Galatians 3:1 Cross References - Tyndale

1 O folisshe Galathyas: who hath bewitched you that ye shuld not beleve the trueth? To whom Iesus Christ was described before the eyes and amoge you crucified.

Deuteronomy 32:6

6 Doest thou so rewarde the Lorde? O foolish nacyon ad vnwyse. Is not he thy father ad thyne owner? hath he not made the and ordeyned the?

Matthew 7:26

26 and abundauce of rayne descended and the fluddes came and ye wyndes blewe and beet vpon that housse and it fell and great was the fall of it.

Matthew 24:24

24 For there shall arise false christes and false prophete and shall do great myracles and wondres. In so moche yt if it were possible ye verie electe shuld be deceaved. 25 And he sayde vnto the: O foles and slowe of herte to beleve all yt the prophetes have spoken.

Acts 6:7

7 And the worde of God encreased and the noubre of the disciples multiplied in Ierusalem greatly and a great company of the prestes were obedient to the faythe.

Acts 8:9-11

9 And ther was a certayne man called Simon which before tyme in the same cite vsed witche crafte and bewitched the people of Samarie sayinge that he was a man yt coulde do greate thinges 10 Whom they regarded from ye lest to the greatest sayinge: this felow is the great power of God. 11 And him they set moche by because of longe tyme with sorcery he had mocked the.

Romans 2:8

8 But vnto them that are rebellious and disobey the trueth yet folowe iniquytie shall come indignacion and wrath

Romans 6:17

17 God be thanked yt though ye were once the servauntes of synne ye have yet obeyed with herte vnto the forme of doctryne wher vnto ye were delyvered.

Romans 10:16

16 But they have not all obeyed to ye gospell. For Esaias sayth: Lorde who shall beleve oure sayinges?

1 Corinthians 1:23-24

23 But we preache Christ crucified vnto the Iewes an occasion of fallinge and vnto the Grekes folisshnes: 24 but vnto the which are called both of Iewes and Grekes we preache Christ ye power of God and the wysdome of God.

1 Corinthians 2:2

2 Nether shewed I my selfe that I knewe eny thinge amonge you save Iesus Christ eve the same that was crucified.

1 Corinthians 11:26

26 For as often as ye shall eate this breed and drynke this cup ye shall shewe the lordes deeth tyll he come.

2 Corinthians 10:5

5 wherwith we overthrowe ymaginacyons and every hye thynge that exalteh it silfe agaynst the knowledge of god and brynge into captivite all vnderstondynge to the obedience of Christ

2 Corinthians 11:3

3 But I feare lest as the serpent begyled Eve thorow his sutteltie even so youre wittes shuld be corrupte from the singlenes that is in Christ.

2 Corinthians 11:13-15

13 For these falce apostles are disceatefull workers and fassion them selves lyke vnto ye apostles of Christ. 14 And no marvayle for satan him silfe is chaunged into the fassion of an angell of light. 15 Therfore it is no great thynge though his ministers fassion them selves as though they were the ministers of rightewesnes: whose ende shalbe acordynge to their dedes.

Galatians 1:6

6 I marvayle that ye are so sone turned fro him that called you in the grace of Christ vnto another gospell:

Galatians 2:14

14 But when I sawe that they went not the ryght waye after the trueth of the gospell I sayde vnto Peter before all men yf thou beynge a Iewe livest after the maner of the gentyls and not as do the Iewes: why causest thou the getyls to live as do the Iewes?

Galatians 3:3

3 Are ye so vnwyse that after ye have begonne in the sprete ye wolde nowe ende in the flesshe?

Galatians 4:9

9 But now seinge ye knowe god (yee rather are knowe of God) how is it that ye tourne agayne vnto the weake and bedgarly cerimonies whervnto agayne ye desyre afresshe to be in bondage?

Galatians 5:7-8

7 Ye did runne well: who was a let vnto you that ye shuld not obey the trueth? 8 Eve that counsell that is not of him that called you.

Ephesians 3:8

8 Vnto me the lest of all sayntes is this grace geven that I shuld preache amonge the gentyls the unsearchable ryches of Christ

Ephesians 4:14

14 That we hence forth be no moare chyldren wauerynge and caryed with every wynde of doctryne by the wylynes of men and craftynes wherby they laye a wayte for vs to deceave vs.

Ephesians 5:15

15 Take hede therfore that ye walke circuspectly: not as foles: but as wyse

2 Thessalonians 1:8

8 in flammynge fyre rendrynge vengeaunce vnto them that knowe not God and to them that obeye not vnto the gospell of oure Lorde Iesus Christ

2 Thessalonians 2:9-12

9 even him whose commynge is by the workynge of Satan wyth all lyinge power signes and wonders: 10 and in all deceavablenes of vnrightewesnes amonge them that perysshe: because they receaved not the (love) of the truth that they myght have bene saved. 11 And therfore god shall sende them stronge delusion that they shuld beleve lyes: 12 that all they myght be damned which beleved not the trueth but had pleasure in vnrightewesnes.

1 Timothy 6:4

4 he is pufte vp and knoweth nothynge: but wasteth his braynes aboute questions and stryfe of wordes wherof sprynge envie stryfe raylinges evyll surmysinges

Hebrews 5:9

9 and was made parfaite and the cause of eternall saluacion vnto all them that obey him:

Hebrews 11:8

8 By fayth Abraha whe he was called obeyed to goo out into a place which he shuld afterwarde receave to inheritaunce and he wet out not knowynge whether he shuld goo.

1 Peter 1:22

22 And for as moche as ye have purified youre soules thorowe the sprete in obeyinge the trueth for to love brotherly withouten saynynge se that ye love one another with a pure hert fervently:

1 Peter 4:17

17 For the tyme is come that iudgement must begynne at the housse of god. If it fyrst begynne at vs what shall the ende be of them which beleve not the gospell of god?

2 Peter 2:18

18 For when they have spoke the swellinge wordes of vanytie they begyle wt wantanes thorowe yt lustes of the flesshe them that were clene escaped: but now are wrapped in errours.

Revelation 2:20

20 Notwitstondinge I have a feawe thynges agaynst the that thou sofferest that woman Iesabell which called her sylfe a prophetes to teache and to deceave my servauntes to make them commyt fornicacion and to eate meates offered vppe vnto ydoles.

Revelation 13:13-14

13 And he dyd grett wonders so that he made fyre come doune from heven in the syght of men. 14 And deceaved them that dwelt on the erth by the meanes of those signes which he had power to doo in the sight of the beest sayinge to the that dwelt on the erth: that they shuld make an ymage vnto the beest which had the woude of a swearde and dyd lyve.

Revelation 18:3

3 for all nacions have dronken of the wyne of the wrath of her fornycacion. And the kynges of the erth have committed fornicacion with her and her marchauntes are wexed ryche of the abundance of her pleasures.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.