Deuteronomy 31 Cross References - Tyndale

1 And Moses went and spake these wordes vnto all Israel 2 and sayed vnto them I am an hundred ad .xx. yere olde this daye, ad can nomoare goo out and in. Also the Lorde hath sayed vnto me, thou shalt not go ouer this Iordayne. 3 The Lord youre God he will go ouer before the ad he will destroye these nacions before the, ad thou shalt coquere the. And Iosua he shall goo ouer before the, as the Lorde hath sayed. 4 And the Lorde shall doo vnto them, as he dyd to Sihon ad Og kynges of the Amorites ad vnto their landes which kinges he destroyed. 5 And when the Lorde hath delyuered them to the, se that ye doo vnto them acordynge vnto all the comaundmentes which I haue comaunded you. 6 Plucke vpp youre hartes and be stronge, dreade not nor be aferde of them: for the Lorde thi God him selfe will goo with the, and wil nether let the goo nor forsake the: 7 And Moses called vnto Iosua and sayed vnto him in the sighte of all Israel: Be stroge and bolde, for thou must goo with this people vnto the londe which the Lorde hath sworne vnto their fathers to geue them, and thou shalt geue it them to enheret. 8 And the Lorde he shall goo before the ad he shall be with the, and wil not let the goo nor forsake the, feare not therfore nor be discomforted. 9 And Moses wrote this lawe and delyuered it vnto the preastes the sonnes of Leui which bare the arke of the testament of the Lorde, and vnto all the elders of Israel, 10 and commaunded them sayenge: At the ende of .vij. yere, in the tyme of the fre yere, in the fest of the tabernacles, 11 when all Israel is come to appere before the Lorde thi God, in the place which he hath chosen: se that thou reade this lawe before all Israel in their eares 12 Gather the people together: both men, wemen and childern and the straungers that are in thi cities, that they maye heare, lerne and feare the Lorde youre God, and be diligent to kepe all the wordes of this lawe, 13 and that theyr childern which knowe nothinge maye heare and lerne to feare the Lorde youre God, as longe as ye lyue in the londe whother ye goo ouer Iordayne to possesse it. 14 And the Lorde sayed vnto Moses: Beholde thy dayes are come, that thou must dye. Call Iosua and come and stonde in the tabernacle of witnesse, that I maye geue him a charge. And Moses and Iosua went and stode in the tabernacle off witnesse. 15 And the Lorde apeared in the tabernacle: euen in the pyler off the cloude. And the piler of the cloude stode ouer the dore of the tabernacle. 16 And the Lorde sayed vnto Moses: beholde, thou must slepe with thi fathers, and this people will goo a whorynge after straunge goddes off the londe whother they goo and will forsake me and breake the appoyntement which I haue made with them. 17 And then my wrath will waxe whote agenst them, and I will forsake them and will hyde my face from them, and they shalbe consumed. And when moch aduersyte and tribulacion is come vppon them, then they will saye: because oure God is not amonge us, 18 these tribulacions are come vppon us. But I wil hyde my face that same tyme for all the euels sake which they shall haue wrought, in that they are turned vnto straunge goddes. 19 Now therfore write ye this songe, and teach it the childern of Israel and put it in their mouthes that this songe maye be my witnesse vnto the childern of Israel. 20 For when I haue brought them in to the londe whiche I sware vnto their fathers that runneth with mylke ad honye, then they will eate and fyll them selues and waxe fatt and turne vnto straunge goddes and serue them and rayle on me and breake my testament. 21 And then when moch myschefe and tribulacion is come vppon them, this songe shall answere before them, and be a witnesse. It shall not be forgetten out of the mouthes of their seed: for I knowe their imaginacyon whiche they goo aboute euen now before I haue broughte them in to the londe which I sware. 22 And Moses wrote this songe the same season, and taught it the childern of Israel. 23 And the Lorde gaue Iosua the sonne off Nun a charge and sayed: be bolde and stronge for thou shalt brynge the childern of Israel in to the lond which I sware vnto them, ad I will be with the. 24 When Moses had made an ende of wrytynge out the wordes of this lawe in a boke vnto the ende 25 of them he commaunded the Leuites which bare the arcke of the testamet of the Lorde sayenge: 26 take the boke off thys lawe and put it by the syde of the arcke of the testament of the Lorde youre God, and let it be there for a witnesse vnto the. 27 I For knowe thi stubernesse and thi stiffe necke: beholde, while I am yet a lyue with you this daye, ye haue bene dishobedient vnto the Lorde: ad how moch moare after my deeth. 28 Gather vnto me al the elders of youre trybes and youre officers, that I maye speake these wordes in their eares and call heaue ad erth to recorde agenst them. 29 For I am sure that after my deeth, they will vtterly marre them selues and turne from the waye which I commaunded you, and tribulacion will come vppon you in the later dayes, when ye haue wrought welkednesse in the sight of the Lorde to prouoke him with the workes of youre handes. 30 And Moses spake in the eares of all the congregacion of Israel the wordes of this songe, vnto the ende of them.

Exodus 7:7

7 And Moses was .lxxx. yere olde and Aaron .lxxxiij. when they spake vnto Pharao.

Numbers 20:12

12 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses and Aaron: Because ye beleued me not to sanctifye me in the eyes of the childern of Israel therfore ye shall not brynge this congregacion in to the londe which I haue geuen them.

Numbers 27:13-14

13 And whe thou hast sene it thou shalt be gathered vnto thy people also as Aaron thy brother was gathered vnto his people. 14 For ye were disobedient vnto my mouthe in the deserte of Zin in ye stryfe of the congregacion that ye sanctified me not in the water before their eyes. That is the water of stryfe in cades in the wildernesse of Zin.

Numbers 27:17

17 which maye goo in and out before them and to lede them in and oute that the congregacion of the Lorde be not as a flocke of shepe without a sheparde.

Deuteronomy 1:37

37 Likewise the Lorde was angrye with me for youre sakes sayenge: thou also shalt not go in thiter.

Deuteronomy 3:26-27

26 But the Lorde was angrie with me for youre sakes and wolde not heare me, but sayed vnto me, be content, and speake henceforth no moare vnto me of this matter, 27 Get the vp in to the toppe of Pisga ad lifte vpp thine eyes west, north, south ad easte, ad beholde it with thyne eyes for thou shalt not goo ouer this Iordayne.

Deuteronomy 4:21-22

21 Forthermoare, the Lorde was angrye with me for youre sakes and sware, that I shulde not goo ouer Iordane and that I shulde not goo vnto that good londe, which the Lorde thy God geueth the to enherytaunce. 22 For I must dye in this londe, and shall not goo ouer Iordane: But ye shall goo ouer and conquere that good londe

Deuteronomy 32:48-52

48 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses the selfe same daye sayenge: 49 get the vpp in to this mountayne Abarim vnto mount Nebo, which is in the londe of Moab ouer agenst Iericho. And beholde the londe of Canaan whiche I geue vnto the childern of Israel to possesse. 50 And dye in the mount whiche thou goest vppon, and be gathered vnto thy people: As Aaron thy brother dyed in mounte Hor ad was gathered vnto his people. 51 For ye trespased agenst me amonge the childern of Israel at the waters off striffe, at Cades in the wyldernesse of Zin: because ye sanctified me not amonge the childern of Israel. 52 Thou shalt se the londe before the, but shall not goo thither vnto the londe which I geue the childern off Israel.

Deuteronomy 34:7

7 And Moses was an hundred and .xx. yere olde when he dyed, ad yet his eyes were not dym nor his chekes abated.

Acts 7:23

23 And when he was full forty yeare olde it came into his hert to visit his brethren the chyldren of Israhel.

Acts 20:25

25 And now beholde I am sure yt hence forth ye all (thorow who I have gone preachinge ye kyngdome of God) shall se my face no moore.

2 Peter 1:13-14

13 Notwithstodinge I thynke yt mete (as longe as I am in this tabernacle) to stere you vp by puttynge you in remebraunce 14 for as moch as I am sure howe that the tyme is at honde yt I must put of my tabernacle even as oure lorde Iesus Christ hath shewed me.

Genesis 48:21

21 And Israel sayde vnto Ioseph: beholde I dye. And god shalbe with you and bringe you agayne vnto the land of youre fathers.

Numbers 27:18-21

18 And ye Lorde sayed vnto Moses: take Iosua the sonne of Nun in whom there is spirite and put thyne handes apon him 19 and set him before Eleazer the preast and before all the congregacion and geue him a charge in their syghte. 20 And put of thi prayse apon him that all the companye of ye childern of Israel maye heare. 21 And he shall stonde before Eleazer ye preast which shall are councell for him after ye maner of the lighte before ye Lorde: And at the mouth of Eleazer shall both he and all the childern of Israel with him and all the congregacion goo in and out.

Deuteronomy 3:28

28 Moreouer, charge Iosua and corage him and bolde him. For he shall go ouer before his people, and he shall deuyde the londe which thou shalt se vnto them.

Deuteronomy 9:3

3 But vnderstonde this daye that the Lorde thy God which goeth ouer before the a consumyng fire, he shall destroye them and he shall subdue them before the. And thou shalt cast them out, and brynge them to noughte quyckely as the Lorde hath sayed vnto the.

Deuteronomy 31:7-8

7 And Moses called vnto Iosua and sayed vnto him in the sighte of all Israel: Be stroge and bolde, for thou must goo with this people vnto the londe which the Lorde hath sworne vnto their fathers to geue them, and thou shalt geue it them to enheret. 8 And the Lorde he shall goo before the ad he shall be with the, and wil not let the goo nor forsake the, feare not therfore nor be discomforted.

Deuteronomy 31:14

14 And the Lorde sayed vnto Moses: Beholde thy dayes are come, that thou must dye. Call Iosua and come and stonde in the tabernacle of witnesse, that I maye geue him a charge. And Moses and Iosua went and stode in the tabernacle off witnesse.

Deuteronomy 31:23

23 And the Lorde gaue Iosua the sonne off Nun a charge and sayed: be bolde and stronge for thou shalt brynge the childern of Israel in to the lond which I sware vnto them, ad I will be with the.

Deuteronomy 34:9

9 And Iosua the sonne of Nun was full of the spirite of wisdome: for Moses had put his hande vppon him. And all the childern of Israel herkened vnto him and dyd as the Lorde comaunded Moses.

Acts 7:45

45 Which tabernacle oure fathers receaved and brought it in with Iosue into the possession of the gentyls which God drave out before the face of oure fathers vnto the tyme of David

Hebrews 4:8

8 For if Iosue had geven them rest then wolde he not afterwarde have spoke of another daye.

Exodus 23:28-31

28 ad I will send hornettes before the, and they shall dryue out the Heuites, the Cananites and the Hethites before the. 29 I will not cast them out in one yere, lest the lande growe to a wyldernesse: and the beestes of the felde multiplye apon the. 30 But a litle and a litle I will dryue them out before the, vntill thou be increased that thou mayst enherett the londe. 31 And I will make thi costes fro the red see vnto the see of the Philistenes and from the deserte vnto the ryuer. I will delyuer the inhabiters of the londe in to thine hande, and thou shalt dryue them out before the.

Numbers 21:24-35

24 And Israel smote him with the edge of the swerde and conquered his londe from Arnon vnto Iabock: euen vnto the childern of Ammon. For the borders of the childern of Ammon are stronge. 25 And Israel toke all these cities and dwelt in all ye cities of ye Amorites: in Esbon and in all the townes that longe there to. 26 For Esbon was the citie of Sihon the kinge of the Amorites which Sihon had fought before with the kinge of the Moabites ad had taken all his londe out of his hande euen vnto Arnon. 27 Wherfore it is a prouerbe: goo to Hesbo and let the citie of Sihon be bylt ad made 28 redye for there is a fyre gone out of Hesbon and a flame fro the citie of Siho ad hath cosumed Ar of the Moabites and the men of the hylles of Arnon. 29 Wo be to the Moab: o people of Chemos ye are forloren. His sonnes are put to flighte and his doughters brought captyue vnto Sihon kinge of the Amorites. 30 There lighte is out from Hesbon vnto Sihon and we made a wildernesse euen vnto Nopha whiche reacheth vnto Mediba. 31 And thus Israell dwelt in the londe of the Amorites. 32 And Moses sent to serche oute Iaezer and they toke the townes belongynge thereto ad conquered the Amorites that were there. 33 And then they turned and went vppe towarde Bason. And Og the kynge of Bason came out agenst them both he and all his people to warre at Edrei. 34 And the Lorde sayed vnto Moses: feare him not for I haue delyuered him in to thy handes with all his people and his lande. And thou shalt do with him as thou dydest with Sihon the kynge of the Amorites which dwelt at Hesbon. 35 And they smote him and his sonnes and all hys people vntyll there was nothinge left him. And they conquered his lande.

Deuteronomy 2:33

33 And the Lorde set him before vs, and we smote hym and his sonnes and all hys people.

Deuteronomy 3:3-11

3 And so the Lorde oure God delyuered in to oure handes, Og also the kinge off Basan and al his folke, And we smote him vntyll noughte was left him. 4 And we toke all his cities the same ceason (for there was not a citie whiche we toke not from them) euen .iij. score cities, all the region of Argob, the kyngdome of Og in Basan. 5 All these cities were made stronge with hye walles, gates and barres, besyde vnwalled townes a greate maynye. 6 And we vtterly destroyed them, as we played with Sihon kynge off Hesbon: bringing to nought al the cities with men, wemen and childern. 7 But all the catell and the spoyle of the cities, we caughte for oure selues. 8 And thus we toke the same ceason, the lode out of the hande of two kynges of the Amorites on the other syde Iordayne, from the ryuer of Arnon vnto mount Hermon 9 (which Hermon the Sidons call Sirion, but the Amorites call it Senyr) 10 all the cities in the playne ad all Gilead and all Basan vnto Salcha and Edrei, cities of the kingdome of Og in Basan. 11 For only Og kynge of Basan remayned of the remnaut of the geauntes: beholde, his yernen bed is yet at Rabath amonge the childern off Ammo .ix. cubettes longe ad, .iiij. cubetes brode, of the cubettes of a man.

Deuteronomy 3:21

21 And I warned Iosua the same tyme sayeng thyne eyes haue sene all that the Lorde youre God hath done vnto these two kynges, eue so the Lorde will doo vnto all kyngdomes whither thou goest.

Deuteronomy 7:2

2 ad whe the Lorde thy God hath sett them before the that thou shuldest smyte them se that thou vtterly destroye them and make no couenaunt with them nor haue compassion on them.

Deuteronomy 7:16

16 Thou shalt bringe to nought all nacions which the Lorde thy God delyuereth the, thyne eye shall haue no pitie vppon them nether shalt thou serue their goddes, for that shalbe thy decaye.

Exodus 23:32-33

32 And thou shalt make none appoyntment with them nor wyth their goddes. 33 Nether shall they dwell in thi londe, lest they make the synne a gaynst me: for yf thou serue their goddes, it will surely be thy decaye.

Exodus 34:12-16

12 Take hede to thi selfe, that thou make no compacte with the inhabiters of the lode whether thou goest lest it be cause of ruyne amonge you. 13 But ouerthrowe their alters and breke their pilers, and cutt doune their grooues, 14 for thou shalt worshippe no straunge God For the Lorde is called gelous, because he is a gelous God: 15 lest yf thou make any agreament with the inhabiters of the lande, when they go a whoorynge after their goddes ad do sacrifyce vnto their goddes, they call the and thou eate of their sacrifyce: 16 ad thou take of their doughters vnto thi sonnes, and when their doughters goo a whoorynge after their goddes,

Numbers 33:52-56

52 se that ye dryue out all the inhabiters of the londe before you and destroy their Ymaginacions and all their Ymages of Metall ad plucke downe all their alters bylt on hilles: 53 And possesse ye londe and dwell therein for I haue geuen you the londe to enioye it. 54 And ye shall deuyde the enheritaunce of the londe by lott amonge youre kynreddes ad geue to the moo the moare enheritaunce and to the fewer the lesse enheritaunce. And youre enheritaunce shalbe in ye trybes of youre fathers in ye place where euery mans lott falleth. 55 But and yf ye will not dryue out the inhabiters of ye londe before you then these which ye let remayne of the shalbe thornes in youre eyes and dartes in youre sydes and shall vexe you in the lode wherein ye dwell. 56 Moreouer it will come to passe yt I shall doo vnto you as I thought to doo vnto them.

Deuteronomy 7:18

18 Feare the not, but remebre what the Lorde thy god dyd vnto Pharao ad vnto all Egipte,

Deuteronomy 7:23-25

23 And the lorde thy god shall delyuer the vnto the ad sterre vp a mightie tepest amoge the, vntil thei be brought to nought. 24 And he shal deliuer their kinges in to thine hade, ad thou shalt destroye their names fro vnder heaue. There shal no ma stonde before the, vntill thou haue destroyed them. 25 The images of their goddes thou shalt burne with fire, ad se that thou couet not the syluer or golde that is on them nor take it vnto the, lest thou be snared therewith. For it is an abhominacyon vnto the Lorde thy God.

Deuteronomy 20:16-17

16 But in the cities of these nacions which the Lorde thy God geueth the to enheret, thou shalt saue alyue nothinge that bretheth. 17 But shalt destroye them with out redempcion, both the Hethites, the Amorites, the Cananites, the Pherezites, the Heuites and the Iebusites, as the Lorde thy God hath commaunded the,

Numbers 14:9

9 But in any wise rebell not agenst the Lorde Moreouer feare ye not the people of the londe for they are but bred for vs. Their shylde is departed from them and the Lorde is with vs: feare them not therfore.

Deuteronomy 1:29

29 And I sayed vnto you: dreade not nor be afrayed of the:

Deuteronomy 4:31

31 For the Lorde thy God is a pitiefull God: he will not forsake the nether destroye the, nor forgett the appoyntmet made with thy fathers which he sware vnto them.

Deuteronomy 20:1

1 When thou goest out to batayle agenste thine enemyes, and seest horses and charettes and people moo then thou, be not aferde of them, for the Lorde thy God is with the whiche broughte the out of the londe off Egipte.

Deuteronomy 20:3-4

3 and saye vnto them: Heare Israel, ye are come vnto batayle agenste youre enemyes, let not youre hartes faynte, nether feare nor be amased nor a dreade of them. 4 For the Lorde thy God goeth with you to fyghte for you agenste youre enemyes and to saue you.

Deuteronomy 31:7

7 And Moses called vnto Iosua and sayed vnto him in the sighte of all Israel: Be stroge and bolde, for thou must goo with this people vnto the londe which the Lorde hath sworne vnto their fathers to geue them, and thou shalt geue it them to enheret.

Luke 12:32

32 Feare not litell floocke for it is youre fathers pleasure to geve you a kingdome.

1 Corinthians 16:13

13 Watche ye stonde fast in the fayth auyte you lyke men and be stronge.

Ephesians 6:10

10 Finally my brethre be stronge in the Lorde and in the power of his myght.

2 Timothy 2:1

1 Thou therfore my sonne be stronge in the grace that is in Christ Iesu.

Hebrews 13:5

5 Let youre conversacion be with out coveteousnes and be contet with that ye have all redy. For he verely sayd: I will not fayle the nether forsake the:

Revelation 21:8

8 But the fearefull and vnbelevynge and the abhominable and murdrers and whormongers and sorcerers and ydolaters and all lyars shall have their parte in the lake which burnyth with fyre and brymstone which is the seconde deth.

Deuteronomy 1:38

38 But Iosua the sone of Nun which stondeth before the, he shall go in thither. Bolde him therfore for he shall deuyde it vnto Israel.

Deuteronomy 31:3

3 The Lord youre God he will go ouer before the ad he will destroye these nacions before the, ad thou shalt coquere the. And Iosua he shall goo ouer before the, as the Lorde hath sayed.

Deuteronomy 31:6

6 Plucke vpp youre hartes and be stronge, dreade not nor be aferde of them: for the Lorde thi God him selfe will goo with the, and wil nether let the goo nor forsake the:

John 1:17

17 For the lawe was geven by Moses but grace and truthe came by Iesus Christ.

Exodus 13:21-22

21 And the Lorde went before them by daye in a piler of a cloude to lede them the waye: and by nyghte in a piler of fyre to geue the lighte: that they myghte goo both by day ad nyghte. 22 And the piler of the cloude neuer departed by daye nor the piler of fyre by nyghte out of the peoples sighte.

Exodus 33:14

14 And he sayde: my presence shall goo with the, and I will geue the rest.

Romans 8:31

31 What shall we then saye vnto these thinges? yf god be on oure syde: who can be agaynst vs?

Numbers 4:15

15 And when Aaron and his sonnes haue made an ende of couerynge the sanctuary ad all the thinges of the sanctuarye agenst that the hoste remoue then the sonnes of Cahath shall come in for to bere and so let them not twich the santuary lest they dye. And this ys the charge of the sonnes of Cahath in the tabernacle of witnesse.

Numbers 33:2

2 And Moses wrote their goenge out by their iurneyes at ye comaundment of the Lorde: euen these are ye iurneyes of their goenge out.

Deuteronomy 17:18

18 And when he is seten vppon the seate off his kingdome, he shall write him out this seconde lawe in a boke takynge a copye of the preastes the leuites.

Deuteronomy 31:22-26

22 And Moses wrote this songe the same season, and taught it the childern of Israel. 23 And the Lorde gaue Iosua the sonne off Nun a charge and sayed: be bolde and stronge for thou shalt brynge the childern of Israel in to the lond which I sware vnto them, ad I will be with the. 24 When Moses had made an ende of wrytynge out the wordes of this lawe in a boke vnto the ende 25 of them he commaunded the Leuites which bare the arcke of the testamet of the Lorde sayenge: 26 take the boke off thys lawe and put it by the syde of the arcke of the testament of the Lorde youre God, and let it be there for a witnesse vnto the.

Deuteronomy 31:28

28 Gather vnto me al the elders of youre trybes and youre officers, that I maye speake these wordes in their eares and call heaue ad erth to recorde agenst them.

Mark 10:4-5

4 And they sayde: Moses suffred to wryte a testimoniall of devorsement and to put hyr awaye. 5 And Iesus answered and sayd vnto the: For ye hardnes of youre hertes he wrote this precept vnto you.

Mark 12:19

19 Master Moses wroote vnto vs yf eny mans brother dye and leve his wyfe behinde him and leve no chyldren: that then hys brother shuld take his wyfe and reyse vp seed vnto his brother.

Luke 20:28

28 sayinge: Master Moses wrote vnto vs if eny mannes brother dye havinge a wyfe and the same dye with out yssue: that then his brother shuld take his wyfe and reyse vp seede vnto his brother.

John 1:45

45 And Philip founde Nathanael and sayde vnto him. We have founde him of whom Moses in the lawe and the prophetes dyd wryte. Iesus the sonne of Ioseph of Nazareth.

John 5:46

46 For had ye beleved Moses ye wold have beleved me: for he wrote of me.

Leviticus 23:34-43

34 speake vnto the childern of Israel ad saye: the xv. daye of the same seuenth moneth shalbe the feast of tabernacles .vij. dayes uto the Lorde. 35 The first daye shalbe an holy feast, so that ye shall do no laborious worke therein. 36 Seuen dayes ye shall offer sacrifice vnto the Lorde, and the .viij daye shalbe an holy feast vnto you ad ye shall offer sacrifice vnto the Lorde. It is the ende of the feast, and ye shall do no laborious worke therein. 37 These are the feastes of the Lorde whiche ye shall proclayme holy feastes, for to offer sacrifice vnto the Lorde, burntofferynges, meatofferynges, and drinkoffrynges euery daye: 38 besyde the sabbathes of the Lorde, ad besyde youre giftes, and all youre vowes, and all your frewillofferynges whiche ye shall geue vnto the Lorde. 39 Moreouer in the .xv. daye of the seuenth moneth after that ye haue gathered in the frutes of the lande, ye shall kepe holy daye vnto the Lorde .vij: dayes longe. The first daye shall be a daye of reste, and the .viij. daye shalbe a daye of rest. 40 And ye shall take you the first daye, the frutes of goodly trees and the braunches off palme trees and the bowes of thicke trees, ad wylowes of the broke, and shall reioyse before the Lorde .vij. dayes. 41 And ye shall kepe it holy daye vnto the Lorde .vij. dayes in the yere. And it shalbe a lawe for euer vnto youre childern after you, that ye kepe that feast in the seuenth moneth. 42 And ye shall dwell in bothes seuen dayes: euen all that are Israelites borne, shall dwell in bothes, 43 that youre children after you maye knowe howe that I made the childern of Israel dwell in bothes, when I broughte them out of the lande of Egipte: for I am the Lorde youre God.

Deuteronomy 15:1-2

1 At the ende of seuen yere thou shalt make a fre yere. 2 And this is the maner off the fre yere, whosoever lendeth ought with his hande vnto his neyghboure, maye not axe agayne that which he hath lent, of his neyghboure or of his brother: because it is called the lordes fre yere,

Exodus 23:16-17

16 And the feast of Heruest, when thou reapest the firstfrutes of thy laboures which thou hast sowne in the felde. And the feast of ingaderynge, in the ende of the yere: when thou hast gathered in thy laboures out of the felde. 17 Thre tymes in a yere shall all thy men childern appere before the Lorde Iehouah.

Exodus 34:24

24 for I will cast out the nacyons before the and will enlarge thi costes, so that no man shall desyre thi londe, while thou goest vp to appeare before the face of the Lorde thi God, thryse in the yere.

Deuteronomy 12:5

5 but ye shall enquere the place which the Lorde youre God shall haue chosen out of all youre trybes to put his name there and there to dwell.

Deuteronomy 16:16-17

16 Thre tymes in the yere shall al youre males appere before the Lorde thi God in the place which he shal chose: In the feast of swete bred, in the feast of wekes and in the booth feast. And they shal not appere before the Lorde emptie: 17 but euery ma with the gifte of his honde, acordynge to the blessinge of the Lorde thi God which he hath geuen the.

Luke 4:16-17

16 And he came to Nazareth where he was noursed and as hys custome was went in to the synagoge on the Saboth dayes and stode vp for to rede. 17 And ther was delyvered vnto him ye boke of ye Prophete Esaias. And when he had opened the boke he founde the place where it was written.

Acts 13:15

15 And after the lawe and ye Prophetes were redde ye rulers of the synagoge sent vnto them sayinge: Ye men and brethren yf ye have eny sermo to exhorte ye people saye on.

Acts 15:21

21 For Moses of olde tyme hath in every cite that preache him and he is rede in the synagoges every saboth daye.

Deuteronomy 4:10

10 The daye that I stode before the Lorde youre god in Horeb, whe he sayed vnto me, gather me the people together, that I maye make them heare my wordes that they maye lerne to fere me as longe as thei lyue vppon the erth and that they maye teache their childern:

Deuteronomy 6:6-7

6 And these wordes which I commaunde the this daye, shalbe in thine herte 7 ad thou shalt whett them on thy childern, and shalt talke of them when thou art at home in thyne housse and as thou walkest by the waye, ad when thou lyest doune and when thou rysest vpp:

Deuteronomy 29:29

29 The secrettes perteyne vnto the Lorde oure God and the thinges that are opened perteyne vnto us and oure childern for euer, that we doo all the wordes of this lawe.

John 5:39

39 Searche the scriptures for in them ye thinke ye have eternall lyfe: and they are they which testify of me.

2 Timothy 3:15-17

15 and for as moche also as thou hast knowe holy scripture of a chylde which is able to make the wyse vnto saluacion thorowe the fayth which ys in Christ Iesu. 16 For all scripture geve by inspiracion of god is proffitable to teache to improve to amende and to instruct in rightewesnes 17 yt ye man of god maye be perfect and prepared vnto all good workes.

Deuteronomy 6:7

7 ad thou shalt whett them on thy childern, and shalt talke of them when thou art at home in thyne housse and as thou walkest by the waye, ad when thou lyest doune and when thou rysest vpp:

Deuteronomy 11:2

2 And call to mynde this daye that which youre childern haue nether knowen nor sene: euen the nurture of the Lorde youre God, his greatnesse, his myghtye hande and his stretched out arme:

Ephesians 6:4

4 And ye fathers move not youre children to wrath: but bringe the vp wt the norter and informacio of ye Lorde.

Exodus 34:2

2 And be redye agaynst the mornige that thou mayst come vpp early vnto the mount of Sinai and stode me there apo the toppe of the mount.

Numbers 27:13

13 And whe thou hast sene it thou shalt be gathered vnto thy people also as Aaron thy brother was gathered vnto his people.

Numbers 27:19-20

19 and set him before Eleazer the preast and before all the congregacion and geue him a charge in their syghte. 20 And put of thi prayse apon him that all the companye of ye childern of Israel maye heare.

Deuteronomy 31:2

2 and sayed vnto them I am an hundred ad .xx. yere olde this daye, ad can nomoare goo out and in. Also the Lorde hath sayed vnto me, thou shalt not go ouer this Iordayne.

Deuteronomy 32:50

50 And dye in the mount whiche thou goest vppon, and be gathered vnto thy people: As Aaron thy brother dyed in mounte Hor ad was gathered vnto his people.

Deuteronomy 34:5

5 So Moses the seruaunte of the Lorde dyed there in the londe of Moab at the commaundment of the Lorde.

Acts 20:28-31

28 Take hede therfore vnto youre selves and to all the flocke wherof the holy goost hath made you oversears to rule the congregacion of God which he hath purchased with his bloud. 29 For I am sure of this that after my departynge shall greveous wolves entre in amonge you which will not spare the flocke. 30 Moreover of youre awne selves shall men aryse speakinge perverse thinges to drawe disciples after the. 31 Therfore awake and remember that by the space of .iii. yeares I ceased not to warne every one of you both nyght and daye with teares.

Romans 12:1

1 I beseche you therfore brethre by ye mercyfulnes of God that ye make youre bodyes aquicke sacrifise holy and acceptable vnto God which is youre resonable seruynge of god.

2 Timothy 4:1-4

1 I testifie therfore before god and before the lorde Iesu Christ which shall iudge quicke and deed at his aperynge in his kyngdom 2 preache the worde be fervent be it in season or out of season. Improve rebuke exhorte with all longe sufferinge and doctryne. 3 For the tyme will come when they wyll not suffer wholsome doctryne: but after their awne lustes shall they (whose eares ytche) gett the an heepe of teachers 4 and shall turne their eares from ye trueth and shalbe geven vnto fables.

Jude 1:24

24 Vnto him that is able to kepe you that ye faule not and to present you fautlesse before the presence of his glory with ioye

Exodus 33:9-10

9 And as sone as Moses was entred in to the tabernacle, the clouden piler descended and stode in the dore of the tabernacle, ad he talked with Moses. 10 And when all the people sawe the clouden piler stonde in the tabernacle dore, they rose vp and worshipped: euery man in his tentdore.

Exodus 40:38

38 for the clowde of the Lorde was apon the habitacion by daye, and fyre by nyghte: in the sighte of all the house of Israel in all their iornayes.

Genesis 25:8

8 and than fell seke ad dyed in a lustie age (whe he had lyved ynough) ad was put vnto his people.

Exodus 32:6

6 And they rose vp in the mornynge and offred burntoffrynges, and brought offrynges of attonement also. And than they satt them doune to eate and drynke, and rose vpp agayne to playe.

Exodus 34:15

15 lest yf thou make any agreament with the inhabiters of the lande, when they go a whoorynge after their goddes ad do sacrifyce vnto their goddes, they call the and thou eate of their sacrifyce:

Leviticus 20:3-6

3 And I wil sett my face apon that felowe, and will destroye him from amonge his people: because he hath geuen of his seed vnto Moloch, for to defile my sanctuary and to polute myne holy name. 4 And though that the people of the lande hyde their eyes from that felowe, when he geueth of his seed vnto Moloch, so that they kyll him not: 5 yet I will put my face apon that man and apon his houssholde, and will destroy him and all that goo a whooringe with him and comytt hoordome with Moloch from amonge their people. 6 Yf any soule turne vnto them that worke with spirites or makers of dysemall dayes and goo a whoorynge after them, I wilt put my face apon that soule and will destroye him from amonge his people.

Leviticus 26:15

15 or yf ye shall despyse myne ordinaunces ether yf youre soules refuse my lawes, so that ye wil not do all my commaundnentes, but shall breake myne appoyntment:

Deuteronomy 32:15

15 And Israel waxed fatt and kyked. Thou wast fatt, thicke and smothe, And he let God goo that made hi and despysed the rocke that saued him.

Acts 13:36

36 Howbe it David after he had in his tyme fulfilled the will of God he slepte and was layde with his fathers and sawe corrupcion.

Revelation 17:2-5

2 with whome have commytted fornicacion the kynges of the erth so that the inhabiters of the erth are droken with the wyne of her fornicacion. 3 And he caryed me a waye into the wildernes in the sprete. And I sawe a woman sytt apon a rose colored best full of names of blaphemie which had ten hornes. 4 And the woman was arayed in purple and rose color and decked with golde precious stone and pearles and had a cup of golde in her honde full of a hominacions and fylthynes of her fornycacion. 5 And in her forhed was a name wrytten a mistery gret Babylon the mother of whordome and abominacions of the erth.

Revelation 19:2

2 for true and ryghteous are his iudgmentes for he hath iudged ye grett whore which did corrupt the erth with her fornicacion and hath avenged the bloud of his servauntes of her hond.

Numbers 14:42

42 goo not vpp for the Lorde is not amonge you that ye be not slayne before youre enemyes.

Deuteronomy 29:20

20 And so the Lorde will not be mercyfull vnto him, but then the wrath of the Lorde ad his gelousye, smoke agenst that man, ad al the curses that are written in this boke light vppo him, and the Lorde doo out his name fro vnder heauen,

Deuteronomy 29:24-27

24 And than all nacions also saye: wherfore hath the Lorde done of this facion vnto this londe? O how fearse is this greatt wrath? 25 And men shall saye: because they lefte the testamet of the Lorde God of their fathers which he made with them, whe he brought them out of the lande of Egipte. 26 And they went ad serued straunge goddes and worshipped them: goddes which they knewe not and which had geuen them nought. 27 And therfore the wrath off the Lorde waxed whote vppon that londe to brynge vppon it all the curses that are written in this boke.

Deuteronomy 32:20-22

20 And he sayed: I will hyde my face from the and will se what their ende shall be. For they are a froward generacion ad childern in who is no fayth. 21 They haue angred me with that whiche is no god, and prouoked me with their vanities And I agayne will angre them with the whiche are no people, and will prouoke the with a foelish nacion. 22 For fire is kyndled in my wrath, ad shal burne vnto the botome of heell. And shall consume the erth with her encrease, and set a fire the botoms of the mountaynes.

Deuteronomy 31:16-17

16 And the Lorde sayed vnto Moses: beholde, thou must slepe with thi fathers, and this people will goo a whorynge after straunge goddes off the londe whother they goo and will forsake me and breake the appoyntement which I haue made with them. 17 And then my wrath will waxe whote agenst them, and I will forsake them and will hyde my face from them, and they shalbe consumed. And when moch aduersyte and tribulacion is come vppon them, then they will saye: because oure God is not amonge us,

Exodus 4:15

15 And thou shalt speake vnto hi and put the wordes in his mouth, ad I wilbe with thy mouth ad with his mouth, ad will teach you what ye shal do.

Deuteronomy 4:9-10

9 Take hede to thy selfe therfore only ad kepe thy soule diligently, that thou forgett not the thinges which thyne eyes haue sene and that they departe not out of thyne harte, all the dayes of thine life: but teach them thy sonnes, ad thy sonnes sonnes. 10 The daye that I stode before the Lorde youre god in Horeb, whe he sayed vnto me, gather me the people together, that I maye make them heare my wordes that they maye lerne to fere me as longe as thei lyue vppon the erth and that they maye teache their childern:

Deuteronomy 11:19

19 and teach them youre childern: so that thou talke of them when thou syttest in thyne housse, and when thou walkest by the waye, and when thou lyest doune and when thou rysest vpp:

Deuteronomy 31:21-22

21 And then when moch myschefe and tribulacion is come vppon them, this songe shall answere before them, and be a witnesse. It shall not be forgetten out of the mouthes of their seed: for I knowe their imaginacyon whiche they goo aboute euen now before I haue broughte them in to the londe which I sware. 22 And Moses wrote this songe the same season, and taught it the childern of Israel.

Deuteronomy 31:26

26 take the boke off thys lawe and put it by the syde of the arcke of the testament of the Lorde youre God, and let it be there for a witnesse vnto the.

Deuteronomy 31:30-32:45

30 And Moses spake in the eares of all the congregacion of Israel the wordes of this songe, vnto the ende of them.

Deuteronomy 32:30-45

30 Howe it cometh that one shall chace a thousande, and two putt ten thousande off them to flyghte? excepte theire rocke had solde them, and because the Lorde had delyuered them. 31 For oure rocke is not as their rocke, no though oure enemyes be iudge. 32 But their vynes are of the vynes of Sodom and of the feldes of Gomorra. Their grapes are grapes of gall, and theire clusters be bytter. 33 Their wyne is the poyson of dragons, ad the cruell gall of aspes. 34 Are not soch thinges layed in store with me ad seeled vpp amonge my treasures? 35 Vengeaunce is myne and I will rewarde: their fete shall slyde, when the tyme cometh. For the tyme of their destruction is at honde, and the tyme that shall come vppon them maketh hast. 36 For the Lorde will doo iustice vnto hys people, and haue compassion on his servauntes. For it shalbe sene that theire power shall fayle, and at the last they shalbe presoned and forsaken. 37 And it shalbe sayed: where are their goddes ad their rocke wherein they trusted? 38 The fatt of whose sacrifices they ate and drancke the wyne of their drynck offerynges, let them ryse vpp and helpe you and be youre protection. 39 Se now howe that I, I am he, and that there is no God but I. I can kyll and make alyue, ad what I haue smyten that I can heale: nether ye there that can delyuer any man oute off my honde. 40 For I will lifte vp myne hande to heaue, ad will saye: I lyue euer. 41 Yf I whett the lyghtenynge of my swerde, and myne hande take in hande to doo iustyce, I wyll shewe vengeaunce on myne enemyes and will rewarde them that hate me. 42 I will make myne arowes dronke with bloude, and my swerde shall eate flesh of the bloud of the slayne and of the captyue and of the bare heed of the enemye. 43 Reioyse hethen wyth hys people, for he wyll auenge the bloude off his servauntes, and wyll auenge hym off hys aduersaryes, and wilbe mercyfull vnto the londe off hys people. 44 And Moses went ad spake all the wordes of this songe in the eares of the people, both he and Iosua the sonne of Nun. 45 And when Moses had spoken all these wordes vnto the ende to all Israel,

Matthew 10:18

18 But when they delyver you vp take no thought how or what ye shall speake for yt shalbe geve you eve in that same houre what ye shall saye.

John 12:48

48 He that refuseth me and receaveth not my wordes hath one that iudgeth him. The wordes that I have spoken they shall iudge him in ye last daye.

Exodus 3:8

8 and am come downe to delyuer them out of the handes of the Egiptians, and to brynge the out of that londe vnto a good londe and a large, and vnto a londe that floweth with mylke and hony: euen vnto the place of the Canaanites, Hethites, Amorites, Pherezites, Heuites, and of the Iebusites.

Exodus 3:17

17 And I haue sayde it, that I will bringe you out of the tribulacio of Egipte vnto the londe of the Canaanites, Hethites Amorites, Pherezites, Heuites and Iebusites: euen a londe that floweth wyth mylke ad hony

Deuteronomy 6:10-12

10 And when the Lorde thy God hath borught the in to the lond which he sware vnto thy fathers Abraham, Isaac and Iacob, to geue the with greate and goodly cities which thou byldest not, 11 and housses full of all maner goodes which thou filledest not, and welles dygged which thou dyggedest not, ad vynes and olyue trees which thou plantedest not, ad whe thou hast eaten, and art full: 12 Then beware lest thou forget the Lorde which broughte the out off the lande of Egipte the housse of bondage.

Deuteronomy 7:1

1 Whe the Lorde thy God hath brought the in to the lond whither thou goest to possesse it, and hath cast out manye nacions before the: the Hethites, the Girgosites, the Amorites, the Cananites, the Pheresites, the Heuites and the Iebusites: vij. nacions moo in numbre ad mightier than thou:

Deuteronomy 8:7

7 For the Lorde thy God bringeth the in to a good lande, a londe of riuers of water, of foutens and of springes that springe out both in valayes and hylles:

Deuteronomy 8:10-14

10 When thou hast eaten therfore and filled thy selfe, then blesse the Lord for the good lond which he hath geuen the. 11 But bewarre that thou forgett not the Lorde thy God, that thou woldest not kepe his comaundmentes, lawes and ordinaunces which I commaunde the this daye: 12 yee and when thou hast eate ad filled thy selfe ad hast bylt goodly housses ad dwelt therin, 13 ad when thy beesse ad thy shepe are waxed manye ad thy syluer ad golde is multiplied 14 ad all that thou hast encreased, then bewarre lest thine herte ryse ad thou fotgett the Lorde thy God which brought the out of the londe of Egipte the housse of bondage,

Deuteronomy 32:15-17

15 And Israel waxed fatt and kyked. Thou wast fatt, thicke and smothe, And he let God goo that made hi and despysed the rocke that saued him. 16 They angred him with strauge goddes ad with abhominacions prouoked him. 17 They offered vnto feldedeuels and not to God, ad to goddes which they knewe not ad to newe goddes that came newly vpp whiche their fathers feared not.

Genesis 6:5

5 And whan the LORde sawe yt the wekednesse of man was encreased apon the erth and that all the ymaginacion and toughtes of his hert was only evell continually

Genesis 8:21

21 And the LORDE smellyd a swete savoure and sayd in his hert: I wyll henceforth no more curse the erth for mannes sake for the imagynacion of mannes hert is evell even from the very youth of hym. Morover I wyll not destroy from henceforth all that lyveth as I haue done.

John 2:24-25

24 But Iesus put not him selfe in their hondes because he knewe all men 25 and neded not that eny man shuld testify of man. For he knewe what was in man.

Acts 2:23

23 him have ye taken by the hondes of vnrightewes persones after he was delivered by the determinat counsell and foreknoweledge of God and have crucified and slayne:

Acts 4:28

28 for to do whatsoever thy honde and thy counsell determined before to be done.

Deuteronomy 31:9

9 And Moses wrote this lawe and delyuered it vnto the preastes the sonnes of Leui which bare the arke of the testament of the Lorde, and vnto all the elders of Israel,

Deuteronomy 31:19

19 Now therfore write ye this songe, and teach it the childern of Israel and put it in their mouthes that this songe maye be my witnesse vnto the childern of Israel.

Romans 3:19-20

19 Ye and we knowe that whatsoever ye lawe sayth he sayth it to them which are vnder the lawe. That all mouthes maye be stopped and all the worlde be subdued to god 20 because that by ye dedes of the lawe shall no flesshe be iustified in the sight of God. For by the lawe commeth the knowledge of synne.

Galatians 2:19

19 But I thorow ye lawe ame deed to ye lawe: that I myght live vnto God.

Exodus 32:8-9

8 haue marred all they are turned at once out of the waye whiche I comaunded the, ad haue made the a calfe of molten metall, ad haue worshipped it ad haue offred therto and haue saide: This is thy God thou Israel, which hath brought the out of the lande of Egipte. 9 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: beholde, I see this people that it is a stife necked people,

Deuteronomy 9:6-7

6 Vnderstond therfore that it is not for thy rightuousnes sake, that the Lorde thy God doth geue the this good lond to possesse it, for thou art a stiffenecked people. 7 Remebre ad forget not how thou prouokedest the Lorde thi god in the wildernesse: for sens the daye that thou camest out of the lond of Egipte vntyll ye came vnto this place, ye haue rebelled agenst the Lorde.

Deuteronomy 9:24

24 Thus ye haue bene disobediet vnto the Lord, sence the daye that I knew you.

Deuteronomy 32:20

20 And he sayed: I will hyde my face from the and will se what their ende shall be. For they are a froward generacion ad childern in who is no fayth.

Acts 7:51

51 Ye stiffenecked and of vncircumcised hertes and eares: ye have all wayes resisted the holy goost: as youre fathers dyd so do ye.

Genesis 49:1-2

1 And Iacob called for his sonnes ad sayde: come together that I maye tell you what shall happe you in the last dayes. 2 Gather you together and heare ye sonnes of Iacob and herken vnto Israel youre father.

Exodus 18:25

25 and chose actyue men out of all Israel and made them heedes ouer the people, captaynes ouer thousandes, ouer hundreds, ouer fiftie and ouer ten

Numbers 11:16-17

16 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: gather vnto me .lxx. of the elders of Ysrael which thou knowest that they are the elders of ye peple and officers ouer them and brynge them vnto the tabernacle of witnesse and let them stonde there with the. 17 And I wyll come doune and talke with the there and take of yt spirite which is apon the and put apon them ad they shall bere with the in the burthen of the people and so shalt thou not beare alone.

Deuteronomy 4:26

26 I call heauen and erth to recorde vnto you this daye, that ye shall shortely peressh from of the londe whether ye goo ouer Iordayne to possesse it: Ye shall not prolonge youre dayes therin, but shall shortly be destroyed.

Deuteronomy 29:10

10 Ye stonde here this daye euery one of you before the Lorde youre God: both the heedes of youre trybes, youre elders, youre officers ad all the me of Israel:

Deuteronomy 30:19

19 I call to recorde this daye vnto you, heauen and erth, that I haue sett before you lyfe and deeth, blessynge and cursynge: but chose lyfe, that thou and thi seed maye lyue,

Deuteronomy 31:12

12 Gather the people together: both men, wemen and childern and the straungers that are in thi cities, that they maye heare, lerne and feare the Lorde youre God, and be diligent to kepe all the wordes of this lawe,

Deuteronomy 32:1

1 Heare o heauen, what I shall speake and heare o erth the wordes of my mouth.

Luke 19:40

40 He answered and sayde vnto the: I tell you yf these shuld holde their peace the stones wold crye.

Genesis 49:1

1 And Iacob called for his sonnes ad sayde: come together that I maye tell you what shall happe you in the last dayes.

Leviticus 26:14-46

14 But and yf ye will not harken vnto me, nor will do all these my commaundementes, 15 or yf ye shall despyse myne ordinaunces ether yf youre soules refuse my lawes, so that ye wil not do all my commaundnentes, but shall breake myne appoyntment: 16 then I will do this agayne vnto you: I will viset you with vexations, swellynge and feuers, that shall make youre eyes dasell and with sorowes of herte. And ye shall sowe youre seed in vayne, for youre enemyes shall eate it. 17 And I will set my face agenste you and ye shal fall before youre enemyes, and they that hate you shal raigne ouer you, ad ye shall flee whe no man foloweth you. 18 And yf ye will not yet for all this herken vnto me, than will I punish you seuen tymes more for youre synnes, 19 and will breake the pride off youre strength. For I will make the heaue ouer you as harde as yerne, and youre londe as hard as brasse. 20 And so youre laboure shalbe spent in vayne. For youre londe shall not geue hir encrease, nether the trees of the londe shall geue their frutes. 21 And yf ye walke contrary vnto me and will not herken vnto me, I will bringe seuen tymes moo plages apon you acordinge to your synnnes. 22 I will sende in wylde beestes apon you, which shall robbe you of youre childern and destroye youre catell, and make you so fewe in numbre that youre hye wayes shall growe vnto a wildernesse. 23 And yf ye will not be lerned yet for all this but shall walke contrarye vnto me, 24 then will I also walke contrarye vnto you and will punish you yet seuen tymes for youre synnes. 25 I will sende a swerde apon you, that shall avenge my testament with you. And when ye are fled vnto youre cities, I will sende the pestelence amonge you, ye shall be delyuered in to the handes of youre enemyes. 26 And when I haue broken the staffe of youre bred: that .x. wyues shall bake youre bred in one ouen and men shall delyuer you youre bred agayne by weyghte, tha shal ye eate and shall not be satisfied. 27 And yf ye will not yet for all this harken vnto me, but shall walke contrarye vnto me, 28 then I will walke contrary vnto you also wrathfully and will also chastice you seuen tymes for youre synnes: 29 so that ye shall eate the flesh of youre sonnes and the flesh of youre doughters. 30 And I will destroye youre alters bylt apon hye hylles, and ouerthrowe youre images, and cast youre carkasses apon the bodies of youre ydolles, and my soule shall abhorre you. 31 And I will make youre cities desolate, and bringe youre sanctuaries vnto nought, and will not smell the sauoures of youre swete odoures. 32 And I will bringe the londe vnto a wildernesse: so that youre enemyes which dwell therein shall wondre at it. 33 And I will strawe you amonge the heethen, and will drawe out a swerde after you, and youre lande shalbe wast, and youre cities desolate. 34 Then the lande shall reioyse in hir Sabbathes, as longe as it lyeth voyde and ye in youre enemies londe: euen then shall the londe kepe holye daye and reioyse in hir Sabbathes. 35 And as longe as it lyeth voyde it shall rest, for that it coude not reste in youre Sabbathes, when ye dwelt therein. 36 And vppon them that are left alyue of you I will sende a feyntnesse in to their hertes in the londe of their enemies: so that the sounde of a leef that falleth, shall chace them and they shall flee as though thei fled a swerde, and shall fall no man folowinge them. 37 And they shall fall one uppon another, as it were before a swerde euen no man folowinge them, and ye shall haue no power to stonde before youre enemyes: 38 And ye shall perish amonge the hethen, ad the londe of youre enemyes shall eate you vpp. 39 And thei that are left of you, shall pyne awaye in their vnrightuousnes, euen in their enemies londe, and also in the mysdeades of their fathers shall they consume. 40 And they shall confesse their misdedes and the misdeades of their fathers in their trespases which thei haue trespased against me, and for that also that thei haue walked contrary vnto me. 41 Therfore I also will walke contrary vnto them, and will brynge them in to the londe of their enemyes. And then at the leest waye their vncircumcysed hertes shall be tamed, ad then they shall make an attonement for their misdedes. 42 And I wil remembre my bonde with Iacob and my testamet with Isaac, and my testament with Abraham, and will thinke on the londe. 43 For the londe shall be lefte of them and shall haue pleasure in hir Sabbathes, while she lyeth wast without them, and they shall make an attonement for their misdeades, because they despysed my lawes and their soules refused myne ordinaunces. 44 And yet for all that when thei be in the londe of their enemyes, I will not so cast them awaye nor my soule shall not so abhorre them, that I will vtterlye destroye the ad breake myne appoyntment with them: for I am the Lorde their God. 45 I will therfore remebre vnto the the first couenaunt made when I broughte them out of the lond of Egipte in the sighte of the hethen to be their God: for I am the Lorde. 46 These are the ordinaunces, iudgemetes, ad lawes which the Lorde made betwene him ad the childern of Israel in mount Sinai by the hade of Moses.

Deuteronomy 4:30

30 In thi tribulacion and when all these thinges are come apon the, euen in the later dayes, thou shalt turne vnto the Lorde thy God, and shalt herken vnto his voyce.

Deuteronomy 28:15-68

15 But and yf thou wilt not herken vnto the voyce of the Lorde thy God to kepe and to doo all his commaundmentes and ordinaunces which I commaunde the this daye: then all these curses shall come vppon the and ouertake the: 16 Cursed shalt thou be in the towne, and cursed in the felde, 17 cursed shall thyne almery be and thi store. 18 Cursed shall the frute of thy body ad the frute of thy lond be ad the frute of thine oxen ad the flockes of thy shepe. 19 And cursed shalt thou be when thou goest in, ad whe thou goest out. 20 And the Lorde shall sende vppon the cursynge, goynge to nought and complaynyng in all that thou settest thine hande to what soeuer thou doest: vntyll thou be destroyed ad brought to nought quyckely, because of the wekednesse of thyne invencyons in that thou hast forsaken the Lorde. 21 And the Lorde shall make the pestilence cleaue vnto the, vntyll he haue consumed the from the londe whether thou goest to enioye it. 22 And the Lorde shall smyte the with swellynge, with feuers, heet, burnynge, wetherynge, with smytynge and blastinge. And they shall folowe the, vntyll thou perishe. 23 And the heauen that is ouer thy heed shalbe brasse, and the erth that is vnder the, yerne. 24 And the Lorde shall turne the rayne of the lade vnto powder ad dust: euen fro heauen they shal come doune vpo the, vntyll thou be brought to nought. 25 And the Lorde shall plage the before thine enemyes: Thou shalt come out one waye agenst them, and flee seuen wayes before them, ad shalt be scatered amonge all the kingdomes of the erth. 26 And thy carcasse shalbe meate vnto all maner foules of the ayre ad vnto the beestes of the erth, and no man shall fraye them awaye. 27 And the Lorde will smyte the with the botches of Egipte and the emorodes, scalle and maungynesse, that thou shalt not be healed thereof. 28 And the Lorde shall smyte the with madnesse, blyndnesse and dasynge of herte. 29 And thou shalt grope at none daye as the blynde gropeth in darkenesse, and shalt not come to the right waye.And thou shalt suffre wronge only and be polled euermore, and no man shall soker the, 30 thou shalt be betrothed vnto a wife, and another shall lye with her. Thou shalt bylde an housse and another shall dwell therein. Thou shalt plante a vyneyarde, and shalt not make it comen. 31 Thine oxe shalbe slayne before thyne eyes, ad thou shalt not eate thereof. Thine asse shalbe violently taken awaye euen before thi face, and shall not be restored the agayne. Thy shepe shalbe geuen vnto thine enemyes, ad no man shall helpe the. 32 Thy sonnes ad thy doughters shall be geue vnto another nacion, and thyne eyes shall se and dase vppon them all daye longe, but shalt haue no myghte in thyne hande. 33 The frute of thy londe and all thy laboures shall a nacyon which thou knowest not, eate, ad thou shalt but soffre violence only and be oppressed alwaye: 34 that thou shalt be cleane besyde thy selfe for the syghte of thyne eyes whiche thou shalt se. 35 The Lord shall smyte the with a myscheuous botche in the knees ad legges, so that thou cast not be healed: eue from the sole of the fote vnto the toppe of the heed. 36 The Lorde shall brynge both the and thy kynge which thou hast sett ouer the, vnto a nacyon whiche nether thou nor thy fathers haue knowne, and there thou shalt serue straunge goddes: euen wodd ad stone. 37 And thou shalt goo to wast ad be made an ensample ad a gestyngestocke vnto al nacios whether the Lord shall carye the. 38 Thou shalt carie moch seed out in to the felde, and shalt gather but litle in: for the locustes shall destroye it, 39 Thou shalt plante a vyneyarde and dresse it, but shalt nether drynke off the wyne nether gather of the grapes, for the wormes shall eate it. 40 Thou shalt haue olyue trees in all thy costes, but shalt not be anoynted with the oyle, for thyne olyue trees shalbe rooted out. 41 Thou shalt get sonnes ad doughters, but shalt not haue them: for they shalbe caried awaye captyue. 42 All thy trees and frute of thy londe shalbe marred with blastynge. 43 The straungers that are amonge you shall clyme aboue the vpp an hye, ad thou shalt come doune beneth alowe. 44 He shall lende the ad thou shalt not lende him, he shalbe before ad thou behynde. 45 Moreouer all these curses shall come vppo the and shall folowe the and ouertake the, tyll thou be destroyed: because thou herkenedest not vnto the voyce of the Lorde thy God, to kepe his comaundmetes ad ordinaunces whiche he comauded the, 46 ad they shalbe vppo the as miracles ad wonders ad vppon thy seed for euer. 47 And because thou seruedest not the Lorde thy God with ioyfulnesse and with a good herte for the abundaunce of all thinges, 48 therfore thou shalt serue thyne enemye whiche the Lorde shall sende vppon the: in hunger and thrust, in nakednesse and in nede off all thynge: and he shall put a yocke off yerne vppon thyne necke, vntyll he haue broughte the to noughte. 49 And the Lorde shall brynge a nacion vppon the from a farre, euen from the ende off the worlde, as swyfte as an egle fleeth: a nacion whose tonge thou shalt not vnderstonde: 50 a herde fauoured nacion whiche shall not regarde the person of the olde nor haue compassio on the younge. 51 And he shall eate the frute of thy londe and the frute of thy catell vntyll he haue destroyed the: so that he shall leaue the nether corne, wyne, nor oyle, nether the ecrease of thyne oxen nor the flockes of thy shepe: vntyll he haue brought the to nought. 52 And he shall kepe the in in all thy cities, vntyll thy hye ad stronge walles be come doune wherei thou trustedest, thorow all thy londe. And he shall besege the in all thy cities thorow out all thy land whiche the Lorde thy God hath geuen the. 53 And thou shalt eate the frute of thyne awne bodye: the flessh of thy sonnes and off thy doughters which the Lorde thy God hath geuen the, in that straytenesse and sege wherewith thyne enemye shall besege the: 54 so that it shall greue the man that is tender and exceadynge delycate amonge you, to loke on his brother and vppon his wife that lyeth in hys bosome ad on the remnaunte of his childern, which he hath yet lefte, 55 for feare of geuynge vnto any of them of the flesh of hys childern, whiche he eateth, because he hath noughte lefte him in that straytenesse and sege wherewith thyne enemye shall besege the in all thy cytyes. 56 Yee and the woman that is so tender and delycate amonge you that she dare not auenture to sett the sole of hyr foote vppon the grounde for softnesse and tendernesse, shalbe greued to loke on the husbonde that leyeth in hir bosome and on hyr sonne and on hyr doughter: 57 euen because of the afterbyrthe that ys come oute from betwene hyr legges, and because of hyr childern whiche she hath borne, because she wolde eate them for nede off all thynges secretly, in the straytenesse and sege wherewith thine enemye shall besege the in thy cities. 58 Yf thou wilt not be diligent to doo all the wordes of this lawe that are wrytten in thys boke, for to feare this glorious and fearfull name of the Lorde thy God: 59 the Lorde will smyte both the and thy seed with wonderfull plages and with greate plages and of longe continuaunce, 60 and with euell sekenesses and of longe duraunce. Moreouer he wyll brynge vppon the all the diseases off Egipte whiche thou wast afrayed off, and they shall cleaue vnto the. 61 Thereto all maner sekenesses and all maner plages whiche are not wrytten in the boke of this lawe, wyll the Lorde brynge vppon the vntyll thou be come to noughte. 62 And ye shalbe lefte fewe in numbre, where to fore ye were as the starres off heauen in multitude: because thou woldest not herke vnto the voyce of the Lorde thy God. 63 And as the Lorde reioysed ouer you to do you good and to multiplye you: euen so he will reioyse ouer you, to destroye you and to brynge you to nought. And ye shabe wasted from of the lande whother thou goest to enioye it, 64 And the Lorde shall scater the amonge all nacyons from the one ende of the worlde vnto the other, and there thou shalt serue straunge goddes, which nether thou nor thy fathers haue knowne: euen wod and stone. 65 And amonge these nacyons thou shalt be no small season, and yet shalt haue no reste for the sole of thy foote. For the Lorde shall geue the there a treblynge herte ad dasynge eyes and sorowe of mynde. 66 And thy lyfe shall hange before the, and thou shalt feare both daye and nyghte ad shalt haue no trust in thy lyfe. 67 In the mornynge thou shalt saye, wolde God it were nyghte. And at nyghte thou shalt saye, wolde God it were mornynge. For feare off thyne herte whiche thou shalt feare, and for the syghte of thyne eyes whiche thou shalt se. 68 And the Lorde shall brynge the in to Egipte agayne with shippes, by the waye which I bade the that thou shuldest se it nomoare. And there ye shalbe solde vnto youre enemyes, for bondmen and bondwemen: and yet no man shall bye you.

Deuteronomy 29:18-28

18 Lest there be amonge you man or woman kynred or trybe that turneth awaye in his hert this daye from the Lord oure God, to goo ad serue the goddes of these nacions: and lest there be amonge you some roote that bereth gall and wormwod, 19 so that when he heareth the wordes of this curse, he blesse him selfe in his hert sayenge: I feare it not, I will ther fore walke after the lust of myne awne hert, that the drounken destroye the thurstie. 20 And so the Lorde will not be mercyfull vnto him, but then the wrath of the Lorde ad his gelousye, smoke agenst that man, ad al the curses that are written in this boke light vppo him, and the Lorde doo out his name fro vnder heauen, 21 and separate him vnto euell out of all the trybes of Israel acordynge vnto all the curses of the appoyntement that is written in the boke of this lawe. 22 So that the generacion to come of youre childern that shal ryse vpp after you ad the straunger that shall come from a ferre londe, saye when they se the plages of that londe, and the diseases where with the Lorde hath smytten it 23 how all the londe is burnt vpp with bremstone and salt, that it is nether sowne nor beareth nor any grasse groweth, after the ouertrowenge of Sodome, Gomor, Adama ad Zeboim: which the Lorde ouerthrewe in his wrath and angre. 24 And than all nacions also saye: wherfore hath the Lorde done of this facion vnto this londe? O how fearse is this greatt wrath? 25 And men shall saye: because they lefte the testamet of the Lorde God of their fathers which he made with them, whe he brought them out of the lande of Egipte. 26 And they went ad serued straunge goddes and worshipped them: goddes which they knewe not and which had geuen them nought. 27 And therfore the wrath off the Lorde waxed whote vppon that londe to brynge vppon it all the curses that are written in this boke. 28 And the Lorde cast them out of their londe in angre, wrath and greate furyousnesse, and cast the in to a straunge londe, as it is come to passe this daye.

Deuteronomy 32:5

5 The frowarde and ouerthwarte generacion hath marred them selues to himward, ad are not his sonnes for their deformities sake,

Luke 19:42-44

42 sayinge: Yf thou haddest dest knowen those thinges which belonge vn thy peace eve at this thy tyme. But now are they hydde from thyne eyes. 43 For the dayes shall come vpo the that thy enemys shall cast a banke aboute the and copasse the rounde and kepe the in on every syde 44 and make the even with the grounde with thy chyldren which are in the. And they shall not leve in the one stone vpo another because thou knewest not the tyme of thy visitacion.

Luke 21:24

24 And they shall fall on the edge of the swearde and shalbe leed captive into all nacions. And Ierusalem shalbe trooden vnder fote of the gentyls vntyll the tyme of the gentyls be fulfilled.

Acts 20:30

30 Moreover of youre awne selves shall men aryse speakinge perverse thinges to drawe disciples after the.

1 Timothy 4:1

1 The sprete speaketh evydently that in the latter tymes some shall departe from the fayth and shall geve hede vnto spretes of erroure and dyvelysshe doctrine of them

1 Timothy 4:1

1 Rebuke not an elder: but exhorte him as a father and the yonger me as brethren

2 Timothy 3:1-6

1 This understonde that in the last dayes shall come parelous tymes. 2 For the me shalbe lovers of their awne selves coveteous bosters proude cursed speakers disobediet to father and mother vnthakfull vnholy 3 vnkinde trucebreakers stubborn falce accusars ryatours fearce despisers of the which are good 4 traytours heddy hye mynded gredy apon volupteousnes more then the lovers of god 5 havynge a similitude of godly lyvynge but have denyed the power ther of and soche abhorre. 6 Of this sorte are they which entre in to houses and brynge into bondage wymmen laden with synne which wemen are ledde of divers lustes

Hebrews 1:2

2 but in these last dayes he hath spoken vnto vs by his sonne whom he hath made heyre of all thinges: by who also he made the worlde.

2 Peter 1:14-15

14 for as moch as I am sure howe that the tyme is at honde yt I must put of my tabernacle even as oure lorde Iesus Christ hath shewed me. 15 I will enfource therfore that on every syde ye myght have wherwith to stere vp the remembraunce of these thynges after my departynge.

2 Peter 2:1-2

1 Ther were falce prophetes amonge the people even as ther shalbe falce teachers amonge you: wich prevely shall brynge in damnable sectes even denyinge the Lorde that hath bought them and brynge vpon them selves swyft damnacion 2 and many shall folowe their damnable wayes by which the waye of trueth shalbe evyll spoken of

2 Peter 3:3

3 This fyrst vnderstode that ther shall come in the last dayes mockers which will walke after their awne lustes

Deuteronomy 4:5

5 Beholde, I haue taught you ordinaunces and lawes, soche as the Lorde my God commauded me, that ye shulde do eue so in the londe whether ye goo to possesse it

John 12:49

49 For I have not spoken of my selfe: but the father which sent me he gave me a commaundemet what I shuld saye and what I shuld speake.

Acts 20:27

27 For I have kepte nothinge backe: but have shewed you all the counsell of God.

Hebrews 3:2

2 which was faythfull to him that made him even as was Moses in all his housse.

Hebrews 3:5

5 And Moses verely was faythfull in all his housse as a minister to beare witnes of tho thinges which shuld be spoken afterwarde.

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