte one on thy right honde and the other on thy lyfte honde in thy glory. 38 But Iesus sayd vnto the: Ye wot not what ye axe. Can ye dryncke of the cup that I shall dryncke of and be baptised in ye baptime that I shalbe baptised in? 39 And they sayde vnto him: that we can. Iesus sayde vnto them: ye shall dryncke of the cup that I shall dryncke of and be baptised with the baptyme that I shalbe baptised in: 40 but to sit on my right honde and on my lyfte honde ys not myne to geve but to them for whom it is prepared. 41 And when the .x. hearde that they bega to disdayne at Iames and Iohn. 42 But Iesus called the vnto him and sayde to them: ye knowe that they which seme to beare rule amonge the gentyls raygne as lordes over the. And they that be greate amoge them exercyse auctorite over them. 43 So shall it not be amonge you but whosoever of you wilbe greate amoge you shalbe youre minister. 44 And whosoever wilbe chefe shalbe servaunt vnto all. 45 For eve the sonne of man came not to be ministred vnto: but to minister and to geve his lyfe for the redempcion of many.

Mark 15:40

40 Ther were also wemen a good waye of beholdinge him: amonge whom was Mary Magdalen and Mary the mother of Iames the lytle and of Ioses and Mary Salome

Matthew 18:1

1 The same tyme the disciples came vnto Iesus saying: who is ye greatest in the kyngdome of heve?

Matthew 19:28

28 Iesus sayde vnto them: verely I saye to you: when the sonne of man shall syt in ye seate of his maieste ye which folowe me in ye seconde generacion shall syt also vpon .xii. seates and iudge ye .xii. tribes of Israel.

Matthew 20:32

32 Then Iesus stode styll and called the and sayde: what will ye that I shulde do to you:

Mark 6:22

22 And ye doughter of ye sayde Herodias came in and daused and pleased Herode and them that sate at bourde also. Then ye kynge sayd vnto ye mayden: axe of me what thou wilt and I will geve it ye

Mark 10:36-37

36 He sayde vnto them: what wolde ye I shuld do vnto you? 37 They sayd to him: graut vnto vs that we maye sitte one on thy right honde and the other on thy lyfte honde in thy glory.

Mark 10:51

51 And Iesus answered and sayde vnto hym: what wilt thou that I do vnto the? The blynde sayde vnto hym: master that I myght see.

Mark 16:19

19 So then when the lorde had spoken vnto them he was receaued into heauen and is set doune on the ryght honde of God.

Luke 17:20-21

20 When he was demaunded of ye pharises when the kyngdome of God shuld come: he answered them and sayde: The kyngdome of God cometh not with waytinge for. 21 Nether shall men saye: Loo here loo there. For beholde the kyngdome of God is with in you.

Luke 18:41

41 sayinge: What wilt thou that I do vnto the? And he sayde: Lorde yt I maye receave my sight.

Luke 19:11

11 As they hearde these thinges he added ther to a similitude be cause he was nye to Hierusalem and because also they thought that the kyngdome of God shuld shortely appere.

Luke 22:24

24 And ther was a stryfe amoge the which of them shuld be taken for the greatest.

John 15:7

7 Yf ye byde in me and my wordes also byde in you: axe what ye will and it shalbe done to you .

Acts 1:6

6 When they were come togeder they axed of him sayinge: Lorde wilt thou at this tyme restore agayne ye kyngdome to Israel?

Romans 8:34

34 who then shall condempne? it is Christ which is deed ye rather which is rysen agayne which is also on the ryght honde of God and maketh intercession for vs.

Romans 12:10

10 Be kynde one to another with brotherly love. In gevynge honoure goo one before another.

Colossians 3:1

1 If ye be then rysen agayne with christ seke those thynges which are above where Christ sitteth on the right honde of god.

Philemon 1:2-3

2 and to the beloved Appia and to Archippus oure felowe soudier and to the congregacion of thy housse. 3 Grace be with you and peace from God oure father and from the Lorde Iesus Christ.

Matthew 26:35

35 Peter sayde vnto him: Yf I shulde dye with ye yet wolde I not denye ye Lyke wyse also sayde all ye disciples.

Matthew 26:39

39 And he went a lytell aparte and fell flat on his face and prayed sayinge: O my father yf it be possible let this cuppe passe from me: neverthelesse not as I wyll but as thou wylt.

Matthew 26:42

42 He went awaye once moare and prayed sayinge: O my father yf this cuppe can not passe away from me but yt I drinke of it thy wyll be fulfylled.

Matthew 26:56

56 All this was done that the scriptures of the Prophetes myght be fulfilled.

Mark 10:38-39

38 But Iesus sayd vnto the: Ye wot not what ye axe. Can ye dryncke of the cup that I shall dryncke of and be baptised in ye baptime that I shalbe baptised in? 39 And they sayde vnto him: that we can. Iesus sayde vnto them: ye shall dryncke of the cup that I shall dryncke of and be baptised with the baptyme that I shalbe baptised in:

Mark 14:36

36 And he sayd: Abba father all thinges are possible vnto the take awaye this cup from me. Neverthelesse not that I will but that thou wilt be done.

Luke 12:50

50 Not with stondinge I must de baptised with a baptyme: and how am I payned till it be ended?

Luke 22:42

42 sayinge: Father yf thou wilt withdrawe this cup fro me. Neverthelesse not my will but thyne be be fulfilled.

John 18:11

11 Then sayde Iesus vnto Peter: put vp thy swearde into ye sheath: shall I not drinke of ye cup which my father hath geven me?

Romans 8:26

26 Lyke wyse ye sprite also helpeth oure infirmities. For we knowe not what to desyre as we ought: but the sprete maketh intercession mightely for vs with gronynges which canot be expressid with tonge.

James 4:3

3 Ye axe and receave not because ye axe a mysse: even to consume it apon youre volupteousnes.

Matthew 25:34

34 Then shall the kynge saye to them on his right honde: Come ye blessed chyldren of my father inheret ye the kyngdo prepared for you from the beginninge of the worlde.

Mark 10:40

40 but to sit on my right honde and on my lyfte honde ys not myne to geve but to them for whom it is prepared.

Acts 12:2

2 And he kylled Iames the brother of Iohn with the swerde:

Romans 8:17

17 Yf we be sonnes we are also heyres the heyres I meane of God and heyres anexed with Christ: if so be that we suffer togedder that we maye be glorified to gedder.

1 Corinthians 2:9

9 But as it is written: The eye hath not sene and the eare hath not hearde nether have entred into the herte of man ye thinges which God hath prepared for them that love him.

2 Corinthians 1:7

7 yet oure hope is stedfast for you in as moch as we know how that as ye have youre parte in affliccios so shall ye be parttakers of consolacion.

Colossians 1:24

24 Now ioye I in my soferinges which I suffre for you and fulfill that which is behynde of the passions of Christ in my flesshe for his bodies sake which is the congregacion

2 Timothy 2:11-12

11 It is a true sayinge if we be deed wt him we also shall live with him. 12 Yf we be pacient we shall also raigne wt him. If we denye him he also shall denye vs.

Hebrews 11:16

16 But now they desyre a better that is to saye a hevenlye. Wherfore God is not ashamed of them even to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a citie.

Revelation 1:9

9 9I Ihon youre brother and companyon in tribulacion and in the kyngdom and pacience which is in Iesu Christe was in the yle of Pathmos for the worde of god and for ye witnessynge of Iesu Christe.

Mark 10:41

41 And when the .x. hearde that they bega to disdayne at Iames and Iohn.

Luke 22:23-25

23 And they began to enquyre amoge them selves which of them it shuld be that shuld do that. 24 And ther was a stryfe amoge the which of them shuld be taken for the greatest. 25 And he sayde vnto them: the kynges of the getyls raygne over them and they that beare rule over them are called gracious lordes.

1 Corinthians 13:4

4 Love suffreth longe and is corteous. Love envieth not. Love doth not frowardly swelleth not dealeth

Philippians 2:3

3 that nothinge be done thorow stryfe or vayne glory but that in mekenes of mynde every man esteme other better then him selfe

James 3:14-4:1

14 But Yf ye have bitter envyinge and stryfe in youre hertes reioyce not: nether be lyars agaynst the trueth.

James 4:5-6

5 Ether do ye thinke that the scripture sayth in vayne The sprite that dwelleth in you lusteth eve contrary to envie: 6 but geveth more grace.

1 Peter 5:5

5 Lykwyse ye yonger submit youre selves vnto the elder. Submit youre selves every man one to another knet youre selves togedder in lowlines of mynde. For god resisteth ye proude and geveth grace to the humble.

Matthew 11:29

29 Take my yoke on you and lerne of me for I am meke and lowly in herte: and ye shall fynd rest vnto youre soules.

Matthew 18:3-4

3 and sayd. Verely I say vnto you: except ye tourne and become as chyldren ye cannot enter into the kyngdom of heven. 4 Whosoever therfore humble him sylfe as this chylde the same is the greatest in ye kyngdome of heve.

Matthew 20:25-28

25 But Iesus called them vnto him and sayde: Ye knowe yt the lordes of the gentyls have dominacio over them. And they that are great exercise power over the. 26 It shall not be so amoge you. But whosoever wyll be greate amoge you let him be youre minister:

Matthew 20:28-28

28 eve as the sonne of man came not to be ministred vnto but to minister and to geve his lyfe for the redempcion of many.

Mark 10:42

42 But Iesus called the vnto him and sayde to them: ye knowe that they which seme to beare rule amonge the gentyls raygne as lordes over the. And they that be greate amoge them exercyse auctorite over them.

Luke 22:25-27

25 And he sayde vnto them: the kynges of the getyls raygne over them and they that beare rule over them are called gracious lordes. 26 But ye shall not be so. But he that is greatest amonge you shalbe as the yongest: and he that is chefe shalbe as the minister. 27 For whether is greater he that sitteth at meate: or he that serveth? Is not he that sitteth at meate? And I am amoge you as he that ministreth.

John 13:12-17

12 After he had wesshed their fete and receaved his clothes and was set doune agayne he sayde vnto them? wot ye what I have done to you? 13 Ye call me master and Lorde and ye saye well for so am I. 14 If I then youre Lorde and master have wesshed youre fete ye also ought to wesshe one anothers fete. 15 For I have geven you an ensample that ye shuld do as I have done to you. 16 Verely verely I saye vnto you the servaunt is not greater then his master nether the messenger greater then he that sent him. 17 If ye vnderstonde these thinges happy are ye yf ye do them.

Matthew 23:8-12

8 But ye shall not suffre youre selves to be called Rabi. For one is youre master that is to wyt Christ and all ye are brethre. 9 And call no man youre father vpon the erth for there is but one youre father and he is in heven. 10 Be not called masters for there is but one youre master and he is Christ. 11 He that is greatest amoge you shalbe youre seruaunte. 12 But whosoever exalteth himsilfe shalbe brought lowe. And he yt hubleth himsilfe shalbe exalted.

Matthew 25:44

44 Then shall they also answere him sayinge: master when sawe we the an hungred or a thurst or herbourlesse or naked or sicke or in preson and did not ministre vnto the?

Matthew 27:55

55 And many wemen were there beholdinge him a farre of which folowed Iesus fro Galile ministringe vnto him.

Mark 9:35

35 And he toke a chylde and set him in ye middes of them and toke him in his armes and sayde vnto them.

Mark 10:43

43 So shall it not be amonge you but whosoever of you wilbe greate amoge you shalbe youre minister.

Mark 10:45

45 For eve the sonne of man came not to be ministred vnto: but to minister and to geve his lyfe for the redempcion of many.

Luke 14:7-11

7 He put forthe a similitude to ye gestes whe he marked how they preased to the hyest roumes and sayd vnto the: 8 When thou arte bidde to a weddynge of eny man syt not doune in ye hyest roume lest a more honorable man then thou be bidden of him 9 and he that bade bothe him and the come and saye to the: geve this man roume and thou then beginne with shame to take the lowest roume.

Luke 18:14

14 I tell you: this ma departed hoe to his housse iustified moore then the other. For every man that exalteth him selfe shalbe brought low: And he yt hubleth him selfe shalbe exalted

John 18:36

36 Iesus answered: my kyngdome is not of this worlde. Yf my kyngdome were of this worlde then wolde my ministres suerly fight yt I shuld not be delyvered to ye Iewes but now is my kyngdome not fro hence.

Acts 13:5

5 And when they were come to Salamine they shewed ye worde of God in ye synagoges of ye Iewes. And they had Iohn to their minister.

2 Corinthians 1:24

24 Not that we be lordes over youre fayth: but helpers of youre ioye. For by fayth ye stode.

2 Corinthians 10:4-10

4 For the weapes of oure warre are not carnall thinges but thynges myghty in god to cast doune stronge holdes 5 wherwith we overthrowe ymaginacyons and every hye thynge that exalteh it silfe agaynst the knowledge of god and brynge into captivite all vnderstondynge to the obedience of Christ 6 and are redy to take vengeaunce on all disobedience when youre obedience is fulfilled. 7 Loke ye on thynges after ye vtter apparence? Yf eny man trust in him silfe yt he is Christis let the same also considre of him silfe yt as he is Christis even so are we Christes. 8 And though I shuld bost my silfe somewhat moare of oure auctorite which the lorde hath geven vs to edifie and not to destroye you it shulde not be to my shame. 9 This saye I lest I shuld seme as though I went about to make you a frayde with letters. 10 For ye pistles (sayth he) are sore and stronge: but his bodyly presence is weake and his speache rude.

2 Timothy 1:18

18 The lorde graunt vnto him that he maye fynde mercie with the lorde at that daye. And in how many thynges he ministred vnto me at Ephesus thou knowest very wel.

Philemon 1:13

13 whom I wolde fayne have retayned with me that in thy stede he myght have ministred vnto me in ye bondes of the gospell. 14 Are they not all mynistrynge spretes sent to minister for their sakes which shalbe heyres of salvacion?

1 Peter 4:11

11 Yf eny man speake let him talke as though he spake ye wordes of God. If eny man minister let him do it as of ye abilitie which god ministreth vnto him. That god in all thinges maye be glorified thorow Iesus Christ to whom be prayse and dominion for ever and whyll the worlde stondeth. Amen.

1 Peter 5:3

3 not as though ye were lordes over the parisshes: but that ye be a insample to the flocke.

3 John 1:9-10

9 I wrote vnto the congregacio: but Diotrephes which loveth to have the preeminence amoge them receaveth vs not. 10 Wherfore yf I come I will declare his dedes which he doeth iestinge on vs with malicious wordes nether is therewith content. Not only he him silfe receaveth not the brethre: but also he forbiddeth them that wolde and thrusteth them out of the congregacion.

Revelation 13:11-17

11 And I behelde another best commynge vp oute of the erth and he had two hornes like a lambe and he spake as dyd the dragon. 12 And he dyd all that the fyrste beest coulde do in his presence and he caused the erth and them which dwell therin to worshippe the fyrst beest whose dedly woude was healed. 13 And he dyd grett wonders so that he made fyre come doune from heven in the syght of men. 14 And deceaved them that dwelt on the erth by the meanes of those signes which he had power to doo in the sight of the beest sayinge to the that dwelt on the erth: that they shuld make an ymage vnto the beest which had the woude of a swearde and dyd lyve. 15 And he had power to geve a sprete vnto the ymage of the beest and that the ymage of the beest shuld speake and shuld cause that as many as wolde not worshyppe the ymage of the beest shuld be kylled. 16 And he made all bothe smale and grett ryche and poore fre and bond to receave a marke in their right hondes or in their forheddes. 17 And that no ma myght by or sell save he that had the marke or the name of the beest other the nombre of his name.

Revelation 17:6

6 And I sawe the wyfe dronke with the bloud of saynctes and with the bloud of the witnesses of Iesu. And when I sawe her I wondred with grett mervayle.

Matthew 18:4

4 Whosoever therfore humble him sylfe as this chylde the same is the greatest in ye kyngdome of heve.

Mark 9:33-35

33 And they helde their peace: for by the waye they reasoned amonge the selves who shuld be the chefest. 34 And he sate doune and called the twelve vnto him and sayd to them: yf eny man desyre to be fyrst the same shalbe last of all and servaunt vnto all. 35 And he toke a chylde and set him in ye middes of them and toke him in his armes and sayde vnto them.

Luke 22:26

26 But ye shall not be so. But he that is greatest amonge you shalbe as the yongest: and he that is chefe shalbe as the minister.

Acts 20:34-35

34 Ye knowe well yt these hondes have ministred vnto my necessities and to them that were wt me. 35 I have shewed you all thinges how that so laborynge ye ought to receave the weake and to remember the wordes of the Lorde Iesu howe that he sayde: It is more blessed to geve then to receave.

Romans 1:14

14 For I am detter both to the Grekes and to them which are no Grekes vnto the learned and also vnto the vnlearned.

1 Corinthians 9:19-23

19 For though I be fre from all men yet have I made my silfe servaunt vnto all men that I myght wynne the moo. 20 Vnto the Iewes I became as a Iewe to winne ye Iewes. To the that were vnder the lawe was I made as though I had bene vnder the lawe to wynne the that were vnder the lawe. 21 To them that were without lawe be ca I as though I had bene without lawe (whe I was not without lawe as perteyninge to god but vnder a lawe as concerninge Christ) to wynne the that were without lawe. 22 To the weake became I as weake to wynne the weake. In all thinge I fassioned my silfe to all men to save at ye lest waye some. 23 And this I do for the gospels sake that I might have my parte therof.

2 Corinthians 4:5

5 For we preache not oure selves but Christ Iesus to be the Lorde and oure selves youre servautes for Iesus sake.

2 Corinthians 11:5

5 I suppose that I was not behynde ye chefe apostles.

2 Corinthians 11:23-27

23 They are ye ministers of Christ (I speake as a fole) I am moare: In labours moare aboundat: In strypes above measure: In preson more plenteously: In deeth ofte. 24 Of the Iewes five tymes receaved I every tyme .xl. strypes saue one. 25 Thryse was I beten with roddes. I was once stoned. I suffered thryse shipwracke. Nyght and daye have I bene in the depe of the see. 26 In iorneyinge often: In parels of waters: In parels of robbers: In ieoperdies of myne awne nacion: In ieoperdies amoge the hethen. I have bene in parels in cities in parels in wildernes in parels in the see in parels amonge falce brethren 27 in laboure and travayle in watchynge often in honger in thirst in fastynges often in colde and in nakednes.

2 Corinthians 12:15

15 I will very gladly bestowe and wilbe bestowed for youre soules: though the moare I love you ye lesse I am loved agayne.

Matthew 8:20

20 A nothre yt was one of hys disciples sayd vnto hym: master suffre me fyrst to go and burye my father.

Matthew 26:28

28 For this is my bloude of the new testament that shalbe shedde for many for the remission of synnes.

Mark 14:24

24 And he sayde vnto them: This is my bloude of the new testament which is sheed for many.

Luke 22:27

27 For whether is greater he that sitteth at meate: or he that serveth? Is not he that sitteth at meate? And I am amoge you as he that ministreth.

John 10:15

15 As my father knoweth me: even so knowe I my father. And I geve my lyfe for the shepe:

John 11:50-52

50 nor yet consider that it is expedient for vs that one man dye for the people and not that all the people perisshe. 51 This spake he not of him selfe but beinge hye preste that same yeare he prophesied that Iesus shulde dye for the people 52 and not for the people only but that he shuld gader to geder in one the chyldren of God which were scattered abroode.

John 13:4-17

4 he rose from supper and layde a syde his vpper garmentes and toke a towell and gyrd him selfe. 5 After that poured he water into a basyn and beganne to wash his disciples fete and to wype them with the towell wherwith he was gyrde. 6 Then came he to Simon Peter. And Peter sayde to him: Lorde shalt thou wesshe my fete? 7 Iesus answered and sayde vnto him: what I do thou wotest not now but thou shalt knowe herafter. 8 Peter sayd vnto him: thou shalt not wesshe my fete whill ye worlde stondeth. Iesus answered him: yf I wasshe ye not thou shalt have no part with me. 9 Simon Peter sayde vnto him: Lorde not my fete only: but also my handes and my heed. 10 Iesus sayde to him: he that is wesshed nedeth not save to wesshe his fete and is clene every whit. And ye are clene: but not all. 11 For he knewe his betrayer. Therfore sayde he: ye are not all clene.

Romans 3:24-26

24 but are iustified frely by his grace through the redemcion that is in Christ Iesu 25 whom God hath made a seate of mercy thorow faith in his bloud to shewe ye rightewesnes which before him is of valoure in yt he forgeveth ye synnes yt are passed which God dyd suffre 26 to shewe at this tyme ye rightewesnes yt is alowed of him yt he myght be couted iuste and a iustifiar of him which belevith on Iesus.

Romans 4:25

25 Which was delivered for oure synnes and rose agayne forto iustifie vs.

Romans 5:15-19

15 But the gyfte is not lyke as the synne. For yf thorow the synne of one many be deed: moche more plenteous vpon many was the grace of God and gyfte by grace: which grace was geven by one man Iesus Christ. 16 And ye gifte is not over one synne as deeth cam thorow one synne of one yt synned. For damnacion cam of one synne vnto condemnacion: but the gyft cam to iustify fro many synnes. 17 For yf by the synne of one deeth raigned by the meanes of one moche more shall they which receave aboundance of grace and of the gyfte of rightewesnes raygne in lyfe by the meanes of one (that is to saye) Iesus Christ. 18 Lykewyse then as by the synne of one condemnacion cam on all men: eve so by the iustifyinge of one cometh the rightewesnes that bringeth lyfe vpo all men. 19 For as by one manes disobediece many be cam synners: so by ye obediece of one shall many be made righteous.

2 Corinthians 8:9

9 Ye knowe the liberalitie of oure lorde Iesus Christ which though he were riche yet for youre sakes be came poore: that ye thorow his povertie myght be made ryche.

Galatians 3:13

13 But Christ hath delivered vs fro the curse of the lawe and was made a cursed for vs. For it is writte: cursed is every one that hangeth on tree

Ephesians 1:7

7 By whom we have redemption thorow his bloude euen the forgevenes of synnes accordynge to the riches of his grace

Ephesians 5:2

2 and walke in love even as Christ loved vs and gave him silfe for vs an offerynge and a sacrifyce of a swete saver to god.

Philippians 2:4-8

4 and that no man consyder his awne but what is mete for other. 5 Let the same mynde be in you that was in Christ Iesu: 6 Which beynge in the shape of god and thought it not robbery to be equall with god. 7 Neverthelesse he made him silfe of no reputacion and toke on him the shape of a servaunte and became lyke vnto men 8 and was founde in his aparell as a man. He humbled him silfe and became obediet vnto ye deeth even the deeth of the crosse.

1 Timothy 2:6

6 which gave him silfe a raunsome for all men that it shuld be testified at his tyme

Titus 2:14

14 which gave him silfe for vs to redeme vs from all vnrightewesnes and to pourge vs a peculiar people vnto him silfe fervently geven vnto good workes.

Hebrews 2:10

10 For it becam him for whom are all thynges and by whom are all thynges after that he had brought many sonnes vnto glory that he shuld make the lorde of their saluacion parfect thorow sofferynge.

Hebrews 5:8

8 And though he were Goddes sonne yet learned he obediece by tho thynges which he suffered

1 Peter 1:18-19

18 For as moche as ye know how that ye were not redemed with corruptible sylver and golde from youre vayne conversacion which ye receaved by the tradicions of the fathers: 19 but with the precious bloud of Christ as of a lambe vndefiled and withouten spot

1 Peter 2:24

24 which his awne silfe bare oure synnes in his body on the tree that we shuld be delyvered from synne and shuld lyve in rightewesnes. By whose strypes ye were healed.

1 Peter 3:18

18 For as moche as Christ hath once suffered for synnes ye iuste for ye vniuste forto bringe vs to God and was kylled as pertayninge to the flesshe: but was quyckened in the sprete.

1 John 2:2

2 and he it is that obteyneth grace for oure synnes: not for oure synnes only: but also for the synnes of all the worlde.

Revelation 1:5

5 and from Iesus Christ which is a faythfull witnes and fyrst begotte of the deed: and Lorde over the kinges of the erth. Vnto him that loved vs and wesshed vs fro synnes in his awne bloud

Revelation 5:8-9

8 And when he had take the boke the .iiii. bestes and xxiiii. elders fell doune before the labe havynge harpes and golden vialles full of odoures which are the prayers of saynctes 9 and they songe a newe songe saynge: thou art worthy to take ye boke and to ope ye seales therof: for thou waste kylled and haste redemed vs by thy bloud out of all kynreddes and tonges and people and nacions

Matthew 9:27-31

27 And when he was come to housse the blynd came to hym And Iesus sayde vnto them: Beleve ye that I am able to do thys? And they sayde vnto hym: ye Lorde. 28 Then touched he their eyes saying: acordynge to youre faythe be it vnto you. 29 And their eyes were opened. And Iesus charged the saying: Se yt no man knowe of it. 30 But they assone as they were departed spreed abroade his name through oute all the londe. 31 As they went out beholde they brought to hym a dome ma possessed af a devyll.

Mark 10:46-52

46 And they came to Hierico. And as he went oute of Hierico with his disciples and a greate nobre of people: Barthimeus ye sonne of Thimeus which was blinde sate by ye hye wayes syde begginge. 47 And when he hearde that it was Iesus of Nazareth he began to crye and to saye: Iesus the sonne of David have mercy on me. 48 And many rebuked him yt he shuld holde is peace. But he cryed the moore a greate deale thou sonne of David have mercy on me. 49 And Iesus stode still and commaunded hym to be called. And they called the blinde sayinge vnto him: Be of good conforte: ryse he calleth the. 50 And he threwe awaye his clooke and roose and came to Iesus. 51 And Iesus answered and sayde vnto hym: what wilt thou that I do vnto the? The blynde sayde vnto hym: master that I myght see. 52 Iesus sayde vnto him: goo thy waye thy faith hath saved the. And by and by he receaved his sight and folowed Iesus in the waye.

Luke 18:35-43

35 And it came to passe as he was come nye vnto Hierico a certayne blynde man sate by the waye syde begginge. 36 And when he hearde the people passe by he axed what it meant. 37 And they sayde vnto him yt Iesus of Nazareth passed by. 38 And he cryed sayinge: Iesus ye sonne of David have thou mercy on me. 39 And they which went before rebuked him that he shuld holde his peace. But he cryed so moche the moare thou sonne of David have mercy on me. 40 And Iesus stode styll and commaunded him to be brought vnto him. And when he was come neare he axed him 41 sayinge: What wilt thou that I do vnto the? And he sayde: Lorde yt I maye receave my sight. 42 Iesus sayde vnto him: receave thy sight: thy faith hath saved the. 43 And immediatly he sawe and folowed him praysinge God. And all the people when they sawe it gave laude to God.

Matthew 12:22-23

22 Then was brought to hym one possessed with a devyll which was both blynde and domme: and he healed hym insomoch that he which was blynd and domme both spake and sawe. 23 And all the people were amased and sayde: Ys not this that sonne of David?

Matthew 15:22

22 And beholde a woman which was a Cananite came out of ye same coostis and cryed vnto him sayinge: have mercy on me Lorde the sonne of David my doughter is pytiously vexed with a devyll.

Matthew 21:9

9 Moreover the people that went before and they also that came after cryed sayinge: Hosanna to ye sonne of David. Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the Lorde Hosanna in the hyest.

Matthew 21:14

14 And the blinde and the halt came to him in ye teple and he healed the.

Matthew 22:42

42 the sayinge: what thinke ye of Christ? Whose sonne is he? They sayde vnto him: the sonne of David.

Mark 10:46

46 And they came to Hierico. And as he went oute of Hierico with his disciples and a greate nobre of people: Barthimeus ye sonne of Thimeus which was blinde sate by ye hye wayes syde begginge.

Luke 4:18

18 The sprete of the lorde vpon me because he hath annoynted me: to preache ye gospell to ye poore he hath sent me: and to heale the broken harted: to preache delyverauce to the captive and sight to the blinde and frely to set at lyberte them that are brused

Luke 7:21

21 And at yt same tyme he cured many of their infirmites and plages and of evyll spretes and vnto many that were blynde he gave sight

John 9:1-12

1 And as Iesus passed by, he sawe a man which was blynde from his birth. 2 And his disciples axed him sayinge. Master who dyd synne: this man or his father and mother that he was borne blynde? 3 Iesus answered: Nether hath this man synned nor yet his father and mother: but that the workes of God shuld be shewed on him. 4 I must worke the workes of him that sent me whyll it is daye. The nyght cometh when no man can worke. 5 As longe as I am in the worlde I am the lyght of the worlde. 6 Assone as he had thus spoken he spate on the grounde and made claye of the spetle and rubbed the claye on the eyes of the blynde 7 and sayde vnto him: Goo wesshe the in ye pole of Syloe which by interpretacion signifieth sent. He went his waye and wasshed and cam agayne seinge. 8 The neghboures and they that had sene him before how that he was a begger sayde: is not this he that sate and begged? 9 Some sayde: this is he. Other sayd: he is lyke him. But he him selfe sayde: I am even he. 10 They sayde vnto him: How are thyne eyes opened then? 11 He answered and sayde. The ma that is called Iesus made claye and anoynted myne eyes and sayd vnto me: Goo to the pole Syloe and wesshe. I went and wesshed and receaved my syght. 12 They sayde vnto him: where is he? He sayde: I cannot tell.

Acts 2:30

30 Therfore seinge he was a Prophet and knewe that God had sworne with an othe to him that the frute of his loynes shuld sit on his seat (in that Christ shulde ryse agayne in the flesshe)

Romans 1:3-4

3 that make mension of his sonne the which was begotte of the seed of David as pertayninge to the flesshe: 4 and declared to be the sonne of God with power of the holy goost that sanctifieth sence ye tyme that Iesus Christ oure Lorde rose agayne from deeth

Genesis 32:25-29

25 And when he sawe that he coude not prevayle agaynst him he smote hi vnder the thye and the senowe of Iacobs thy shranke as he wrastled with him. 26 And he sayde: let me goo for the daye breaketh. And he sayde: I will not lett the goo excepte thou blesse me. 27 And he sayde vnto him: what is thy name? He answered: Iacob. 28 And he sayde: thou shalt be called Iacob nomore but Israell. For thou hast wrastled with God and with men ad hast preuayled. 29 And Iacob asked him sainge tell me thi name. And he sayde wherfore dost thou aske after my name? and he blessed him there.

Matthew 7:7-8

7 For whosoever axeth receaveth and he yt seketh fyndeth and to hym that knocketh it shalbe opened. 8 Ys there eny man amoge you which if his sonne axed hym bread wolde offer him astone?

Matthew 15:23

23 And he gave her never a worde to answer. Then came to him his disciples and besought him sayinge: sende her awaye for she foloweth vs cryinge.

Matthew 19:13

13 Then were brought to him yonge chyldre that he shuld put his hondes on them and praye And the disciples rebuked them.

Luke 11:8-10

8 I saye vnto you though he wold not aryse and geve him because he is his frede: yet because of his importunite he wold rise and geve him as many as he neded. 9 And I saye vnto you: axe and it shalbe geven you. Seke and ye shall fynde. knocke and it shalbe opened vnto you. 10 For every one that axeth receaveth: and he that seketh fyndeth: and to him that knocketh shall it be openned.

Luke 18:1-8

1 And he put forth a similitude vnto the signifyinge that men ought alwayes to praye and not to be wery 2 sayinge: Ther was a Iudge in a certayne cite which feared not god nether regarded man. 3 And ther was a certayne wedowe in the same cite which came vnto him sayinge: avenge me of myne adversary. 4 And he wolde not for a whyle. But afterwarde he sayd vnto him selfe: though I feare not God nor care for man 5 yet because this wedowe troubleth me I will avenge her lest at the laste she come and hagge on me. 6 And the lorde sayd: heare what the vnrightewes Iudge sayeth. 7 And shall not god avenge his electe which crye daye and nyght vnto him ye though he differre them? 8 I tell you he will avenge them and that quickly. Neverthelesse when the sonne of man cometh suppose ye that he shall fynde faithe on the erthe.

Luke 18:39

39 And they which went before rebuked him that he shuld holde his peace. But he cryed so moche the moare thou sonne of David have mercy on me.

Colossians 4:2

2 Continue in prayer and watch in the same with thankes

1 Thessalonians 5:17

17 Praye cotinually.

Matthew 20:21

21 And he sayd vnto her: what wilt thou have? She sayde vnto him: Gravnte that these my two sonnes may sit ye one on thy right hond and the other on ye lifte hond in thy kyngdome.

Acts 10:29

29 therfore came I vnto you with oute sayege naye assone as I was sent for. I axe therfore for what intent have ye sent for me?

Philippians 4:6

6 Be not carfull: but in all thynges shewe youre peticion vnto god in prayer and suplicacion wt gevynge of thankes.

Ephesians 1:17-19

17 that ye God of oure lorde Iesus Christ and the father of glory myght geve vnto you the sprete of wisdome and open to you the knowledge of him silfe 18 and lighten the eyes of youre myndes yt ye myght knowe what that hope is where vnto he hath called you and what the riches of his glorious inheritaunce is apon the sainctes 19 and what is the excedynge greatnes of his power to vs warde which beleve accordynge to the workynge of that his mighty power

Matthew 8:15

15 When the eue was come they brought vn to him many yt were possessed with devyllis. And he cast out ye spirites with a worde and healed all yt were sicke

Matthew 9:29

29 And their eyes were opened. And Iesus charged the saying: Se yt no man knowe of it.

Matthew 9:36

36 Then sayde he to hys disciples: the hervest is greate but the laborers are feawe.

Matthew 14:14

14 And Iesus went forth and sawe moche people and his herte did melte vpon them and he healed of them those that were sicke.

Matthew 15:32

32 Then Iesus called his disciples to him and sayde: I have compassion on ye people becau se they have cotynued with me now .iii. dayes and have nought to eate: and I wyll not let them departe fastinge leste they perisshe in ye waye.

Mark 7:33

33 And he toke him asyde from ye people and put his fyngers in his eares and dyd spyt and touched his tounge

Luke 7:13

13 And when ye lorde sawe her he had compassion on her and sayde vnto her: wepe not.

Luke 18:43

43 And immediatly he sawe and folowed him praysinge God. And all the people when they sawe it gave laude to God.

Luke 22:51

51 And Iesus answered and sayd: Soffre ye thus farre forthe. And he touched his eare and healed him.

John 9:6-7

6 Assone as he had thus spoken he spate on the grounde and made claye of the spetle and rubbed the claye on the eyes of the blynde 7 and sayde vnto him: Goo wesshe the in ye pole of Syloe which by interpretacion signifieth sent. He went his waye and wasshed and cam agayne seinge.

John 11:33-35

33 When Iesus sawe her wepe and ye Iewes also wepe which came wt her he groned in ye sprete and was troubled in him selfe 34 and sayde: Where have ye layed him? They sayde vnto him: Lorde come and se. 35 And Iesus wept.

Acts 26:18

18 to open their eyes that they myght turne from darcknes vnto lyght and from the power of Satan vnto God that they maye receave forgevenes of synnes and inheritauce amonge the which are sanctified by fayth in me.

Hebrews 2:17

17 Wherfore in all thynges it became him to be made lyke vnto his brethre that he myght be mercifull and a faythfull hye preste in thynges concernynge god for to pourge the peoples synnes.

Hebrews 4:15-16

15 For we have not an hye prest which can not have compassion on oure infirmities: but was in all poyntes tempted lyke as we are: but yet with out synne. 16 Let vs therfore goo boldely vnto the seate of grace that we maye receave mercy and fynde grace to helpe in tyme of nede.

1 Peter 3:8

8 In coclusion be ye all of one mynde one suffre with another love as brethren be petifull be courteous

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