7 Onix stones and sett stones for the Ephod and for the brestlappe.
Exodus 25:7 Cross References - Tyndale
Exodus 28:4
4 These are the garmentes which they shall make: a brestlappe, Ephod, a tunycle, a strayte cote, a myter and a girdell. And they shall make holye garmentes for Aaron thi brother ad his sones, that he maye mynistre vnto me.
Exodus 28:6-30
6 And they shall make the Ephod: of golde Iacyncte, scarlett, purpull ad white twyned bysse with broderdworke,
7 The two sydes shall come to gether, clossed vppe in the edges thereof
8 And the girdell of the Ephod shalbe of the same workemanshippe ad of the same stuffe: euen of golde, Iacyncte, scarlete, purpull ad twyned bysse,
9 And thou shalt take two onyx stones and graue in them the names of the childern of Israel:
10 sixe in the one stone, and the other sixe in the other stone: acordinge to the order of their birth.
11 After the worke of a stonegrauer, eue as sygnettes are grauen, shalt thou graue the .ij stones with the names of the childern of Israel, ad shalt make the to be set in ouches of golde.
12 And thou shalt put the two stones apo the two shulders of the Ephod, ad they shalbe stones off remembraunce vnto the childern off Israel. And Aaron shall bere their names before the Lorde vppon hys two shulders for a remembraunce.
13 And thou shalt make hokes off golde
14 and two cheynes off fine golde: lynkeworke and wrethed, and fasten the wrethed cheynes to the hokes.
15 And thou shalt make the brestlappe of ensample with broderd worke: eue after the worke of the Ephod shalt thou make it: of golde, Iacyncte, scarlet, purple ad twyned bysse shalt thou make it.
16 Fouresquare it shall be ad double, an hand brede longe and an hand brede brode.
17 And thou shalt fyll it with .iiij. rowes of stones. In the first rowe shalbe a Sardios, a Topas and Smaragdus.
18 The seconde rowe: a Rubyn, Saphir and a Diamonde.
19 The thyrd: Lygurios an Acatt and Amatist.
20 The fourth: a Turcas, Onix and Iaspis. And they shalbe sett in golde in their inclosers.
21 And the stones shalbe grauen as sygnettes be graue: with the names of the childern of Israel euen with .xij names euery one with his name acordynge to the .xij. trybes.
22 And thou shalt make vppon the brestlappe .ij. fasteninge cheynes of pure golde ad wrethen worke.
23 And thou shalt make likewyse vppon the brestlappe .ij. rynges of golde and put them on the edges of the brestlappe,
24 and put the .ij. wrethen cheynes of golde in the .ij. rynges which are in the edges of the brestlappe,
25 And the .ij. endes of the .ij. cheynes thou shalt fasten in the .ij. rynges, and put them vppon the shulders of the Ephod: on the foresyde of it.
26 And thou shalt yet make .ij. rynges of golde ad put the in the .ij. edges of the brestlappe eue in the borders there of towarde the insyde of the Ephod that is ouer agaynst it.
27 And yet .ij. other riges of golde thou shalt make, ad put the on the .ij. sydes of the Ephod, beneth ouer agaynst the brestlappe, alowe where the sydes are ioyned together vppo the brodered girdell of the Ephod.
28 And they shall bynde the brestlappe by his rynges vnto the rynges of the Ephod with a lace of Iacyncte, that it maye lye closse vnto the brodered girdell of the Ephod, that the breastlappe be not lowsed from the Ephod.
29 And Aaro shall bere the names of the childern of Israel in the brestlappe of ensaple vppo his herte, whe he goth in to the holy place, for a remebrauce before the Lorde allwaye.
30 And thou shalt put i the brestlappe of ensaple lighte ad perfectnesse: that they be eue vpo Aaros herte whe he goeth i before the Lorde ad Aaro shal bere the ensaple of the childern of Israel vpo his herte before the Lorde alwaie