Ezekiel 10:1 Cross References - Tyndale
Genesis 18:2
2 And he lyfte vp his eyes and looked: ad lo thre men stode not farr from hym. And whe he sawe them he ran agenst them from the tent dore and fell to the grounde
Genesis 18:17
17 And the LORde sayde: Can I hyde from Abraham that thinge which I am aboute to do
Genesis 18:22
22 And the me departed thece and went to Sodomeward. But Abraham stode yet before ye LORde
Genesis 18:31
31 And be sayde: Oh se I haue begonne to speake vnto my LORde what yf there be .xx. founde there? And he sayde: I will not distroy the for tweties sake.
Genesis 32:24
24 ad taried behinde him selfe alone.And there wrastled a man with him vnto the breakynge of the daye.
Genesis 32:30
30 And Iacob called the name of the place Peniel for I haue sene God face to face and yet is my lyfe reserved.
Exodus 24:10
10 and sawe the God of Israel, and vnder his fete as it were a brycke worde of Saphir and as it were the facyon of heauen when is it cleare,
John 1:18
18 No ma hath sene God at eny tyme. The only begotte sonne which is in ye bosome of ye father he hath declared him.
Ephesians 1:20
20 which he wrought in Christ when he raysed him from deeth and set him on his right honde in hevenly thynges
1 Peter 3:22
22 which is oure right honde of God and is gone into heve angels power and myght subdued vnto him.
Revelation 1:13
13 and in the myddes of the cadelstyckes one lyke vnto ye sone of ma clothed with a lynnen garmet doune to the ground and gyrd aboute the pappes with a golden gyrdle