1 Praye the Lord then by tymes to geue thou the latter rayne, so shall the Lorde make cloudes, & geue you raine ynough, for all the intreace of the felde:
Zechariah 10:1 Cross References - Matthew
Deuteronomy 11:13-14
13 If thou shalt herken therfore vnto mi commoundementes which I commaund you this day, that ye loue the Lord your God & serue him with all your hertes and with all youre soules:
14 then he wyll giue rayne vnto youre lande in due ceason, both the first rayne & the later, and thou shalte gather in thy corne thy wyne and thyne oyle.
Deuteronomy 28:23
23 And the heauen that is ouer thy head shalbe brasse, & the erthe that is vnder the, yeron.
1 Kings 17:1
1 And Eliah the Thesbite whyche was of the enhabiters of Galaad saide vnto Ahab: as truly as the Lorde God of Israel lyueth, before whome I stande, there shal be neyther dewe nor rayne these yeares, saue as I appoynt it.
1 Kings 18:41-45
41 Then Eliah sayde vnto Ahab, get the vp, and eate and dryncke, for ther is a sound of muche rayne.
42 And when Ahab went vp to eate & to dryncke, Eliah went vp to the toppe of mount Carmel. And bowed hym selfe to the earthe, & put hys face betwene hys knees,
43 and sayd to hys seruaunt: go vp and loke towarde the sea. And he went vp and loked, and saide: here is nothing. And he sayd: go agayn .vij. tymes.
44 And the seuenth time he sayde: beholde, there aryseth a lytle cloude out of the sea, lyke the palme of a mannes hande. Then he sayde: go and saye to Ahab, put the horsses in the charet, and get the doune that the rayne stoppe the not.
45 And within a lytle whyle, heauen was blacke wyth cloudes and winde, and there was a great rayne. And Ahab rode and went to Iezrahel.
Job 29:23
23 They wayted for me, as the earth doeth for the rayne: and gaped vpon me, as the ground doeth to receyue the latter shower.
Job 36:27-31
27 He turneth the water to small droppes, he dryueth hys cloudes
28 to gether for to raygne, so that they poure downe and droppe vpon men.
29 He can sprede out the cloudes (a couerynge of hys tabernacle)
30 and cause hys lyght to shyne vpon them: and to couer the botome of the sea.
31 By these thinges gouerneth he hys people, and geueth them aboundaunce of meate.
Job 37:1-6
1 At thys, my herte is astonyed, & moued out of hys place.
2 Heare then the sounde of hys voyce, & the noyse that goeth out of hys mouth.
3 He gouerneth euery thing vnder the heauen, & his lyghte reacheth vnto the ende of the worlde.
4 A roarynge voyce foloweth hym: for hys gloryous maiestye geueth suche a thondre clappe, that (though a man heare it) yet may he not perceiue it afterward. It geueth an horryble sounde,
5 when God sendeth oute hys voyce: greate thynges doth he, whiche we can not comprehende.
6 When he commaundeth the snow, it falleth vpon the earth: As sone as he geueth the rayne a charge, ymmedyatly the showers haue theyr strength, & fall doune.
Psalms 65:9
9 Thou visitest the earth, thou waterest it. and makest it very plenteous. The riuer of god is ful of waters, thou preparest man hys corne, and thus thou prouydeste for the earth.
Psalms 72:6
6 He shall come doune lyke the rayne into a fleise of wolle, & like the droppes that water the earth.
Psalms 104:13
13 Thou waterest the hilles from aboue, the earth is filled wt the frutes of thy workes.
Proverbs 16:15
15 The chearefull conntenaunce of the kynge is lyfe, and hys louynge fauoure is as the euenynge dewe.
Isaiah 5:6
6 I wyl laye it waste, that it shall neyther be twisted nor cut, but beare thornes and breares. I wil also forbydde the cloudes, that they shall not raine vpon it.
Isaiah 30:23
23 Then wyll he geue rayne to the sede that ye shall sowe in the earthe, and geue you bread of the encrease of the earthe, so that all shalbe plentuous and aboundaunt. Thy cattel also shall he fede in the brode medowes,
Isaiah 44:3
3 For I shall pouer water vpon the drye grounde and ryuers vpon the thurstye. I shall poure my sprete vpon thy sede, and myne encerase vpon thy stocke.
Jeremiah 10:13
13 At his voyce the waters gather together in the ayre, he draweth vp the cloudes from the vttermoste partes of the earth: he turneth lyghtenyng to rayne, & bryngeth forth the windes oute of theyr treasures:
Jeremiah 14:22
22 Are there eny amonge the goddes of the Gentiles that sende rayne or geue the showers of heauen? Doest not thou it O Lorde oure God, in whom we trust? Yee Lorde, thou doest all these thinges.
Jeremiah 51:16
16 As soone as he letteth hys voyce be hearde, the waters in the ayre waxe fearce: He draweth vp the cloudes from the endes of the earthe. He turneth the lyghtenynges to rayne, he bryngeth the wyndes oute of theyr secrete places.
Ezekiel 34:26
26 Good fortune and prosperyte wil I geue them, and vnto all that be rounde aboute my hyll. A prosperous shower and rayne wil I sende them in due season,
Ezekiel 36:37
37 Thus sayeth the Lorde God: I wyll yet ones be found agayne of the house of Israel & do this for them: I shall increase them as a flocke of men.
Hosea 6:3
3 Then shall we haue vnderstanding, and endeuoure oure selues to knowe the Lorde. He shall go forth as the springe of the daye, & come vnto vs as the eueninge and morninge rayne vpon the earth.
Hosea 10:12
12 that they myght sowe vnto righteousnes, and reape the frutes of weldoynge that they might plowe vp their fresh lande, & seke the Lorde, tyll he came, and learned them ryghteousnes.
Joel 2:23-24
23 Be glad then (O ye chyldren of Syon) & reioyse in the Lorde youre God, for he hathe geuen you a teacher of ryghtuousnes: and he it is that shall sende you doune shuwers of rayne, early and late in the fyrste moueth,
24 so that the garners shalbe full of corne, and the presses plenteous in wyne and oyle.
Amos 4:7
7 When here were but thre monethes vnto the haruest I wythhelde the rayne from you: yea I rayned vpon one cytye, and not vpon another, one pece of grounde was moystured wyth rayne, and the grounde that I rayned not vpon was drye.
Micah 5:7
7 And the remnaunt of Iacob shalbe amonge the multytude of people, as the dewe of the Lorde, and as the droppes vpon the grasse, that tarieth for no man, & wayteth of no body.
Matthew 7:7-8
John 16:23
23 And in that day shal ye axe me no question. Verely verely I say vnto you: whatsoeuer ye shall axe the father in my name, he wyll geue it you.
1 Corinthians 3:6
6 I haue planted, Apollo watred: but God gaue the increase.
James 5:7
7 Be ye pacyente therfore brethren, vnto the commynge of the Lord. Behold the husbande man wayghteth for the precious frute of the earth & hath long pacience therevpon, vntyll he receyue (the early and the latter rayne.)
James 5:16-18
16 Knoweledge youre fautes one to another; and praye one for another, that ye maye be healed. The prayer of a ryghtuous man auayleth muche yf it be feruente.
17 Helias was a man mortall, euen as we are, and he prayed in hys prayer, that it might not rayne: and it rayned not on the earth by the space of thre yeares & sixe monethes.
18 And he prayed againe, and the heauen gaue rayne, and the earthe broughte forth her frute.