1 Dina the doughter of Lea which she bare vnto Iacob went out to see the doughters of the lande.
2 And Siche the sonne of Hemor the Heuite lorde of the countre sawe her and toke her and laye with her and forced her:
3 and his harte laye vnto Dina ye doughter of Iacob. And he loued yt damsell and spake kidly vnto her
4 and spake vnto his father Hemor saynge gett me this mayde vnto my wyfe.
5 And Iacob herde that he had defyled Dina his doughter but his sonnes were with the catell in the felde and therfore he helde his peace vntill they were come.
6 Then Hemor the father of Sichem went out vnto Iacob to come with him.
7 And the sonnes of Iacob came out of the felde as soone as they herde it for it greued them and they were not a litle wrooth because he had wrought folie in Israell in that he had lyen with Iacobs doughter which thinge oughte not to be done.
8 And Hemor comened with the sainge? the soule of my sonne Siche logeth for youre doughter geue her him to wyfe
9 and make mariages with vs: geue youre doughters vnto vs ad take oure doughters vnto you
10 and dwell with vs and the lande shall be at youre pleasure dwell and do youre busynes and haue youre possessions there in.
11 And Sichem sayde vnto hyr father and hir brethern: let me fynde grace in youre eyes and what soeuer ye apoynte me that will I geue.
12 Axe frely of me both the dowry and gyftes and I will geue acordynge as ye saye vnto me and geue me the damsell to wyfe.
13 Then the sonnes of Iacob answered to Sichem ad Hemor his father deceytefully because he had defyled Dina their syster.
14 And they sayde vnto them we can not do this thinge yt we shulde geue oure syster to one that is vncircumcysed for that were a shame vnto us.
15 Only in this will we consent vnto you? Yf ye will be as we be that all the men childern amonge you be circumcysed
16 tha will we geue oure doughter to you and take youres to vs and will dwell with you and be one people.
17 But and yf ye will not harken vnto vs to be circumcysed than will we take oure doughter and goo oure wayes.
18 And their wordes pleased Hemor and Sichem his sonne.
19 And the yonge man deferde not for to do the thinge because he had a lust to Iacobs doughter: he was also most sett by of all that were in his fathers house.
20 Tha Hemor and Sichem went vnto the gate of their cyte and comened with the men of their cyte sayncte.
21 These men ar peasable with us and will dwell in the lade and do their occupatio therin And in the land is rowme ynough for the let us take their doughters to wyues and geue them oures:
22 only herin will they consent vnto vs for to dwell with vs and to be one people: yf all the men childern that are amonge vs be circumcysed as they are.
23 Their goodes and their substance and all their catell are oures only let vs consente vnto them that they maye dwell with vs.
24 And vnto Hemor and Sichem his sonneharkened all that went out at the gate of his cyte. And all the men childern were circumcysed what soeuer went out at the gates of his cyte.
25 And the third daye when it was paynefull to them ij. of the sonnes of Iacob Simeon and Leui Dinas brethren toke ether of them his swerde and went in to the cyte boldly and slewe all yt was male
26 and slewe also Hemor and Sichem his sonne with the edge of the swerde ad toke Dina their sister out of Sichems house and went their waye.
27 Than came the sonnes of Iacob vpon the deede and spoyled the cyte because they had defyled their sister:
28 and toke their shepe oxen asses and what so euer was in the cyte and also in ye feldes
29 29. And all their goodes all their childern and their wyues toke they captyue and made havock of all that was in the houses.
30 And Iacob sayde to Simeon and Leui: ye haue troubled me ad made me styncke vnto the inhabitatours of the lande both to the Canaanytes and also vnto the Pherezites. And I am fewe in nombre. Wherfore they shall gather them selves together agaynst me and sley me and so shall I and my house be dystroyed.
31 And they answered: shuld they deall with oure sister as wyth an whoore?
Genesis 34 Cross References - Tyndale
Genesis 26:34
34 When Esau was .xl. yere olde he toke to wyfe Judith the doughter of Bely an Hethite and Busmath the doughter of Elon an Hethite
Genesis 27:46
46 And Rebecca spake to Isaac: I am wery of my life for feare of the doughters of Heth. Yf Iacob take a wife of the doughters of Heth soch one as these are or of the doughters of the lande what lust shulde I haue to lyue.
Genesis 28:6
6 When Esau sawe that Isaac had blessed Iacob and sent him to Mesopotamia to fett him a wife thence and that as he blessed him he gaue him a charge saynge: se thou take not a wife of the doughters of Canaan:
Genesis 30:13
13 Tha sayd Lea: happy am I for the doughters will call me blessed. And called his name Asser.
Genesis 30:21
21 After that she bare a doughter and called her Dina.
Genesis 46:15
15 These be the childern of Lea which she bare vnto Iacob in Mesopotamia with his doughter Dina. All these soulles of his sonnes and doughters make .xxx and .vi.
1 Timothy 5:13
13 And also they learne to goo from housse to housse ydle ye not ydle only but also tryflynge and busybodyes speakynge thynges which are not comly.
Titus 2:5
5 to be discrete chast huswyfly good and obediet vnto their awne husbandes that the worde of god be not evyll spoken of.
Genesis 6:2
2 the sonnes of God sawe the doughters of men that they were fayre and toke vnto them wyves which they best liked amoge the all.
Genesis 10:17
17 Hiui Arki Sini
Genesis 20:2
2 And Abraham sayde of Sara his wyfe that she was his sister. Than Abimelech kynge of Gerar sent and fett Sara awaye.
Genesis 33:19
19 and bought a parcell of ground where he pitched his tent of the childern of Hemor Sichems father for an hundred lambes.
Genesis 39:6-7
Deuteronomy 21:14
14 And yf thou haue no fauoure vnto her, then let her go whother she lusteth: for thou mayst not sell her for monye nor make cheuesauce of her, because thou hast hubled her.
Deuteronomy 22:24
24 then ye shall brynge them both out vnto the gates of that same citie and shall stone them with stones to deeth: The damsell because she cried not beynge in the citie: And the man, because he hath humbled his neyghbours wife, and thou shalt put awaye evell from the.
Deuteronomy 22:29
29 Then the man that laye with her shall geue vnto the damsells father .l. sycles of syluer. And she shall be his wife, because he hath humbled her, and he maye not put her awaye all hys dayes.
Matthew 5:28
28 But I say vnto you that whosoeuer looketh on a wyfe lustynge after her hathe comitted advoutrie with hir alredy in his hert.
Genesis 21:21
21 And he dweld in the wyldernesse of Pharan. And hys mother gott him a wyfe out of the land of Egypte.
Genesis 30:35
35 And he toke out that same daye the he gootes that were partie and of dyuerse coloures and all the she gootes that were spotted and partie coloured and all that had whyte in the and all the blacke amonge the lambes: ad put the in the kepinge of his sonnes
Genesis 37:13-14
13 and Israell sayde vnto Ioseph: do not thy brethern kepe in Sichem? come that I may send ye to the. And he answered here am I
14 And he sayde vnto him: goo and see whether it be well with thy brethren and the shepe and brynge me worde agayne: And sent him out of the vale of Hebron for to go to Sichem.
Leviticus 10:3
3 Then Moses sayde vnto Aaro this is it that the Lorde spake saynge: I will be sanctifyed in them that come nye me, ad before all the people I wilbe glorifyed. And Aaron helde his pease.
Luke 15:25
25 The elder brother was in the felde and when he cam and drewe nye to ye housse he herde minstrelcy and daunsynge
Luke 15:29
29 He answered and sayde to his father: Loo these many yeares have I done the service nether brake at eny tyme thy commaundment and yet gavest thou me never soo moche as a kyd to make mery wt my lovers:
Genesis 20:9
9 And Abimelech called Abraham and sayde vnto him: What hast thou done vnto vs and what haue I offended the that thou shuldest brynge on me and on my kyngdome so greate a synne? thou hast done dedes vnto me that ought not to be done.
Genesis 46:7
7 his sonnes and his sonnes sonnes with him: his doughters and his sonnes doughters and all his seed brought he with him in to Egipte.
Exodus 19:5-6
Leviticus 4:2
2 speake vnto the childern of Israel ad saye: when a soule synneth thorow ignoraunce and hath done any of those thinges which the Lorde hath forbydden in his commaundmentes to be done:
Leviticus 4:13
13 Yf the hole comynalte of the childern of Israel synne thorow ygnoraunce and the thynge be hyd from their eyes: so that they haue commytted any of these thinges which the Lorde hath forbidden to be done in his commaundmentes ad haue offended,
Leviticus 4:27
27 Yf one of the come people of the londe synne thorowe ignoraunce and committe any off the thinges which the Lorde hath forbidden, in his commaundementes to be done and so hath trespased,
Deuteronomy 22:21
21 let them brynge her vnto the dore of hir fathers housse, and let the men of that citie stone her with stones to deeth, because she hath wrought folye in Israel, to playe the whore in hir fathers housse. And so thou shalt put euell awaye from the.
Deuteronomy 23:17
17 There shalbe no whore of the doughters of Israel, nor whorekeper of the sonnes of Israel
1 Corinthians 6:18
18 Fle fornicacion. All synnes that a man dothe are with out ye body. But he yt is a fornicator synneth agaynst his awne body.
1 Corinthians 10:8
8 Nether let vs comit fornicacion as some of them committed fornicacion and were destroyed in one daye .xxiii. thousande.
Ephesians 5:3
3 So that fornicacion and all vnclennes or coveteousnes be not once named amonge you as it be commeth saynctes:
Colossians 3:5
5 Mortifie therfore youre membres which are on the erth fornicacio vnclennes vnnaturall lust evyll cocupiscece and coveteousnes which is worshippynge of ydols:
Hebrews 13:4
4 Let wedlocke be had in pryce in all poyntes and let the chamber be vndefiled: for whore kepers and advoutrars god will iudge.
James 3:10
10 Out of one mouth proceadeth blessynge and cursynge. My brethren these thinges ought not so to be.
1 Peter 2:9
9 But ye are a chosyn generacion a royall presthod an holy nacio and a peculiar people that ye shuld shewe the vertues of him that called you out of darknes into hys marvelous light
Genesis 34:3
3 and his harte laye vnto Dina ye doughter of Iacob. And he loued yt damsell and spake kidly vnto her
Genesis 19:14
14 And Lot went out and spake vnto his sonnes in lawe which shulde haue maried his doughters and sayde: stonde vpp and get yow out of this place for the LORde will destroy the cite. But he semed as though he had mocked vnto his sonnes in law.
Genesis 24:3
3 I maye make the swere by the LORde that is God of heauen and God of the erth that thou shalt not take a wyfe vnto my sonne of the doughters of the canaanytes amonge which I dwell.
Genesis 26:34-35
Deuteronomy 7:3
3 Also thou shalt make no mariages with them, nether geue thy doughter vnto his sonne nor take his doughter vnto thy sonne.
Genesis 13:9
9 Ys not all the hole lande before the? Departe I praye the fro me. Yf thou wylt take the lefte hande I wyll take the right: Or yf thou take the right hande I wyll take the left.
Genesis 20:15
15 And Abimelech sayde: beholde the lande lyeth be fore the dwell where it pleaseth ye best.
Genesis 34:21-23
21 These men ar peasable with us and will dwell in the lade and do their occupatio therin And in the land is rowme ynough for the let us take their doughters to wyues and geue them oures:
22 only herin will they consent vnto vs for to dwell with vs and to be one people: yf all the men childern that are amonge vs be circumcysed as they are.
23 Their goodes and their substance and all their catell are oures only let vs consente vnto them that they maye dwell with vs.
Genesis 42:34
34 and brynge youre yongest brother vnto me And thereby shall I knowe that ye are no spyes but meane truely: So will I delyuer you youre brother agayne and ye shall occupie in the lande.
Genesis 47:27
27 And Israel dwelt in Egipte: euen in the countre of Gosan. And they had their possessions therein and they grewe and multiplyed exceadingly.
Genesis 18:3
3 and sayde: LORde yf I haue founde fauoure in thy syght goo not by thi seruaunte.
Genesis 33:15
15 And Esau sayde: let me yet leaue some of my folke with the. And he sayde: what neadeth it? let me fynde grace in the syghte of my lorde
Genesis 24:53
53 And the servaunte toke forth iewells of syluer and iewelles of gold and rayment and gaue them to Rebecca: But vnto hir brother and to hir mother he gaue spyces.
Genesis 29:18
18 And Iacob loued her well and sayde: I will serue the .vij. yere for Rahel thy yongest doughter.
Genesis 31:41
41 Thus haue I bene .xx. yere in thi house and serued the .xiiij. yeres forthy .ij. doughters and vi. yere for thi shepe and thou hast changed my rewarde .x. tymes.
Exodus 22:16-17
Deuteronomy 22:28-29
Matthew 14:17
17 Then sayde they vnto him: we have here but .v. loves and two fysshes.
Genesis 25:27-34
27 and the boyes grewe and Esau became a conynge hunter and a tyllman. But Iacob was a simple man and dwelled in the tentes.
28 Isaac loved Esau because he dyd eate of his venyso but Rebecca loued Iacob
29 Iacob sod potage and Esau came from the feld and was faine
30 and sayd to Iacob: let me syppe of yt redde potage for I am fayntie. And therfore was his name called Edom.
31 And Iacob sayde: sell me this daye thy byrthrighte.
32 And Esau answered: Loo I am at the poynte to dye and what profit shall this byrthrighte do me?
33 And Iacob sayde swere to me then this daye. And he swore to him and sold his byrthrighte vnto Iacob.
34 Than Iacob gaue Esau brede and potage of redde ryse. And he ate and dronke and rose vp and went his waye. And so Esau regarded not his byrthrighte.
Matthew 28:13
13 sayinge: Saye that his disciples came by nyght and stole him awaye whill ye slept.
Romans 12:19
19 Derly beloued avenge not youre selves but geve roume vnto the wrath of God. For it is written: vengeaunce is myne and I will rewarde saith the lorde.
1 Thessalonians 5:15
15 Se that none recopence evill for evyll vnto eny man: but ever folowe that which is good both amonge youre selves and to all men.
Genesis 17:11
11 the foreskynne of youre flesh ad it shal be a token of the bond betwixte me and you.
Genesis 17:14
14 Yf there be any vncircuncysed manchilde that hath not the forskynne of his flesh cutt of his soule shall perish from his people: because he hath broke my testamet
Matthew 2:8
8 and sent the to Bethleem saynge: Goo and searche dyligetly for ye chylde. And when ye have founde hym bringe me worde yt I maye come and worshippe hym also.
Matthew 2:13
13 When they were departed: beholde the angell of the Lorde appered to Ioseph in dreame sayinge: aryse and take the chylde and his mother and flye into Egypte and abyde there tyll I brynge the worde. For Herod will seke the chylde to destroye hym.
Matthew 23:1-39
1 Then spake Iesus to the people and to his disciples
2 sayinge. The Scribes and the Pharises sit in Moses seate.
3 All therfore whatsoever they byd you observe that observe and do: but after their workes do not:
4 For they saye and do not. Ye and they bynde hevy burthes and grevous to be borne and ley the on menes shulders: but they themsylfes will not heave at them with one of their fyngers.
5 All their workes they do for to be sene of me. They set abroade their philateries and make large borders on there garmetes
6 and love to sit vppermooste at feastes and to have the chefe seates in the synagoges
7 and gretinges in the marketes and to be called of men Rabi.
8 But ye shall not suffre youre selves to be called Rabi. For one is youre master that is to wyt Christ and all ye are brethre.
9 And call no man youre father vpon the erth for there is but one youre father and he is in heven.
10 Be not called masters for there is but one youre master and he is Christ.
11 He that is greatest amoge you shalbe youre seruaunte.
12 But whosoever exalteth himsilfe shalbe brought lowe. And he yt hubleth himsilfe shalbe exalted.
13 Wo be vnto you Scribes and Pharises ypocrites for ye shutte vp the kyngdome of heve before men: ye youre selves goo not in nether suffre ye them that come to enter in.
14 Wo be vnto you Scribes and Pharises ypocrites: ye devoure widdowes houses and that vnder a coloure of praying longe prayers: wherfore ye shall receave greater damnacion.
15 Wo be vnto you Scribes and Pharises ypocrites which compasse see and londe to bringe one in to youre belefe: and when he ys brought ye make him two folde more the chylde of hell then ye youre selves are.
16 Wo be vnto you blynd gides which saye whosoever sweare by the teple it is no thinge: but whosoever sweare by the golde of the temple he offendeth.
17 Ye foles and blinde? whether is greater the golde or the teple that sanctifieth ye golde.
18 And whosoever sweareth by the aulter it is nothinge: but whosoever sweareth by ye offeringe yt lyeth on ye aultre offendeth.
19 Ye foles and blinde: whether is greater ye offeringe or ye aultre which sanctifieth ye offeringe?
20 Whosoever therfore sweareth by ye aultre sweareth by it and by all yt there on is.
21 And whosoever sweareth by the teple sweareth by it and by hym yt dwelleth therin.
22 And he that sweareth by heve swereth by the seate of God and by hym that sytteth theron.
23 Wo be to you Scribes and Pharises ypocrites which tythe mynt annyse and comen and leave the waygthtyer mattres of ye lawe vndone: iudgemet mercy and fayth. These ought ye to have done and not to have left the othre vndone.
24 Ye blinde gydes which strayne out a gnat and swalowe a cammyll.
25 Wo be to you scribes and pharises ypocrites which make clene ye vtter syde of the cuppe and of the platter: but within they are full of brybery and excesse.
26 Thou blinde Pharise clense fyrst the outsyde of the cup and platter that the ynneside of them maye be clene also.
27 Wo be to you Scribe and Pharises ypocrite for ye are lyke vnto paynted tombes which appere beautyfull outwarde: but are wt in full of deed bones and of all fylthynes.
28 So are ye for outwarde ye appere righteous vnto me when within ye are full of ypocrisie and iniquite.
29 Wo be vnto you Scribes and Pharises ypocrites: ye bylde the tombes of the Prophetes and garnisshe the sepulchres of the righteous
30 and saye: Yf we had bene in the dayes of oure fathers we wolde not have bene parteners with them in the bloud of the Prophetes.
31 So then ye be witnesses vnto youre selfes that ye are the chyldren of them which killed the prophetes.
32 Fulfill ye lyke wyse the measure of youre fathers.
33 Yee serpentes and generacion of vipers how shuld ye scape ye dapnacio of hell?
34 Wherfore beholde I sende vnto you prophetes wyse men and scribes and of the ye shall kyll and crucifie: and of the ye shall scourge in youre synagoges and persecute from cyte to cyte
35 that vpon you maye come all the righteous bloude that was sheed vpon the erth fro the bloud of righteous Abell vnto ye bloud of zacharias the sonne of Barachias who ye slewe betwene the teple and ye altre.
36 Verely I say vnto you all these thinges shall light vpon this generacion.
37 Hierusalem hierusalem which kyllest prophetes and stonest the which are sent to the: how often wolde I have gadered thy chyldren to gether as the henne gadreth her chickes vnder her winges but ye wolde not:
38 Beholde youre habitacio shalbe lefte vnto you desolate.
39 For I saye to you ye shall not se me heceforthe tyll that ye saye: blessed is he that cometh in the name of ye Lorde.
Romans 4:11
11 And he receaved the signe of circumcision as a seale of yt rightewesnes which is by fayth which fayth he had yet beynge vncircucised: that he shuld be the father of all them that beleve though they be not circumcised that rightewesnes myght be imputed to them also:
12 Brethern I besech you be ye as I am: for I am as ye are. Ye have not hurte me at all.
Genesis 29:20
20 And Iacob serued .vij. yeres for Rahel and they semed vnto him but a fewe dayes for the loue he had to her.
Genesis 41:20
20 And the .vij. leane and euell fauored kyne ate vpp the first .vij. fatt kyne
Numbers 22:15
15 And Balac sent agayne a greatter companye of lordes ad more honorable than they.
Acts 13:50
50 But the Iewes moved ye worshypfull and honorable wemen and the chefe men of the cyte and reysed persecucio agaynst Paul and Barnabas and expelled them oute of their costes.
Acts 17:12
12 And many of the beleved: also of worshipfull weme which were Grekes and of men not a feawe.
Genesis 22:17
17 that I will blesse th and multiplye thy seed as the starres of heaven and as the sonde vpo the seesyde. And thy seed shall possesse the gates of hys enymies.
Genesis 23:10
10 For Hephron dwelled amoge ye childern of heth.Than Ephron the Hethite answered Abraham in the audyece of the childern of Heth and of all that went in at the gates of his cyte saynge:
Deuteronomy 17:5
5 the thou shalt bringe forth that ma or that woman whiche haue comytted that weked thinge, vnto thi gates ad shalt stone the with stones ad they shall dye.
John 2:16
16 and sayde vnto them that solde doves: Have these thinges hence and make not my fathers housse an housse of marchaundyse.
John 6:26-27
26 Iesus answered them and sayde: verely verely I saye vnto you: ye seke me not because ye sawe the myracles: but because ye ate of the loves and were filled.
27 Laboure not for ye meate which perissheth but for ye meate that endureth vnto everlastynge lyfe whiche meate ye sonne of ma shall geve vnto you. For him hath god ye father sealed.
Acts 19:24-26
24 For a certayne man named Demetrius a silvermyth which made silver schrynes for Diana was not a lytell beneficiall vnto the craftes men.
25 Which he called to geder with the worke men of lyke occupacion and sayd: Syrs ye knowe that by this crafte we have vauntage.
26 Moreover ye se and heare that not alone at Ephesus but almost thorowe oute all Asia this Paul hath persuaded and turned awaye moche people saying yt they be not goddes which are made wt hondes.
1 Timothy 6:6-10
6 Godlines is great ryches yf a man be content with that he hath.
7 For we brought nothynge into the worlde and it is a playne case that we can cary nothynge out.
8 When we have fode and rayment let vs therwith be contet.
9 They that wilbe ryche faule into temptacio and snares and into many folysshe and noysome lustes which droune me in perdicion and destruccion.
10 For coveteousnes is the rote of all evyll which whill some lusted after they erred fro the fayth and tanglyd them selves with many sorowes.
Genesis 17:23
23 And Abraham toke Ismaell his sonne and all the servauntes borne in his housse and all that was bought with money as many as were menchildren amonge the me of Abrahas housse and circumcysed the foreskynne of their flesh even the selfe same daye as God had sayde vnto him.
Genesis 23:18
18 vnto Abraham for a possession in the syghte of the childern of Heth and of all that went in at the gates of the cyte.
Matthew 7:6
6 Axe and it shalbe geven you. Seke and ye shall fynd. knocke and it shalbe opened vnto you.
Romans 2:28-29
1 Corinthians 7:19
19 Circumcision is nothinge vncircumcision is nothinge: but the kepyng of the comaundmentes of god is altogether.
Genesis 29:33-34
33 And she conceaued agayne and bare a sonne and sayde: the LORde hath herde that I am despised ad hath therfore geuen me this sonne also and she called him Simeon.
34 And she conceaued yet and bare a sonne ad sayde: now this once will my husbonde kepe me company because I haue borne him .iij. sonnes: and therfore she called his name Levi.
Genesis 49:5-7
5 The brethern Simeon and Leui weked instrumentes are their wepos.
6 In to their secrettes come not my soule and vnto their congregation be my honoure not coupled: for in their wrath they slewe a man and in their selfewill they houghed an oxe.
7 Cursed be their wrath for it was stronge and their fearsnes for it was cruell. I will therfore deuyde them in Iacob and scater them in Israel.
Numbers 31:7
7 And they warred agenst the Madianites as the Lorde commaunded Moses ad slewe all the males.
Numbers 31:17
17 Nowe therfore slee all the men childern and the wemen that haue lyen with men fleshlye:
Deuteronomy 32:42
42 I will make myne arowes dronke with bloude, and my swerde shall eate flesh of the bloud of the slayne and of the captyue and of the bare heed of the enemye.
Genesis 34:2
2 And Siche the sonne of Hemor the Heuite lorde of the countre sawe her and toke her and laye with her and forced her:
Genesis 34:31
31 And they answered: shuld they deall with oure sister as wyth an whoore?
Exodus 2:14
14 And he answered: who hath made the a ruelar or a iudge ouer vs? intendest thou to kill me, as thou killedst the Egiptian? Then Moses feared and sayde: of a suertie the thinge is knowne.
1 Timothy 6:10
10 For coveteousnes is the rote of all evyll which whill some lusted after they erred fro the fayth and tanglyd them selves with many sorowes.
Deuteronomy 8:17-18
17 And beware that thou saye not in thine herte, my power and the might of myne awne hade hath done me all these actes:
18 But remembre the Lorde thy God, how that it is he which gaue the power to do mafully, for to make good the promesse which he sware vnto thy fathers, as it is come to passe this daye,
Genesis 12:2
2 And I wyll make of the a myghtie people and wyll blesse the and make thy name grete that thou mayst be a blessinge.
Genesis 12:12
12 It wyll come to passe therfore whe the Egiptians see the that they wyll say: she is his wyfe. And so shall they sley me and save the.
Genesis 13:7
7 And there fell a stryfe betwene the herdmen of Abrams catell and the herdmen of Lots catell. Moreouer the Cananytes and the Pherysites dwelled at that tyme in the lande.
Genesis 28:13-14
13 yee ad the LORde stode apon it and sayde.I am the LORde God of Abraham thi father and the God of Isaac: The londe which thou slepest apon will I geue the and thy seed.
14 And thy seed shalbe as the dust of the erth: And thou shalt spreade abrode: west east north and south. And thorow the and thy seed shall all the kynreddes of the erth be blessed.
Genesis 46:27
27 And the sonnes of Ioseph which were borne him in egipte were .ij. soules: So that all the soulles of the house of Iacob which came in to Egipte are lxx.
Exodus 5:21
21 and sayde vnto them: The Lorde loke vnto you and iudge, for ye haue made the sauoure of vs stincke in the sighte of Pharao and of his servauntes, and haue put a swerde in to their handes to slee vs.
Deuteronomy 4:17
17 or any mane beest that is on the erth or of any maner fetherred foule that fleth in the ayre,
Deuteronomy 7:7
7 It was not because of the multitude of you aboue all nacions, that the Lorde had lust vnto you and chose you. For ye were fewest of all nacions:
Romans 4:18-20
18 Which Abraham contrary to hope beleved in hope that he shuld be the father of many nacions accordynge to that which was spoken:
19 So shall thy seed be. And he faynted not in the fayth nor yet consydered hys awne body which was now deed even when he was almost an hondred yeare olde: nether yet that Sara was past chyldeberinge.
20 He stackered not at the promes of God thorow vnbelefe: but was made stronge in the fayth and gave honour to God
Genesis 34:13
13 Then the sonnes of Iacob answered to Sichem ad Hemor his father deceytefully because he had defyled Dina their syster.
Genesis 49:7
7 Cursed be their wrath for it was stronge and their fearsnes for it was cruell. I will therfore deuyde them in Iacob and scater them in Israel.