1 The worde of the Lorde shalbe receyued at Abrach, & Damascus shalbe his offering: for the eyes of all men and of the trybes of Israel shall loke vp vnto the lord.
Zechariah 9:1 Cross References - Matthew
Genesis 14:15
15 And set hym selfe & hys seruantes in aray, & fel vpon them by nyght, & smote them, & chased them awaye vnto Hobba: which lyeth on the lyft hand of Damascos,
2 Chronicles 20:12
12 O oure God, wylt thou not iudge them? for we haue no myght agaynst this great company that cometh against vs. Neyther wote we what to do: but oure eyes be vnto the.
Psalms 25:15
15 Myne eyes are euer lokynge vnto the Lorde, for he shall plucke my fete oute of the net.
Psalms 145:15
15 The eyes of all wayte vpon the, and thou geuest them their meate in due season.
Isaiah 9:8-21
8 The Lord sent a word into Iacob, the same is come into Israell.
9 And the people also of Ephraim, and they that dwell in Samaria, can saye wyth pryde and hye stomackes, on this maner:
10 The tyle worcke is fallen doune but we wyll buylde it wyth harder stones. The Molbery tymbre is broken, but we shal set it vp agayne with Cedre.
11 Neuertheles, the Lorde shall prepare Razin the enemy against them, and so ordre their aduersaryes,
12 that the Sirians shall laye holde vpon them before, & the Philistines behinde, and so deuoure Israell wyth open mouth. After all thys, the wrath of the Lord shall not ceasse, but yet his hande shall be stretched oute styll.
13 For the people turneth not vnto hym, that chastyseth them, nether do they seke the Lorde of Hostes.
14 Therfore the Lorde shal rote oute of Israel bothe head & tayle, braunch and twigge in one daye.
15 By the heade, is vnderstande the Senatoure and honorable man, and by the tayle, the Prophet that preacheth lyes.
16 For al they whiche enfourme the people that they be in a righte case, suche be disceyuers. Suche as men thyncke also to be perfecte amonge these, are but cast awaye.
17 Therfore shall the Lorde haue no pleasure in their yonge men, neyther fauoure their fatherlesse and wyddowes. For they are all together ypocrytes and wicked, and all their mouthes speake foly. After all this shall not the Lordes wrathe ceasse, but yet his hande shalbe stretched oute still.
18 For the vngodlye burne as a fyre in the bryers and thornes. And as it were oute of a fyre in a wood or a read bushe, so ascendeth the smoke of their pryde.
19 For this cause shall the wrath of the Lorde of Hostes fal vpon the lande, and the people shalbe consumed, as it were with fyre, no man shall spare his brother.
20 Yf a man do turne him to the ryght hande, he shall famishe, or to the lefte hande to eate, he shall not haue ynough. Euery man shall eate the fleshe of his owne arme.
21 Manasses shall eat Ephraim and Ephraim Manasses, and they both shall eate Iuda. After al this shall not the Lordes wrath cease, but yet shall his hande be stretched oute styll.
Isaiah 13:1
1 Thys is the heauy burthen of Babilon, whiche Esai the sonne of Amos dyd se.
Isaiah 17:1-3
1 This is the heauy burthen vpon Damascus: Behold Damascus shalbe no more a citie, but an heape of broken stones.
2 The cyties of Aroer shalbe waste: the catell shal lye there, and no man shal fray them awaye.
3 Ephraim shal no more be strong, and Damascus shal no more be a kingedom. And as for the glory of the remnaunt of the Sirians it shalbe as the glory of the children of Israel sayeth the Lorde of Hostes.
Isaiah 17:7-8
Isaiah 45:20-22
20 Let them be gathered and come together, lett them drawe nye hyther, that are escaped of the people: Haue they eny vnderstandynge, that set vp the stockes of their Idols, & praie vnto a God, that cannot helpe them?
21 Lett men drawe nye, let them come hyther, & aske councell one at another, and shewe forth: What is he, that tolde this before? or who spake of it, euer sence the begynnynge? Haue not I the Lorde done it: wythout whom there is none other God? the true God and Sauioure, and there is els none but I?
22 And therfore turne you vnto me (all ye endes of the earth) so shall ye be saued, for I am God, and there is els none.
Isaiah 52:10
10 The Lorde wyl make bare hys holye arme, and shewe it forthe in the sight of al the Gentyls, & all the endes of the earthe shall se the sauing healthe of oure God.
Jeremiah 16:19
19 O Lorde, my strength, my power, and refuge in tyme of trouble. The Gentyles shall come vnto the from the endes of the worlde, and saye: Verely our fathers haue cleued vnto lyes, their Idols are but vayne & vnprofitable.
Jeremiah 23:33-38
33 If this people, ether eny prophet or preste aske the, and saye: what is the burthen of the Lorde? Thou shalt saye vnto them: What burthen? Therfore wyll I cast you fro me (sayeth the Lord) because ye youre selues are a burthen.
34 And the prophet, preste or people that vseth this terme (the burthen of the Lord) hym wyll I viset, and hys house also.
35 But thus shall ye saye, euery one to another: What answere hath the Lorde geuen? or, what is the Lordes commaundement?
36 And as for the burthen of the Lorde, ye shall speake nomore of it: for euerye mans owne worde is his burthen, because ye haue altered the wordes of the lyuynge God the Lorde of Hostes oure God.
37 Thus shall euerye man saye to the Prophetes: what answere hath the Lorde geuen the? Or, what sayeth the Lord?
38 And not ones to name the burthen of the Lorde. Therfore thus sayeth the Lord: For so moch as ye haue vsed thys terme (the burthen of the Lorde) where as I not withstandinge sent vnto you and forbade you to speake of the Lordes burthen.
Jeremiah 49:23-27
23 Vpon Damascus, Hemath and Arphad shall come confusion, for they shall heare euill tydinges: they shall be tossed to and fro lyke the sea that can not stande styll.
24 Damascus shalbe sore afrayed, and shall fle, tremblynge shall come vpon her. Sorowe and payne shall ouertake her as a woman trauaylynge of chylde.
25 But howe shulde so worshipful and gloryous a citie be forsaken?
26 Heare therfore: her yonge men shall fall in the stretes, & all her men of warre shall be taken awaye in that tyme, sayeth the Lorde of Hostes:
27 I wyll kyndle a fyre in the walles of Damascus, whiche shall consume the palace of Benhadad.
Amos 1:3-5
3 Thus sayth the Lord: for thre & foure wyckednesses of Damascus, I wil not spare her, because they haue throshed Galaad with yron flales:
4 But I wyll sende a fyre into the house of Hazael, the same shal consume the palaces of Benadab.
5 Thus wyll I breake the barres of Damascus, and rote out the inhabyter from the felde of Auen, & hym that holdeth the scepter, out of the pleasaunt house: so that the people shalbe dryuen oute of fayre Syrya, sayeth the Lord.
Amos 3:12
12 Thus sayeth the Lorde lyke as an hyrdeman taketh two legges or a pece of an eare oute of the lions mouth: Euen so the chyldren of Israel (that dwell in Samaria, hauynge theyr couches in the corner, and theyr beddes at Damascus) shalbe plucte awaye.
Zechariah 5:4
4 I wyl bring it forth (sayeth the Lorde of hostes) so that it shall come to the house of the these, and to the house of hym, that falselye sweareth by my name, and shall remayne in hys house, and consume it, with the timbre & stones thereof.
Zechariah 8:21-23
21 and they that dwell in one citie, shal go to another sayeng: Vp, let vs go, and pray before the Lord, let vs seke the Lorde of Hostes, I will go with you:
22 yea much people and mightie heathen shall come and seke the Lorde of Hostes at Ierusalem, & to pray before the Lorde.
23 Thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes: In that tyme shal ten men (out of al maner of languages of the Gentiles) take one Iew by the hemme of his garment, and saye: we wyl go with you, for we haue hearde, that God is amonge you.
Malachi 1:1
1 The heauy burthen, whiche the Lorde sheweth agaynst Israel by Malachi.