1 When he had ended all his sainges in the audience of the people he entred into Capernau
2 2. And a certayne Centurions seruaunte was sicke and redy to dye whom he made moche of.
3 And when he hearde of Iesu he sent vnto him the elders of the Iewes besechinge him yt he wolde come and heale his servaunt.
4 And they came to Iesus and besought him instantly sayinge: He is worthi that thou shuldest do this for him.
5 For he loveth oure nacion and hath bilt vs a sinagoge
6 And Iesus went with them. And when he was not farre fro the housse the Centurio sent frendes to him sayinge vnto him: Lorde trouble not thy silfe: for I am not worthy yt thou shuldest enter vnder my roffe.
7 Wherfore I thought not my silfe worthy to come vnto the: but saye the worde and my servaunt shalbe whoole.
8 For I lyke wyse am a man vnder power and have vnder me soudiers and I saye vnto won goo: and he goeth. And to another come: and he cometh. And to my servaunt do this: and he doeth it.
9 When Iesus herde this he merveyled at him and turned him about and sayd to the people that folowed him: I saye vnto you I have not founde so greate faith noo not in Israel.
10 And they yt were sent turned backe home agayne and founde the servaunt that was sicke whoole.
11 And it fortuned after that that he went into a cite called Naim and many of his disciples went wt him and moche people.
12 When he came nye to the gate of the cite: beholde ther was a deed man caried out which was ye only sonne of his mother and she was a widowe and moche people of the cite was with her.
13 And when ye lorde sawe her he had compassion on her and sayde vnto her: wepe not.
14 And he went and touched the coffyn and they yt bare him stode still. And he sayde: Yonge man I saye vnto the aryse.
15 And ye deed sate vp and beganne to speake. And he delyvered him to his mother.
16 And ther ca a feare on the all. And they glorified god sayinge: a greate prophet is rysen amoge vs and god hath visited his people
17 And this rumor of him wet forthe throughout all Iurie and thorowout all the regions which lye rounde about.
18 And ye disciples of Iohn shewed him of all these thinges.
19 And Iohn called vnto him .ii. of his disciples and sent the to Iesus sayinge: Arte thou he that shall come: or shall we loke for another?
20 When the men were come vnto him they sayde: Iohn baptiste sent vs vnto ye sayinge: Arte thou he that shall come: or shall we wayte for another?
21 And at yt same tyme he cured many of their infirmites and plages and of evyll spretes and vnto many that were blynde he gave sight
22 And Iesus answered and sayd vnto them: Goo youre wayes and shewe Iohn what thinges ye have sene and harde: how yt the blynde se the halt goo the lepers are clensed the deafe heare the deed aryse to the poore is the glad tydinges preached
23 and happy is he that is not offended by me.
24 When ye messengers of Iohn were departed he began to speake vnto ye people of Iohn What wet ye oute into ye wildernes for to se? went ye to se arede shaken wt ye wynde?
25 But what went ye out for tose? A ma clothed in soofte rayment? Beholde they which are gorgeously apparelled and lyve delicatly are in kynges courtes.
26 But what went ye forth to se? A prophete? Ye I saye to you and moare then a prophete
27 This is he of who it is wrytte: Beholde I sende my messenger before thy face to prepare thy waye before the.
28 For I saye vnto you: a greater prophete then Iohn amoge wemes chyldre is ther none. Neverthelesse one yt is lesse in ye kyngdo of god is greater the he
29 And all the people that hearde and the publicans iustified God and were baptised with the baptim of Iohn.
30 But the pharises and scribes despised ye counsell of god agaynst them selves and were not baptised of him.
31 And ye lorde sayd: Wher vnto shall I lyke the men of this generacion and what thinge are they lyke?
32 They are lyke vnto chyldre sittynge in ye market place and cryinge one to another and sayinge: We have pyped vnto you and ye hahave not daunsed: we have mourned to you and ye have not wept.
33 For Iohn baptist cam nether eatynge breed ner drinkynge wyne and ye saye: he hath the devyll.
34 The sonne of man is come and eateth and drinketh and ye saye: beholde a man which is a glotton and a drinker of wyne a frende of publicans and synners.
35 Yet is wysdome iustified of all her chyldren.
36 And one of the pharises desyred him that he wolde eate with him. And he went into ye pharises housse and sate doune to meate.
37 And beholde a woman in that cite which was a synner assone as she knewe that. Iesus sate at meate in the pharises housse she brought an alablaster boxe of oyntmet
38 and she stode at his fete behynde him wepynge and beganne to wesshe his fete with teares and dyd wipe the with the heares of her heed and kyssed his fete and anoynted them with oyntment.
39 When the pharise which bade him sawe that he spake with in him sylfe sayinge: If this man were a prophete he wolde surely have knowen who and what maner woman this is which toucheth him for she is a synner.
40 And Iesus answered and sayde vnto him: Simon I have some what to saye vnto ye. And he sayd master saye on.
41 There was a certayne lender which had two detters ye one ought five hondred pence and the other fyfty.
43 Simon answered and sayde: I suppose that he to whom he forgave moost. And he sayde vnto him: Thou hast truly iudged.
44 And he turned to the woman and sayde vnto Simon: Seist thou this woman? I entred into thy housse and thou gavest me noo water to my fete but she hath wesshed my fete with teares and wiped the with the heeres of her heed.
45 Thou gavest me no kysse: but she sence ye tyme I came in hath not ceased to kysse my fete
46 Myne heed wt oyle thou dydest not anoynte: but she hath annoynted my fete wt oyntmet.
47 Wherefore I saye vnto the: many synnes are forgeve her for she loved moche. To whom lesse is forgeven the same doeth lesse love.
48 And he sayde vnto her thy synnes are forgeven ye
49 And they yt sate at meate with him beganne to saye within them selves: Who is this which forgeveth synnes also?
50 And he sayde to ye woman: Thy faith hath saved the Goo in peace.
Luke 7 Cross References - Tyndale
Matthew 7:28-29
Matthew 8:5-13
5 sayinge: Master my seruaunt lyeth sicke at home of ye palsye and ys greuously payned.
6 And Iesus sayd vnto hym: I will come and heale him.
7 The Centurio answered and sayde: Syr I am not worthy yt thou shuldest come vnder my rofe but speake ye worde only and my servaut shalbe healed.
8 For I also my selfe am a man vndre power and have sowdiers vndre me and I saye to one go and he goeth and to anothre come and he cometh: and to my seruaut do this and he doeth it.
9 When Iesus hearde yt he marveled and sayd to them yt folowed hym. Derely I say vnto you I have not foude so great fayth: no not in Israel.
10 I say therfore vnto you that many shall come fro the eest and weest and shall rest wt Abraham Isaac and Iacob in the kingdome of heve:
11 and the chyldren of ye kyngdome shalbe cast out in to vtter darcknes: there shalbe wepinge and gnasshing of tethe.
12 The Iesus sayd vnto ye Centurion go thy waye and as thou belevest so be it vnto the. And his servaunt was healed the selfe houre.
13 And then Iesus went to Peters housse and sawe hys wyves mother lyinge sicke of a fevre
Luke 7:1-10
1 When he had ended all his sainges in the audience of the people he entred into Capernau
2 2. And a certayne Centurions seruaunte was sicke and redy to dye whom he made moche of.
3 And when he hearde of Iesu he sent vnto him the elders of the Iewes besechinge him yt he wolde come and heale his servaunt.
4 And they came to Iesus and besought him instantly sayinge: He is worthi that thou shuldest do this for him.
5 For he loveth oure nacion and hath bilt vs a sinagoge
6 And Iesus went with them. And when he was not farre fro the housse the Centurio sent frendes to him sayinge vnto him: Lorde trouble not thy silfe: for I am not worthy yt thou shuldest enter vnder my roffe.
7 Wherfore I thought not my silfe worthy to come vnto the: but saye the worde and my servaunt shalbe whoole.
8 For I lyke wyse am a man vnder power and have vnder me soudiers and I saye vnto won goo: and he goeth. And to another come: and he cometh. And to my servaunt do this: and he doeth it.
9 When Iesus herde this he merveyled at him and turned him about and sayd to the people that folowed him: I saye vnto you I have not founde so greate faith noo not in Israel.
10 And they yt were sent turned backe home agayne and founde the servaunt that was sicke whoole.
Genesis 24:2-14
2 And he sayde vnto his eldest servaunte of his house which had the rule over all that he had: Put thy hande vnder my thye that
3 I maye make the swere by the LORde that is God of heauen and God of the erth that thou shalt not take a wyfe vnto my sonne of the doughters of the canaanytes amonge which I dwell.
4 But shalt goo vnto my contre and to my kynred and there take a wyfe vnto my sonne Isaac.
5 Tha sayde the seruaunte vnto him: what ad yf the woma wyll not agree to come with me vnto this lade shall I brynge thy sonne agayne vnto the lande which thou camest out of:
6 And Abraha sayde vnto him: bewarre of that that thou brige not my sonne thither.
7 The LORde God of heauen which toke me from my fathers house and from the lande where I was borne and which spake vnto me and sware vnto me saynge: vnto thy seed wyll I geue this lande he shall sende his angell before the yt thou mayst take a wife vnto my sonne from thence.
8 Neuerthelesse yf the woma will not agree to come with the than shalt thou be with out daunger of this ooth. But aboue all thinge brynge not my sonne thyther agayne.
9 And the seruaunte put his hand vnder the thye of Abraham and sware to him as concernynge that matter.
10 And the seruaunte toke .x. camels of the camels of his master and departed and had of all maner goodes of his master with him and stode vp and went to Mesopotamia vnto the cytie of Nahor.
11 And made his camels to lye doune with out the cytie by a wels syde of water at euen: aboute the tyme that women come out to drawe water
12 and he sayde.LORde God of my master Abraha sende me good spede this daye and shewe mercy vnto my master Abraham.
13 Lo I stonde here by the well of water and the doughters of the men of this citie will come out to drawe water:
14 Now the damsell to whome I saye stoupe doune thy pytcher and let me drynke. Yf she saye drynke and I will geue thy camels drynke also yt same is she that thou hast ordened for they servaunte Isaac: yee and therby shall I knowe that thou hast shewed mercy on my master.
Genesis 24:27
27 and sayde: blessed be the LORde God of my master Abraham which ceasseth not to deale mercyfully and truly with my master And hath brought me the waye to my masters brothers house.
Genesis 24:35-49
35 and the LORDE hath blessed my master out of measure that he is become greate and hath geven him shepe oxen syluer and golde menservauntes maydeservauntes camels ad asses.
36 And Sara my masters wyfe bare him a sonne whe she was olde: and vnto him hath he geven all that he hath.
37 And my master made me swere saynge: Thou shalt not take a wyfe to my sonne amonge the doughters of the cananytes in whose lade I dwell.
38 But thou shalt goo vnto my fathers house and to my kynred and there take a wyfe vnto my sonne.
39 And I sayde vnto my master. What yf the wyfe will not folowe me?
40 And he sayde vnto me: The LORde before whome I walke wyll sende his angell with the and prosper thy iourney that thou shalt take a wyfe for my sonne of my kynred and of my fathers house.
41 But and yf (when thou comest vnto my kynred) they will not geue the one tha shalt thou bere no perell of myne oothe.
42 And I came this daye vnto the well and sayed: O LORde the God of my master Abraha yf it be so that thou makest my iourney which I go prosperous:
43 beholde I stode by this well of water And when a virgyn cometh forth to drawe water and I saye to her: geue me a litle water of thi pitcher to drynke
44 and she saye agayne to me: dryncke thou and I will also drawe water for thy camels: that same is the wife whom the LORde hath prepared for my masters sonne.
45 And before I had made an ende of speakynge in myne harte: beholde Rebecca came forth and hir pitcher on hir shulder and she went doune vnto the well and drewe. And I sayde vnto her geue me drynke.
46 And she made hast and toke doune hir pitcher from of hir ad sayd: drinke and I will geue thy camels drynke also. And I dranke and she gaue the camels drynke also.
47 And I asked her saynge: whose doughter art thou? And she answered: the doughter of Bathuell Nahors sonne whome Milca bare vnto him.And I put the earynge vpon hir face and the bracelettes apon hir hondes.
48 And I bowed my selfe and worshepped the LORde and blessed the LORde God of my master Abraha which had brought me the right waye to take my masters brothers doughter vnto his sonne.
49 Now therfore yf ye will deall mercyfully and truly with my master tell me. And yf no tell me also: that I maye turne me to the right hande or to the left.
Genesis 35:8
8 Than dyed Deborr Rebeccas norse and was buryed benethe Bethell vnder an ooke. And the name of it was called the ooke of lamentation.
Genesis 39:4-6
4 Wherfore he founde grace in his masters syghte and serued him. And his master made him ruelar of his house and put all that he had in his hande.
5 And as soone as he had made him ruelar ouer his house ad ouer all that he had the LORde blessed this Egiptians house for Iosephs sake and the blessynge of the LORde was vpon all that he had: both in the house and also in the feldes.
6 And therfore he left all that he had in Iosephs hande and loked vpon nothinge that was with him saue only on the bread which he ate. And Ioseph was a goodly persone and a well favored
Matthew 27:54
54 When the Centurion and they that were with him watchinge Iesus sawe ye erth quake and those thinges which hapened they feared greatly sayinge. Of a surete this was the sonne of God.
Luke 8:42
42 for he had but a doughter only apon a twelve yere of age and she laye a dyinge. And as he went the people thronged him.
Luke 23:47
47 When ye Centurion sawe what had happened he glorified God sayinge: Of a surtie this man was perfecte.
John 4:46-47
46 And Iesus came agayne into Cana of Galile wher he turned water into wyne. And ther was a certayne ruler whose sonne was sicke at Capernaum.
47 Assone as the same herde that Iesus was come out of Iewry into Galile he wet vnto him and besought him yt he wolde descende and heale his sonne: For he was eve readie to dye.
John 11:2-3
Acts 10:1
1 Ther was a certayne man in Cesarea called Cornelius a captayne of ye soudiers of Italy
Acts 10:7
7 When the angell which spake vnto Cornelius was departed he called two of his housholde servauntes and a devoute soudier of them that wayted on him
Acts 22:26
26 When the Centurion hearde that he went and tolde the vpper captayne sayinge: What intendest thou to do? This man is a Romayne.
Acts 23:17
17 And Paul called one of ye vnder captaynes vnto him and sayde: bringe this younge man vnto ye hye captayne: for he hath a certayne thinge to shewe him.
Acts 27:1
1 When it was cocluded that we shuld sayle into Italy they delivered Paul and certayne other presoners vnto one named Iulius an vnder captayne of Cesars soudiars.
Acts 27:3
3 And the nexte daye we came to Sidon. And Iulius courteously entreated Paul and gave him liberte to goo vnto his frendes and to refresshe him selfe.
Acts 27:43
43 But the vndercaptayne willinge to save Paul kept the from their purpose and commaunded that they yt could swyme shulde cast the selves first in to ye see and scape to londe.
Colossians 3:22-4:1
22 Servauntes be obedient vnto youre bodyly masters in all thynges: not with eye service as men pleasers but in synglenes of herte fearynge god.
Matthew 8:5
5 sayinge: Master my seruaunt lyeth sicke at home of ye palsye and ys greuously payned.
Luke 8:41
41 And beholde ther came a man named Iairus (and he was a ruler of ye synagoge) and he fell doune at Iesus fete and besought him yt he wolde come into his housse
Luke 9:38
38 And beholde a man of the copany cryed out sayinge: Master I beseche ye beholde my sonne for he is all that I have:
John 4:47
47 Assone as the same herde that Iesus was come out of Iewry into Galile he wet vnto him and besought him yt he wolde descende and heale his sonne: For he was eve readie to dye.
Philemon 1:10
10 I beseche the for my sonne Onesimus whom I begat in my bondes
Matthew 10:11
11 And whe ye come in to an housse salute ye same.
Matthew 10:13
13 And whosoever shall not receave you nor will heare youre preachynge: when ye departe oute of yt housse or that cite shake of the duste of youre fete.
Matthew 10:37-38
Luke 7:6-7
6 And Iesus went with them. And when he was not farre fro the housse the Centurio sent frendes to him sayinge vnto him: Lorde trouble not thy silfe: for I am not worthy yt thou shuldest enter vnder my roffe.
7 Wherfore I thought not my silfe worthy to come vnto the: but saye the worde and my servaunt shalbe whoole.
Luke 20:35
35 but they which shalbe made worthy to enioye that worlde and the resurreccion from deeth nether mary wyves nether are maryed
Revelation 3:4
4 Thou haste a feawe names in Sardis which have not defyled their garmentes: and they shall walke with me in whyte for they are worthy
Galatians 5:6
6 For in Iesu Christ nether is circumcision enythinge worth nether yet vncircocision but faith which by love is mighty in operacion.
1 John 3:14
14 We knowe that we are translated from deeth vnto lyfe be cause we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abydeth in deeth.
1 John 3:18-19
1 John 5:1-3
1 Whosoever beleveh that Iesus is Christ is borne of god. And every one yt loveth him which begat loveth him also which was begotte of him.
2 In this we knowe yt we love the children of god whe we love god and kepe his comaudementes.
3 This is ye love of god yt we kepe his comaundemetes and his comaundementes are not greveous
Genesis 32:10
10 I am not worthy of the leaste of all the mercyes and treuth which thou hast shewed vnto thy seruaunte. For with my staf came I over this Iordane and now haue Igoten .ij. droves
Matthew 3:11
11 I baptise you in water in toke of repentauce: but he ye cometh after me is myghtier then I whose shues I am not worthy to beare. He shall baptise you with ye holy gost and with fyre:
Matthew 5:26-27
Matthew 20:28
28 eve as the sonne of man came not to be ministred vnto but to minister and to geve his lyfe for the redempcion of many.
Mark 5:24
24 And he wet with him and moche people folowed him and thronged him.
Luke 5:8
8 When Simon Peter sawe that he fell doune at Iesus knees sayinge: Lorde goo
Luke 7:4
4 And they came to Iesus and besought him instantly sayinge: He is worthi that thou shuldest do this for him.
Luke 8:49
49 Whyll he yet spake there came one from ye rulers of the synagogis housse which sayde to him: thy doughter is deed disease not the master.
Luke 15:19-21
19 and am no moare worthy to be called thy sonne make me as one of thy hyred servauntes.
20 And he arose and went to his father. And when he was yet a greate waye of his father sawe him and had compassion and ran and fell on his necke and kyssed him.
21 And the sonne sayd vnto him: father I have synned agaynst heven and in thy sight and am no moare worthy to be called thy sonne.
Acts 10:38
38 how God had annoynted Iesus of Nazareth with the holy goost and with power which Iesus went aboute doinge good and healynge all yt were oppressed of the develles for God was with him.
James 4:6
6 but geveth more grace.
James 4:10
10 Cast doune youre selves before the lorde and he shall lift you vp.
Exodus 15:26
26 and saide: Yf ye will herken vnto the voyce of the Lord youre God, and will do that which is righte in his syght and will geue an eare vnto his comaudmentes, and kepe all his ordinaunces: tha will I put none of this diseases apon the whiche I brought vpon the Egiptias: for I am the Lorde thy surgione.
Deuteronomy 32:39
39 Se now howe that I, I am he, and that there is no God but I. I can kyll and make alyue, ad what I haue smyten that I can heale: nether ye there that can delyuer any man oute off my honde.
Mark 1:27
27 And they were all amased in so moche that they demaunded one of another amoge them selves saying: what thinge is this? what newe doctryne is this? For he comaundeth the foule spirites with power and they obeye him.
Luke 4:36
36 And feare came on them all and they spake amonge them selves sayinge: what maner a thinge is this? For with auctorite and power he commaundeth the foule spretes and they come out?
Luke 5:13
13 And he strethed forth ye hond and touched him sayinge: I will be thou cleane. And immediatly the leprosy departed from him.
Acts 10:7-8
Acts 22:25-26
Acts 23:23
23 And he called vnto him two vnder captaynes sayinge: make redy two hondred soudiers to goo to Cesarea and horsmen threscore and ten and speare men two houndred at the thyrde houre of the nyght.
Acts 23:26
26 Claudius Lisias vnto ye most mighty rular Felix sendeth gretinges.
Acts 24:23
23 And he commaunded an vndercaptayne to kepe Paul and that he shuld have rest and that he shuld forbyd none of his aquayntauce to minister vnto him or to come vnto him.
Acts 25:26
26 Of whom I have no certayne thinge to wryte vnto my lorde. Wherfore I have brought him vnto you and specially vnto the kynge Agrippa that after examinacion had I myght have sumwhat to wryte.
Colossians 3:22
22 Servauntes be obedient vnto youre bodyly masters in all thynges: not with eye service as men pleasers but in synglenes of herte fearynge god.
1 Timothy 6:1-2
1 Let as many servauntes as are vnder ye yoke counte their masters worthy of all honour that the name of god and his doctryne be not evyll spoken of.
2 Se that they which have belevynge masters despyse them not because they are brethren: but so moche the rather do service for as moche as they are belevynge and beloved and partakers of the benefite.
Matthew 8:10
10 I say therfore vnto you that many shall come fro the eest and weest and shall rest wt Abraham Isaac and Iacob in the kingdome of heve:
Matthew 9:33
33 But the Pharises sayde: he casteth oute devyls by the power of the chefe devyll.
Matthew 15:28
28 Then Iesus answered and sayde vnto her. O woman greate is thy faith be it to the even as thou desyrest. And her doughter was made whole even at that same houre.
Romans 3:1-3
Romans 9:4-5
4 which are the Israelites. To whom pertayneth the adopcion and the glorie and the covenauntes and the law that was geven and the service of God and the promyses:
5 whose also are the fathers and they of whome (as concernynge the flesshe) Christ came which is God over all thinges blessed for ever Amen.
Matthew 8:13
13 And then Iesus went to Peters housse and sawe hys wyves mother lyinge sicke of a fevre
Mark 9:23
23 And streygth waye the father of the chylde cryed with teares sayinge: Lorde I beleve helpe myne vnbelefe.
John 4:50-53
50 Iesus sayde vnto him goo thy waye thy sonne liveth. And the ma beleved ye wordes yt Iesus had spoke vnto him and wet his waye.
51 And anone as he went on his waye his servantes met him and tolde him sayinge: thy chylde liveth.
52 Then enquyred he of the the houre when he begane to amende. And they sayde vnto him: Yester daye the sevethe houre the fever lefte him.
53 And the father knew that it was the same houre in which Iesus sayde vnto him: Thy sonne liveth. And he beleved and all his housholde.
Genesis 22:2
2 And he sayde: take thy only sonne Isaac whome thou louest and get the vnto the lande of Moria and sacrifyce him there for a sacrifyce vpon one of the mountayns which I will shewe the
Genesis 22:12
12 And he sayde: laye not thy handes apon the childe nether do any thinge at all vnto him for now I knowe that thou fearest God in yt thou hast not kepte thine only sonne fro me.
Luke 8:52
52 Every body weept and sorowed for her. And he sayde: Wepe not: for she is not deed but slepeth.
John 11:19
19 and many of the Iewes were come to Martha and Mary to comforte them over their brother.
Acts 9:39
39 Peter arose and came with them and when he was come they brought him in to ye chamber. And all ye wydowes stode roude aboute hym wepynge and shewynge the cotes and garmentes which Dorcas made whill she was with the.
Acts 9:41
41 And he gave her ye honde and lyft her up and called the sainctes and wydowes and shewed her alyve.
1 Timothy 5:4-5
James 1:27
27 Pure devocion and vndefiled before God the father is this: to vysit the frendlesse and widdowes in their adversite and to kepe him silfe vnspotted of the worlde.
Mark 8:2
2 I have copassion on this people because they have nowe bene with me .iii. dayes and have nothinge to eate:
Luke 7:19
19 And Iohn called vnto him .ii. of his disciples and sent the to Iesus sayinge: Arte thou he that shall come: or shall we loke for another?
Luke 10:1
1 After these thinges the Lorde apoynted other seventie also and sent them two and two before him into every citie and place whither he him silfe wolde come.
Luke 13:15
15 Then answered him the Lorde and sayd: Ypocrite doth not eache one of you on the saboth daye lowse his oxe or his asse from the stall and leade him to the water?
Luke 17:5
5 And the apostles sayde vnto the Lorde: increase oure faith.
Luke 22:61
61 And the Lorde tourned backe and loked apon Peter. And Peter remembred the wordes of the Lorde how he sayde vnto him before ye cocke crowe thou shalt denye me thryse.
Luke 24:34
34 sayde: the Lorde is rysen in dede and hath apered to Simon.
John 11:2
2 It was that Mary which annoynted Iesus with oyntment and wyped his fete with her heere whose brother Lazarus was sicke
John 11:33-35
John 20:13
13 And they sayde vnto her: woman why wepest thou? She sayde vnto the: For they have taken awaye my lorde and I wote not where they have layde him.
John 20:15
15 Iesus sayde vnto her: woman why wepest thou? Whom sekest thou? She supposynge that he had bene the gardener sayde vnto him. Syr yf thou have borne him hece tell me where thou hast layde him that I maye fet him.
1 Corinthians 7:30
30 and they that wepe be as though thy wept not: and they that reioyce be as though they reioysed not: and they that bye be as though they possessed not:
1 Thessalonians 4:13
13 I wolde not brethren have you ignoraut concerninge them which are fallen aslepe that ye sorowe not as other do which have no hope.
Hebrews 2:17
17 Wherfore in all thynges it became him to be made lyke vnto his brethre that he myght be mercifull and a faythfull hye preste in thynges concernynge god for to pourge the peoples synnes.
Hebrews 4:15
15 For we have not an hye prest which can not have compassion on oure infirmities: but was in all poyntes tempted lyke as we are: but yet with out synne.
Luke 8:54-55
John 5:21
21 For lykwyse as the father rayseth vp ye deed and quickeneth them even so the sonne quyckeneth whom he will.
John 5:25
25 Verely verely I saye vnto you: the tyme shall come and now is when the deed shall heare the voyce of the sonne of God. And they yt heare shall live.
John 5:28-29
John 11:25
25 Iesus sayde vnto her: I am the resurreccion and the lyfe: He that beleveth on me ye though he were deed yet shall he lyve.
John 11:43-44
Acts 9:40-41
Romans 4:17
17 As it is wrytten: I have made the a father to many nacions even before god whom thou hast beleved which quyckeneth the deed and called those thinges which be not as though they were.
Ephesians 5:12
12 For it is shame even to name those thinges which are done of them in secrete:
Exodus 4:31
31 and the people beleued. And whe they herde that the Lord had visited the children of Israel and had loked vpon their tribulacion, they bowed them selues and worshipped
Matthew 9:8
8 And as Iesus passed forth fro thence he sawe a ma syt a receyuinge of custome named Mathew and sayd to him: folowe me.
Matthew 15:31
31 in so moche that the people wondred to se the dome speake the maymed whole the halt to go and ye blynde to se. And they glorified the God of Israel.
Matthew 21:11
11 And the people sayde: this is Iesus the Prophet of Nazareth a cyte of Galile.
Matthew 28:8
8 And they departed quickly from the sepulcre with feare and greate Ioye: and did runne to bringe his disciples worde.
Luke 1:65
65 And feare came on all the that dwelt nye vnto them. And all these sayinges were noysed abroade throughout all ye hyll coutre of Iurie
Luke 1:68
68 Blessed be the Lorde God of Israel for he hath visited and redemed his people.
Luke 2:20
20 And the shepherdes retourned praysinge and laudinge God for all that they had herde and sene evyn as it was told vnto them.
Luke 5:26
26 And they were all amased and they lauded God and were filled with feare sayinge: We have sene straunge thynges to daye.
Luke 7:39
39 When the pharise which bade him sawe that he spake with in him sylfe sayinge: If this man were a prophete he wolde surely have knowen who and what maner woman this is which toucheth him for she is a synner.
Luke 8:37
37 And all the whole multitude of ye cotrye of the Gaderenites besought him yt he wolde departe from the: for they were taken wt greate feare. And he gate him into the shippe and returned backe agayne.
Luke 9:19
19 They answered and sayd: Iohn Baptist. Some saye Helyas. And some saye one of the olde prophetes is rysen agayne.
Luke 19:44
44 and make the even with the grounde with thy chyldren which are in the. And they shall not leve in the one stone vpo another because thou knewest not the tyme of thy visitacion.
Luke 24:19
19 To whom he sayd: what thinges? And they sayd vnto him: of Iesus of Nazareth which was a Prophet myghtie in dede and worde before god and all the people.
John 1:21
21 And they axed him: what then? arte thou Helyas? And he sayde: I am not. Arte thou a Prophete? And he answered no.
John 1:25
25 And they axed him and sayde vnto him: why baptisest thou then yf thou be not Christ nor Helyas nether a Prophet?
John 4:19
19 The woman sayde vnto him: Syr I perceave yt thou arte a prophet.
John 6:14
14 Then the men when they had sene the myracle that Iesus dyd sayde: This is of a trueth the Prophet that shuld come into the worlde.
John 7:40-41
John 9:17
17 Then spake they vnto the blynde agayne: What sayst thou of him because he hath openned thyne eyes? And he sayd: He is a Prophet.
Acts 3:22-23
22 For Moses sayd vnto the fathers: A Prophet shall the Lorde youre God rayse vp vnto you even of youre brethren lyke vnto me: him shall ye heare in all thinges whatsoever he shall saye vnto you.
23 For the tyme will come yt every soule which shall not heare that same Prophet shalbe destroyed from amonge the people.
Acts 5:5
5 When Ananias herde these wordes. he fell doune and gave vp the goost. And great feare came on all the that these thinges hearde.
Acts 5:11-13
11 And great feare came on all the congregacion and on as many as hearde it.
12 By the hondes of the Apostles were many signes and wondres shewed amoge the people. And they were all together with one acorde in Salomons porche.
13 And of other durst no man ioyne him selfe to them: neverthelater the people magnyfied them.
Acts 7:37
37 This is that Moses which sayde vnto the chyldre of Israel: A Prophet shall the Lorde youre God rayse vp vnto you of youre brethren lyke vnto me him shall ye heare.
Galatians 1:24
24 And they glorified God on my behalffe.
Matthew 4:24
24 And his fame spreed abroode through oute all Siria. And they brought vnto hym all sicke people that were taken with divers diseases and gripinges and them yt were possessed with devils and those which were lunatyke and those that had the palsie: and he healed the.
Matthew 9:26
26 And as Iesus departed thence two blynde men folowed hym crying and saying: O thou sonne of David have mercy on vs.
Matthew 9:31
31 As they went out beholde they brought to hym a dome ma possessed af a devyll.
Mark 1:28
28 And immediatly his fame spreed abroade throughoute all the region borderinge on Galile.
Mark 6:14
14 And kynge Herode herde of him (for his name was spreed abroade) and sayd: Iohn Baptiste is rysen agayne from deeth and therfore miracles are wrought by him.
Luke 7:14
14 And he went and touched the coffyn and they yt bare him stode still. And he sayde: Yonge man I saye vnto the aryse.
Matthew 11:2-19
2 When Ihon beinge in preson hearde ye workes of Christ he sent two of his disciples
3 and sayde vnto him. Arte thou he that shall come: or shall we loke for another.
4 Iesus answered and sayde vnto them. Go and shewe Ihon what ye have hearde and sene.
5 The blynd se the halt goo the lepers are clensed: the deef heare the ded ryse ageyne and the glad tidinges is preached to the povre.
6 And happy is he that is not offended by me.
7 And as they departed Iesus begane to speake vnto the people of Ihon. What for to se wet ye out in to the wyldernes? wet ye out to se a rede shake with ye wynde?
8 other what wet ye out for to se? A man clothed in soofte raymet:? Beholde they yt weare soofte clothig are in kynges howses.
9 But what wet ye oute for to se? A prophete? Ye I saye to you and more the a prophete.
10 For this is he of who it is wrytte. Beholde I sende my messenger before thy face which shall prepare thy waye before ye.
11 Verely I saye vnto you amonge ye chyldren of wemen arose there not a gretter then Ihon the baptist. Notwithstondinge he that ys lesse in the kyngdome of heven ys gretter then he.
12 From the tyme of Ihon Baptist hytherto ye kyngdome of heve suffreth violence and they that go to it with violence pluck it vnto them.
13 For all the prophetes and the lawe prophesyed vnto to the tyme of Ihon.
14 Also yf ye wyll receave it this is Helyas which shuld come.
15 He yt hathe eares to heare let him heare.
16 But wher vnto shall I lyken this generacion? It ys lyke vnto chyldre which syt in the market and call vnto their felowes
17 and saye: we have pyped vnto you and ye have not daunsed? We have morned vnto you and ye have not sorowed.
18 For Ihon came nether eatinge nor drinkinge and they saye he hath the devyll.
19 The sonne of man came eatinge and drinkinge and they saye beholde a glutton and drynker of wyne and a frend vnto publicas and synners. Never the later wysdome ys iustified of hir children.
John 3:26
26 And they came vnto Iohn and sayde vnto him: Rabbi he that was with the beyonde Iordan to whom thou barest witnes. Beholde the same baptyseth and all me come to him.
Genesis 3:15
15 Morover I will put hatred betwene the and the woman and betwene thy seed and hyr seed. And that seed shall tread the on the heed ad thou shalt tread hit on the hele.
Genesis 22:18
18 And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed because thou hast obeyed my voyce.
Genesis 49:10
10 The sceptre shall not departe from Iuda nor a ruelar from betwene his legges vntill Silo come vnto whome the people shall herken.
Deuteronomy 18:15-18
15 The Lorde thy God will sterre vpp a prophete amonge you: eue of thy brethern like vnto me: and vnto him ye shall herken
16 acording to all that thou desyredest of the Lorde thy god in Horeb in the daye when the people were gathered sayenge: Let me heare the voyce of my Lorde God nomoare nor se this greate fire any moare, that I dye not.
17 And the Lorde sayed vnto me: they haue well spoken,
18 I will rayse them vpp a prophett from amonge their brethern like vnto the ad will put my wordes in to his mouth and he shall speake vnto the al that I shall commaunde him.
Mark 6:7
7 And he called ye twelve and beganne to sende them two and two and gave them power over vnclene spretes.
John 4:25
25 The woman sayde vnto him: I wot well Messias shall come which is called Christ. When he is come he will tell vs all thinges.
Revelation 11:3
3 and the quyre which is within the temple cast oute and mete it not: for it is gevyn vnto the gentyles and the holy cite shall they treade vnderfote .xlii. monethes.
Matthew 4:23
23 And Iesus went aboute all Galile teachyng in their synagoges and preachynge ye gospell of the kyngdome and healed all maner of sicknes and all maner dyseases amoge ye people.
Mark 3:10
10 For he had healed many in somoche that they preased apon him for to touche him as many as had plages.
Mark 5:29
29 And streyght waye her foutayne of bloude was dryed vp aud she felt in her body that she was healed of the plage.
Mark 5:34
34 And he sayde to her: Doughter thy fayth hath made the whoale: goo in peace and be whole of thy plage.
1 Corinthians 11:30-32
Hebrews 12:6
6 For whom the Lorde loveth him he chasteneth: yee and he scourgeth every sonne that he receaveth.
James 5:14-15
Matthew 9:28-30
Matthew 15:30-31
Matthew 21:14
14 And the blinde and the halt came to him in ye teple and he healed the.
Mark 7:32-37
32 And they brought vnto him one yt was deffe and stambred in his speche and prayde him to laye his honde apon him.
33 And he toke him asyde from ye people and put his fyngers in his eares and dyd spyt and touched his tounge
34 and loked vp to heven and sygthed and sayde vnto him: ephatha that is to saye be openned.
35 And streyght waye his eares were openned and the stringe of his tounge was loosed and he spake playne.
36 And he comaunded them that they shuld tell no man. But the more he forbad them soo moche the more a greate deale they publesshed it:
37 and were beyonde measure astonyed sayinge: He hath done all thinges well and hath made booth the deffe to heare and the dome to speake.
Luke 4:18
18 The sprete of the lorde vpon me because he hath annoynted me: to preache ye gospell to ye poore he hath sent me: and to heale the broken harted: to preache delyverauce to the captive and sight to the blinde and frely to set at lyberte them that are brused
Luke 5:12-15
12 And it fortuned as he was in a certayne cite: beholde ther was a man full of leprosy: and when he had spied Iesus he fell on his face and besought him sayinge: Lorde yf thou wilt thou canst make me cleane.
13 And he strethed forth ye hond and touched him sayinge: I will be thou cleane. And immediatly the leprosy departed from him.
14 And he warned him that he shuld tell no man: but that he shuld goo and shewe him selfe to the Preste and offer for his clensynge accordinge as Moses commaundement was for a witnes vnto them.
15 But so moche the moare went ther a fame abroade of him and moche people cam to geder to heare and to be healed of him of their infirmities.
Luke 7:14-15
Luke 7:21
21 And at yt same tyme he cured many of their infirmites and plages and of evyll spretes and vnto many that were blynde he gave sight
Luke 8:53-55
53 And they lewgh him to scorne. For they knew that she was deed.
Luke 17:12-19
12 And as he entred into a certayne toune ther met him ten men yt were lepers. Which stode a farre of
13 and put forth their voyces and sayde: Iesu master have mercy on vs.
14 When he sawe the he sayde vnto them: Goo and shewe youre selves to the prestes. And it chaunsed as they went they were clensed.
15 And one of them when he sawe that he was clensed turned backe agayne and with a loude voyce praysed God
16 and fell doune on his face at his fete and gave him thankes. And the same was a Samaritane.
17 And Iesus answered and sayde: are ther not ten clensed? But where are those nyne?
18 Ther are not founde that returned agane to geve God prayse save only this straunger.
19 And he sayde vnto him: aryse and goo thy waye thy faith hath made the whoale.
Luke 18:35-43
35 And it came to passe as he was come nye vnto Hierico a certayne blynde man sate by the waye syde begginge.
36 And when he hearde the people passe by he axed what it meant.
37 And they sayde vnto him yt Iesus of Nazareth passed by.
38 And he cryed sayinge: Iesus ye sonne of David have thou mercy on me.
39 And they which went before rebuked him that he shuld holde his peace. But he cryed so moche the moare thou sonne of David have mercy on me.
40 And Iesus stode styll and commaunded him to be brought vnto him. And when he was come neare he axed him
41 sayinge: What wilt thou that I do vnto the? And he sayde: Lorde yt I maye receave my sight.
42 Iesus sayde vnto him: receave thy sight: thy faith hath saved the.
43 And immediatly he sawe and folowed him praysinge God. And all the people when they sawe it gave laude to God.
John 1:46
46 And Nathanael sayde vnto him: can ther eny good thinge come out of Nazareth? Philip sayde to him: come and se.
John 9:30-33
30 The man answered and sayde vnto them: this is a merveleous thinge that ye wote not whence he is seinge he hath opened myne eyes.
31 For we be sure that God heareth not synners. But yf eny man be a worshipper of God and do his will him heareth he.
32 Sence ye worlde beganne was it not hearde yt eny man opened the eyes of one that was borne blynd.
33 If this man were not of God he coulde have done no thinge.
Acts 3:2-8
2 And ther was a certayne man halt from his mothers wobe who they brought and layde at the gate of the temple called beutifull to axe almes of them that entred into the temple.
3 Which same when he sawe Peter and Iohn that they wolde in to the teple desyred to receave an almes.
4 And Peter fastened his eyes on him with Iohn and sayde: looke on vs.
5 And he gaue hede vnto the trustinge to receave somthinge of them.
6 Then sayd Peter: Silver and golde have I none suche as I have geve I the. In the name of Iesu Christ of Nazareth ryse vp and walke.
7 And he toke him by the right honde and lifte him vp. And immediatly his fete and ancle bones receaved strenght.
8 And he sprage stode and also walked and entred with them into the temple walkinge and leapinge and laudynge God.
Acts 8:7
7 For vnclene spretes cryinge with loude voyce came out of many that were possessed of them. And manye taken with palsies and many yt halted were healed
Acts 14:8-10
Acts 26:18
18 to open their eyes that they myght turne from darcknes vnto lyght and from the power of Satan vnto God that they maye receave forgevenes of synnes and inheritauce amonge the which are sanctified by fayth in me.
James 2:5
5 Harken my deare beloved brethren. Hath not God chosen the poore of this worlde which are ryche in fayth and heyres of the kyngdom which he promysed to them that love him?
Matthew 11:6
6 And happy is he that is not offended by me.
Matthew 13:57-58
Luke 2:34
34 And Simeon blessed them and sayde vnto Mary his mother: beholde this chyld shalbe the fall and resurreccio of many in Israel and a signe which shalbe spoke agaynste.
John 6:60-66
60 Many of his disciples when they had herde this sayde: this is an herde sayinge: who can abyde the hearinge of it?
61 Iesus knew in him selfe that his disciples murmured at it and sayde vnto them: Doth this offende you?
62 What and yf ye shall se the sonne of man ascede vp where he was before?
63 It is the sprete that quyckeneth the flesshe proffeteth nothinge. The wordes that I speake vnto you are sprete and lyfe.
64 But ther are some of you that beleve not. For Iesus knewe from the begynnynge which they were that beleved not and who shuld betraye him.
65 And he sayde: Therfore sayde I vnto you: that no man can come vnto me except it were geven vnto him of my father.
66 From that tyme many of his disciples wet backe and walked no moore with him.
Romans 9:32-33
1 Corinthians 1:21-28
21 Hath not God made the wysdome of this worlde folisshnes? For when the worlde thorow wysdome knew not God in ye wysdome of God: it pleased God thorow folisshnes of preachinge to save them yt beleve.
22 For ye Iewes requyre a signe and the Grekes seke after wysdome.
23 But we preache Christ crucified vnto the Iewes an occasion of fallinge and vnto the Grekes folisshnes:
24 but vnto the which are called both of Iewes and Grekes we preache Christ ye power of God and the wysdome of God.
25 For the folishnes of God is wyser then me: and the weakenes of God is stronger then men.
26 Brethren loke on youre callinge how that not many wyse men after the flesshe not many myghty not many of hye degre are called:
27 but God hath chosen the folysshe thinges of the worlde to confounde the wyse. And God hath chosyn the weake thinges of the worlde to confounde thinges which are mighty.
28 And vile thinges of the worlde and thinges which are despysed hath God chosen yee and thinges of no reputacion for to brynge to nought thinges of reputacion
1 Corinthians 2:14
14 For ye naturall man perceaveth not the thinges of the sprete of god. For they are but folysshnes vnto him. Nether can he perceave them because he is spretually examined.
1 Peter 2:7-8
Genesis 49:4
4 As vnstable as water wast thou: thou shalt therfore not be the chefest for thou wenst vp vpo thy fathers bedd and than defyledest thou my couche with goynge vppe.
Matthew 3:1-5
1 In those dayes Ihon the Baptyst came and preached in the wildernes of Iury
2 saynge; Repet the kyngdome of heue is at honde.
3 This is he of whom it is spoken by the Prophet Esay which sayeth: The voyce of a cryer in wyldernes prepare the Lordes waye and make hys pathes strayght.
4 This Iho had hys garmet of camels heer and a gerdell of a skynne aboute his loynes. Hys meate was locustes and wylde hony.
5 The went oute to hym Ierusalem and all Iury and all ye regio roude aboute Iorda
Matthew 11:7-8
Mark 1:4-5
Luke 1:80
80 And the chylde grew and wexed stronge in sprete and was in wyldernes tyll the daye cam when he shuld shewe him sylfe vnto the Israhelites.
Luke 3:2
2 when Anna and Cayphas were the hye prestes: the worde of God came vnto Iohn ye sonne of zacharias in the wildernes.
John 1:23
23 He sayde: I am the voyce of a cryar in the wyldernes make strayght the waye of the Lorde as sayde the Prophete Esaias.
2 Corinthians 1:17-20
17 When I thus wyse was mynded: dyd I vse lightnes? Or thinke I carnally those thinges which I thinke? that with me shuld be ye ye and naye naye.
18 God is faythfull: For oure preachynge vnto you was not ye and naye.
19 For Goddis sonne Iesus Christ which was preached amonge you by vs (that is to saye by me and Silvanus and Timotheus) was not ye and naye: but in him it was ye.
20 For all the promyses of God in him are ye: and are in him Amen vnto the lawde of God thorow vs.
Ephesians 4:14
14 That we hence forth be no moare chyldren wauerynge and caryed with every wynde of doctryne by the wylynes of men and craftynes wherby they laye a wayte for vs to deceave vs.
James 1:6-8
2 Peter 2:17
17 These are welles without water and cloudes caried about of a tepest to whome the myst of darcknes is reserved for ever.
2 Peter 3:17
17 Ye therfore beloved seynge ye knowe it before hande beware lest ye be also plucked a waye with the erroure of the wicked and fall from youre awne stedfastnes:
Matthew 3:4
4 This Iho had hys garmet of camels heer and a gerdell of a skynne aboute his loynes. Hys meate was locustes and wylde hony.
Matthew 6:29
29 Wherfore yf God so clothe the grasse which ys to daye in the felde and to morowe shalbe caste in to the fournace: shall he not moche more do the same vnto you o ye of lytle fayth?
1 Peter 3:3-4
Matthew 11:9-14
9 But what wet ye oute for to se? A prophete? Ye I saye to you and more the a prophete.
10 For this is he of who it is wrytte. Beholde I sende my messenger before thy face which shall prepare thy waye before ye.
11 Verely I saye vnto you amonge ye chyldren of wemen arose there not a gretter then Ihon the baptist. Notwithstondinge he that ys lesse in the kyngdome of heven ys gretter then he.
12 From the tyme of Ihon Baptist hytherto ye kyngdome of heve suffreth violence and they that go to it with violence pluck it vnto them.
13 For all the prophetes and the lawe prophesyed vnto to the tyme of Ihon.
14 Also yf ye wyll receave it this is Helyas which shuld come.
Luke 1:76
76 And thou chylde shalt be called the Prophet of the hyest: for thou shalt goo before the face of the lorde to prepare his wayes:
Luke 16:16
16 The lawe and the Prophetes raygned vntyll the tyme of Iohn: and sence that tyme the kyngdom of God is preached and every man stryveth to goo in.
Luke 20:6
6 But and yf we shall saye of men all ye people will stone vs. For they be persuaded that Ihon is a Prophet.
John 3:26-30
26 And they came vnto Iohn and sayde vnto him: Rabbi he that was with the beyonde Iordan to whom thou barest witnes. Beholde the same baptyseth and all me come to him.
27 Iohn answered and sayde: a man can receave no thinge at all except it be geve him fro heaven.
28 Ye youre selves are witnesses how that I sayde: I am not Christ but am sent before him.
29 He that hath the bryde is the brydegrome. But the frende of the brydegrome which stondeth by and heareth him reioyseth greately of the brydgromes voyce. Tis my ioye is fulfilled.
30 He must increace: and I muste decreace.
John 5:35
35 He was a burninge and a shyninge light and ye wolde for a season have reioysed in his light.
Matthew 11:10
10 For this is he of who it is wrytte. Beholde I sende my messenger before thy face which shall prepare thy waye before ye.
Mark 1:2
2 as yt is wrytten in the Prophetes: beholde I sende my messenger before thy face which shall prepared thy waye before ye.
Luke 1:15-17
15 For he shalbe greate in the sight of the lorde and shall nether drinke wyne ner stronge drinke. And he shalbe filled with the holy goost even in his mothers wombe:
16 and many of the chyldren of Israel shall he tourne to their Lorde God.
17 And he shall goo before him in the sprete and power of Helyas to tourne the hertes of the fathers to the chyldren and the vnbelevers to the wysdom of the iuste men: to make the people redy for the Lorde.
Matthew 11:11
11 Verely I saye vnto you amonge ye chyldren of wemen arose there not a gretter then Ihon the baptist. Notwithstondinge he that ys lesse in the kyngdome of heven ys gretter then he.
Matthew 13:16-17
Luke 1:14-15
Luke 3:16
16 Ihon answered and sayde to them all: I baptyse you wt water but a stronger then I cometh after me whose shue latchet I am not worthy to vnlouse: he will baptise you with the holy goost and with fyre:
Luke 9:48
48 and sayd vnto the: Whosoever receaveth this chylde in my name receaveth me. And whosoever receaveth me receaveth him yt sent me. For he yt is least amonge you all the same shalbe greate.
Luke 10:23-24
Ephesians 3:8-9
Colossians 1:25-27
25 wher of I am made a minister acordynge to the ordinaunce of god which ordinaunce was geven me vnto you warde to fulfill ye worde of god
26 that mistery hid sence the worlde beganne and sence ye begynnynge of generacions: but now is opened to his saynctes
27 to whom god wolde make knowen the glorious riches of this mistery amonge the gentyls which riches is Christ in you the hope of glory
Hebrews 11:39-40
39 And these all thorow fayth obtayned good reporte and receaved not the promes God provydinge a better thinge for vs that they with out vs shuld not be made parfecte.
1 Peter 1:10-12
10 Of which salvacion have the Prophetes enquyred and searched which prophisied of ye grace that shuld come vnto you
11 searchinge whe or at what tyme the sprete of Christ which was in them shuld signifie which sprete testified before the passions that shuld come vnto Christ and the glory that shuld folowe after:
12 vnto which Prophetes it was declared that not vnto them selves but vnto vs they shuld minister the thinges which are now shewed vnto you of them which by ye holy goost sent doune fro heven have preached vnto you the thinges which the angels desyre to beholde.
Matthew 3:5-6
Matthew 21:31-32
31 Whether of the twayne dyd the will of the father? And they sayde vnto hym: the fyrst. Iesus sayde vnto the: verely I saye vnto you that the publicans and the harlotes shall come into ye kyngdome of God before you.
32 For Iohn came vnto you in the waye of rightewesnes and ye beleved hym not. But the publicans and the harlotes beleved him. And yet ye (though ye sawe it) were not yet moved with repentaunce that ye myght afterwarde have beleved hym.
Luke 3:12
12 Then came ther Publicans to be baptised and sayde vnto him: Master what shall we do?
Luke 7:35
35 Yet is wysdome iustified of all her chyldren.
Acts 18:25
25 The same was informed in the waye of the Lorde and he spake fervently in the sprete and taught diligently the thinges of the Lorde and knewe but the baptim of Iohn only.
Acts 19:3
3 And he sayd vnto them: wher wt were ye then baptised? And they sayd: with Iohns baptim
Romans 3:4-6
4 God forbid. Let god be true and all men lyars as it is written: That thou myghtest be iustifyed in thy sayinge and shuldest overcome when thou arte iudged.
5 Yf oure vnrightewesnes make the rightewesnes of God more excellent: what shall we saye? Is God vnrighteous which taketh vengeauce? I speake after the maner of me.
6 God forbid. For how then shall God iudge the worlde?
Romans 10:3
3 For they are ignoraut of the rightewesnes which is alowed before God and goo about to stablisshe their awne rightewesnes and therfore are not obedient vnto the rightewesnes which is of valew before God.
Revelation 15:3
3 and they songe the songe of Moses the servaunt of god and the songe of the lambe sayinge. Gret and marvellous are thy workes Lorde god almyghty iuste and true are thy wayes kynge of saynctes.
Revelation 16:5
5 And I herde an angell saye: lorde which arte and wast thou arte ryghteous and holy because thou hast geve soche iudgmentes
Matthew 22:35
35 and one of them which was a doctoure of lawe axed a question teptinge h m and sayinge:
Luke 13:34
34 O Ierusalem Ierusalem which kyllest prophetes and stonest them that are sent to ye: how often wolde I have gadered thy childre to gedder as the hen gathereth her nest vnder her wynges but ye wolde not.
Acts 20:27
27 For I have kepte nothinge backe: but have shewed you all the counsell of God.
Romans 10:21
21 And agaynst Israel he sayth: All daye longe have I stretched forth my hondes vnto a people yt beleveth not but speaketh agaynst me.
2 Corinthians 6:1
1 We as helpers therfore exhorte you yt ye receave not the grace of god in (vayne)
Galatians 2:21
21 I despyse not the grace of God. For if rightewesnes come of the lawe then Christ dyed in vayne.
Ephesians 1:11
11 that is to saye in him in whom we are made heyres and were therto predestinate accordynge to the purpose of him which worketh all thinges after the purpose of his awne will:
Mark 4:30
30 And he sayde: where vnto shall we lyke the kyngdome of God? or with what copareson shall we copare it?
Matthew 10:25
25 Feare the not therfore. There is no thinge so close that shall not be openned and no thinge so hyd that shall not be knowen.
Mark 1:6
6 Iohn was clothed with cammylles heer and with a gerdyll of a skyn a bout hys loynes. And he dyd eate locustes and wylde hony
Luke 1:15
15 For he shalbe greate in the sight of the lorde and shall nether drinke wyne ner stronge drinke. And he shalbe filled with the holy goost even in his mothers wombe:
John 8:48
48 Then answered the Iewes and sayde vnto him: Saye we not well that thou arte a Samaritane and hast the devyll?
John 8:52
52 Then sayde the Iewes to him: Now knowe we that thou hast the devyll. Abraha is deed and also the Prophetes: and yet thou sayest yf a man kepe my sayinge he shall never tast of deeth.
John 10:20
20 and many of them sayd. He hath the devyll and is mad: why heare ye him?
Acts 2:13
13 Other mocked the sayinge: they are full of newe wyne.
Matthew 9:11
11 When Iesus herde that he sayde vnto them: The whole neade not the phisicion but they that are sicke.
Luke 5:29
29 And that same Levi made him a greate feaste at home in his awne housse. And ther was a greate copany of publicans and of other that sate at meate with him.
Luke 7:36
36 And one of the pharises desyred him that he wolde eate with him. And he went into ye pharises housse and sate doune to meate.
Luke 11:37
37 And as he spake a certayne Pharise besought him to dyne with him: and he went in and sate doune to meate.
Luke 14:1
1 And it chaunsed that he went into the housse of one of ye chefe pharises to eate breed on a saboth daye: and they watched him.
Luke 15:2
2 And the pharises and scribes murmured sayinge: He receaved to his copany synners and eateth with them.
Luke 19:7
7 And when they sawe that they all groudged sayinge: He is gone in to tary with a man that is a synner.
John 2:2
2 And Iesus was called also and his disciples vnto the mariage.
John 12:2
2 There they made him a supper and Martha served: But Lazarus was one of them that sate at the table with him.
Matthew 11:19
19 The sonne of man came eatinge and drinkinge and they saye beholde a glutton and drynker of wyne and a frend vnto publicas and synners. Never the later wysdome ys iustified of hir children.
Luke 7:29
29 And all the people that hearde and the publicans iustified God and were baptised with the baptim of Iohn.
1 Corinthians 2:14-15
Matthew 26:5-6
Mark 14:3-9
3 When he was in Bethania in the housse of Simon the leper even as he sate at meate ther came a woma hauynge an alablaster boxe of oyntment called narde that was pure and costly: and she brake the boxe and powred it on is heed.
4 And ther were some that were not content in them selves and sayde: what neded this waste of oyntment?
5 For it myght have bene soolde for more then thre hundred pens and bene geve vnto the poore. And they grudged agaynste hir.
6 And Iesus sayde: let hir be in reest why trouble ye hir? She hath done a good worke on me.
7 For ye shall have poore with you all wayes: and when soever ye will ye maye do them good: but me ye shall not have alwayes.
8 She hath done that she coulde: she came a fore honde to anoynt my boddy to his buryinge warde.
9 Verely I saye vnto you: wheresoever this gospell shalbe preached thorowout the whole worlde: thys also that she hath done shalbe rehearsed in remembraunce of her.
Luke 7:34
34 The sonne of man is come and eateth and drinketh and ye saye: beholde a man which is a glotton and a drinker of wyne a frende of publicans and synners.
John 11:2-16
2 It was that Mary which annoynted Iesus with oyntment and wyped his fete with her heere whose brother Lazarus was sicke
3 and his sisters sent vnto him sayinge. Lorde behold he whom thou lovest is sicke.
4 When Iesus hearde yt he sayd: this infirmite is not vnto deth but for ye laude of God that the sonne of God myght be praysed by the reason of it.
5 Iesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus.
6 After he hearde that he was sicke then aboode he two dayes still in the same place where he was.
7 Then after that sayd he to his disciples: let us goo into Iewry agayne.
8 His disciples sayde vnto him. Master the Iewes lately sought meanes to stone the and wilt thou goo thyther agayne?
9 Iesus answered: are ther not twelve houres in ye daye? Yf a man walke in ye daye he stombleth not because he seith the lyght of this worlde.
10 But yf a ma walke in ye nyght he stombleth because ther is no lyght in him.
11 This sayde he and after yt he sayde vnto the: oure frende Lazarus slepeth but I goo to wake him out of slepe.
12 Then sayde his disciples: Lorde yf he slepe he shall do well ynough.
13 How be it Iesus spake of his deeth: but they thought yt he had spoke of ye naturall slepe.
14 Then sayde Iesus vnto the playnly Lazarus is deed
15 and I am glad for youre sakes yt I was not there because ye maye beleve. Neverthelesse let vs go vnto him.
16 Then sayde Thomas which is called Dydimus vnto ye disciples: let vs also goo that we maye dye wt him
Matthew 21:31
31 Whether of the twayne dyd the will of the father? And they sayde vnto hym: the fyrst. Iesus sayde vnto the: verely I saye vnto you that the publicans and the harlotes shall come into ye kyngdome of God before you.
Matthew 26:6-13
6 When Iesus was in Bethany in the house of Symon the leper
7 ther came vnto him a woman which had an alablaster boxe of precious oyntment and powred it on his heed as he sate at the bourde.
8 When his disciples sawe that they had indignacion sayinge: what neded this wast?
9 This oyntmet myght have bene well solde and geven to the povre.
10 When Iesus vnderstod that he sayde vnto the: why trouble ye the woman? She hath wrought a good worke apon me.
11 For ye shall have povre folcke alwayes with you: but me shall ye not have all wayes.
12 And in yt she casted this oyntment on my bodye she dyd it to burye me wt all.
13 Verely I saye vnto you wheresoever this gospell shalbe preached throughoute all the worlde there shall also this that she hath done be tolde for a memoriall of her.
Luke 5:30
30 And the Scribes and Pharises murmured agaynst his disciples sayinge: Why eate ye and drinke ye with publicas and synners?
Luke 5:32
32 I came not to call ye rightewes but synners to repentauce.
Luke 7:37-39
37 And beholde a woman in that cite which was a synner assone as she knewe that. Iesus sate at meate in the pharises housse she brought an alablaster boxe of oyntmet
38 and she stode at his fete behynde him wepynge and beganne to wesshe his fete with teares and dyd wipe the with the heares of her heed and kyssed his fete and anoynted them with oyntment.
39 When the pharise which bade him sawe that he spake with in him sylfe sayinge: If this man were a prophete he wolde surely have knowen who and what maner woman this is which toucheth him for she is a synner.
Luke 18:13
13 And the publican stode afarre of and wolde not lyfte vp his eyes to heven but smote his brest sayinge: God be mercyfull to me a synner.
John 9:24
24 Then agayne called they the man that was blynde and sayd vnto him: Geve God the prayse: we knowe that this man is a synner.
John 9:31
31 For we be sure that God heareth not synners. But yf eny man be a worshipper of God and do his will him heareth he.
John 12:1-8
1 Then Iesus sixe dayes before ester came to Bethany where Lazarus was which was deed and who Iesus raysed from deeth.
2 There they made him a supper and Martha served: But Lazarus was one of them that sate at the table with him.
3 Then toke Mary a pounde of oyntmet called Nardus perfecte and precious and anoynted Iesus fete and wipt his fete with her heer and the housse was filled of the savre of the oyntmet.
4 Then sayde one of his disciples name Iudas Iscariot Simos sonne which afterwarde betrayed him:
5 why was not this oyntmet solde for thre hondred pence and geve to the poore?
6 This sayde he not that he cared for the pooer: but because he was a thefe and kept the bagge and bare that which was geven.
7 Then sayde Iesus: Let her alone agaynst the daye of my buryinge she kept it.
8 The poore all wayes shall ye have with you but me shall ye not all wayes have.
Romans 5:8
8 But God setteth out his love that he hath to vs seinge that whyll we were yet synners Christ dyed for vs.
1 Timothy 1:9
9 vnderstondinge this how yt the lawe is not geven vnto a righteous man bu vnto the vnrighteous and disobediet to the vngodly and to synners to vnholy and vnclean to murtherers of fathers and murtherers of mothers to manslears
1 Timothy 1:15
15 This is a true sayinge and by all meanes worthy to be receaved that Christ Iesus came into the world to save synners of whom I am chefe.
1 Peter 4:18
18 And yf the righteous scasly be saved: where shall the vngodly and the sinner appere?
Genesis 18:4
4 Let a litle water be fett and wash youre fete and rest youre selves vnder the tree:
Matthew 5:4
4 Blessed are they that morne: for they shalbe conforted.
Luke 6:21
21 Blessed are ye that honger now: for ye shalbe satisfied. Blessed are ye yt wepe now: for ye shall laugh.
Luke 7:44-46
44 And he turned to the woman and sayde vnto Simon: Seist thou this woman? I entred into thy housse and thou gavest me noo water to my fete but she hath wesshed my fete with teares and wiped the with the heeres of her heed.
45 Thou gavest me no kysse: but she sence ye tyme I came in hath not ceased to kysse my fete
46 Myne heed wt oyle thou dydest not anoynte: but she hath annoynted my fete wt oyntmet.
Luke 22:62
62 And Peter went out and wepte bitterly.
John 13:4-5
2 Corinthians 7:10-11
10 For godly sorowe causeth repentaunce vnto salvacion not to be repented of: when worldly sorow causeth deeth.
11 Beholde what diligence this godly sorowe that ye toke hath wrought in you: yee it caused you to cleare youre selves. It caused indignacion it caused feare yt caused desyre it caused a fervent mynde it caused punysshment. For in all thynges ye have shewed youreselues that ye were cleare in that matter.
James 4:9
9 Suffre affliccios: sorowe ye and wepe. Let youre laughter be turned to mornynge and youre ioye to hevynes.
Matthew 9:12-13
Matthew 20:16
16 Soo the laste shalbe fyrste and the fyrste shalbe laste. For many are called and feawe be chosen.
Matthew 21:28-31
28 What saye ye to this? A certayne man had two sonnes and came to ye elder and sayde: sonne go and worke to daye in my vineyarde.
29 He answered and sayde I will not: but afterwarde repented and went.
30 Then came he to the second and sayde lyke wyse. And he answered and sayde: I will syr: yet wet not.
31 Whether of the twayne dyd the will of the father? And they sayde vnto hym: the fyrst. Iesus sayde vnto the: verely I saye vnto you that the publicans and the harlotes shall come into ye kyngdome of God before you.
Mark 2:6-7
Mark 7:21
21 For fro wt in even oute of the herte of men proceade evill thoughtes: advantry fornicacion murder
Luke 3:8
8 Bringe forth due frutes of repentaunce and begynne not to saye in youre selves we have Abraham to oure father. For I saye vnto you: God is able of these stones to reyse vp chyldren vnto Abraham.
Luke 7:16
16 And ther ca a feare on the all. And they glorified god sayinge: a greate prophet is rysen amoge vs and god hath visited his people
Luke 7:37
37 And beholde a woman in that cite which was a synner assone as she knewe that. Iesus sate at meate in the pharises housse she brought an alablaster boxe of oyntmet
Luke 12:17
17 and he thought in himsilfe sayinge: what shall I do? because I have noo roume where to bestowe my frutes?
Luke 15:28-30
28 And he was angry and wolde not goo in. Then came his father out and entreated him.
29 He answered and sayde to his father: Loo these many yeares have I done the service nether brake at eny tyme thy commaundment and yet gavest thou me never soo moche as a kyd to make mery wt my lovers:
30 but assone as this thy sonne was come which hath devoured thy goodes with harlootes thou haste for his pleasure kylled ye fatted caulfe.
Luke 16:3
3 The stewarde sayd wt in him selfe: what shall I do? for my master will take awaye fro me ye stewarde shippe. I canot digge and to begge I am ashamed.
Luke 18:4
4 And he wolde not for a whyle. But afterwarde he sayd vnto him selfe: though I feare not God nor care for man
Luke 18:9-11
9 And he put forthe this similitude vnto certayne which trusted in the selves yt they were perfecte and despysed other.
10 Two men went vp into ye teple to praye: ye one a pharise and the other a publican.
11 The pharise stode and prayed thus wt him selfe. God I thanke the yt I am not as other men are extorsioners vniuste advoutrers or as this publican.
John 7:12
12 And moche murmurynge was ther of him amonge the people. Some sayde: He is good. Wother sayde naye but he deceaveth the people.
John 7:47-52
47 Then answered the the pharises: are ye also disceaved?
48 Doth eny of the rulers or of the pharises beleve on him?
49 But the comen people whiche knowe not ye lawe are cursed.
50 Nicodemus sayde vnto them: He that came to Iesus by nyght and was one of them.
51 Doth oure lawe iudge eny man before it heare him and knowe what he hath done?
52 They answered and sayde vnto him: arte thou also of Galile? Searche and loke for out of Galile aryseth no Prophet.
Matthew 7:22
22 And then will I knowlege vnto them that I never knewe them. Departe from me ye workers of iniquite.
Matthew 26:49
49 And forth wt all he came to Iesus and sayde: hayle master and kyssed him.
Luke 5:22
22 When Iesus perceaved their thoughtes he answered and sayde vnto them: What thinke ye in youre hertes?
Luke 5:31
31 Iesus answered and sayde vnto the: They yt are whole nede not of ye phisicion: but they yt are sicke.
Luke 6:8
8 But he knewe their thoughtes and sayde to the man which had ye wyddred honde: Ryse vp and stonde forthe in the myddes. And he arose and stepped forthe.
Luke 18:18
18 And a certayne ruler axed him sayinge: Good Master: what ought I to do to obtayne eternall lyfe?
Luke 20:20-21
20 And they watched him and sent forth spies which shuld fayne them selves perfecte to take him in his wordes and to delyvre him vnto the power and auctorite of the debite.
21 And they axed him sayinge: Master we knowe that thou sayest and teachest ryght nother cosiderest thou eny manes degre but teachest the waye of God truly.
John 3:2
2 The same cam to Iesus by nyght and sayde vnto him: Rabbi we knowe that thou arte a teacher whiche arte come from God. For no man coulde do suche miracles as thou doest except God were with him.
John 13:13
13 Ye call me master and Lorde and ye saye well for so am I.
John 16:19
19 Iesus perceaved yt they wolde axe him and sayd vnto them: This is it that ye enquyre of bitwene youre selves that I sayd after a whyle ye shall not se me and agayne after a whyle ye shall se me.
John 16:30
30 Nowe knowe we that thou vnderstondest all thinges and nedest not yt eny man shuld axe the eny question. Therfore beleve we that thou camst fro god.
Numbers 27:3
3 oure father dyed in the wildernesse and was not amonge the companye of them that gathered them selues together agenst the Lorde in the congregacion of Corah: But dyed in his awne synne and had no sonnes.
Matthew 6:12
12 And leade vs not into teptacion: but delyver vs fro evell. For thyne is ye kyngedome and ye power and ye glorye for ever. Amen.
Matthew 18:23-25
23 Therfore is ye kingdome of heven lykened vnto a certayne kynge which wolde take a countis of his servauntis.
24 And when he had begone to recken one was broughte vnto him whiche ought him ten thousande talentis:
25 whome be cause he had nought to paye his master commaunded him to be solde and his wyfe and his chyldren and all that he had and payment to be made.
Matthew 18:28
28 And ye sayde servaut wet oute and founde one of his felowes which ought him an hundred pence and leyed hondes on him and toke him by the throote sayinge: paye me yt thou owest.
Luke 7:47
47 Wherefore I saye vnto the: many synnes are forgeve her for she loved moche. To whom lesse is forgeven the same doeth lesse love.
Luke 11:4
4 And forgeve vs oure synnes: For eve we forgeve every man yt treaspaseth vs. And ledde vs not into teptacio. But deliver vs fro evill.
Luke 12:48
48 But he that knewe not and yet dyd committe thinges worthy of strypes shalbe beaten with feawe strypes. For vnto whom moche is geven of him shalbe moche requyred. And to whom men moche commyt the moare of him will they axe.
Luke 13:4
4 Or those .xviii. apon which ye toure in Syloe fell and slewe the thinke ye that they were synners above all men yt dwell in Ierusalem?
John 15:22-24
22 If I had not come and spoken vnto them they shulde not have had synne: but now have they nothinge to cloke their synne with all.
23 He that hateth me hateth my father.
24 If I had not done workes amoge the which none other ma dyd they had not had synne. But now have they sene and yet have hated bothe me and my father:
Romans 3:23
23 for all have synned and lacke the prayse yt is of valoure before God:
Romans 5:20
20 But ye lawe in the meane tyme entred in yt synne shuld encreace. Neverthelater where aboundaunce of synne was there was more plenteousnes of grace.
1 Timothy 1:15-16
15 This is a true sayinge and by all meanes worthy to be receaved that Christ Iesus came into the world to save synners of whom I am chefe.
16 Notwithstondinge for this cause was mercy geve vnto me that Iesus Christ shuld fyrst shewe on me all longe pacience vnto the ensample of them which shall in tyme to come beleve on him vnto eternall lyfe.
1 John 1:8-10
Matthew 18:25-26
Matthew 18:34
34 And his lorde was wrooth and delyuered him to the iaylers tyll he shnld paye all that was due to him.
Acts 13:38-39
Romans 3:24
24 but are iustified frely by his grace through the redemcion that is in Christ Iesu
Romans 4:5-8
5 To him that worketh not but beleveth on him that iustifieth the vngodly is his fayth counted for rightewesnes.
6 Even as David describeth the blessedfulnes of the man vnto whom god ascribeth rihgtewesnes without dedes.
7 Blessed are they whose vnrightewesnes are forgeven and whose synnes are covered.
8 Blessed is that ma to whom the Lorde imputeth not synne.
Romans 5:6
6 For when we were yet weake accordynge to ye tyme: Christ dyed for vs which were vngodly.
Galatians 3:10
10 For as many as are vnder the dedes of the lawe are vnder malediccio. For it is written: cursed is every man yt cotinueth not in all thinges which are writte in ye boke of ye lawe to fulfill the.
Ephesians 1:7
7 By whom we have redemption thorow his bloude euen the forgevenes of synnes accordynge to the riches of his grace
Ephesians 4:32
32 Be ye courteouse one to another and mercifull forgevynge one another eve as god for Christes sake forgave you.
Colossians 3:13
13 forbearynge one another and forgevynge one another if eny man have a quarrell to a nother even as Christ forgave you even so do ye.
Mark 12:34
34 And when Iesus sawe that he answered discretly he sayde vnto him: Thou arte not farre from the kyngdome of God. And no man after that durst axe him eny questio.
Luke 10:38
38 It fortuned as they wet that he entred in to a certayne toune. And a certayne woman named Martha receaved him into her housse.
1 Corinthians 15:9-10
9 For I am the lest of all the Apostles which am not worthy to be called an Apostle because I persecuted the congregacion of God.
10 But by the grace of God I am that I am. And his grace which is in me was not in vayne: but I labored moare aboundauntly then they all not I but the grace of God which is with me.
2 Corinthians 5:14-15
1 Timothy 1:13-16
Genesis 19:2
2 And he sayde: Se lordes turne in I praye you in to youre servauntes house and tary all nyghte and wash youre fete and ryse vp early and go on youre wayes. And they sayde: nay but we will byde in the streates all nyghte.
Genesis 43:24
24 ad led the into Iosephs house and gaue the water to washe their fete and gaue their asses prauender:
1 Timothy 5:10
10 and well reported of in good workes: yf she have noresshed children yf she have bene liberall to straugers yf she have wesshed the saynctes fete yf she have ministred vnto them which were in adversite yf she were continually geve vnto all maner good workes.
James 2:6
6 But ye have despised the poore. Are not the rych they which opresse you: and they which drawe you before iudges?
Genesis 29:11
11 And Iacob kyssed Rahel and lyfte vp his voyce and wepte:
Genesis 33:4
4 Esau ranne agaynst him and enbraced hym and fell on his necke and kyssed him and they wepte.
Matthew 26:48
48 And he that betrayed him had geven the a token sayinge: whosoever I kysse yt same is he ley hondes on him.
Romans 16:16
16 Salute one another with an holy kysse. The congregacions of Christ salute you.
1 Corinthians 16:20
20 All the brethren grete you. Grete ye one another with an holy kysse.
1 Thessalonians 5:26
26 Grete all the brethren with an holy kysse.
Matthew 6:17
17 that it appere not vnto men howe that thou fastest: but vnto thy father which is in secrete: and thy father which seeth in secret shall rewarde the openly.
Exodus 34:6-7
6 And whe the Lorde walked before him, he cryed: Lorde Lorde God full of compassion ad mercy, which art not lightly angrye but abundat in mercy ad trueth,
7 ad kepest mercy in store for thousandes, ad forgeuest wikednesse, trespace ad synne (for there is no man ynnocet before the) and visetest the wikydnesse of the fathers vpo the childern ad apon childerns childern, euen vnto the thryd ad fourth generatio.
Matthew 10:37
37 He that lovith hys father or mother more then me is not mete for me. And he that loveth his sonne or doughter more then me is not mete for me.
Luke 5:20-21
Luke 7:43-43
43 Simon answered and sayde: I suppose that he to whom he forgave moost. And he sayde vnto him: Thou hast truly iudged.
John 21:15-17
15 When they had dyned Iesus sayde to Simon Peter: Simon Ioana lovest thou me more then these? He sayde vnto him: ye Lorde thou knowest that I love the. He sayde vnto him: fede my lambes.
16 He sayde to him agayne the seconde tyme: Simo Ioana lovest thou me? He sayde vnto him: ye lorde thou knowest that I love ye. He sayde vnto him: fede my shepe.
17 He sayde vnto him ye thyrde tyme: Simon Ioanna lovest thou me? And Peter sorowed because he sayde to him ye thyrde tyme lovest thou me and sayde vnto him: Lorde thou knowest all thinge thou knowest that I love the. Iesus sayde vnto him: fede my shepe.
Acts 5:31
31 Him hath god lifte vp with his right hand to be a ruler and a savioure for to geve repetauce to Israell and forgevenes of synnes.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
9 Do ye not remember how that the vnrighteous shall not inheret the kyngdome of God? Be not deceaved. For nether fornicators nether worshyppers of ymages nether whormongers nether weaklinges nether abusars of them selves with the mankynde
10 nether theves nether the coveteous nether dronkardes nether cursed speakers nether pillers shall inheret the kyngdome of God.
11 And soche ware ye verely: but ye are wesshed: ye are sanctified: ye are iustified by the name of the Lorde Iesus and by the sprete of oure God.
2 Corinthians 5:14
14 For the love of Christ costrayneth vs be cause we thus iudge yf one be deed for all yt then are all deed
Ephesians 6:24
24 Grace be with all them which love oure lorde Iesus Christ in puernes. Amen.
Philippians 1:9
9 And this I praye yt youre love maye increace more and more in knowledge and in all fealinge
1 Timothy 1:14
14 Neverthelater the grace of oure Lorde was more aboundaunt with fayth and love which is in Christ Iesu.
1 John 1:7
7 but and yf we walke in (lyght) even as he is in lyght then have we fellishippe with him and the bloud of Iesus Christ his sonne clenseth vs from all synne.
1 John 3:18
18 My babes let vs not love in worde nether in tonge: but with dede and in veritie:
1 John 4:19
19 We love him for he loved vs fyrst.
1 John 5:3
3 This is ye love of god yt we kepe his comaundemetes and his comaundementes are not greveous
Matthew 9:2
2 And beholde certeyne of ye scribes sayd in the selves this ma blasphemeth.
Mark 2:5
5 When Iesus sawe their fayth he sayde to the sicke of the palsie sonne thy sinnes are forgeven the.
Luke 5:20
20 When he sawe their fayth he sayde vnto him: man thy synnes are forgeven the.
Matthew 9:3
3 And whe Iesus sawe their thoughtes he sayd: wherfore thinke ye evill in youre hertes?
Mark 2:7
7 how doeth this felowe so blaspheme? Who can forgeve synnes but God only?
Matthew 9:22
22 And when Iesus came into ye rulers housse and sawe the minstrels and the people raginge
Mark 10:52
52 Iesus sayde vnto him: goo thy waye thy faith hath saved the. And by and by he receaved his sight and folowed Iesus in the waye.
Luke 8:18
18 Take hede therfore how ye heare. For whosoever hath to him shalbe geve: And whosoever hath not fro him shalbe take even that same which he supposeth that he hath.
Luke 8:48
48 And he sayde vnto hyr: Doughter be of good comforte Thy faith hath made the hoale goo in peace.
Luke 18:42
42 Iesus sayde vnto him: receave thy sight: thy faith hath saved the.
Romans 5:1-2
Ephesians 2:8-10
8 For by grace are ye made safe thorowe fayth and that not of youre selves. For it is the gyfte of God
9 and commeth not of workes lest eny man shuld bost him silfe.
10 For we are his worckmanshippe created in Christ Iesu vnto good workes vnto the which god ordeyned vs before that we shuld walke in them.
James 2:14-26
14 What a vayleth it my brethren though a man saye he hath sayth when he hath no dedes? Can fayth save him?
15 If a brother or a sister be naked or destitute of dayly fode
16 and one of you saye vnto them: Departe in peace God sende you warmnes and fode: not withstondinge ye geve the not tho thynges which are nedfull to the body: what helpeth it the?
17 Eve so fayth yf it have no dedes is deed in it selfe.
18 Ye and a man myght saye: Thou hast fayth and I have dedes: Shewe me thy fayth by thy dedes: and I will shewe the my fayth by my dedes.
19 Belevest thou yt ther is one God? Thou doest well. The devyls also beleve and tremble.
20 Wilt thou vnderstonde o thou vayne man that fayth with out dedes is deed?
21 Was not Abraha oure father iustified thorow workes when he offered Isaac his sonne vpo the aultre?
22 Thou seist how that fayth wrought with his dedes and through the dedes was the fayth made parfect:
23 and ye scripture was fulfilled which sayth: Abraham beleved God and it was reputed vnto him for rightewesnes: and he was called the frede of God.
24 Ye se then how that of dedes a man is iustified and not of fayth only.
25 Lyke wyse also was not Raab the harlot iustifyed thorow workes when she receaved the messengers and sent the out another waye?
26 For as the body with oute the sprete is deed eve so fayth with out dedes is deed