1 Kings Cross References - Tyndale

Genesis 18:11

11 Abraham and Sara were both olde and well stryken in age and it ceased to be with Sara after the maner as it is wyth wyves.

Genesis 24:1

1 Abraham was olde and stryken in dayes and the LORde had blessed him in all thinges.

Luke 1:7

7 And they had no chylde because that Elizabeth was barre and booth were well stricken in age.

Genesis 16:5

5 Than sayd Sarai vnto Abram: Thou dost me vnrighte for I haue geuen my mayde in to thy bosome: and now because she seyth that she hath coceaved I am despysed in hyr syghte: the LORde iudge betwene the and me.

Deuteronomy 10:8

8 And the same ceason the Lorde separated the trybe of Leui to beare the arcke of the appoyntment of the Lorde and to stonde before the Lorde, ad to ministre vnto him and to blesse in his name vnto this daye.

Deuteronomy 13:6

6 Yf thy brother the sonne of thy mother or thyne awne sonne or thy doughter or the wife that lieth in thy bosome or thy frende which is as thyne awne soule vnto the, entyce the secretly sayenge: let vs goo and serue straunge goddes which thou hast not knowe nor yet thy fathers,

Matthew 1:25

25 and knewe her not tyll she had brought forth hir fyrst sonne and called hys name Iesus.

Exodus 9:17

17 Yf it be so that thou stoppest my people, that thou wilt not let them goo:

Deuteronomy 17:15-16

15 Then thou shalt make him kinge ouer the, whom the Lorde thi God shal chose. One of thi brethern must thou make kinge ouer the, and mayst not sett a straunger ouer the which is not of thi brethern. 16 But in ani wyse let hi not holde to many horsses, that he bringe not the people agayne to Egipte thorow the multitude of horsses, for as moch as the Lorde hath sayed vnto you: ye shall hence forth goo no moare agayne that waye.

Luke 14:11

11 For whosoever exalteth him sylfe shalbe brought lowe. And he yt hubleth him sylfe shalbe exalted

Luke 18:14

14 I tell you: this ma departed hoe to his housse iustified moore then the other. For every man that exalteth him selfe shalbe brought low: And he yt hubleth him selfe shalbe exalted

Hebrews 12:5-6

5 And ye have forgotten the consolacion which speaketh vnto you as vnto chyldren: My sonne despyse not the chastenynge of the Lorde nether faynt when thou arte rebuked of him: 6 For whom the Lorde loveth him he chasteneth: yee and he scourgeth every sonne that he receaveth.

Genesis 19:17

17 When they had brought them out they sayde: Saue thy lyfe and loke not behynde the nether tary thou in any place of the contre but saue thy selfe in the mountayne lest thou perisshe.

Matthew 21:38

38 But when the husbandmen sawe the sonne they sayde amoge the selves: This is the heyre: come let vs kyll him and let vs take his inheritaunce to oure selves.

Acts 27:31

31 Paul sayd vnto ye vnder captayne and the soudiers: excepte these abyde in the ship ye cannot be safe.

Deuteronomy 17:18

18 And when he is seten vppon the seate off his kingdome, he shall write him out this seconde lawe in a boke takynge a copye of the preastes the leuites.

Luke 1:32-33

32 He shalbe greate and shalbe called the sonne of the hyest. And ye lorde God shall geve vnto him the seate of his father David 33 and he shall raygne over ye housse of Iacob forever and of his kyngdome shalbe none ende.

2 Corinthians 13:1

1 Now come I the thyrd tyme vnto you In the mouth of two or thre witnesses shall every thinge stonde.

Matthew 20:21

21 And he sayd vnto her: what wilt thou have? She sayde vnto him: Gravnte that these my two sonnes may sit ye one on thy right hond and the other on ye lifte hond in thy kyngdome.

Matthew 20:32

32 Then Iesus stode styll and called the and sayde: what will ye that I shulde do to you:

Genesis 18:12

12 And Sara laughed in hir selfe saynge: Now I am waxed olde shall I geue my selfe to lust and my lorde olde also?

1 Peter 3:6

6 eve as Sara obeyed Abraha and called him Lorde: whose doughters ye are as longe as ye do well and be not afrayde of every shadowe.

Acts 3:17

17 And now brethre I wote well that thorow ignorauce ye did it as dyd also youre heddes.

Genesis 15:15

15 Neuerthelesse thou shalt goo vnto thi fathers in peace ad shalt be buried when thou art of a good age:

Deuteronomy 31:16

16 And the Lorde sayed vnto Moses: beholde, thou must slepe with thi fathers, and this people will goo a whorynge after straunge goddes off the londe whother they goo and will forsake me and breake the appoyntement which I haue made with them.

Genesis 24:15

15 And it came to passe yer he had leeft spakynge that Rebecca came out the doughter of Bethuell sonne to Melcha the wife of Nahor Abrahams brother and hir pytcher apon hir shulder:

Romans 13:7

7 Geve to every man therfore his duetie: Tribute to whom tribute belongeth: Custome to whom custome is due: feare to whom feare belongeth: Honoure to who honoure pertayneth

1 Peter 2:17

17 Honoure all men. Love brotherly felishippe. Feare god and honour the kynge.

Matthew 21:9

9 Moreover the people that went before and they also that came after cryed sayinge: Hosanna to ye sonne of David. Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the Lorde Hosanna in the hyest.

Mark 11:9-10

9 And they yt went before and they that folowed cryed sayinge: Hos anna: blessed be he that cometh in ye name of ye Lorde. 10 Blessed be ye kingdome that cometh in ye name of him yt is Lorde of oure father David. Hos anna in ye hyest.

Luke 19:38

38 sayinge: Blessed be the kynge that cometh in the name of the Lorde: peace in heave and glory in the hyest.

John 15:15

15 Hence forth call I you not servauntes: for the servaunt knoweth not what his Lorde doeth. But you have I called frendes: for all thinges that I have hearde of my father I have opened to you.

Genesis 48:16

16 And the angell which hath delyuered me fro all euyll blesse these laddes: yt they maye be called after my name and after my father Abraham and Isaac and that they maye growe ad multiplie apo the erth.

Matthew 21:37

37 But last of all he sent vnto the his awne sonne sayinge: they will feare my sonne.

Ephesians 5:33

33 Neverthelesse do ye so that every one of you love his wyfe truely even as him silfe. And let ye wyfe se that she feare her husbade.

Hebrews 12:9

9 Moreover seynge we had fathers of oure flesshe which corrected vs and we gave them reverence: shuld we not moche rather be in subieccion vnto the father of spretuall gyftes that we myght live?

Genesis 41:43

43 and set him vpon the best charett that he had saue one. And they cryed before him Abrech ad that Pharao had made him ruelar ouer all the lande of Egipte.

Leviticus 19:19

19 Kepe myne ordinaunces. Let none of thy catell gendre with a cotrary kynde, nether sowe thy felde with myngled seed, nether shalt thou put on ony garment of lynen and wollen

Acts 10:38

38 how God had annoynted Iesus of Nazareth with the holy goost and with power which Iesus went aboute doinge good and healynge all yt were oppressed of the develles for God was with him.

2 Corinthians 1:21-22

21 For it is God which stablissheth vs and you in Christ and hath annoynted vs 22 which hath also sealed vs and hath geven the ernest of the sprete into oure hertes.

Deuteronomy 27:15-26

15 Cursed be he that maketh any carued image or image of metall (an abhominacion vnto the Lorde, the worke of the handes of the craftesman) and putteth it in a secrett place: And all the people shall answere and saye Amen. 16 Cursed be he that curseth his father or hys mother, and all the people shall saye Amen. 17 Cursed be he that remoueth his neghbours marke and all the people shall saye Amen. 18 Cursed be he that maketh the blynde goo out off his waye, and all the people shall saye Amen, 19 Cursed be he that hyndreth the right of the straunger, fatherlesse and wedowe, and all the people shall saye Amen. 20 Cursed be he that lieth with his fathers wife because he hath opened his fathers coueringe, ad all the people shall saye Amen. 21 Cursed be he that lieth with any maner beest, and all the people shall saye Amen. 22 Cursed be he that lieth with his syster whether she be the doughter of his father or off his mother, and all the people shall saye Amen 23 Cursed be he that lieth with his mother in lawe, and all the people shall saye Amen. 24 Cursed be he that smyteth his neghboure secretly, and all the people shall saye Ame. 25 Cursed be he that taketh a rewarde to slee innocent bloude, and all the people shall saye Amen. 26 Cursed be he that matayneth not all the wordes of this lawe to doo them, ad all the people shall saye Amen.

Matthew 6:13

13 For and yf ye shall forgeve other men their treaspases youre hevenly father shall also forgeve you.

Matthew 28:20

20 Teachinge them to observe all thynges what soever I comcommaunded you. And lo I am with you all waye even vntyll the ende of the worlde.

1 Corinthians 14:16

16 For els when thou blessest with ye sprete how shall he that occupieth the roume of the vnlearned saye amen at thy gevinge of thankes seynge he vnderstondeth not what thou sayest

Exodus 3:12

12 And he sayde: I wilbe with the. And this shalbe a token vnto the that I haue sent the: after that thou hast broughte the people out of Egipte, ye shall serue God vppon this mountayne.

Matthew 1:23

23 Beholde a mayde shall be with chylde and shall brynge forthe a sonne and they shall call his name Emanuel which is by interpretacion God with vs.

Romans 8:31

31 What shall we then saye vnto these thinges? yf god be on oure syde: who can be agaynst vs?

Exodus 30:23-33

23 take principall spices: of pure myrre fiue hundred sycles, of swete cynamome halfe so moch two hundred and fyftie sicles: 24 of swete calamyte, two hundred and .l. Of cassia, two hundred and .l. after the holye sycle, and of oyle olyue an hin. 25 And make of them holye anoyntynge oyle euen an oyle compounde after the crafte of the apoticarye. 26 And noynte the tabernacle off wytnesse therewyth, and the arcke of witnesse, 27 and the table with all his apparell, and the candelsticke with all his ordinaunce, and the alter of incense, 28 and the alter of burntsacrifice and all his vessels, and the lauer and his fote. 29 And sacrifie them that they maye be most holye: so that no man twyche them but they that be halowed. 30 And anoynte Aaron and his sonnes and consecrate the to ministre vnto me. 31 And thou shalt speake vnto the childre of Israel saynge: this shalbe an holye oyntynge oyle vnto me, thorow out youre generacions. 32 No mans flesh shalbe anoynted therewith: nether shall ye make any other after the makynge of it for it is holye, se therfore that ye take it for holye 33 33. whosoeuer maketh like that, or whosoeuer putteth any of it apon a straunger, shall perysh from amonge his people.

Luke 19:37

37 And when he was now come wheare he shuld goo doune fro the moute olivete ye whole multitude of ye disciples began to reioyce and to lawde God with a loude voyce for all ye miracles yt they had sene

Revelation 11:15-18

15 The seconde woo is past and beholde ye thyrd woo wyll come ano 16 And the seventh angell blewe and therwere made great voyces in heve sayinge: the kyngdoms of this worlde are oure lordes and his christes and he shall raygne for ever more. 17 And the .xxiiii. elders which sytt before god on their seates fell apon their faces and worshipped God 18 sayinge: we geve the thankes lorde God allmyghte: which arte and wast and arte to come for thou haste receaved thy great myght and hast raygned.

Exodus 32:17

17 And when Iosua herde the noyse of the people as they shouted, he saide vnto Moses: there is a noyse of warre in the hoste.

Matthew 21:9-11

9 Moreover the people that went before and they also that came after cryed sayinge: Hosanna to ye sonne of David. Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the Lorde Hosanna in the hyest. 10 And when he was come in to Ierusalem all the cyte was moved sayinge: who is this? 11 And the people sayde: this is Iesus the Prophet of Nazareth a cyte of Galile.

Matthew 21:15

15 When the chefe prestes and scribes sawe the marveylles that he dyd and the chyldren cryinge in the teple and sayinge Hosanna to the sonne of David they disdayned

Matthew 24:38-39

38 For as in ye dayes before ye floud: they dyd eate and drynke mary and were maried eve vnto ye daye that Noe entred into the shyppe 39 and knewe of nothynge tyll the floude came and toke them all awaye. So shall also the commynge of the sonne of man be.

Luke 17:26-29

26 As it happened in ye tyme of Noe: So shall it be in the tyme of the sonne of man. 27 They ate they dranke they maryed wyves and were maryed even vnto yt same daye yt Noe went into ye arke: and ye floud cam and destroyed the all. 28 Lykewyse also as it chaunsed in the dayes of Lot. They ate they dranke they bought they solde they planted they bilte. 29 And even the same daye that Lot went out of Zodom it rayned fyre and brymstone from heven and destroyed them all.

Acts 21:31

31 As they went about to kyll him tydinges came vnto the hye captayne of the soudiers that all Ierusalem was moved.

1 Thessalonians 5:2-3

2 for ye youre selves knowe parfectly that the daye of the Lorde shall come even as a thefe in the nyght. 3 When they shall saye peace and no daunger than commeth on the soden destruccion as the travalynge of a woma with childe and they shall not scape.

Genesis 47:31

31 And he sayde: swere vnto me: ad he sware vnto him. And than Israel bowed him vnto the beddes head.

Exodus 12:32

32 And take youre shepe and your oxen with you as ye haue sayde, ad departe ad blesse me also.

Hebrews 11:21

21 By fayth Iacob when he was a dyinge blessed both the sonnes of Ioseph and bowed him selfe towarde the toppe of his cepter.

Genesis 14:20

20 And blessed be God the most hyghest which hath delyvered thyne enimies in to thy handes. And Abra gaue hym tythes of all.

Luke 1:46-47

46 And Mary sayde. My soule magnifieth the Lorde. 47 And my sprete reioyseth in god my savioure

Luke 1:68-69

68 Blessed be the Lorde God of Israel for he hath visited and redemed his people. 69 And hath reysed vp an horne of salvacion vnto vs in the housse of his servaunt David.

Ephesians 1:3

3 Blessed be God the father of oure lorde Iesus Christ which hath blessed vs with all maner of spirituall blessinges in hevely thynges by Chryst

1 Peter 1:3

3 Blessed be God ye father of oure Lorde Iesus Christ which thorow is aboundant mercie begat vs agayne vnto a lively hope by the resurreccion of Iesus Christ fro deeth

Exodus 21:14

14 Yf a man come presumptuously vppon his neyghboure ad slee him with gile, thou shalt take him fro myne alter that he dye.

Exodus 27:2

2 And make it hornes proceding out in the .iiij. corners of it, and couer it with brasse.

Exodus 38:2

2 And he made hornes in the .iiij. corners of it procedinge out of it, and ouerlayde it with brasse.

Matthew 10:30

30 Feare ye not therfore: ye are of more value then many sparowes.

Luke 21:18

18 Yet ther shall not one heer of youre heedes perisshe.

Acts 27:34

34 Wherfore I praye you to take meate: for this no dout is for youre helth: for ther shall not an heere fall fro the heed of eny of you.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.