Micah 7:1 Cross References - Thomson

1 [p] Woe is me! for I am like one picking up stalks in harvest, and like one gathering a gleaning at the vintage? Not a bunch of the first fruits is left for me to eat. Ah Woe is my life,

Psalms 120:5

5 Ah Woe is me that my sojourn is so long protracted; That I have dwelt with the tents of Kedar;

Isaiah 6:5

5 Whereupon I said, Ah! Woe is me! [for I was confounded] for being a man, and having unclean lips; and dwelling among a people of unclean lips, I have seen with mine eyes the king the Lord of Hosts.

Isaiah 17:6

6 still a stalk may be left in it: or like the unripe berries of an olive tree, two or three may be left on the topmost bough, or four or five among the branches. Thus saith the Lord the God of Israel,

Isaiah 24:13

13 All this shall come to pass in this land, in the midst of the nations. As when one shall shake an olive tree, so shall they be shaken: and when the vintage is over

Isaiah 24:16

16 [c] "Lord the God of Israel! from the outskirts of the earth we have heard of thy wonders: there is hope for the righteous." [p] Let them say also, "Woe to the rebels who reject the law!"

Isaiah 28:4

4 And the flower which hath dropped from the hope of the Glory, on the top of the lofty mountain, shall be like the early fruit of a fig tree, which he who seeth it will wish to devour, before he can get it into his hand.

Jeremiah 4:31

31 For I have heard a sound as of one in labour; of thy groan, as of one who beareth her first child. [J] The voice of the daughter of Sion shall be weak: and she shall let her hands hang down. [p] Woe is me! for my soul fainteth on account of the slain.

Jeremiah 15:10

10 [p] Woe is me, O my mother, what sort of a person hast thou born in me! a man of strife and contending with all this land! I have neither lent on usury: nor hath any one lent to me; yet my strength is spent among them who curse me.

Jeremiah 45:3

3 because thou saidst, "Ah Woe is me! for the Lord hath added grief to my sorrow: I laid me down with sighing; no rest did I find."

Hosea 9:10

10 [J] I found Israel as a bunch of grapes in a wilderness; and I saw their fathers like an early watcher in a fig orchard. They went to Belphagor and abandoned themselves to shame, and became abominable, compared with the beloved.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.