Genesis 11:2 Cross References - Tyndale

2 And as they came from the east they founde a playne in the lande of Synear and there they dwelled.

Genesis 10:10

10 And the begynnynge of hys kyngdome was Babell Erech Achad and Chalne in the lande of Synear:

Genesis 11:9

9 Wherfore the name of it is called Babell because that the LORDE there confounded the tonge of all the world. And because that the LORde from thence skatered them abrode vppon all the erth.

Genesis 13:11

11 Than Lot chose all the costes of Iordane ad toke hys iourney from the east. And so departed the one brother from the other.

Genesis 14:1

1 And it chaunsed within a while that Amraphel kynge of Synear Arioch kynge of Ellasar Kedorlaomer kynge of Elam and Thydeall kynge of the nations:

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.