1 Thessalonians 5:5 Cross References - Tyndale

5 Ye are all the childre of light and the children of ye daye. We are not of ye nyght nether of darcknes.

Luke 16:8

8 And the lorde comended the vniust stewarde because he had done wysly. For ye chyldren of this worlde are in their kynde wyser then ye chyldren of lyght.

John 12:36

36 Whyll ye have light beleve on the light that ye maye be the chyldren of light. These thinges spake Iesus and departed and hyd him silfe fro them.

Acts 26:18

18 to open their eyes that they myght turne from darcknes vnto lyght and from the power of Satan vnto God that they maye receave forgevenes of synnes and inheritauce amonge the which are sanctified by fayth in me.

Ephesians 5:8

8 Ye were once dercknes but are now light in the Lorde. Walke as chyldren of light.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.