30 Geve to every man that axeth of the. And of him that taketh awaye thy goodes axe them not agayne.
Luke 6:30 Cross References - Tyndale
Exodus 22:26-27
Deuteronomy 15:7-10
7 When one of thi brethern amonge you is waxed poore in any of thi cities within thi lode which the Lorde thi God geueth the, se that thou harden not thine hert nor shetto thyne hande from thi poore brother:
8 But open thyne hande vnto him and lende him sufficient for his nede which he hath.
9 And beware that there be not a poynte of Belial in thine hert, that thou woldest saye. The seuenth yere, the yere of fredome is at honde, and therfore it greue the to loke on thy poore brother and geuest him nought and he then crye vnto the Lorde agenst the and it be synne vnto the:
10 But geue him, and let it not greue thine hert to geue. Because that for that thinge, the Lorde thy God shall blesse the in all thi workes and in all that thou puttest thine hande to.
Matthew 5:42-48
42 Geve to him that axeth and fro him that wolde borowe tourne not awaye.
43 Ye have hearde how it is sayde: thou shalt love thyne neghbour and hate thine enimy.
44 But I saye vnto you love youre enimies. Blesse the that coursse you. Do good to them that hate you. Praye for them which doo you wronge and persecute you
45 that ye maye be ye chyldern of youre father that is in heauen: for he maketh his sunne to aryse on ye yvell and on the good and sendeth his reyn on the iuste and vniuste.
46 For yf ye love them which love you: what rewarde shall ye have? Doo not the Publicans euen so?
47 And yf ye be frendly to youre brethren onlye: what singuler thynge doo ye? Do not the Publicans lyke wyse? ye shall therfore be perfecte eve as youre father which is in heauen is perfecte.
48 Take hede to youre almes. That ye geve it not in the syght of men to the intent that ye wolde be sene of them. Or els ye get no rewarde of youre father which is in heve.
Matthew 6:12
12 And leade vs not into teptacion: but delyver vs fro evell. For thyne is ye kyngedome and ye power and ye glorye for ever. Amen.
Matthew 18:27-30
27 Then had the Lorde pytie on that servaunt and lowsed him and forgave him the det.
28 And ye sayde servaut wet oute and founde one of his felowes which ought him an hundred pence and leyed hondes on him and toke him by the throote sayinge: paye me yt thou owest.
29 And his felowe fell doune and besought him sayinge: have pacience with me and I wyll paye the all.
30 And he wolde not but went and cast him into preson tyll he shulde paye the det.
Matthew 18:35
35 So lyke wyse shall my hevenly father do vnto you except ye forgeve with youre hertes eache one to his brother their treaspases.
Luke 6:38
38 Geve and yt shalbe geven vnto you: good measure pressed doune shaken to geder and runnynge over shall men geve into youre bosomes. For with what measure ye mete with ye same shall men mete to you agayne.
Luke 11:41
41 Neverthelesse geve almose of that ye have and beholde all is clene to you.
Luke 12:33
33 Sell that ye have and geve almes. And make you bagges which wexe not olde and treasure that fayleth not in heaven where noo these commeth nether moth corrupteth.
Luke 18:22
22 When Iesus hearde that he sayde vnto him: Yet lackest thou one thinge. Sell all that thou hast and distribute it vnto the poore and thou shalt have treasure in heven and come and folowe me.
Acts 20:35
35 I have shewed you all thinges how that so laborynge ye ought to receave the weake and to remember the wordes of the Lorde Iesu howe that he sayde: It is more blessed to geve then to receave.
2 Corinthians 8:9
9 Ye knowe the liberalitie of oure lorde Iesus Christ which though he were riche yet for youre sakes be came poore: that ye thorow his povertie myght be made ryche.
2 Corinthians 9:6-14
6 This yet remember howe that he which soweth lytell shall reepe lytell: and he yt soweth plenteously shall reepe plenteously.
7 And let every man do accordynge as he hath purposed in his herte not groudgyngly or of necessite. For god loveth a chearfull gever.
8 God is able to make you ryche in all grace that ye in all thynges havynge sufficiet vnto the vttmoste maye be ryche vnto all manner good workes
9 as it is written: He yt sparsed abroade and hath geven to the povre his rightewesnes remayneth for ever.
10 He yt fyndeth the sower seed shall minister breed for fode and shall multiplie youre seed and increace the frutes of youre rightewesnes
11 that on all parties ye maye be made ryche in all synglenes which causeth thorowe vs thankes gevynge vnto god.
12 For the office of this ministracion not only supplieth the nede of the sayntes: but also is aboundaunt herein that for this laudable ministrynge thankes myght be geven to god
13 of many whiche prayse god for the obedience of youre professynge ye gospell of Christ and for youre synglenes in distributynge to them and to all me:
14 and in their prayers to God for you longe after you for the aboundauut grace of God geven vnto you.
Ephesians 4:28
28 Let him yt stole steale no moare but let him rather laboure with his hondes some good thinge that he maye have to geve vnto him that nedeth.