Revelation 4:4 Cross References - RYLT

4 And around the throne are thrones twenty and four, and upon the thrones I saw the twenty and four elders sitting, clothed in white garments, and they had upon their heads crowns of gold;

Matthew 19:28

28 And Jesus said to them, 'Verily I say to you, that you who did follow me, in the regeneration, when the Son of Man may sit upon a throne of his glory, shall sit -- you also -- upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel;

Luke 22:30

30 that you may eat and may drink at my table, in my kingdom, and may sit on thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.'

2 Timothy 4:8

8 henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of the righteousness that the Lord -- the Righteous Judge -- shall give to me in that day, and not only to me, but also to all those loving his manifestation.

Revelation 2:10

10 'Be not afraid of the things that you are about to suffer; lo, the devil is about to cast of you to prison, that you may be tried, and you shall have tribulation ten days; become you faithful unto death, and I will give to you the crown of the life.

Revelation 3:4-5

4 You have a few names even in Sardis who did not defile their garments, and they shall walk with me in white, because they are worthy. 5 He who is overcoming -- this one -- shall be arrayed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from the scroll of the life, and I will confess his name before my Father, and before His messengers.

Revelation 4:10

10 fall down do the twenty and four elders before Him who is sitting upon the throne, and bow before Him who is living to the ages of the ages, and they cast their crowns before the throne, saying,

Revelation 5:8

8 And when he took the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell before the Lamb, having each one harps and golden vials full of perfumes, which are the prayers of the saints,

Revelation 5:14

14 and the four living creatures said, 'Amen!' and the twenty-four elders fell down and they bow before Him who is living to the ages of the ages.

Revelation 6:11

11 And there was given to each one white robes, and it was said to them that they may rest themselves yet a little time, till may be fulfilled also their fellow-servants and their brethren, who are about to be killed -- even as they.

Revelation 7:9

9 After these things I saw, and lo, a great multitude, which to number no one was able, out of all nations, and tribes, and peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne, and before the Lamb, arrayed in white robes, and palms in their hands,

Revelation 7:11

11 And all the messengers stood around the throne, and the elders and the four living creatures, and they fell upon their face, and bowed before God,

Revelation 7:13-14

13 And answer did one of the elders, saying to me, 'These, who have been arrayed with the white robes -- who are they, and why came they?' 14 and I have said to him, 'Sir, you have known;' and he said to me, 'These are those who are coming out of the great tribulation, and they did wash their robes, and they made their robes white in the blood of the Lamb;

Revelation 9:7

7 And the likenesses of the locusts are like to horses made ready to battle, and upon their heads as crowns like gold, and their faces as faces of men,

Revelation 11:16

16 And the twenty and four elders, who before God are sitting upon their thrones, did fall upon their faces, and did bow before God,

Revelation 19:4

4 And fall down did the elders -- the twenty and four -- and the four living creatures, and they did bow before God who is sitting upon the throne, saying, 'Amen, Alleluia.'

Revelation 19:14

14 And the armies in the heaven were following him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen -- white and pure;

Revelation 20:4

4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given to them, and the souls of those who have been beheaded because of the testimony of Jesus, and because of the word of God, and who did not bow before the beast, nor his image, and did not receive the mark upon their forehead and upon their hand, and they did live and reign with Christ the thousand years;

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.