5 Nether was oure conversacion at eny tyme wt flatterynge wordes as ye well knowe nether in cloked coveteousnes God is recorde:
1 Thessalonians 2:5 Cross References - Tyndale
Matthew 22:16
16 And they sent vnto him their disciples with Herodes servauntes sayinge: Master we knowe yt thou are true and teachest the waye of god trulie nether carest for eny man for thou consydrest not menes estate.
Matthew 23:13
13 Wo be vnto you Scribes and Pharises ypocrites for ye shutte vp the kyngdome of heve before men: ye youre selves goo not in nether suffre ye them that come to enter in.
Acts 20:33
33 I have desyred no mas silver golde or vesture.
Romans 1:9
9 For God is my witnes whom I serve with my sprete in the Gospell of his sonne that with out ceasinge I make mencion of you alwayes in my prayers
Romans 9:1
1 I saye the trueth in Christ and lye not in that wherof my conscience beareth me witnes in the holy gost
Romans 16:18
18 For they yt are suche serve not ye Lorde Iesus Christ: but their awne bellyes and with swete preachinges and flatteringe wordes deceave the hertes of the innocetes.
2 Corinthians 2:17
17 For we are not as many are which choppe and chaunge with the worde of God: but even oute of purenes and by the power of God and in the sight of God so speake we in Christ.
2 Corinthians 4:2
2 but have cast from vs the clokes of vnhonestie and walke not in craftines nether corrupte we the worde of God: but walke in open trueth and reporte oure selves to every mannes conscience in the sight of God.
2 Corinthians 7:2
2 Vnderstonde vs. we have hurte no man: we have corrupte no man: we have defrauded no man.
2 Corinthians 12:17
17 Did I pill you by eny of the which I sent vnto you?
Galatians 1:20
20 The thinges which I write beholde God knoweth I lye not.
1 Thessalonians 2:10
10 Ye are witnesses and so is god how holyly and iustly and vnblameable we behaved oure selves amonge you that beleve:
1 Timothy 3:3
3 not dronke no fighter not geve to filthy lucre: but gentle abhorrynge fightynge abhorrynge coveteousnes
1 Timothy 3:8
8 Lykwyse must the deacons be honest not double tonged not geve vnto moche drynkinge nether vnto filthy lucre:
Titus 1:7
7 For a bisshoppe must be fautelesse as it be commeth the minister of God: not stubborne not angrye no dronkarde no fyghter not geven to filthy lucre:
1 Peter 5:2
2 se that ye fede Christes flocke which is amonge you takynge the oversyght of them not as though ye were compelled therto but willyngly: not for the desyre of filthy lucre but of a good mynde.
2 Peter 2:3
3 and thorow coveteousnes shall they with fayned wordes make marchandyse of you whose iudgement is not farre of and their dampnacion slepeth not.
2 Peter 2:14-15
14 havinge eyes full of advoutrie and that canot cease to synne begylynge vnstable soules. Hertes they have exercised wt coveteousnes. They are cursed chyldren
15 and have forsaken the right waye and are gone astraye folowinge ye waye of Balam the sonne of Bosor which loved the rewarde of vnrightewesnes:
2 Peter 2:18
18 For when they have spoke the swellinge wordes of vanytie they begyle wt wantanes thorowe yt lustes of the flesshe them that were clene escaped: but now are wrapped in errours.
Jude 1:11
11 Wo be vnto them for they have folowed ye waye of Cayn and are vtterly geven to the erroure of Balam for lukers sake and perysshe in the treason of Core.
Revelation 18:12-13
12 the ware of golde and silver and precious stones nether of pearle and raynes and purple and skarlet and all thyne wodde and almanner vessels of yvery and almanner vessels of most precious wodde and of brasse and of yron
13 and synamon and odours and oyntmentes and frankynsence and wyne and oyle and fyne floure and wheate bestes and shepe and horsys and charrettes and boddyes and soules of men.