Deuteronomy 23:4 Cross References - Tyndale

4 because they met you not with bred and water in the waye when ye came out of Egipte, and because they hyred agenst the Balaam the sonne of Beor the interpreter of Mesopotamia, to curse the.

Genesis 14:17-18

17 And as he retourned agayne from the slaughter of kedorlaomer and of the kynges that were with hym than came the kynge of Sodome agaynst hym vnto the vale of Saue which now is called kynges dale. 18 Than Melchisedech kinge of Salem brought forth breed and wyne. And he beynge the prest of the most hyghest God

Numbers 22:5-7

5 And he sent messangers vnto Balam the sonne of Beor the interpreter whiche dwelt vppon the ryuer of the lande of the childern of his folke to call him sayenge: beholde there is a people come out of Egipte which couereth the face of the erthe and lye euen harde by me. 6 Come nowe a felashippe and curse me this people. For they are to myghtie for me so perauenture I myghte be able to smyte them and to dryue them oute of the londe. For I wote that whome thou blessest shalbe blessed and whome thou cursest shalbe cursed. 7 And the elders of Moab went with the elders of Madian and the rewarde of the sothe sayenge in their handes. And they came vnto Balam and tolde him the wordes of Balac.

Numbers 22:17

17 for I will greatly promote the vnto great honoure ad will doo whatsoeuer thou sayest vnto me come therfore I praye the curse me this people.

Numbers 23:7

7 And he began hys parable and sayed: Balac the kinge of Moab hath fett me fro Mesopotamia out of the mountaynes of the easte sayenge: come and curse me Iacob come and defye me Israel.

Deuteronomy 2:28-29

28 Sell me meate for money for to eate, and geue me drinke for money for to drynke: I will goo thorowe by fote only 29 (as the childern of Esau dyd vnto me whiche dwell in Seir and the Moabites whiche dwell in Ar) vntyll I be come ouer Iordayne, in to the londe which the Lorde oure God geueth vs.

Matthew 25:40

40 And ye kynge shall answere and saye vnto them: verely I saye vnto you: in as moche as ye have done it vnto one of ye leest of these my brethren ye have done it to me.

Acts 9:4

4 And he fell to ye erth and hearde a voyce sayinge to him: Saul Saul why persecutest thou me?

2 Peter 2:15

15 and have forsaken the right waye and are gone astraye folowinge ye waye of Balam the sonne of Bosor which loved the rewarde of vnrightewesnes:

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.