Matthew 15:15 Cross References - Tyndale

15 Then answered Peter and sayd to him: declare vnto vs this parable.

Matthew 13:36

36 Then sent Iesus ye people awaye and came to housse. And his disciples came vnto him sayinge: declare vnto vs the similitude of the tares of the felde.

Mark 4:34

34 And with out similitude spake he no thinge vnto them. But when they were aparte he expounded all thinges to his disciples.

Mark 7:17

17 And whe he came to house awaye fro the people his disciples axed him of the similitude.

John 16:29

29 His disciples sayd vnto him: loo now speakest thou playnly and thou vsest no proverbe.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.