Acts 21:1 Cross References - Tyndale

1 And it chaunsed that assone as we had launched forth and were departed from them we came with a strayght course vnto Choon and the daye folowinge vnto the Rhodes and from thence vnto Patara.

Luke 5:4

4 When he had leeft speakynge he sayde vnto Simon: Launche out in to the depe and let slippe youre nettes to make a draught

Luke 8:22

22 And it chaunsed on a certayne daye that he went into a shippe and his disciples also and he sayde vnto them: Let vs goo over vnto the other syde of the lake. And they Lanched forthe.

Acts 16:10-11

10 After he had sene ye vision immediatly we prepared to goo into Macedonia certified yt the lorde had called vs for to preache the gospell vnto them. 11 Then lowsed we forth from Troada and with a strayght course came to Samothracia and the nexte daye to Neapolim

Acts 20:37-38

37 And they wept all aboundantly and fell on Pauls necke and kissed him 38 sorowinge most of all for the wordes which he spake that they shuld se his face no moore. And they acompanyed him vnto the shyppe.

Acts 27:2

2 And we entred into a ship of Adramicium and lowsed from lond apoynted to sayle by the costes of Asia one Aristarcus out of Macedonia of the contre of Thessalia beinge with vs.

Acts 27:4

4 And from thence lanched we and sayled harde by Cypers because the wyndes were contrarye.

1 Thessalonians 2:17

17 For as moch brethren as we are kept from you for a season as concernynge the bodyly presence but not in the herte we enforsed the more to se you personally with great desire.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.