Exodus 4:2 Cross References - Rotherham

2 And Yahweh said unto him––What is this in thy hand? And he said––A staff.

Genesis 30:37

37 So then Jacob took him rods of young storax, and hazel and maple,––and peeled in them white stripes, laying bare the white, which was on the rods.

Exodus 4:17

17 And, this staff, take thou in thy hand,––wherewith thou shalt do the signs.

Exodus 4:20

20 So Moses took his wife and his sons, and caused them to ride upon the ass, and he returned to the land of Egypt,––and Moses took the staff of God, in his hand.

Leviticus 27:32

32 And, as for all the tithe of herd and flock, all that passeth under the rod, the tenth, shall be holy unto Yahweh.

Psalms 110:2

2 Thy sceptre of strength, will Yahweh extend out of Zion, Tread thou down, in the midst of thy foes.

Isaiah 11:4

4 But he will judge, with righteousness, them who are poor, And decide, with equity! for the oppressed of the land,––And he will smite the land with the sceptre of his mouth, And, with the breath of his lips, will he slay the lawless one;

Micah 7:14

14 Shepherd thou thy people with thy rod, the flock of thine inheritance, Dwell thou alone, a jungle in the midst of a fruitful field,––Let them feed in Bashan and in Gilead, as in the days of age–past times.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.