8 And then shall that wicked be vttered whom the lorde shall consume with the sprete of hys mouth and shall destroye with the apearaunce of his commynge
2 Thessalonians 2:8 Cross References - Tyndale
Matthew 13:19
19 Whosoever heareth the worde of ye kingdome and vnderstondeth it not ther cometh the evyll ma and catcheth awaye yt which was sowne in his hert. And this is he which was sowne by the wayesyde.
Matthew 13:38
38 And ye felde is the worlde. And the chyldre of the kingdome they are ye good seed. And the tares are the chyldren of ye wicked.
2 Thessalonians 1:8-9
2 Thessalonians 2:3
3 Let no ma deceave you by eny meanes for the lorde commeth not excepte ther come a departynge fyrst and that that synfnll man be opened ye sonne of perdicion
1 Timothy 6:14
14 yt thou kepe the comaundemet and be with out spotte and vnrebukeable vntyll the apperynge of oure lorde Iesus Christ
2 Timothy 1:10
10 but is nowe declared openly by ye appearynge of oure savioure Iesu Christ which hath put away derth and hath brought lyfe and immortalite vnto light thorow the gospell
2 Timothy 4:1
1 I testifie therfore before god and before the lorde Iesu Christ which shall iudge quicke and deed at his aperynge in his kyngdom
2 Timothy 4:8
8 From hence forth is layde vp for me a croune of rightewesnes which the lorde that is a righteous iudge shall geve me at that daye: not to me only but vnto all them that love his commynge.
Titus 2:13
13 lokinge for that blessed hope and glorious apperenge of ye myghty god and of oure savioure Iesu Christ
Hebrews 10:27
27 but a fearfull lokynge for iudgement and violent fyre which shall devoure the adversaries
1 John 2:13
13 I wryte vnto you fathers how that ye have knowen him that was from the begynnynge. I wryte vnto you yonge men how that ye have overcome the wicked. I wryte vnto you lytell children how that ye have knowne the father.
1 John 3:12
12 not as Cayn which was of the wicked and slewe his brother. And wherfore slewe he him? Because his awne workes were evyll and his brothers good.
1 John 5:18
18 We knowe that whosoever is borne of god synneth not: but he that is begotten of god kepeth him silfe and that wicked toucheth him not.
Revelation 1:16
16 And he had in his right honde vii. starres. And out of his mouth wet a sharpe twoo edged swearde. And his face shone eve as the sonne in his strength.
Revelation 2:16
16 But be converted or elles I will come vnto the shortly and will fyght agaynste the with thes wearde of my mouth
Revelation 18:8-10
8 Therfore shall her plages come at one daye deeth and sorowe and honger and she shallbe brent with fyre: for stronge ys the lorde god which iudgeth her.
9 And the kynges of the erth shalbe wepe her and wayle over her which have committed fornicacion with her and have lyved wantanly with her when they shall se the smoke of her burnynge
10 and shall stonde a farre of for feare of her punnysshment sayinge: Alas Alas that gret cite Babilon that myghty cite: For at won houre is her iudgment come.
Revelation 19:15
15 and out of his mouthe went out a sharppe swerde that with yt he shuld smyte the hethen. And he shall rule them with a rodde of yron and he trode the wynefatt of fearsnes and wrath of almyghty god.
Revelation 19:20-21
20 And the beste was take and with him that falce prophett that wrought myracles before him with which he desceaved the that receaved ye beestes marke and them that worshipped his ymage. These both were cast into a pode of fyre burnyge with brymstone:
21 and ye remnaunte were slayne with ye swearde of him that sat apon the horsse which swearde proceded out of his mouthe and all the foules were fulfilled with their flesshe.
Revelation 20:10
10 and the devyll that desceaved them was cast into a lake of fyre and brymstone where the beest and the falce prophet were and shalbe tormented daye and nyght for ever more.