1 Samuel 28:14 Cross References - NSB

14 »The spirit, what does it look like?« He asked. »It is an old man,« she answered. »He wears a cloak.« Saul knew it was Samuel. So he bowed to the ground in respect.

1 Samuel 15:27

27 Samuel turned to leave, but Saul caught hold of his cloak, and it tore.

1 Samuel 24:8

8 Then David got up and left the cave. He called to Saul: »My lord!« When Saul looked back. David knelt down with his face touching the ground.

2 Kings 2:8

8 Then Elijah took off his cloak. He rolled it up and struck the water with it. The water divided, and he and Elisha crossed to the other side on dry ground.

2 Kings 2:13-14

13 He picked up Elijah's cloak that had fallen from him. He returned to stand by the bank of the Jordan. 14 Elisha struck the water with Elijah's cloak and said: »Where is Jehovah, the God of Elijah?« Then he struck the water again, and it divided, and he walked over to the other side.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.