24 And he cast Ada out and sette at ye enteringe of the garden Eden Cherubin with a naked swerde movinge in and out to kepe the way to the tree of lyfe.
Genesis 3:24 Cross References - Tyndale
Genesis 2:8-9
8 The LORde God also planted a garden in Eden from the begynnynge and there he sette man whom he had formed.
9 And the LORde God made to sprynge out of the erth all maner trees bewtyfull to the syghte and pleasant to eate and the tree of lyfe in the middes of the garden: and also the tree of knowlege of good and euell.
Exodus 25:2
2 speake vnto the childern of Israel that they geue me an heueoffrynge, and of euerey man that geueth it willingly wyth his herte, ye shall take it.
Exodus 25:18-22
18 And make .ij. cherubyns off thicke golde on the .ij. endes of the mercyseate:
19 and sett the one cherub on the one ende and the other on the other ende of the mercyseate: so se that thou make them on the ij. endes there of.
20 And the cherubyns shall stretch their wynges abrode ouer an hye, ad couer the mercy seate with their wynges, and theyr faces shall loke one to another: eue to the mercyseate warde, shall the faces of the cherubyns be.
21 And thou shalt put the mercyseate aboue apon the arke, ad in the arke thou shalt put the wytnesse which I will geue the.
22 There I will mete the and will comon with the from apon the mercyseate from betwene the two cherubyns which are apon the arke of witnesse, of all thynge which I will geue the in commaundment vnto the childern of Israel.
Numbers 22:23
23 And when the asse sawe the angell of the Lorde stonde in the waye and his swerde drawen in his hande she turned a syde oute of the waye and went out in to the felde. And Balam smote the asse to turne her in to the waye.
John 14:6
6 Iesus sayd vnto him: I am ye waye ye truthe and ye life. And no man cometh vnto the father but by me.
Hebrews 1:7
7 And of the angels he sayth: He maketh his angels spretes and his ministres flammes of fyre.
Hebrews 10:18-22
18 And where remission of these thinges is there is no moare offerynge for synne.
19 Seynge brethren that by the meanes of the bloud of Iesu we maye be bolde to enter into that holy place
20 by the newe and livynge waye which he hath prepared for vs through the vayle that is to saye by his flesshe.
21 And seynge also that we have an hye prest which is ruler over ye housse of god
22 let vs drawe nye with a true herte in a full fayth sprynckeled in oure hertes from an evyll conscience and wesshed in oure bodies with pure water