21 For this reason Jews seized me when I was in the temple, and tried to kill me.
Acts 26:21 Cross References - NHEB
Acts 21:27
27 When the seven days were almost completed, the Jews from Asia, when they saw him in the temple, stirred up all the crowd and laid hands on him,
Acts 21:30-31
Acts 22:22
22 They listened to him until he said that; then they lifted up their voice, and said, "Rid the earth of this fellow, for he is not fit to live."
Acts 23:12-15
12 When it was day, the Jews formed a conspiracy, and bound themselves under a curse, saying that they would neither eat nor drink until they had killed Paul.
13 There were more than forty people who had made this conspiracy.
14 They came to the chief priests and the elders, and said, "We have bound ourselves under a great curse, to taste nothing until we have killed Paul.
15 Now therefore, you with the council inform the commanding officer that he should bring him down to you, as though you were going to judge his case more exactly. We are ready to kill him before he comes near."
Acts 25:3
3 asking a favor against him, that he would summon him to Jerusalem; plotting to kill him on the way.