Revelation 18:8 Cross References - Matthew

8 Therfore shal her plages come at one daye, death, and sorowe, and honger, and she shalbe brente wyth fyre, for stronge is the Lorde God, whiche iudgeth her.

Job 9:19

19 If men wyll speake of strength, he is the strongest of all: yf men wyll speake of ryghtuousnes, who darre be my recorde.

Psalms 62:11

11 God spake once a worde, twyse haue I hearde the same: that power belongeth vnto God

Isaiah 27:1

1 Then the Lorde with his heauye, great, & longe swerd shall vyset Leuyathan that inuyncible serpent: euen Leuiathan that croked serpent & shall slaye the whalfysh in the sea.

Isaiah 47:9-11

9 And yet both these thinges shall come to the vpon one daye in the twyncklyng of an eye: Namely wyddowhead, & desolacyon. They shall mightely fall vpon the, for the multitude of thy witches, & for the greate heape of thy coniurers. 10 For thou hast comforted thy selfe in thy dysceitfulnes, and hast sayde: No man seyth me. Thyne owne wysdome & connyng hath disceueyd the. In that thou hast sayde: I am alone, and without me there is none. 11 Therfore shall trouble come vpon the, & thou shalt not knowe, from whence it shall aryse. Myschefe shal fall vpon the, which thou shalt not be able to put of. A sodane myserye shall come vpon the, or euer thou be a warre.

Jeremiah 50:31

31 Behold, I speake vnto the (O thou proude) sayeth the Lorde God of hostes: for thy daye shall come, euen the tyme of thy vysitacion.

Jeremiah 50:34

34 but theyr auenger & redemer is myghtye, whose name is the Lorde of hostes: he shal maintayne theyr cause, he shall make the lande shake, and iudge them that dwell therein, one wyth another.

Jeremiah 51:6

6 Flye awaye from Babylon, euery man saue hys lyfe. Let no man holde hys tonge to her wyckednes, for the tyme of the Lordes vengeaunce is come, yea he shall rewarde her agayne.

Jeremiah 51:58

58 Moreouer, thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes: The thycke wall of Babylon shalbe broken, & her proude gates shalbe brent vp. And the thynge that the Gentyles and the people haue wrought with greate trauayle and laboure, shal come to naught and be consumed in the fyre.

1 Corinthians 10:22

22 Either shall we prouoke the Lorde? Or are we stronger then he? All thinges are laufull vnto me, but all thinges are not expedient.

Revelation 11:17

17 sayinge: we geue the thankes Lord GOD almyghty, whyche arte and wast, and arte to come, for thou hast receyued thy greate myght and hast reigned.

Revelation 17:16

16 And the ten hornes, which thou sawest vpon the beast, are they that shal hate the whore, & shal make her desolate and naked, and shal eate her flesh and burne her wyth fyre.

Revelation 17:18

18 And the woman, which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth ouer the kinges of the earth.

Revelation 18:9-10

9 And the kynges of the earth shal bewepe her & wayle ouer her, which haue committed fornicacion with her, & haue lyued wantonly with her, when they shal se the smoke of her burning, 10 & shal stand a farre of, for feare of her punishmente, saying: Alas, Alas, that great citie Babilon, that myghty cytie. For at one houre is her iudgemente come.

Revelation 18:17

17 for at one hour so great riches is come to nought. And euery shyp gouerner, & al they that occupied shippes, & shipmen which worke in the sea, stode a farre of

Revelation 18:19

19 And they cast duste on their heades, & cried weping, & wailing, & said: Alas, alas the greate citye wherin were made riche al that had shippes in the sea, by the reason of her costlines, for at one houre is she made desolate.

Revelation 19:3

3 And again they said: Alleluia. And smoke rose vp for euermore.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.