1 Abraha toke hi another wyfe cald Ketura
2 which bare hi Sunram Iacksam Medan Midia Iesback and Suah.
3 And Iacksan begat Seba and Deda. And the sonnes of sedan were Assurim Letusim and Leumim.
4 And the sonnes of Midian were Epha Epher Hanoch Abida and Elda. All these were the childern of Bethura.
5 But Abraha gaue all that he had vnto Isaac.
6 And vnto the sonnes of his concubines he haue giftes and sent them awaye from Isaac his sonne (while he yet lyved) east ward vnto the east contre.
7 These are the dayes of the life of Abraha which he lyved: an hudred and .lxxv. yere
8 and than fell seke ad dyed in a lustie age (whe he had lyved ynough) ad was put vnto his people.
9 And his sonnes Isaac ad Ismael buried hi in the duble caue in the feld of Ephro sone of Zoar the Hethite before Mamre.
10 Which felde abraha boughte of the sonnes of Heth: There was Abraha buried and Sara hys wife.
11 And after yt deeth of Abraha God blessed Isaac his sonne which dweld by the well of the lyvige and seige
12 These are the generatios of Ismael Abrahas sonne which Hagar the Egiptia Saras hand mayde bare vnto Abraham.
13 And these are the names of the sones of Ismaell with their names in their kireddes. The eldest sone of Ismael Neuatoth the Redar Adbeel Mibsa
14 Misma Duma Masa
15 Hadar Thema Ietur Naphis and Redma.
16 These are the sones of Ismael and these are their names in their townes and castels .xij. princes of natios.
17 And these are the yeres of the lyfe of Ismael: an hudred and .xxxvij yere and than he fell seke and dyed and was layde vnto his people.
18 And he dweld from Euila vnto Sur yt is before Egypte as men go toward the Assirias. And he dyed in the presence of all his brethren.
19 And these are the generatios of Isaac Abrahas sonne: Abraha begat Isaac.
20 And Isaac was .xl. yere olde whe he toke Rebecca to wyfe the doughter of Bethuel the Sirian of Mesopotamia and sister to Iaban the Sirien.
21 And Isaac made intercessio vnto ye LORde for his wife: because she was bare: and ye LORde was itreated of hi and Rebecca his wife coceaued:
22 and ye childern stroue together withi her, the she sayde: yf it shulde goo so to passe what helpeth it yt I am with childe? And she went and axed ye LORde.
23 And ye LORde sayde vnto her there are .ij. maner of people in the wombe and ij. nations shall springe out of thy bowels and the one nation shalbe myghtier than the other and the eldest shalbe servaunte vnto the yonger.
24 And whe hir tyme was come to be delyuered beholde: there were .ij. twyns in hir wobe.
25 And he that came out first was redde and rough ouer all as it were an hyde: and they called his name Esau.
26 And after ward his brother came out and his hande holdynge Esau by the hele. Wher fore his name was called Iacob. And Isaac was .lx. yere olde whe she bare the:
27 and the boyes grewe and Esau became a conynge hunter and a tyllman. But Iacob was a simple man and dwelled in the tentes.
28 Isaac loved Esau because he dyd eate of his venyso but Rebecca loued Iacob
29 Iacob sod potage and Esau came from the feld and was faine
30 and sayd to Iacob: let me syppe of yt redde potage for I am fayntie. And therfore was his name called Edom.
31 And Iacob sayde: sell me this daye thy byrthrighte.
32 And Esau answered: Loo I am at the poynte to dye and what profit shall this byrthrighte do me?
33 And Iacob sayde swere to me then this daye. And he swore to him and sold his byrthrighte vnto Iacob.
34 Than Iacob gaue Esau brede and potage of redde ryse. And he ate and dronke and rose vp and went his waye. And so Esau regarded not his byrthrighte.
Genesis 25 Cross References - Tyndale
Genesis 23:1-2
Genesis 28:1
1 Than Isaac called Iacob his sonne and blessed him ad charged him and sayde vnto him: se thou take not a wife of the doughters of Canaan
Genesis 36:35
35 And after the deth of Husam Hadad the sonne of Bedad which stewe the Madianytes in the feld of the Moabytes reigned in his steade and the name of his cyte was Avith.
Genesis 37:28
28 Than as the Madianites marchaunt men passed by they drewe Ioseph out of the pytt and sold him vnto the Ismaelites for .xx. peces of syluer.And they brought him into Egipte.
Genesis 37:36
36 And the Madianytes solde him in Egipte vnto Putiphar a lorde of Pharaos: and his chefe marshall.
Exodus 2:15-16
Exodus 18:1-4
1 Iethro the prest of Madian Moses father in lawe herde of all that God had done vnto Moses and to Israel his people, how that the Lorde had broughte Israel out of Egipte.
2 And he toke Ziphora Moses wyfe, after she was sente backe,
3 and hir .ij. sonnes, of which the one was called Gerson, for he sayde: I haue bene an alient in a straunge lande.
4 And the other was called Eliesar: for the God of my father was myne helpe ad delyuered me from the swerde of Pharao.
Numbers 22:4
4 And Moab sayed vnto the elders of Madian now this companye hath lickte vpp all that are rounde aboute vs as an oxe lycketh vp the grasse of the felde. And Balac the sonne of Ziphor was kinge of the Moabites at that tyme.
Numbers 25:17-18
Numbers 31:2
2 auenge the childern of Israel of the Madianites and afterwarde be gathered vnto thy people.
Numbers 31:8
8 And they slewe the kynges of Madian among other that were slayne: Eui Rekem Zur Hur and Reba: fyue kynges of Madian. And they slewe Bala the sonne of Beor with the swerde.
Genesis 21:10-12
10 Then she sayde vnto Abraham: put awaye this bondemayde and hyr sonne: for the sonne of this bondwoman shall not be heyre with my sonne Isaac:
11 But the wordes semed verey greavous in Abrahams syghte because of his sonne.
12 Than the LORde sayde vnto Abraham: let it not be greavous vnto the because of the ladd and of thy bondmayde: But in all that Sara hath saide vnto the heare hir voyce for in Isaac shall thy seed be called.
Genesis 24:36
36 And Sara my masters wyfe bare him a sonne whe she was olde: and vnto him hath he geven all that he hath.
Matthew 11:27
27 All thinges are geve vnto me of my father. And noma knoweth ye sonne but ye father: nether knoweth eny ma ye father save ye sonne and he to whome ye sonne will ope him.
Matthew 28:18
18 And Iesus came and spake vnto them sayinge: All power ys geve vnto me in heve and in erth.
John 3:35
35 The father loveth the sonne and hath geven all thinges into his honde.
John 17:2
2 as thou hast geve him power over all fleshe that he shuld geve eternall lyfe to as many as thou hast geven him.
Romans 8:17
17 Yf we be sonnes we are also heyres the heyres I meane of God and heyres anexed with Christ: if so be that we suffer togedder that we maye be glorified to gedder.
Romans 8:32
32 which spared not his awne sonne but gave him for vs all: how shall he not wt him geve vs all thinges also?
Romans 9:7-9
7 nether are they all chyldren strayght waye because they are the seed of Abraham. But in Isaac shall thy seede be called:
8 that is to saye they which are the chyldren of the flesshe are not the chyldren of god. But the chyldren of promes are counted the seede.
9 For this is a worde of promes aboute this tyme will I come and Sara shall have a sonne.
1 Corinthians 3:21-23
Galatians 3:29
29 Yf ye be Christes then are ye Abrahams seed and heyres by promes.
Galatians 4:28
28 Brethre we are after the maner of Isaac chyldren of promes.
Colossians 1:19
19 For it pleased the father that in him shuld all fulnes dwell
Hebrews 1:2
2 but in these last dayes he hath spoken vnto vs by his sonne whom he hath made heyre of all thinges: by who also he made the worlde.
Genesis 16:3
3 Abrams wife toke Hagar hyr mayde the Egitian (after Abram had dwelled .x. yere in the lande of Canaan) and gaue her to hyr husbonde Abram to be his wyfe.
Genesis 21:14
14 And Abraham rose vp early in the mornyng and toke brede and a bottell with water and gaue it vnto Hagar puttynge it on hir shulders wyth the lad also and sent her awaye. And she departed and wadred vpp and doune in the wyldernes of Berseba.
Genesis 25:1
1 Abraha toke hi another wyfe cald Ketura
Genesis 30:4
4 And she gaue him Bilha hir hadmayde to wife. And Iacob wet in vnto her
Genesis 30:9
9 Whe Lea sawe that she had left bearinge she toke Silpha hir mayde and gaue her Iacob to wiffe.
Genesis 32:22
22 ad rose vp the same nyghte ad toke his .ij. wyves and his .ij. maydens and his .xi. sonnes and went ouer the foorde Iabok.
Genesis 35:22
22 And it chaunced as Israel dwelt in that lande that Ruben went and laye with Bilha his fathers concubyne and it came to Israels eare. The sonnes of Iacob were .xij. in nombre.
Matthew 5:45
45 that ye maye be ye chyldern of youre father that is in heauen: for he maketh his sunne to aryse on ye yvell and on the good and sendeth his reyn on the iuste and vniuste.
Luke 11:11-13
11 Yf the sonne shall axe breed of eny of you that is a father: wyll he geve him a stone? Or yf he axe fisshe wyll he for a fysshe geve him a serpent?
12 Or yf he axe an egge: wyll he offer him a scorpion?
13 Yf ye then which are evyll canne geve good giftes vnto youre chyldren how moche more shall the father of heaven geve an holy sprete to them that desyre it of him?
Acts 14:17
17 Neverthelesse he lefte not him selfe with outen witnes in that he shewed his benefites in gevinge vs rayne from heaven and frutefull ceasons fyllinge oure hertes with fode and gladnes.
Genesis 12:4
4 And Abram wet as the LORde badd hym and Lot went wyth him. Abram was .lxxv. yere olde when he went out of Haran.
Genesis 15:15
15 Neuerthelesse thou shalt goo vnto thi fathers in peace ad shalt be buried when thou art of a good age:
Genesis 25:7
7 These are the dayes of the life of Abraha which he lyved: an hudred and .lxxv. yere
Genesis 25:17
17 And these are the yeres of the lyfe of Ismael: an hudred and .xxxvij yere and than he fell seke and dyed and was layde vnto his people.
Genesis 35:18
18 Then as hir soule was a departinge that she must dye: she called his name Ben Oni. But his father called him Ben Iamin.
Genesis 35:28-29
Genesis 47:8-9
Genesis 49:29
29 And he charged them and sayde vnto them. I shall be put vnto my people: se that ye burye me with my fathers in the caue that is in the felde of Ephron the Hethyte
Genesis 49:33
33 When Iacob had commaunded all that he wold vnto his sonnes be plucked vp his fete apon the bedd and dyed and was put vnto his people.
Numbers 20:24
24 let Aaron be put vnto his people for he shall not come in to the londe which I haue geuen vnto the childern of Israel: because ye dishobeyed my mouth at the water of stryffe
Numbers 27:13
13 And whe thou hast sene it thou shalt be gathered vnto thy people also as Aaron thy brother was gathered vnto his people.
Acts 5:5
5 When Ananias herde these wordes. he fell doune and gave vp the goost. And great feare came on all the that these thinges hearde.
Acts 5:10
10 Then she fell doune strayght waye at his fete and yelded vp the goost. And the yonge men came in and founde her ded and caryed her out and buryed her by her husbande.
Acts 12:23
23 And immediatly the angell of ye Lorde smote him because he gave not God the honoure and he was eatyn of wormes and gave vp the goost.
Acts 13:36
36 Howbe it David after he had in his tyme fulfilled the will of God he slepte and was layde with his fathers and sawe corrupcion.
Genesis 21:9-10
Genesis 23:9-20
9 and let him geue me the dubill caue which he hath in the end of his felde for as moch money as it is worth let him geue it me in the presence of you for a possession to bury in.
10 For Hephron dwelled amoge ye childern of heth.Than Ephron the Hethite answered Abraham in the audyece of the childern of Heth and of all that went in at the gates of his cyte saynge:
11 Not so my lorde but heare me: The felde geue I the and the caue that therein is geue I the also And even in the presence of the sonnes of my people geve I it the to bury thy deede in.
12 Than Abraham bowed himselfe before the people of the lade
13 and spake vnto Ephro in the audyence of the people of the contre saynge: I praye the heare me I will geue sylver for the felde take it of me ad so will I bury my deed there.
14 Ephron answered Abraha saynge vnto him
15 My lorde harken vnto me. The lande is worth iiij. hundreth sycles of syluer: But what is that betwixte the and me? bury thy deede.
16 And Abraham harkened vnto Ephron and weyde him the sylver which he had sayde in the audyence of the sonnes of Heth. Euen .iiij. hudred syluer sycles of currant money amonge marchauntes
17 Thus was the felde of Ephron where in the dubbill caue is before Mamre: euen the felde and the caue that is therein and all the trees of the felde which growe in all the borders rounde aboute made sure
18 vnto Abraham for a possession in the syghte of the childern of Heth and of all that went in at the gates of the cyte.
19 And then Abraham buried Sara his wyfe in the double caue of the felde that lyeth before Mare otherwise called Ebron in the lande of Canaan.
20 And so both the felde ad the caue that is therein was made vnto Abraham a sure possession to bury in of the sonnes of Heth.
Genesis 35:29
29 and than fell he seke and dyed ad was put vnto his people: beynge olde and full of dayes. And his sonnes Esau ad Iacob buried him.
Genesis 49:29-30
29 And he charged them and sayde vnto them. I shall be put vnto my people: se that ye burye me with my fathers in the caue that is in the felde of Ephron the Hethyte
30 in the double caue that is in the felde before Mamre in the lande of Canaan. Which felde Abraham boughte of Ephron the Hethite for a possessio to burye in.
Genesis 50:13
13 And his sonnes caried him in to the land of Canaan and buryed him in the double caue which Abraha had boughte with the felde to be a place to burye in of Ephron the Hethite before Mamre.
Genesis 23:16
16 And Abraham harkened vnto Ephron and weyde him the sylver which he had sayde in the audyence of the sonnes of Heth. Euen .iiij. hudred syluer sycles of currant money amonge marchauntes
Genesis 49:31
31 There they buryed Abraha and Sara his wyfe there they buryed Isaac and Rebecca his wyfe. And there I buried Lea:
Genesis 12:2
2 And I wyll make of the a myghtie people and wyll blesse the and make thy name grete that thou mayst be a blessinge.
Genesis 16:14
14 Wherfore she called the well the well of the lyuynge that seith me which well is betwene Cades and Bared.
Genesis 17:19
19 The sayde God: na Sara thy wife shall bere the a sonne ad thou shalt call his name Isaac. And I will make my bonde with him that it shall be an everlastynge bonde vnto his seed after him.
Genesis 22:17
17 that I will blesse th and multiplye thy seed as the starres of heaven and as the sonde vpo the seesyde. And thy seed shall possesse the gates of hys enymies.
Genesis 24:62
62 And Isaac was a comige from the well of ye lyvynge and seynge for he dwelt in the south cotre
Genesis 50:24
24 And Ioseph sayde vnto his brethern: I die And God will suerlie vysett you and bringe you out of this lande vnto the lande which he sware vnto Abraham Isaac and Iacob.
Genesis 16:10-15
10 And the angell of ye LORde sayde vnto her: I will so encrease thy seed that it shall not be numbred for multitude.
11 And the LORdes angell sayd further vnto her: se thou art wyth childe and shalt bere a sonne and shalt call his name Ismael: because the LORDE hath herde thy tribulation.
12 He will be a wylde man and his hande will be agenst every man and euery mans hande agenst him. And yet shall he dwell faste by all his brothren.
13 And she called the name of the LORde that spake vnto her: thou art the God that lokest on me for she sayde: I haue of a suertie sene here the backe parties of him that seith me.
14 Wherfore she called the well the well of the lyuynge that seith me which well is betwene Cades and Bared.
15 And Hagar bare Abram a sonne and Abram called his sons name which Hagar bare Ismaell.
Genesis 17:20
20 And as concernynge Ismaell also I haue herde thy request: loo I will blesse him and encrease him and multiplye him excedyingly. Twelve prynces shall be begete and I will make a great nation of him.
Genesis 21:13
13 Moreouer of the sonne of the Bondwoman will I make a nation because he is thy seed.
Genesis 36:3
3 And Basmath Ismaels doughter and sister of Nebaioth.
Genesis 17:23
23 And Abraham toke Ismaell his sonne and all the servauntes borne in his housse and all that was bought with money as many as were menchildren amonge the me of Abrahas housse and circumcysed the foreskynne of their flesh even the selfe same daye as God had sayde vnto him.
Genesis 25:7-8
Genesis 2:11
11 The name of the one is Phison he it is that compasseth all the lande of heuila where gold groweth.
Genesis 10:7
7 The sonnes of Chus: were Seba Hevila Sabta Rayma and Sabtema. And the sonnes of Rayma were: Sheba and Dedan.
Genesis 10:29
29 Ophir Heuila and Iobab. All these are the sonnes of Iaketan.
Genesis 13:10
10 And Lot lyft vp hys eyes and beheld all the contre aboute Iordane which was a plenteous contre of water every where before the LORde destroyed Sodoma and Gomorra.Even as the garden of the LORde and as the lande of Egipte tyll thou come to Zoar.
Genesis 14:10
10 And that vale of siddim was full of slyme pyttes.And the kynges of Sodome and Gomorra fled and fell there. And the resydue fled to the mountaynes.
Genesis 16:12
12 He will be a wylde man and his hande will be agenst every man and euery mans hande agenst him. And yet shall he dwell faste by all his brothren.
Genesis 20:1
1 And Abraham departed thence towarde the southcontre and dwelled betwene Cades and Sur ad sogeorned in Gerar.
Genesis 21:21
21 And he dweld in the wyldernesse of Pharan. And hys mother gott him a wyfe out of the land of Egypte.
Matthew 1:2
2 Abraham begat Isaac: Isaac begat Iacob: Iacob begat Iudas and his brethren:
Luke 3:34
34 which was the sonne of Iacob: which was the sonne of Ysaac: which was the sonne of Abraham: which was the sonne of Tharra: which was the sonne of Nachor:
Acts 7:8
8 And he gave him the covenaunt of circumcision. And he begat Isaac and circumcised him the viii. daye and Isaac begat Iacob and Iacob the twelve patriarkes
Genesis 22:23
23 And Bethuel begat Rebecca. These .viij. dyd Milcha bere to Nachor Abrahams brother
Genesis 24:29
29 And Rebecca had a brother called Laban.And Laban ranne out vnto the man to the well:
Genesis 24:67
67 The Isaac broughte her in to his mother Saras tente ad toke Rebecca and she became his wife and he loved her: and so was Isaac coforted over his mother.
Genesis 28:5-6
5 Thus Isaac sent forth Iacob to goo to Mesopotamia vnto Laban sonne of Bethuel the Sirien and brother to Rebecca Iacobs and Esaus mother.
6 When Esau sawe that Isaac had blessed Iacob and sent him to Mesopotamia to fett him a wife thence and that as he blessed him he gaue him a charge saynge: se thou take not a wife of the doughters of Canaan:
Genesis 31:18
18 and caried away all his catell and all his substace which he had gotte in Mesopotamia for to goo to Isaac his father vnto the lade of Canaan.
Genesis 31:20
20 And Iacob went awaye vnknowynge to Laban the Sirie and tolde him not yt he fled.
Genesis 31:24
24 And God came to Laba the Siria in a dreame by nyghte and sayde vnto him: take hede to thi selfe that thou speake not to Iacob oughte save good.
Genesis 35:9
9 And God appeared vnto Iacob agayne after he came out of Mesopotamia and blessed him
Deuteronomy 26:5
5 And thou shalt answere ad saye before the Lorde thy God: The Sirians wolde haue destroyed my father, and he went doune in to Egipte ad sogeorned there with a few folke and grewe there vnto a nacyon greate, myghtie and full of people.
Luke 4:27
27 And many lepers were in Israel in the tyme of Heliseus the Prophete: and yet none of them was healed savinge Naaman of Siria.
Genesis 11:30
30 But Sarai was baren and had no childe.
Genesis 15:2-3
Genesis 16:2
2 Wherfore the sayde vnto Abram. Beholde the LORde hath closed me that I can not bere. I praye the goo in vnto my mayde peradueture I shall be multiplyed by meanes of her And Abram herde the voyce of Sarai. Than Sarai
Genesis 17:16-19
16 For I will blesse her and geue the a sonne of her and will blesse her: so that people ye and kynges of people shall springe of her.
17 And Abraham fell vpon his face ad laughte and sayd in his harte: shall a childe be borne vnto hym that is an hundred yere olde ad shall Sara that is nynetie yere olde bere?
18 And Abraha sayde vnto God. O that Ismaell myghte lyve in thy syghte.
19 The sayde God: na Sara thy wife shall bere the a sonne ad thou shalt call his name Isaac. And I will make my bonde with him that it shall be an everlastynge bonde vnto his seed after him.
Luke 1:7
7 And they had no chylde because that Elizabeth was barre and booth were well stricken in age.
Luke 1:13
13 And the angell sayde vnto him: feare not Zachary for thy prayer is hearde: And thy wyfe Elizabeth shall beare ye a sonne and thou shalt call his name Iohn
Romans 9:10-12
10 Nether was it so wt her only: but also when Rebecca was with chylde by one I meane by oure father Isaac
11 yeer the chyldren were borne when they had nether done good nether bad: that the purpose of God which is by election myght stonde
12 it was sayde vnto her not by the reason of workes but by grace of ye caller: the elder shall serve the yonger.
Genesis 17:4
4 I am beholde my testamet is with the that thou shalt be a father of many natios.
Genesis 17:16
16 For I will blesse her and geue the a sonne of her and will blesse her: so that people ye and kynges of people shall springe of her.
Genesis 24:60
60 And they blessed Rebecca and sayde vnto her: Thou art oure sister growe in to thousande thousandes and thy seed possesse ye gates of their emnies.
Genesis 25:27
27 and the boyes grewe and Esau became a conynge hunter and a tyllman. But Iacob was a simple man and dwelled in the tentes.
Genesis 27:29
29 People be thy servauntes and natios bowe vnto the. Be lorde ouer thy brethre and thy mothers children stoupe vnto the. Cursed be he yt curseth the and lessed be he that blesseth the.
Genesis 27:40
40 And wyth thy swerde shalt thou lyue and shalt be thy brothers seruaunte But the tyme will come when thou shalt gett the mastrye and lowse his yocke from of thy necke.
Genesis 32:6
6 And the messengers came agayne to Iacob sainge: we came vnto thi brother Esau and he cometh ageynst the and .iiij. hundred men with hi.
Genesis 33:3
3 And he went before them and fell on the grownde, vij. tymes vntill he came vnto his brother.
Genesis 36:31
31 These are the kynges that reigned in the lande of Edom before there reigned any kynge amonge the childern of Israel.
Numbers 20:14
14 And Moses sent messengers from cades vnto the kynge of Edome. Thus sayeth thi brother Israel: Thou knowest all the trauell yt hath happened us
Romans 9:10-13
10 Nether was it so wt her only: but also when Rebecca was with chylde by one I meane by oure father Isaac
11 yeer the chyldren were borne when they had nether done good nether bad: that the purpose of God which is by election myght stonde
12 it was sayde vnto her not by the reason of workes but by grace of ye caller: the elder shall serve the yonger.
13 As it is written: Iacob he loved but Esau he hated.
Genesis 27:11
11 Than sayde Iacob to Rebecca his mother. Beholde Esau mi brother is rugh and I am smooth.
Genesis 27:16
16 ad she put the skynnes vpon his hades and apon the smooth of his necke.
Genesis 27:23
23 And he knewe him not because his handes were rough as his brother Esaus handes: And so he blessed him.
Genesis 27:36
36 Than sayde he: He maye well be called Iacob for he hath vndermyned me now .ij. tymes fyrst he toke awaye my byrthrighte: and se now hath he taken awaye my blessynge also. And he sayde hast thou kepte neuer a blessynge for me?
Genesis 38:28-30
28 And as she traveled the one put out his hande and the mydwife toke and bownde a reed threde aboute it saynge: this wyll come out fyrst.
29 But he plucked his hande backe agayne and his brother came out. And she sayde: wherfore hast thou rent a rent vppon the? and called him Pharez.
30 And afterward came out his brother that had the reade threde about his hade which was called Zarah.
Genesis 6:9
9 These are the generatios of Noe. Noe was a righteous man and vncorrupte in his tyme and walked wyth god.
Genesis 10:9
9 He was a myghtie hunter in the syghte of the LORde: Where of came the proverbe: he is as Nemrod that myghtie hunter in the syghte of the LORde.
Genesis 21:20
20 And God was wyth the lad and he grewe and dweld in the wildernesse and became an archer.
Genesis 27:3-5
3 Now therfore take thi weapes thy quiver and thi bowe and gett the to the feldes and take me some venyson
4 and make me meate such as I loue and brynge it me and let me eat that my soull may blesse the before that I dye:
5 But Rebecca hard whe Isaac spake to Esau his sonne. And as soone as Esau was gone to the felde to catche venyson and to brige it
Genesis 28:10-11
Genesis 31:39-41
39 What soeuer was torne of beastes I broughte it not vnto ye but made it good mysilf: of my hade dydest thou requyre it whether it was stollen by daye or nyghte
40 Moreouer by daye the hete consumed me and the colde by nyghte and my slepe departed fro myne eyes.
41 Thus haue I bene .xx. yere in thi house and serued the .xiiij. yeres forthy .ij. doughters and vi. yere for thi shepe and thou hast changed my rewarde .x. tymes.
Genesis 46:34
34 is saye: thi seruauntes haue bene occupyed aboute catell fro oure chilhode vnto this tyme: both we and oure fathers that ye maye dwell in the lande of Gosan. For an abhominacyon vnto the Egiptians are all that feade shepe.
Hebrews 11:9
9 By fayth he removed into the londe yt was promysed him as into a straunge countre and dwelt in tabernacles: and so dyd Isaac and Iacob heyres with him of the same promes.
Genesis 27:4
4 and make me meate such as I loue and brynge it me and let me eat that my soull may blesse the before that I dye:
Genesis 27:6-7
Genesis 27:9
9 gett the to the flocke and bringe me thece .ij. good kiddes and I will make meate of the for thi father soch as he loueth.
Genesis 27:19
19 And Iacob sayde vnto his father: I am Esau thy eldest sonne I haue done acordinge as thou baddest me vp and sytt and eate of my venyson that thi soule maye blesse me.
Genesis 27:25
25 Than sayde he: brynge me and let me eate of my sonnes venyson that my soule maye blesse the. And he broughte him and he ate. And he broughte him wyne also and he dranke.
Genesis 27:31
31 And had made also meate and brought it in vnto his father and sayde vnto him: Aryse my father and eate of thy sonnes venyson that thy soule maye blesse me.
Genesis 36:1
1 These are the generations of Esau which is called Edo.
Genesis 36:9
9 These are the generations of Esau father of the Edomytes in mounte Seir
Genesis 36:43
43 duke Magdiel duke Iram. These be the dukes of Edomea in their habitations in the lande of their possessions. This Esau is the father of the Edomytes.
Exodus 15:15
15 Tha the dukes of the Edomites were amased, ad treblinge came apon the myghtiest off the Moabites, and all the inhabiters of Canaa waxed faynte harted.
Numbers 20:14-21
14 And Moses sent messengers from cades vnto the kynge of Edome. Thus sayeth thi brother Israel: Thou knowest all the trauell yt hath happened us
15 how oure fathers wet doune in to Egipte and how we haue dwelt in Egipte a longe tyme and how the Egiptians vexed both us and oure fathers.
16 Then we cryed vnto the Lorde and he herde oure voyces and sent an angell and hath fett us out of Egipte. And beholde we are in Cades a citie harde by the borders
17 of thi contre let us goo a good felowshipe thorow thi contre we wyll not goo thorow the feldes nor thorow the vyneyardes nether will we drynke of the water of the fountaynes: but we will goo by the hye waye and nether turne vnto ye ryghte hande nor to ye lefte vntill we be past thi contre.
18 And Edom answered him: Se thou come not by me lest I come out agest the with the swerde
19 And the childern of Israel sayed vnto him: we will goo by the beeten waye: and yf ether we or oure catell drynke of thi water we will paye for it we wyll doo nomoare but passe thorow by fote only.
20 And he sayed: ye shall not goo thorow. And Edom came out agenst him with moch people and with a myghtie power.
21 And thus Edom denyed to geue Israel passage thorow his contre. And Israel turned a waye from him.
Deuteronomy 23:7
7 Thou shalt not abhorre an Edomite, for he is thy brother: nether shalt thou abhorre an Egiptian, because thou wast a straunger in hys londe.
Exodus 22:9
9 And in all maner of trespace, whether it be oxe, asse, shepe, rayment or ony maner lost thynge which another chalegeth to be his, the cause of both parties shall come before the goddes. And whom the goddes condene: the same shall paye double vnto his neghboure.
Genesis 14:22
22 And Abram answered the kynge of Sodome: I lyfte vpp my hande vnto the LORde God most hygh possessor of heaven ad erth
Genesis 24:3
3 I maye make the swere by the LORde that is God of heauen and God of the erth that thou shalt not take a wyfe vnto my sonne of the doughters of the canaanytes amonge which I dwell.
Genesis 36:6-7
6 And Esau toke his wyues his sonnes and doughters and all the soules of his house: his goodes and all his catell and all his substance which he had gott in the land of Canaan ad went in to a countre awaye from his brother Iacob:
7 for their ryches was so moch that they coude not dwell together and that the land where in they were straungers coude not receaue the: because of their catell.
Mark 6:23
23 And he sware vnto hyr whatsoever thou shalt axe of me I will geve it ye even vnto ye one halfe of my kyngdome.
Hebrews 6:16
16 Men verely sweare by him that is greater then them selves and an othe to confyrme the thynge ys amonge them an ende of all stryfe.
Hebrews 12:16
16 and that there be no fornicator or vnclene person as Esau which for one breakfast solde his birthright.
Matthew 22:5
5 But they made light of it and went their wayes: one to his ferme place another about his marchaundise
Matthew 26:15
15 and sayd: what will ye geve me and I will deliver him vnto you? And they apoynted vnto him thirty peces of sylver.
Luke 14:18-20
18 And they all atonce begane to make excuse. The fyrst sayd vnto him: I have bought a ferme and I must nedes goo and se it I praye the have me excused.
19 And another sayd: I hove bought fyve yooke of oxen and I goo to prove them I praye the have me excused.
20 The thyrde sayd: I have maried a wyfe and therfore I cannot come.
Acts 13:41
41 Beholde ye despisers and wonder and perishe ye: for I do aworke in youre dayes which ye shall not beleve yf a ma wolde declare it you.
1 Corinthians 15:32
32 That I have fought with beastes at Ephesus after the maner of men what avautageth it me yf the deed ryse not agayne? Let vs eate and drynke to morowe we shall dye.