Exodus 16 Cross References - Tyndale

1 And they toke their yourney fro Elim, and all the hole copanye of the childern of Israell came to the wildernesse of Sin, which lieth betwene Elim ad Sinai: the .xv. daye of the seconde moneth after that they were come out of the lande of Egipte. 2 And the hole multitude of the childern of Israel murmured agaynst Moses ad Aaro in the wildernesse 3 and sayde vnto them: wold to God we had dyed by the hande of the Lorde in the lande of Egipte, when we satt by the flessh pottes and ate bred oure belies full for ye haue broughte vs out in to this wildernesse to kyll this hole multitude for honger. 4 Than sayde the Lorde vnto Moses: beholde, I will rayne bred fro heaue doune to you, ad let the people goo out ad gather daye by daye, that I maye proue the whether they wil walke in my lawe or no. 5 The .vj. daye let the prepare that which they will brige in, ad let it be twise as moch as they gather in dayly. 6 And Moses ad Aaro sayde vnto all the childere of Israel: at euen he shall knowe that it is the Lorde, which broughte you out of the lade of Egipte 7 ad in the mornynge ye shall se the glorie of the Lorde: because he hath herde youre grudgynges agaynst the Lorde: for what are we that ye shuld murmure against vs. 8 And moreouer spake Moses. At eue the Lorde will geue you flesh to eate ad in the mornynge bred ynough, because the Lord hath herde youre murmur whiche ye murmur agaynst hi: for what ar we? youre murmurynge is not agaynst vs, but agaynst the Lorde. 9 And Moses spake vnto Aaro: Say vnto all the copanye of the childere of Israel, come forth before the Lorde, for he hath herde youre grudgiges. 10 And as Aaro spake vnto the hole multitude of the childere of Israel, they loked toward the wilderuesse: ad beholde, the glorie of the Lord apeared i a clowde. 11 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayng: 12 I haue herde the murmurig of the childre of Israel, tell the therfore ad saye that at eue they shall eate flesh, ad i the morninge they shall be filled with bred, ad ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde youre god 13 And at eue the quayles came ad couered the groude where they laye. And in the mornynge the dewe laye rounde aboute the hoste. 14 And whe the dewe was falle: behold, it laye apo the grounde in the wildernesse, small ad roude ad thyn as the hore frost on the groude. 15 when the childre of Israel sawe it, they sayde one to another: what is this? for they wist not what it was And Moses sayde: this is the breed which the Lorde hath geue you to eate. 16 This is the thinge which the Lord hath comauded, that ye gather euery ma ynough for hi to eate: a gomer full for a ma acordige to the nobre off you, ad gather euery ma for the which are in his tente. 17 And the childern of Israel dyd euen so, ad gathered some more some lesse, 18 and dyd mete it with a gomer. And vnto him that had gathered moch remayned nothinge ouer, ad vnto hi that had gathered litle was there no lacke: but euery ma had gathered sufficiet for his eatinge. 19 And Moses sayde vnto them. Se that no ma let oughte remayne of it tyll the morninge. 20 Notwithstondinge they harkened not vnto Moses: but some of the lefte of it vntyll the mornynge, and it waxte full of wormes ad stake and Moses was angrie wyth them. 21 And they gathered it all morniges: euery ma as moch as suffised for his eatinge, for as sone as the hete of the sonne came it moulte. 22 And the .vj. daye they gathered twise so moch bred: ij. gomers for one ma, ad the ruelars of the multitude came ad tolde Moses. 23 And he sayde unto the, this is that which the Lorde hath sayde tomorow is the Sabbath of the holie rest of the Lord: bake that which ye will bake ad seth that ye will seth, ad that which remayneth lay vp for you ad kepe it till the mornynge. 24 And they layde it vp till the mornynge as Moses bad ad it stake not nether was there any wormes theri 25 And Moses sayde: that eate this daye: for to daye it is the Lordes Sabbath: to daye ye shal finde none in the feld, 26 Sixte dayes ye shall gather it, for the, vij. is the sabbath: there shal be none there in. 27 Notwithstondinge there went out of the people in the seuenth daye for to gather: but they founde none. 28 The the Lorde seyde vnto Moses: how longe shall it be, yer ye will kepe my comaundmetes ad lawes? 29 Se because the Lorde hath geue you a Sabbath, therfor he geueth you the .vj. daye bred for .ij. dayes. Byde therfore euery ma athome, ad let no ma go out of his place the seuenth daye. 30 And the people rested the seuenth daye. 31 And the housse of Israel called it Man, And it was lyke vnto Coriander seed and white, and the taste of it was lyke vnto wafers made with honye. 32 And Moses sayde: this is that which the Lorde commaundeth: fyll a Gomor of it, that it maye be kepte for youre childern after you: that they maye se the bred wherewith he fedd you in wyldernesse, when he had broughte you out of the lande of Egipte. 33 And Moses spake vnto Aaron: take a cruse and put a Gomer full of man therin, and laye it vppe before the Lorde to be kepte for youre childern after you 34 as the Lorde commaunded Moses. And Aaron layed it vppe before the testimonye there to be kepte. 35 And the childern of Israel ate man .xl. yere vntill they came vnto a lande inhahited. And so they ate Man, euen vntill they came vnto the bordres of the lade of Canaan, 36 And a Gomer is the tenth parte of an Epha.

Exodus 15:27

27 And they came to Elim where were .xij welles of water and .lxx. date trees, and they pitched there by the water.

Exodus 17:1

1 And all the companye of the childern of Israel went on their iourneys from the wildernesse of Sin at the commaundment of the Lorde, and pitched in Raphidim: where was no water for the people to drynke.

Numbers 33:10-12

10 And they remoued from Elim and laye fast by the red see. 11 And they remoued fro the red see and laye in ye wildernesse of Sin. 12 And they toke their iurney out of ye wildernesse of Sin and sett vpp their tentes in Daphka.

Genesis 19:4

4 But before they went to rest the men of the cyte of Sodome compassed the house rownde aboute both olde and yonge all the people from all quarters.

Exodus 14:11

11 Tha sayde they vnto Moses? were there no graues for us in Egipte, but thou must bringe us awaye for to dye in the wyldernesse? wherfore hast thou serued us thus, for to carie us out of Egipte?

Exodus 15:24

24 Then the people murmured agaynst Moses saynge: what shall we drinke?

1 Corinthians 10:10

10 Nether murmure ye as some of them murmured and were destroyed of ye destroyer

Exodus 2:23

23 And she bare yet another sonne, whom he called Elieser sayng: the God of my father is myne helper, and hath rid me out of the handes of Pharao.And it chaunced in processe of tyme, that the kinge of Egipte dyed, and the childern of Israel syghed by the reason of laboure and cryed.

Exodus 5:21

21 and sayde vnto them: The Lorde loke vnto you and iudge, for ye haue made the sauoure of vs stincke in the sighte of Pharao and of his servauntes, and haue put a swerde in to their handes to slee vs.

Exodus 17:3

3 There the people thyrsted for water, and murmured agenst Moses ad sayde: wherfore hast thou broughte us out of Egipte, to kyll us and oure childern and oure catell with thyrste?

Numbers 11:4-5

4 And the rascall people that was amonge them fell a lustynge And the childern of Ysrael also went to and wepte and sayde: who shall geue us flesh to eate? 5 we remembre the fysh which we shulde eate in Egipte for noughte and of the Cucumbers and melouns lekes onyouns and garleke.

Numbers 11:15

15 Wherfore yf thou deale thus with me kyll me I praye the yf I haue founde fauoure in thi syght and let me not se my wrechidnesse.

Numbers 14:2

2 and all the childern of Ysrael murmured agenst Moses and Aaron. And the hole congregacion sayed vnto them: wolde god that we had dyed in the lond of Egipte ether we wolde that we had dyed in thys wildernesse.

Numbers 16:13

13 Semeth it a small thynge vnto the that thou hast broughte us out of a londe that floweth with mylke and honye to kyll us in ye wildernesse. But that thou shuldest reygne ouer us also?

Numbers 16:41

41 And on the morowe all the multitude of the childern of Israell murmured agenste Moses and Aaron sayenge: ye haue kylled the people of the Lorde.

Numbers 20:3-5

3 And the people chode with Moses and spake sayenge: wold God that we had perysshed when oure brethern perysshed before ye Lorde. 4 Why haue ye brought the congregacion of the Lorde vnto this wildernesse that both we and oure catell shulde dye here? 5 Wherfore brought ye us out of Egipte to brynge us into this vngracious place which is no place of seed nor of fygges nor vynes nor of pomgranates nether is there any water to drynke?

Deuteronomy 8:3

3 He humbled the and made the hongre and fed the with man which nether thou nor thy father knewe of. to make the know that a man must not lyue by bred only: but by al that procedeth out of the mouth of the Lorde must a man lyue.

Deuteronomy 28:67

67 In the mornynge thou shalt saye, wolde God it were nyghte. And at nyghte thou shalt saye, wolde God it were mornynge. For feare off thyne herte whiche thou shalt feare, and for the syghte of thyne eyes whiche thou shalt se.

Jonah 4:8-9

8 And assone as the sonne was vpp God prepared a feruent eest winde: so that ye sonne bete ouer the heed of Ionas that he fainted agayne ad wished vn to hys soule that he might dye and sayd it is better for me to dye then to liue. 9 And god sayd vn to Ionas art thou so angre for thy wildvine? And he sayde I am angrie a goode even on to the deeth.

Acts 26:29

29 And Paul sayd: I wolde to God that not only thou: but also all that heare me to daye were not sumwhat only but altogeder soche as I am except these bondes.

1 Corinthians 4:8

8 Now ye are full: now ye are made rych: ye raygne as kinges with out vs: and I wold to god ye dyd raygne that we might raygne with you.

2 Corinthians 11:1

1 Wolde to god ye coulde suffre me a lytell in my folysshnes: yee and I praye you forbeare me.

Exodus 15:25

25 And Moses cried vnto the Lorde and he shewed him a tre: and he cast it in to the water, and they waxed swete.There he made them an ordinaunce and a lawe, and there he tempted them

Deuteronomy 8:2

2 And thinke on all the waye which the Lorde thy God led the this .xl. yere in the wildernesse, for to humble the ad to proue the, to wete what was in thine herte, whether thou woldest kepe his commaundmentes or no,

Deuteronomy 8:16

16 whiche fed the in the wildernesse with Man where of thy fathers knewe not, for to humble the and to proue the, that he might doo the good at thy later ende.

Matthew 6:11

11 And forgeve vs oure treaspases eve as we forgeve oure trespacers.

Matthew 6:32-33

32 But rather seke ye fyrst the kyngdome of heuen and the rightwisnes therof and all these thynges shalbe ministred vnto you. 33 Care not then for the morow but let ye morow care for it selfe: for the daye present hath ever ynough of his awne trouble.

Luke 11:3

3 Oure dayly breed geve vs evermore.

John 6:31-32

31 Oure fathers dyd eate Manna in the desert as yt is writte: He gave them breed fro heaven to eate. 32 Iesus sayde vnto the: verely verely I saye vnto you: Moses gave you breed fro heave: but my father geveth you the true breed fro heave.

1 Corinthians 10:3

3 and dyd all eate of one spirituall meate

Exodus 16:22-23

22 And the .vj. daye they gathered twise so moch bred: ij. gomers for one ma, ad the ruelars of the multitude came ad tolde Moses. 23 And he sayde unto the, this is that which the Lorde hath sayde tomorow is the Sabbath of the holie rest of the Lord: bake that which ye will bake ad seth that ye will seth, ad that which remayneth lay vp for you ad kepe it till the mornynge.

Exodus 35:2-3

2 Sixe dayes ye shall worke, but the seuenth daye shalbe vnto you the holy Sabbath of the Lordes rest: so that whosoeuer doth any worke there in, shall dye. 3 Moreouer ye shall kyndle no fyre thorow out all youre habitacyons apo the Sabbath daye.

Leviticus 25:21-22

21 I wyll sende my blessynge apon you in the sixte yere, 22 and it shall brynge forth frute for thre yeres: and ye shall sowe the eyghte yere and eate of olde frute vntill the .ix. yere, and euen vntyll hir frutes come, ye shall eate of olde stoare.

Exodus 6:7

7 And I wil take you for my people and wilbe to you a God. And ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde youre God which bringe you out from vnder the burthens of the Egiptians.

Exodus 12:51

51 And eue the selfe same daye dyd the Lorde brynge the childern of Israel out of the londe of Egipte with their armies.

Exodus 16:3

3 and sayde vnto them: wold to God we had dyed by the hande of the Lorde in the lande of Egipte, when we satt by the flessh pottes and ate bred oure belies full for ye haue broughte vs out in to this wildernesse to kyll this hole multitude for honger.

Exodus 16:8

8 And moreouer spake Moses. At eue the Lorde will geue you flesh to eate ad in the mornynge bred ynough, because the Lord hath herde youre murmur whiche ye murmur agaynst hi: for what ar we? youre murmurynge is not agaynst vs, but agaynst the Lorde.

Exodus 16:12-13

12 I haue herde the murmurig of the childre of Israel, tell the therfore ad saye that at eue they shall eate flesh, ad i the morninge they shall be filled with bred, ad ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde youre god 13 And at eue the quayles came ad couered the groude where they laye. And in the mornynge the dewe laye rounde aboute the hoste.

Exodus 32:1

1 And when the people sawe that it was loge or Moses came doune out of the mountayne, they gathered them selues together ad came vnto Aaron and sayde vnto him: Vp ad make vs a god to goo before vs: for of this Moses the felowe that brought vs out of the londe off Egipte, we wote not what ys become.

Exodus 32:7

7 Than the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: go get the doune, for thi people which thou broughtest out of the lade of Egipte,

Exodus 32:11

11 Than Moses besoughte the Lorde his God and sayde: O Lord, why shuld thy wrath waxe hote apo thy people which thou hast brought out of the lande of Egipte with great power and with a mightie hande?

Numbers 16:28

28 And Moses sayed: Hereby ye shall knowe that the Lorde hath sent me to doo all these workes and that I haue not done them of myne awne mynde:

Numbers 16:30

30 But and yf the Lorde make a newe thinge and the erth open hir mouthe and swalowe them and all that pertayne vnto them so that they goo doune quycke in to hell: then ye shall vnderstod that these me haue rayled apon the Lorde.

Exodus 16:2-3

2 And the hole multitude of the childern of Israel murmured agaynst Moses ad Aaro in the wildernesse 3 and sayde vnto them: wold to God we had dyed by the hande of the Lorde in the lande of Egipte, when we satt by the flessh pottes and ate bred oure belies full for ye haue broughte vs out in to this wildernesse to kyll this hole multitude for honger.

Exodus 16:10

10 And as Aaro spake vnto the hole multitude of the childere of Israel, they loked toward the wilderuesse: ad beholde, the glorie of the Lord apeared i a clowde.

Exodus 16:12

12 I haue herde the murmurig of the childre of Israel, tell the therfore ad saye that at eue they shall eate flesh, ad i the morninge they shall be filled with bred, ad ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde youre god

Exodus 24:10

10 and sawe the God of Israel, and vnder his fete as it were a brycke worde of Saphir and as it were the facyon of heauen when is it cleare,

Exodus 24:16

16 and the glorye of the Lorde abode apon mounte Sinai, and the clowde couered it .vi. dayes. And the seuenth daye he called vnto Moses out of the clowde.

Exodus 40:34

34 And the clowde couered the tabernacle of witnesse, and the glorye of the Lorde fylled the habitacion:

Leviticus 9:6

6 And Moses sayde, this is the thynge which the Lorde commaunded that ye shulde do: ad then the glorye of the Lorde shall appere vnto you.

Numbers 14:10

10 And all the whole multitude bade stone them with stones. But the glorie of the Lorde appered in the tabernacle of witnesse vnto all the childern of Israel.

Numbers 14:27

27 how longe shall this euell multitude murmure agenst me?

Numbers 16:11

11 For which cause both thou and all thi companye are gathered together agenst the Lorde: for what is Aaron that ye shulde murmure agenst him.

Numbers 16:42

42 And when the multitude was gathered agenste Moses and Aaron they loked towarde the tabernacle of witnesse. And beholde the cloude had couered it and the glorye of the Lorde appeared.

John 11:4

4 When Iesus hearde yt he sayd: this infirmite is not vnto deth but for ye laude of God that the sonne of God myght be praysed by the reason of it.

John 11:40

40 Iesus sayde vnto her: Sayde I not vnto the yt if thou didest beleve thou shuldest se ye glory of God.

Exodus 16:9

9 And Moses spake vnto Aaro: Say vnto all the copanye of the childere of Israel, come forth before the Lorde, for he hath herde youre grudgiges.

Numbers 21:7

7 And the people came to Moses and sayed: we haue synned for we haue spoken agenst the Lorde and agenst the make intercession to the Lorde that he take awaye the serpentes from us And Moses made intercession for the people.

Matthew 9:4

4 Whether ys esyer to saye thy synnes be forgeven ye or to saye: arise and walke?

Matthew 10:40

40 He that receavith you receavith me: and he that receavith me receavith him that sent me.

Luke 10:16

16 He yt heareth you heareth me: and he that dispiseth you despiseth me: and he that dispiseth me despiseth him that sent me.

John 6:41-43

41 The Iewes then murmured at him because he sayde: I am that breed which is come doune from heaven. 42 And they sayde: Is not this Iesus ye sonne of Ioseph whose father and mother we knowe? How ys yt then that he sayeth I came doune from heave? 43 Iesus answered and sayde vnto them. Murmur not betwene youre selves.

John 13:20

20 Verely verely I saye vnto you. He that receaveth who soever I sende receaveth me. And he that receaveth me receaveth him that sent me.

Romans 13:2

2 The powers that be are ordeyned of God. Whosoever therfore resysteth power resisteth the ordinaunce of God. And they that resist shall receave to the selfe damnacio.

1 Thessalonians 4:8

8 He therfore that despiseth despiseth not man but God which hath sent his holy sprete amonge you.

Exodus 16:2

2 And the hole multitude of the childern of Israel murmured agaynst Moses ad Aaro in the wildernesse

Numbers 16:16

16 Then Moses sayed vnto Corah: Be thou ad all thy companye before the Lorde: both thou they and Aaron to morowe.

Exodus 13:21-22

21 And the Lorde went before them by daye in a piler of a cloude to lede them the waye: and by nyghte in a piler of fyre to geue the lighte: that they myghte goo both by day ad nyghte. 22 And the piler of the cloude neuer departed by daye nor the piler of fyre by nyghte out of the peoples sighte.

Exodus 16:7

7 ad in the mornynge ye shall se the glorie of the Lorde: because he hath herde youre grudgynges agaynst the Lorde: for what are we that ye shuld murmure against vs.

Exodus 40:34-38

34 And the clowde couered the tabernacle of witnesse, and the glorye of the Lorde fylled the habitacion: 35 so that Moses coude not entre in to the tabernacle of witnesse, because the clowde abode there in, and the glorye of the Lorde fylled the habitacion. 36 When the clowde was taken vp from of the habitacyo, the childern of Israel toke their iornayes as oft as they iornayed. 37 And yf the clowde departed not, they iornayed nott till it departed: 38 for the clowde of the Lorde was apon the habitacion by daye, and fyre by nyghte: in the sighte of all the house of Israel in all their iornayes.

Numbers 16:19

19 And Corah gathered all the congregacyon agenst them vnto the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse.And the glorye of the Lorde appered vnto all the congregacion.

Matthew 17:5

5 Whyll he yet spake beholde a bright cloude shadowed them. And beholde there came a voyce out of ye cloude sayinge: this is my deare sonne in whom I delite heare him.

Exodus 4:5

5 that they may beleue that the Lorde God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac ad the God of Iacob hath appeared vnto the.

Exodus 7:17

17 wherfore thus sayth the Lorde: hereby thou shalt knowe that I am the Lord. Behold, I will smyte with the staffe that is in myne hand apon the waters that are in the ryuer, and they shall turne to bloude.

Exodus 16:7-8

7 ad in the mornynge ye shall se the glorie of the Lorde: because he hath herde youre grudgynges agaynst the Lorde: for what are we that ye shuld murmure against vs. 8 And moreouer spake Moses. At eue the Lorde will geue you flesh to eate ad in the mornynge bred ynough, because the Lord hath herde youre murmur whiche ye murmur agaynst hi: for what ar we? youre murmurynge is not agaynst vs, but agaynst the Lorde.

Numbers 11:9

9 And when the dewe fell aboute ye hoste in the nyghte the Manna fell therewithe.

Numbers 11:31-33

31 And there went forth a wynde fro ye lorde and brought quayles from the see and let them fall aboute the hoste euen a dayes iurney rounde aboute on euery syde of the hoste and .ij. cubetes hye apon the erth. 32 And the people stode vpp all that nyghte and on the morowe ad gathered quayles. And he that gathered the lest gathered .x. homers full. And they kylled them rounde aboute the hoste 33 And whyle the flesh was yet betwene their teeth yet it was chewed vpp the wrath of the Lorde waxed whote apon the people and the Lorde slewe of the people an exceadynge myghtie slaughter.

Exodus 16:31

31 And the housse of Israel called it Man, And it was lyke vnto Coriander seed and white, and the taste of it was lyke vnto wafers made with honye.

Numbers 11:7-9

7 The Manna was as it had bene coriander seed and to see to lyke Bedellion. 8 And ye people went aboute and gathered it and groude it in milles or bett it in morters and boke it in pannes and made cakes of it. And the rast of it was like vnto the rast of an oylecake 9 And when the dewe fell aboute ye hoste in the nyghte the Manna fell therewithe.

Exodus 16:4

4 Than sayde the Lorde vnto Moses: beholde, I will rayne bred fro heaue doune to you, ad let the people goo out ad gather daye by daye, that I maye proue the whether they wil walke in my lawe or no.

Exodus 16:33

33 And Moses spake vnto Aaron: take a cruse and put a Gomer full of man therin, and laye it vppe before the Lorde to be kepte for youre childern after you

Numbers 21:5

5 And the people spake agenst God and agenst Moses: wherfore hast thou brought us out of Egipte for to dye in the wildernesse for here is nether bred nor water and oure soules lotheth this lyghte bred.

Luke 12:30

30 for all suche thinges the hethen people of the worlde seke for. Youre father knoweth that ye have nede of suche thinges.

John 6:49

49 Youre fathers dyd eate Mana in ye wildernes and are deed.

John 6:58

58 This is the breed which cam from heave: not as youre fathers have eaten Manna and are deed. He that eateth of this breed shall live ever.

Hebrews 9:4

4 which had the golden senser and the arcke of the testamet overlayde round about with golde wherin was the golden pot with manna and Aarons rodde that spronge and the tables of the testament.

Revelation 2:17

17 Lett him that hath eares heare what the sprete sayth vnto the congregacios: To him that overcommeth will I geve to eate manna that is hyd and will geve him a whyte stone and in the stone a newe name wrytten which no ma knoweth savinge he that receaveth it.

Exodus 16:18

18 and dyd mete it with a gomer. And vnto him that had gathered moch remayned nothinge ouer, ad vnto hi that had gathered litle was there no lacke: but euery ma had gathered sufficiet for his eatinge.

Exodus 16:32-33

32 And Moses sayde: this is that which the Lorde commaundeth: fyll a Gomor of it, that it maye be kepte for youre childern after you: that they maye se the bred wherewith he fedd you in wyldernesse, when he had broughte you out of the lande of Egipte. 33 And Moses spake vnto Aaron: take a cruse and put a Gomer full of man therin, and laye it vppe before the Lorde to be kepte for youre childern after you

Exodus 16:36

36 And a Gomer is the tenth parte of an Epha.

2 Corinthians 8:14-15

14 but that ther be egalnes now at this tyme that youre aboundaunce sucker their lacke: that their aboundaunce maye supplie youre lacke: 15 that ther maye be equalite agreynge to that which is written. He that gaddered moche had never the more aboundaunce and he yt gaddered lytell had never the lesse.

Exodus 12:10

10 And se that ye let nothinge of it remayne vnto the mornynge: yf oughte remayne burne it with fyre.

Exodus 16:23

23 And he sayde unto the, this is that which the Lorde hath sayde tomorow is the Sabbath of the holie rest of the Lord: bake that which ye will bake ad seth that ye will seth, ad that which remayneth lay vp for you ad kepe it till the mornynge.

Exodus 23:18

18 Thou shalt not offer the bloude of my sacrifyce with leuended bred: nether shall the fatt of my feast remayne vntill the mornynge.

Matthew 6:34

34 Iudge not that ye be not iudged.

Numbers 12:3

3 But Moses was a very meke man aboue all the men of the erthe.

Numbers 16:15

15 And Moses waxed very angrye and sayed vnto the Lorde: Turne not vnto their offerynges. I haue not taken so moch as an asse from them nether haue vexed any of them.

Matthew 6:19

19 But gaddre ye treasure togeder in heve where nether rust nor mothes corrupte and where theves nether breake vp nor yet steale.

Mark 3:5

5 And he loked round aboute on them angerly mournyge on the blindnes of their hertes and sayde to the man: stretch forth thyne honde. And he stretched it oute. And his honde was restored even as whole as the other.

Mark 10:14

14 When Iesus sawe that he was displeased and sayd to the: Suffre the chyldre to come vnto me and forbid the not. For of suche is ye kyngdome of God.

Luke 12:15

15 Wherfore he sayde vnto them: take hede and beware of covetousnes. For no mannes lyfe stondeth in the aboundaunce of the thinges which he possesseth.

Luke 12:33

33 Sell that ye have and geve almes. And make you bagges which wexe not olde and treasure that fayleth not in heaven where noo these commeth nether moth corrupteth.

Ephesians 4:26

26 Be angrye but synne not let not the sonne go doune apon your wrathe

Hebrews 13:5

5 Let youre conversacion be with out coveteousnes and be contet with that ye have all redy. For he verely sayd: I will not fayle the nether forsake the:

James 5:2-3

2 Youre ryches is corrupte youre garmentes are motheaten. 3 Youre golde and youre silver are cankred and the rust of them shalbe a witnes vnto you and shall eate youre flesshe as it were fyre. Ye have heaped treasure togedder in youre last dayes:

Matthew 6:33

33 Care not then for the morow but let ye morow care for it selfe: for the daye present hath ever ynough of his awne trouble.

John 12:35

35 Then Iesus sayde vnto them: yet a lytell whyle is the light wt you. Walke whill ye have light lest the darcknes come on you. He that walketh in the darke wotteth not whither he goeth.

2 Corinthians 6:2

2 For he saith: I have hearde the in a tyme accepted: and in ye daye of saluacion have I suckered the. Beholde now is that well accepted tyme: beholde now is yt daye of saluacion.

Exodus 16:5

5 The .vj. daye let the prepare that which they will brige in, ad let it be twise as moch as they gather in dayly.

Exodus 16:16

16 This is the thinge which the Lord hath comauded, that ye gather euery ma ynough for hi to eate: a gomer full for a ma acordige to the nobre off you, ad gather euery ma for the which are in his tente.

Exodus 34:31

31 But he called the to him, and then Aaron and all the chefe of the companye came vnto him, ad Moses talked with them.

Leviticus 25:12

12 For it is a yere of hornes blowinge and shalbe holy vnto you: how be it, yet ye shall eate of the encrease of the felde.

Leviticus 25:22

22 and it shall brynge forth frute for thre yeres: and ye shall sowe the eyghte yere and eate of olde frute vntill the .ix. yere, and euen vntyll hir frutes come, ye shall eate of olde stoare.

Genesis 2:2-3

2 ad i ye seueth daye god ended hys worke which he had made and rested in ye seventh daye fro all his workes which he had made. 3 And God blessed ye seventh daye and sanctyfyed it for in it he rested from all his workes which he had created and made.

Exodus 20:8-11

8 Remebre the Sabbath daye that thou sanctifie it. 9 Sixe dayes mayst thou laboure ad do al that thou hast to doo: 10 but the seuenth daye is the Sabbath of the Lorde thy God, in it thou shalt do no maner worke: nether thou nor thy sonne, nor thy doughter, nether thy manservaunte nor thy maydeservaunte, nether thy catell nether yet the straunger that is within thi gates 11 For in sixe dayes the Lorde made both heauen and erth and the see and all that in them is and rested the seuenth daye: wherfore the Lorde blessed the Sabbath daye and halowed it.

Exodus 23:12

12 Sixe dayes thou shalt do thi worke ad the seuenth daye thou shalt kepe holie daye, that thyne oxe and thine asse maye rest ad the sonne of thi mayde and the straunger maye be refresshed.

Exodus 31:15

15 Sixe dayes shall men worke, but the seuenth daye is the Sabbath of the holye reste of the Lorde: so that whosoeuer doeth any worke in the Sabbath daye, shal dye for it.

Leviticus 23:3

3 Sixe dayes ye shall worke, ad the seuenth is the Sabbath of rest an holy feast: so that ye maye do no worke therein, for it is the Sabbath of the Lorde, wheresoeuer ye dwell.

Numbers 11:8

8 And ye people went aboute and gathered it and groude it in milles or bett it in morters and boke it in pannes and made cakes of it. And the rast of it was like vnto the rast of an oylecake

Mark 2:27-28

27 And he sayde to them: the Saboth daye was made for man and not man for the Saboth daye.

Luke 23:56

56 And they returned and prepared odoures and oyntmetes: but rested the Saboth daye accordynge to the commaundement.

Revelation 1:10

10 I was in the sprete on a sondaye and herde behynde me a gret voyce as it had bene of a trompe

Exodus 16:20

20 Notwithstondinge they harkened not vnto Moses: but some of the lefte of it vntyll the mornynge, and it waxte full of wormes ad stake and Moses was angrie wyth them.

Exodus 16:29

29 Se because the Lorde hath geue you a Sabbath, therfor he geueth you the .vj. daye bred for .ij. dayes. Byde therfore euery ma athome, ad let no ma go out of his place the seuenth daye.

Deuteronomy 5:13

13 Syxe dayes thou shalt laboure and doo all that thou hast to doo,

Luke 13:14

14 And the ruler of the sinagoge answered with indignacion (be cause that Iesus had healed on the saboth daye) and sayde vnto the people. Ther are sixe dayes in which men ought to worke: in them come and be healed and not on the saboth daye.

Exodus 10:3

3 Than Moses ad Aaron went in vnto Pharao and sayde vnto him: thus sayth the Lorde God of the Hebrues: how longe shall it be, or thou wilt submyt thy selfe vnto me? Let my people goo that they maye serue me.

Numbers 14:11

11 And the Lorde sayed vnto Moses: Howe longe shall thys people rayle apon me and how longe will it be yet they beleue me for all my signes whiche I haue shewed amonge them ?

Numbers 20:12

12 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses and Aaron: Because ye beleued me not to sanctifye me in the eyes of the childern of Israel therfore ye shall not brynge this congregacion in to the londe which I haue geuen them.

Mark 9:19

19 And they brought him vnto him. And assone as ye sprete sawe him he tare him. And he fell doune on the grounde walowinge and fomynge.

Exodus 31:13

13 speake uto the childern of Israel ad saye: i any wyse se that ye kepe my Sabbath, for it shalbe a sygne betwene me and you in youre generacions for to knowe, that I the Lorde doo sanctifie you.

Deuteronomy 5:12-14

12 Kepe the Sabbath daye that thou sanctifie it, as the Lorde thy God hath commaunded the. 13 Syxe dayes thou shalt laboure and doo all that thou hast to doo, 14 but the seuenth daye is the Sabbath of the Lorde thy God: thou shalt doo no maner worke, nether thou nor thy sonne nor thy doughter nor thy seruaunte nor thy mayde nor thine oxe nor thyne asse nor any of thi catell nor the straunger that is within thy cytye, that thy seruaunte and thy mayde maye rest as well as thou.

Hebrews 4:9

9 There remayneth therfore yet a rest to ye people of God.

Exodus 16:15

15 when the childre of Israel sawe it, they sayde one to another: what is this? for they wist not what it was And Moses sayde: this is the breed which the Lorde hath geue you to eate.

Numbers 11:6-9

6 But now oure soules ar dryed a waye for oure eyes loke on nothynge els saue apon Manna.

Luke 22:19

19 And he toke breed gave thankes and gave to them sayinge: This is my body which is geven for you. This do in the remembraunce of me.

Hebrews 2:1

1 Wherfore we ought to geve ye more hede to ye thinges we have herde lest we perysshe.

Exodus 25:16

16 And thou shalt put in the arke, the wytnesse which I shall geue the.

Exodus 25:21

21 And thou shalt put the mercyseate aboue apon the arke, ad in the arke thou shalt put the wytnesse which I will geue the.

Exodus 27:21

21 In the tabernacle of witnesse without the vayle wich is before the wytnesse, shall Aaron ad his sonnes dresse it both even and mornynge before the Lorde: And it shalbe a dewtie for euer vnto youre generacyous after you: to be geuen of the childern of Israel.

Exodus 30:6

6 And thou shalt put it before the vayle that hangeth before the arcke of witnesse, and before the mercyseate that is before the witnesse, where I will mete the.

Exodus 30:36

36 And beat it to powder and put it before the witnesse in the tabernacle of witnesse, where I will mete the, but let it be vnto you holye.

Exodus 31:18

18 And whe he had made an end of comening with Moses vppon the mounte Sinai, he gaue him two tables of witnesse: which were of stone and written with the finger of God.

Exodus 38:21

21 This is the summe of the habitacyo of witnesse, whiche was counted at the commaundment of Moses: and was the office of the Leuites by the hande of Ithamar sonne to Aaron the preast.

Exodus 40:20

20 And he toke ad put the testimonye in the arke ad sett the staues to the arcke and put the merciseate an hye apon the arcke,

Numbers 1:50

50 But thou shalt appoynte the leuites vnto the habitacio of witnesse and to all the apparell thereof and vnto all that longeth thereto. For they shall bere the tabernacle and all the ordinaunce thereof and they shall ministre it and shall pitche their tentes rounde aboute it.

Numbers 1:53

53 But the leuites shall pitche rounde aboute the habitacion of witnesse that there fall no wrath vpon the congregacion of the childre of Israel and the leuites shall wayte apon the habitacion of witnesse.

Numbers 17:10

10 And the Lorde sayed vnto Moses: brynge Aarons rod agayne before the witnesse to be kepte for a token vnto the childern of rebellyon that their murmurynges maye ceasse fro me that they dye not.

Deuteronomy 10:5

5 And I departed ad came doune fro the hyll and put the tables in the arcke which I had made: ad there they remayned, as the Lorde commaunded me

Numbers 33:38

38 And Aaron the preast went vpp in to mount Hor at the commaudment of ye Lorde and dyed there euen in the fortieth yere after the childern of Israel were come out of ye londe of Egipte and in the first daye of the fyfte moneth.

Numbers 33:48-50

48 And they departed from the mountaynes of Abarim and pitched in the feldes of Moab fast by Iordane nye to Iericho. 49 And they pitched apon Iordayne from Beth Haiesmoth vnto ye playne of Sitim in ye feldes of Moab 50 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses in the feldes of Moab by Iordayne nye vnto Iericho sayege:

Deuteronomy 1:8

8 Beholde, I haue set the londe before you: goo in therfore and possesse the londe which the Lord sware vnto youre fathers Abraham, Isaac and Iacob, to geue vnto them and their seed after them.

Deuteronomy 8:2-3

2 And thinke on all the waye which the Lorde thy God led the this .xl. yere in the wildernesse, for to humble the ad to proue the, to wete what was in thine herte, whether thou woldest kepe his commaundmentes or no, 3 He humbled the and made the hongre and fed the with man which nether thou nor thy father knewe of. to make the know that a man must not lyue by bred only: but by al that procedeth out of the mouth of the Lorde must a man lyue.

Deuteronomy 34:1-4

1 And Moses went fro the feldes of Moab vpp in to mount Nebo which is the toppe of Pisga, that is ouer agenst Iericho. And the Lorde shewed him all the londe off Gilead euen vnto. Dan, 2 and all nephtali and the londe of Ephraim and Manasse, ad all the londe of Iuda: euen vnto the vtmost see, 3 ad the south and the region of the playne of Iericho the citye of datetrees euen vnto Zoar. 4 And the Lorde sayed vnto him. This is the londe which I sware vnto Abraham, Isaac and Iacob sayenge: I will geue it vnto thy seed. I haue shewed it the before thyne eyes: but thou shalt not goo ouer thither.

John 6:30-58

30 They sayde vnto him: what signe shewest thou then that we maye se and beleve the? What doest thou worke? 31 Oure fathers dyd eate Manna in the desert as yt is writte: He gave them breed fro heaven to eate. 32 Iesus sayde vnto the: verely verely I saye vnto you: Moses gave you breed fro heave: but my father geveth you the true breed fro heave. 33 For the breed of God is he which cometh doune from heave and geveth lyfe vnto the worlde. 34 Then sayde they vnto him: Lorde ever moore geve vs this breed. 35 And Iesus sayde vnto them: I am that breed of life. He that cometh to me shall not honger: and he that beleveth on me shall never thurst. 36 But I sayed vnto you: that ye have sene me aud yet beleve not. 37 All that the father geveth me shall come to me: and him yt cometh to me I cast not awaye. 38 For I came doune fro heaven: not to do myne awne will but his will which hath sent me. 39 And this is the fathers will which hath sent me that of all which he hath geven me I shuld loose no thinge: but shuld rayse it vp agayne at the last daye. 40 And this is the wyll of him yt sent me: yt every man which seith ye sonne and beleveth on him have everlastinge lyfe. And I will rayse him vp at ye last daye. 41 The Iewes then murmured at him because he sayde: I am that breed which is come doune from heaven. 42 And they sayde: Is not this Iesus ye sonne of Ioseph whose father and mother we knowe? How ys yt then that he sayeth I came doune from heave? 43 Iesus answered and sayde vnto them. Murmur not betwene youre selves. 44 No man can come to me except the father which hath sent me drawe him. And I will rayse him vp at the last daye. 45 It is written in the Prophetes yt they shall all be taught of God. Every man therfore that hath hearde and hath learned of the father commeth vnto me. 46 Not that eny man hath sene ye father save he which is of God: the same hath sene the father. 47 Verely verely I saye vnto you he that beleveth on me hath everlastinge lyfe. 48 I am that breed of lyfe. 49 Youre fathers dyd eate Mana in ye wildernes and are deed. 50 This is that breed which cometh fro heave yt he which eateth of it shuld also not dye. 51 I am that lyvinge breed which came doune from heave. Yf eny man eate of this breed he shall live forever. And the breed that I will geve is my flesshe which I will geve for the lyfe of ye worlde 52 And the Iewes strove amoge them selves sayinge: How can this felowe geve vs his flesshe to eate? 53 Then Iesus sayde vnto them: Verely verely I saye vnto you except ye eate ye flesshe of ye sonne of man and drinke his bloude ye shall not have lyfe in you 54 54. Whosoever eateth my flesshe and drinketh my bloude hath eternall lyfe: and I will rayse him vp at the last daye. 55 For my flesshe is meate in dede: and my bloude is drynke in dede. 56 He that eateth my flesshe and drynketh my bloude dwelleth in me and I in him. 57 As the lyvinge father hath sent me even so lyve I by my father: and he that eateth me shall live by me. 58 This is the breed which cam from heave: not as youre fathers have eaten Manna and are deed. He that eateth of this breed shall live ever.

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