6 And ye shall kepe him in warde, vntyll the xiiij. daye of the same moneth. And euery ma of the multitude of Israel shall kyll him aboute eue.
Exodus 12:6 Cross References - Tyndale
Exodus 12:18
18 The first moneth and the .xiiij. daye off the moneth at euen, ye shall eate swete brede vnto the .xxj. daye off the moneth at euen agayne.
Exodus 16:12
12 I haue herde the murmurig of the childre of Israel, tell the therfore ad saye that at eue they shall eate flesh, ad i the morninge they shall be filled with bred, ad ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde youre god
Leviticus 23:5
5 The xiiij. daye of the first moneth at eue is the Lordes Passeouer,
Numbers 9:1-3
1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses in the wildernesse of Sinai in the fyrste moneth of the seconde yere after they were come out of the londe of Egipte sayeng:
2 let ye childern of Israel offer Passeouer in his season:
3 euen the .xiiij. daye of this moneth at euen they shall kepe it in his season accordynge to all the ordinaunces and maners thereof.
Numbers 9:11
11 the .xiiij daye of the seconde moneth at euen and eate it with swete bred and soure herbes
Numbers 28:16
16 And the .xiiij. daye of the first moneth shalbe Passeouer vnto the Lorde.
Numbers 28:18
18 The first daye shalbe an holy feast so that ye shall do no maner of laboryous worke therein.
Deuteronomy 16:1-6
1 Obserue the moneth of Abyb, and offer passeover vnto the Lorde thi God. For in the moneth of Abib, the Lorde thy God brought the out of Egipte by nyght.
2 Thou shalt therfore offer passeover vnto the Lorde thi God, and shepe and oxen in the place which the Lorde shall chose to make his name dwell there.
3 Thou shalt eate no leueded bred there with: but shalt eate there with the bred of tribulacio .vij. dayes loge. For thou camest out of the lode of Egipte in hast, that thou mayst remembre the daye when thou camest out of the londe of Egipte, all dayes of thi life.
4 And se that there be no leuended bred sene in all thi costes .vij. dayes longe, and that there remayne nothinge of the flesh which thou hast offered the fyrst daye at euen, vntil the mornynge.
5 Thou mayst not offer passeover in any of thi cities which the Lord thi god geueth the:
6 But in the place which the Lorde thi God shall chose to make his name dwell in, there thou shalt offer Passeouer at euen aboute the goyngdoune of the sonne, euen in the season that thou camest out of Egipte.
Matthew 27:20
20 But the chefe preestes and the elders had parswaded the people that they shulde axe Barrabas and shulde destroye Iesus.
Matthew 27:25
25 Then answered all the people and sayde: his bloud be on vs and on oure chyldren.
Matthew 27:46-50
46 And about ye nynth houre Iesus cryed with a loude voyce sayinge: Eli Eli lama asbathani. That is to saye my God my God why hast thou forsaken me?
47 Some of them that stode there when they herde that sayde: This man calleth for Helyas.
48 And streyght waye one of them ranne and toke a sponge and filled it full of veneger and put it on a rede and gave him to drinke.
49 Other sayde let be: let vs se whyther Helyas will come and deliver him.
50 Iesus cryed agayne with a lowde voyce and yelded vp the goost.
Mark 15:1
1 And anone in ye dawnynge the hye prestes helde counsell wt ye elders and ye scribes and ye whoole cogregacion and bounde Iesus and ledde him awaye and delivered him to Pilate.
Mark 15:8
8 And ye people called vnto him and began to desyre accordinge as he had ever done vnto them.
Mark 15:11
11 But the hye prestes had moved the people that he shuld rather delyvre Barrabas vnto them.
Mark 15:25
25 And it was aboute ye thyrde houre and they crucified him.
Mark 15:33-34
Luke 23:1
1 And the whole multitude of them arose and ledde him vnto Pylate.
Luke 23:18
18 And all the people cryed at once sayinge: awaye with him and delyvre to vs Barrabas:
Acts 2:23
23 him have ye taken by the hondes of vnrightewes persones after he was delivered by the determinat counsell and foreknoweledge of God and have crucified and slayne:
Acts 3:14
14 But ye denyed the holy and iust and desyred a mortherar to be geven you
Acts 4:27
27 For of a trueth agaynst thy holy chylde Iesus whom thou hast annoynted bothe Herode and also Poncius Pylate with the Gentils and the people of Israel gaddered them selves to gedder