11 He that doeth euill, let hym do euyll styll, & he whiche is filthy, let him be filthy still: & he that is ryghteous, let hym be more righteous: & he that is holy, let him be more holy
Revelation 22:11 Cross References - Matthew
Job 17:9
9 The ryghteous wyll kepe his waye, & he that hath cleane handes, wyll euer be stronger & stronger.
Psalms 81:12
12 So I gaue them vp vnto their owne hertes luste, and let them folowe theyr owne ymaginacions.
Proverbs 1:24-33
24 Seing then that I haue called & ye refused it: I haue stretched out my hand, & no man regarded it,
25 but all my counsayls haue ye despysed, & set my corrections at naught.
26 Therfore shall I also laugh in your destruccion, & mocke you, when the thyng that ye feare cometh vpon you:
27 euen when the thing that ye be afrayed of, falleth in sodenly lyke a storme, & your miseri like a tempest: yea, when trouble & heuinesse commeth vpon you.
28 Then shal they call vpon me, but I will not heare: they shal seke me early, but thei shal not find me:
29 And that because thei hated knowlege, & receyued not the feare of the Lord,
30 but abhorred my counsail, & despised my correction.
31 Therfore shal they eate the frutes of their owne way, & be filled with their oune counsayls:
32 for the turning away of the vnwyse shal sley them, & the prosperitie of foles shalbe their owne destruccion.
33 But who so harkeneth vnto me shal dwel safely, and haue ynough without any feare of euell.
Proverbs 4:18
18 The path of the ryghtuous shyneth as the lyghte, and is euer brighter and brighter vnto the perfecte daye.
Proverbs 14:32
32 The vngodlye is afrayed of euery parel, but the ryghtuous hath a good hope euen in death.
Ecclesiastes 11:3
3 When the cloudes are full, they poure oute rayne vpon the earthe. And when the tree falleth (whether it be towarde the South or North) in what place soeuer it fall, there it lyeth.
Ezekiel 3:27
27 But when I speake vnto the, then open thy mouth, and saye: Thus sayeth the Lorde God: who so heareth, lett hym heare: who so wyll not, let hym leaue: for it is an obstynate housholde.
Daniel 12:10
10 & many shalbe purifyed, clensed and tryed. But the vngodly shal lyue wickedly, and those wicked (as many of them as they be) shall haue no vnderstanding. As for suche as haue vnderstandynge, they shall regarde it.
Matthew 5:6
6 Blessed are they which honger & thurste for rightuousnes: for they shalbe filled.
Matthew 15:14
14 Let them alone, thei be the blynde leaders of the blynd. If the blynd leede the blynde, both shall fall into the dytche.
Matthew 21:19
19 and spyed a fygge tree in the waye, and came to it, and found nothynge thereon, but leaues onely, and sayed to it, neuer frute growe on the hence forwardes. And anone the figge tre wyddered away
Matthew 25:10
10 And whyle they went to bye the brydegrome came: and they that were redie, went in wyth hym to the weddinge, and the gate was shut vp.
John 8:21
21 Then sayde Iesus agayne vnto them. I go my waye, and ye shall seke me, & shall dye in youre synnes. Whether I go, thither can ye not come.
Ephesians 5:27
27 to make it vnto hym selfe a glorious congregation wythout spotte or wrinckle, or anye suche thinge: but that it shoulde be holy and wythout blame.
Colossians 1:22
22 in the body of his fleshe thorowe death, to make you holye vnblamable and without faut in his owne syght,
2 Timothy 3:13
13 But the euyll man and disceyuers shal waxe worsse & worsse whyle they deceyue, and are deceyued them selues.
Jude 1:24
24 Vnto hym that is able to kepe you, that ye fal not, and to preserue you fautles before the presence of hys glorye wyth ioye,
Revelation 7:13-15
13 And one of the elders aunswered, saying vnto me: what are these, which are arayed in longe whyte garmentes, and whence came they?
14 And I sayd vnto hym: Lorde thou wotest. And he said vnto me: these are they which came out of great tribulacion, and made their garmentes large and made them white, in the bloude of the lambe,
15 therfore are they in the presence of the seate of God and serue hym daye and nyghte in his temple, and he that sitteth in the seate wyl dwell amonge them.
Revelation 16:8-11
8 And the fourth angel poured out his vial on the sunne, & power was geuen vnto hym to vexe men with heate of fire.
9 And the men raged in great heate, & spake euyl of the name of God which hath power ouer those plages, & they repented not, to geue him glory.
10 And the fyfte angel poured out his vial vpon the seate of the beast, & his kingdome waxed darcke, & they gnew their tounges for sorowe,
11 & blasphemed the God of heauen for sorowe and payne of their sores, and repented not of theyr dedes.
Revelation 16:21
21 And there fell a greate hayle, as it had bene talentes, out of heauen vpon the men, & the men blasphemed God, because of the plage of the haile, for it was great, & the plage of it sore?
Revelation 22:3
3 And there shall be no more cursse, but the seate of God, and the lambe shalbe in it: and hys seruauntes shall serue hym.