Job 26 Cross References - Tyndale
Acts 20:20
20 and how I kept backe no thinge that was profitable: but that I have shewed you and taught you openly and at home in youre houses
Acts 20:27
27 For I have kepte nothinge backe: but have shewed you all the counsell of God.
1 Corinthians 12:3
3 Wherfore I declare vnto you that no man speakynge in the sprete of god defieth Iesus. Also no man can saye that Iesus is the lorde: but by the holy goost.
1 John 4:1-3
1 Ye beloved beleve not every sprete: but prove the spretes whether they are of God or no: for many falce Prophetes are gone out into the worlde.
2 Herby shall ye knowe the sprete of God. Every sprete that confesseth that Iesus Christ is come in the flesshe is of God.
3 And every sprete which cofesseth not yt Iesus Christ is come in the flesshe is not of God. And this is that sprete of Antichrist of whom ye have hearde howe that he shuld come: and even now alredy is he in the worlde.
Revelation 16:13-14
13 And I sawe thre vnclene sprettes lyke frogges come out of the mouthe of the dragon and out of the mouthe of the beeste and out of the mouthe of the falce prophett.
14 For they are the sprettes of devyls workynge myracles to go out vnto the kynges of the erth and of the whole worlde to gaddre them to the battayle of that gret daye of God allmyghty.
Genesis 6:4
4 There were tirantes in the world in thos dayes. For after that the children of God had gone in vnto the doughters of men and had begotten them childern the same childern were the mightiest of the world and men of renowne
Hebrews 4:13
13 nether is there eny creature invisible in the sight of it. For all thynges are naked and bare vnto the eyes of him of who we speake.
Genesis 1:1-2
Genesis 1:6-7
Exodus 20:21
21 And the people stode aferre of, ad Moses went in to the thicke clowde where God was
Exodus 33:20-23
20 And he sayde furthermore: thou mayst not se my face, for there shall no man se me and lyue.
21 And the Lorde sayde: beholde, there is a place by me, and thou shalt stonde apon a rocke,
22 and while my glorye goeth forth I will put the in a clyfte of the rocke, and will put myne hande apon the while I passe by.
23 And then I will take awaye myne hande, and thou shalt se my backe partes: but my face shall not be sene.
Exodus 34:3
3 But let no man come vp with the, nether let any man be sene thorow out all the mount, nether let shepe nor oxen fede before the hyll.
1 Timothy 6:16
16 which only hath immortalite and dwelleth in light that no man can attayne whom never man sawe nether can se: vnto whom be honoure and rule everlastynge. Amen.
Genesis 8:22
22 Nether shall sowynge tyme and harvest colde and hete somere and wynter daye and nyghte ceasse as longe as the erth endureth.
Hebrews 12:26-27
26 whose voyce the shouke the erth and now declareth sayinge: yet once more will I shake not the erth only but also heven.
27 No dout yt same that he sayth yet once more signifieth the removinge a waye of those thinges which are shaken as of thinges which have ended their course: that the thynges which are not shaken maye remayne.
2 Peter 3:10
10 Neverthelesse ye daye of the lorde will come as a thefe in ye nyght in the which daye ye hevens shall perisshe with terrible noyes and the elemetes shall melt with heet and the erth with the workes that are therin shall burne.
Revelation 20:11
11 And I sawe a grett whyte seate and him that sate on it from whose face fleed awaye both the erth and heave and their place was no more founde.
Exodus 14:21-31
21 when now Moses stretched forth his honde ouer the see, the Lorde caried awaye the see with a stronge east wynde that blewe all nyghte, and made the see drie londe ad the water deuyded it silfe.
22 And the childern of Israel went in thorow the myddest of the see vppon the drie grounde. And the water was a walle vnto them, both on their righthande ad on their lefte hande.
23 And the Egiptians folowed ad went in after them to the myddest of the see, with all Pharaos horses, and his charettes and his horssemen.
24 And in the mornynge watch, the Lorde loked vnto the hoste of the Egiptias out of the fyery and clowdie piler, and troubled their hoste
25 and smote of their charett wheles and cast them doune to the grounde. Than sayde the Egiptians: Let vs fle from Israel, for the Lorde fyghteth for them agaynst vs.
26 Than sayde the Lorde vnto Moses: stretch out thine hand ouer the see, that the water maye come agayne vppo the Egiptians vppon their charettes ad horsemen.
27 Than stretched forth Moses his hande ouer the see, and it came agayne to his course erly i the mornig, ad the Egiptias fledd agaynst it. Thus the Lorde ouerthrewe the Egiptians in the middest of the see,
28 ad the water returned and couered the charettes and the houseme: so that of all the hoste of Pharao that came in to the see after them, there remayned not one.
29 But the children of Israel went vpon drie lode in the myddest of the see, ad the water was a walle vnto them: both on the righte hand of them and also on the lifte.
30 Thus the Lorde delyuered Israel the selfe same daye out of the honde of the Egiptians, and Israell sawe the Egiptians deade vpo the see syde.
31 And when Israel sawe that myghtye hande which the Lorde had shewed vppo the Egiptians, they feared the Lorde: and beleued both the Lorde and also his servaunte Moses
James 4:6
6 but geveth more grace.
Genesis 1:2
2 The erth was voyde and emptie ad darcknesse was vpon the depe and the spirite of god moved vpon the water
Revelation 12:9
9 and prevaylled not: nether was their place founde eny more in heven.
Romans 11:33
33 O the depnes of the aboundaunt wysdome and knowledge of God: how vnserchable are his iudgementes and his wayes past findyng out.
1 Corinthians 13:9-12
9 For oure knowledge is vnparfect and oure prophesyinge is vnperfet.
10 But when yt which is parfect is come then yt which is vnparfet shall be done awaye.
11 When I was a chylde I spake as a chylde I vnderstode as a childe I ymagened as a chylde. But assone as I was a man I put awaye childesshnes.
12 Now we se in a glasse even in a darke speakynge: but then shall we se face to face. Now I knowe vnparfectly: but then shall I knowe even as I am knowen.