2 Samuel 20 Cross References - Tyndale

Deuteronomy 13:13

13 that certen beyng the childern of Beliall are gone out from amonge you and haue moued the enhabiters of their citie sayeng: lat vs goo and serue straunge Goddes whiche ye haue not knowen.

Luke 19:14

14 But his citesens hated him and sent messengers after him sayinge: We will not have this man to raygne over vs.

Luke 19:27

27 Moreover those myne enemys which wolde not that I shuld raigne over them bringe hidder and slee them before me.

John 6:66-68

66 From that tyme many of his disciples wet backe and walked no moore with him. 67 Then sayde Iesus to the twelve: will ye alsoo goo awaye? 68 Then Simon Peter answered: Master to whom shall we goo? Thou haste the wordes of eternall lyfe

Acts 11:23

23 Which when he was come and had sene the grace of God was glad and exhorted them all that with purpose of hert they wolde continually cleave vnto ye Lorde.

Genesis 40:3

3 euen in ye preson where Ioseph was bownd.

Matthew 26:48-49

48 And he that betrayed him had geven the a token sayinge: whosoever I kysse yt same is he ley hondes on him. 49 And forth wt all he came to Iesus and sayde: hayle master and kyssed him.

Luke 22:47-48

47 Whill he yet spake: beholde ther came a company and he that was called Iudas one of the twelve wet before them and preased nye vnto Iesus to kysse him. 48 And Iesus sayd vnto him: Iudas betrayest thou ye sonne of man with a kysse?

Genesis 4:8

8 And Cain talked wyth Abell his brother.And as soone as they were in the feldes Cain fell vppon Abell his brother and slewe hym

Acts 1:18-19

18 And the same hath now possessed a plot of grounde with the rewarde of iniquite and when he was hanged brast a sondre in ye myddes and all his bowels gusshed oute. 19 And it is knowe vnto all the inhabiters of Ierusalem: in so moche that that felde is called in their mother tonge Acheldama that is to saye the bloud felde.

Numbers 20:19

19 And the childern of Israel sayed vnto him: we will goo by the beeten waye: and yf ether we or oure catell drynke of thi water we will paye for it we wyll doo nomoare but passe thorow by fote only.

Mark 10:46

46 And they came to Hierico. And as he went oute of Hierico with his disciples and a greate nobre of people: Barthimeus ye sonne of Thimeus which was blinde sate by ye hye wayes syde begginge.

Numbers 21:16

16 And from thence they came to Bear whiche is the well whereof the Lorde spake vnto Moses: gather the people together that I maye geue them water.

Luke 19:43

43 For the dayes shall come vpo the that thy enemys shall cast a banke aboute the and copasse the rounde and kepe the in on every syde

Deuteronomy 20:10-11

10 When thou comest nye vnto a citie to fight agenst it, offre them peace. 11 And yf they answere the agayne peasably, and open vnto the, then let all the people that is founde therein be tributaries vnto the and serue the.

Genesis 18:23

23 and drewe nere and saydeWylt thou destroy the rightwes with the wyked?

Exodus 19:5-6

5 Now therfore yf ye will heare my voyce and kepe myne appoyntment: ye shall be myne awne aboue all nations, for all the erth is myne. 6 Ye shall be vnto me a kyngdome of preastes and and holie people: these are the wordes which thou shalt saye vnto the childern of Israel.

Numbers 16:32

32 and ye erth opened hir mouthe and swalowed them and their housses and all the me that were with Corah and all their goodes.

Numbers 26:10

10 And the erth opened hir mouth ad swalowed the and Corah also when the multitude dyed what tyme the fyre consumed .ij. hundred and fiftie men and they became a signe:

Deuteronomy 32:9

9 For the Lordes parte is his folke, ad Israel is the porcion of his enheritaunce.

Romans 13:3-4

3 For rulars are not to be feared for good workes but for evyll Wilt thou be with out feare of the power? Do well then: and so shalt thou be praysed of the same. 4 For he is the minister of God for thy welth. But and yf thou do evyll then feare: for he beareth not a swearde for nought: but is the minister of God to take vengeaunce on them that do evyll.

1 Corinthians 15:54

54 When this corruptible hath put on incorruptibilite and this mortall hath put on immortalite: then shalbe brought to passe ye sayinge yt is writte. Deeth is consumed in to victory.

2 Corinthians 5:4

4 For as longe as we are in this tabernacle we sigh and are greved for we wold not be vnclothed but wolde be clothed apon that mortalite myght be swalowed vp of lyfe.

1 Timothy 2:2

2 for kynges and for all that are in auctorite that we maye live a quyet and a peasable life in all godlines and honestie.

Luke 10:29

29 He willinge to iustifie him silfe sayde vnto Iesus: Who is then my neghbour?

Genesis 41:43

43 and set him vpon the best charett that he had saue one. And they cryed before him Abrech ad that Pharao had made him ruelar ouer all the lande of Egipte.

Genesis 41:45

45 And be called Iosephs name Zaphnath Paenea. And he gaue him to wyfe Asnath the doughter of Potiphara preast of On. Than went Ioseph abrode in the lade of Egipte.

Exodus 2:14

14 And he answered: who hath made the a ruelar or a iudge ouer vs? intendest thou to kill me, as thou killedst the Egiptian? Then Moses feared and sayde: of a suertie the thinge is knowne.

Exodus 2:16

16 The preast of Madian had. vij. doughters which came ad drew water and fylled the troughes, for to water their fathers shepe.

Exodus 24:11

11 and apo the nobles of the childern of Israel he sett not his hande. And when they had sene God they ate and dronke.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.