Ezra 9:1 Cross References - Tyndale

Genesis 15:16

16 ad in the fourth generation they shall come hyther agayne for the wekednesse of the Amorites ys not yet full.

Genesis 15:19-21

19 the kenytes the kenizites the Cadmonites 20 the Hethites the Pherezites the Raphaims 21 the Amorytes the Canaanites the Gergesites and the Iebusites.

Exodus 13:5

5 whe the Lorde hath broughte the i to the lode of the Canaanites, Hethites, Amorites, Heuites ad Iebusites, which he sware vnto thi fathers that he wolde geue the: a londe where in milke ad honye floweth, the se that thou kepe this servyce in this same moneth.

Exodus 23:23

23 when myne angell goth before the ad hath broughte the in vnto the Amorites, Hethites Pherezites, Canaanites, Heuites and Iebusites and I shall haue destroyed them:

Exodus 33:16

16 for how shall it be knowne now that both I and thi people haue founde fauoure in thi sighte, but in that thou goest with us: that both I and thi people haue a preemynence before all the people that are vpon the face of the erth.

Leviticus 18:3

3 Wherfore after the doynges of the land of Egipte wherein ye dwelt, se that ye doo not: nether after the doynges of the lande of Canaan, whether I will bringe you, nether walke ye in their ordinaunces,

Leviticus 18:24-30

24 Defile not youre selues in any of these thinges, for with all these thinges are these nacions defiled whiche I cast out before you: 25 and the lande is defiled, and I will visett the wykednesse thereof apon it. and the lande shal spewe out hir inhabiters. 26 Kepe ye therfore myne ordinaunces and iudgementes, and se that ye commytt none of these abominacions: nether any of you nor ony straunger that soiourneth amonge you 27 (for all these abhominacions haue the men of the lande done whiche were there before you, and the lande is defiled) 28 lest that the lande spewe you out when ye haue defiled it, as it spewed out the nacions that where there before you. 29 For whosoeuer shall comytt any of these abhominacions, the same soules that commytt them shall perish from amonge their people. 30 Therfore se that ye kepe myne ordinaunces, that ye commytt none of these abhominable customes which were commytted before you: that ye defile not youre selues therewith for I am the Lorde youre God.

Numbers 23:9

9 from the toppe of ye rockes I se him and from the hylles I beholde him: loo ye people shall dwell by him selfe and shall not be rekened amoge other nacions.

Numbers 25:1-3

1 And Israel dwelt in Sittim and the people began to commytt whoredome with the doughters of Moab 2 which called the people vnto ye sacrifyce of their goddes. And the people ate and worshipped their goddes 3 and Israel coupled him selfe vnto Baal Peor. Then ye Lorde was angrie with Israel

Deuteronomy 12:30-31

30 Bewarre that thou be not taken in a snare after the, after that they be destroyed before the, and that thou axenot after their goddes saynge: how dyd these nacyons serue their goddes, that I maye doo so likewyse? 31 Nay, thou shalt not doo so vnto the Lorde thy God: for all abhominacyons which the Lorde hated dyd they vnto their goddes. For they burnt both their sonnes ad their doughters with fire vnto their goddes.

Deuteronomy 18:9

9 When thou art come in to the londe which the Lorde thy God geueth the, se that thou lerne not to doo after the abhominacyos of these nacyons.

Deuteronomy 20:17-18

17 But shalt destroye them with out redempcion, both the Hethites, the Amorites, the Cananites, the Pherezites, the Heuites and the Iebusites, as the Lorde thy God hath commaunded the, 18 that they teach you not to doo after all their abhominacyons whiche they doo vnto theire goddes, and so shulde synne agenst the Lorde youre God

Deuteronomy 23:3-5

3 The Ammonites and the Moabites shall not come in to the cogregacyon of the Lorde, no not in the tenth generacion, no they shall neuer come in to the cogregacion of the Lorde, 4 because they met you not with bred and water in the waye when ye came out of Egipte, and because they hyred agenst the Balaam the sonne of Beor the interpreter of Mesopotamia, to curse the. 5 Neuerthelesse the Lorde thy God wolde not herken vnto Balaam, but turned the curse to a blessinge vnto the, because the Lorde thy God loued the.

Romans 2:17-25

17 Beholde thou arte called a Iewe and trustest in the lawe and reioysist in God 18 and knowest his will and hast experience of good and bad in that thou arte informed by the lawe: 19 and belevest that thou thy silfe arte a gyde vnto the blynde a lyght to them which are in darcknes 20 an informer of them which lacke discrecio a teacher of vnlearned which hast the ensample of that which ought to be knowen and of the truth in the lawe. 21 But thou which teachest another teachest not thy selfe. Thou preachest a man shuld not steale: and yet thou stealest. 22 Thou sayst a man shuld not commit advoutry: and thou breakest wedlocke. Thou abhorrest ymages and robbest God of his honoure. 23 Thou reioysest in the lawe and thorow breakinge the lawe dishonourest God. 24 For the name of god is evyll spoken of amonge the Gentyls thorowe you as it is written. 25 Circumcisio verely avayleth if thou kepe the lawe. But if thou breake the lawe thy circumcision is made vncircumcision.

2 Corinthians 6:14-18

14 Set youreselues therfore at large and beare not a straugers yoke wyth the vnbelevers. For what fellishippe hath rightewesnes with vnrightewesnes? What company hath light wt darcknes? 15 What cocorde hath Christ with beliall? Ether what parte hath he yt beleveth with an infidele? 16 how agreeth the temple of god wt ymages? And ye are the temple of yt lyuynge god as sayde god. I will dwell amonge the and walke amoge the and wilbe their god: and they shalbe my people. 17 Wherfore come out from amoge the and separate youreselues (sayth the lorde) and touche none vncleane thynge: so wyll I receave you 18 and wilbe a father vnto you and ye shalbe vnto me sonnes and doughters sayth the lorde almyghty.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.