22 Who is a lyar: but he that denyeth that Iesus is Christ? The same is the Antichrist that denyeth the father and the sonne.
1 John 2:22 Cross References - Tyndale
John 8:44
44 Ye are of youre father the devyll and the lustes of youre father ye will folowe. He was a murtherer from the beginnynge and aboode not in the trueth because ther is no trueth in him. When he speaketh a lye then speaketh he of his awne. For he is a lyar and the father therof.
1 Corinthians 12:2-3
1 John 1:6
6 yf we saye that we have fellishippe with him and yet walke in darknes we lye and do not the truth:
1 John 2:4
4 He that sayth I knowe him and kepeth not his commaundementes is a lyar and the veritie is not in him.
1 John 2:18
18 Lytell children it is the last tyme and as ye have herde how that Antichrist shall come: even now are there many Antichristes come allredy. Wherby we knowe that it is the last tyme.
1 John 2:23
23 Whosoever denyeth the sonne the same hath not the father.
1 John 4:3
3 And every sprete which cofesseth not yt Iesus Christ is come in the flesshe is not of God. And this is that sprete of Antichrist of whom ye have hearde howe that he shuld come: and even now alredy is he in the worlde.
1 John 4:20
20 Yf a man saye I love god and yet hate his brother he is a lyar. For how can he yt loveth not his brother whom he hath sene love god whom he hath not sene?
2 John 1:7
7 For many deceavers are entred in to the worlde which confesse not that Iesus Christ is come in the flesshe. This is a deceaver and an Antichrist.
Jude 1:4
4 For ther are certayne craftely crept in of which it was write afore tyme vnto soche iudgemet. They are vngodly and turne the grace of oure God vnto wantannes and denye God the only Lorde and oure Lorde Iesus Christ.
Revelation 3:9
9 Beholde I make them of the congregacion of Sathan which call them selves Iewes and are not but do lye: Beholde: I will make them that they shall come and worshippe before thy fete: and shall knowe that I love the.