Acts 8:1 Cross References - Tyndale

1 And he kneled doune and cryed with a loude voyce: Lorde laye not this synne to their charge. And when he had thus spoken he fell a slepe. 1 Saul had pleasure in his deeth. And at yt tyme there was a great persecucion agaynst the congregacion which was at Ierusalem and they were all scattered abroade thorowout the regions of Iury and Samaria except the Apostles

Exodus 10:28-29

28 And Pharao sayde vnto him: get the fro me ad take heade to thy selfe that thou see my face no moare, For whesoeuer thou comest in my syghte, thou shalt dye. 29 And Moses saide: let it be as thou hast sayde: I will see thy face no moare.

Matthew 5:13

13 ye are ye salt of the erthe: but and yf ye salt have lost hir saltnes what can be salted ther with? It is thence forthe good for nothynge but to be cast oute and to be troade vnder fote of men.

Matthew 10:25-28

25 Feare the not therfore. There is no thinge so close that shall not be openned and no thinge so hyd that shall not be knowen. 26 What I tell you in dercknes that speake ye in lyght. And what ye heare in the eare that preache ye on the housse toppes. 27 And feare ye not them which kyll the body and be not able to kyll the soule. But rather feare hym which is able to destroye bothe soule and body into hell. 28 Are not two sparowes solde for a farthinge? And none of them dothe lyght on the grounde with out youre father.

Matthew 23:34

34 Wherfore beholde I sende vnto you prophetes wyse men and scribes and of the ye shall kyll and crucifie: and of the ye shall scourge in youre synagoges and persecute from cyte to cyte

Luke 11:49-50

49 Therfore sayde ye wisdome of God: I will send them Prophetes and Apostles and of them they shall slee and persecute: 50 that the bloude of all Prophetes which was sheed fro the beginninge of the worlde maye be requyred of this generacion

John 4:39-42

39 Many of the Samaritas of that cyte beleved on him for ye sayinge of the woma which testified: he tolde me all thinges yt ever I dyd. 40 Then when the Samaritas were come vnto him they besought him yt he wolde tary wt the. And he aboode there two dayes. 41 And many moo beleved because of his awne wordes 42 and sayd vnto the woman: Now we beleve not because of thy sayinge. For we have herde him oure selves and knowe that this is even in dede Christ the savioure of the worlde.

John 15:20

20 Remember the sayinge that I sayde vnto you: the servaute is not greater then his lorde. Yf they have persecuted me so will they persecute you Yf they have kept my sayinge so will they kepe youres.

John 16:2

2 They shall excomunicat you: ye ye tyme shall come that whosoever killeth you will thinke that he doth God service.

Acts 1:8

8 but ye shall receave power of the holy goost which shall come on you. And ye shall be witnesses vnto me in Ierusalem and in all Iewrye and in Samary and even vnto the worldes ende.

Acts 2:47

47 praysinge God and had faveour with all the people. And the Lorde added to ye congregacion dayly soche as shuld be saved.

Acts 5:18

18 and layde hondes on the Apostles and put them in the comen preson.

Acts 5:20

20 goo steppe forthe and speake in the temple to the people all the wordes of this lyfe.

Acts 5:33

33 When they hearde yt they clave asunder: and sought meanes to slee them.

Acts 5:40

40 And to him they agreed and called the Apostles and bet them and comaunded that they shuld not speake in ye name of Iesu and let them goo.

Acts 7:38

38 This is he that was in ye congregacion in the wyldernes with the angell which spake to him in ye moute Syna and with oure fathers. This man receaved the worde of lyfe to geve vnto vs

Acts 7:54

54 When they hearde these thinges their hertes clave a sunder and they gnasshed on him with their tethe.

Acts 7:58

58 and caste him out of the cite and stoned him. And the witnesses layde doune their clothes at a yonge mannes fete named Saul.

Acts 8:4

4 They that were scattered abroade went every where preachyng the worde.

Acts 8:14

14 When ye Apostles which were at Ierusalem hearde saye that Samaria had receaved ye worde of God: they sent vnto the Peter and Iohn

Acts 9:31

31 Then had ye congregacios rest thorowoute all Iewry and galile and Samary and were edified and walked in the feare of the lorde and multiplied by the comforte of the holy gost.

Acts 11:19-22

19 They which were scattryd abroade thorow the affliccion that arose aboute Steven walked thorow oute tyll they came vnto Phenices and Cypers and Antioche preachynge ye worde to no man but vnto the Iewes only. 20 Some of them were men of Cypers and Syrene which when they were come into Antioche spake vnto the Grekes and preched the Lorde Iesus. 21 And the honde of the Lorde was with them and a greate nombre beleved and turned vnto the Lorde. 22 Tydinges of these thinges came vnto ye eares of the congregacion which was in Ierusalem. And they sente forth Barnabas that he shuld go vnto Antioche.

Acts 13:1

1 There were at Antioche in the congregacion certayne Prophetes and teachers: as Barnabas and Simon called Niger and Lucius of Cerene and Manahen Herode the Tetrarkes norsfelowe and Saul.

Acts 22:20

20 And when the bloud of thy witnes Steven was sheed I also stode by and consented vnto his deeth and kept the rayment of them that slewe him.

Philippians 1:12

12 I wolde ye vnderstode brethern that my busynes is happened vnto the greater furtherynge of the gospell.

Hebrews 11:27

27 By fayth he forsoke Egypt and feared not the fearcenes of the kynge. For he endured even as he had sene him which is invisible.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.