Psalms 78:14 Cross References - Matthew

14 In the daye tyme he ledde them with a cloude, and all the night thorow with a light of fyre.

Exodus 13:21-22

21 And the Lord went before them by daye in a pyler of a clowde to leade them the waye: and by nyghte in a pyler of fyre to geue them lyght: that they myght goo both by day and nyght. 22 And the pyler the cloude neuer departed by daye nor the pyler of fyre by nyght out of the peoples syght.

Exodus 14:24

24 And in the mornynge watch, the Lorde loked vnto the hoste of the Egyptians out of the fiery and clowdy pyller, and troubled their hoste

Exodus 40:35-38

35 so that Moses coulde not enter into the Tabernacle of wytnesse bycause the cloude abode therin, and the glory of the Lord filled the habitation. 36 When the cloude was taken vp from of the habitation the children of Israel toke their iourneys as oft as they had iourneyed. 37 And if the cloude departed not, they iourneyed not tyll it departed: 38 for the cloud of the Lord was vpon the habitation by daye, and fyre by nyght: in the syght of all the house of Israell in all theyr iourneys.

Nehemiah 9:12

12 and leddest them on the daye tyme in a cloudy pyler, and on the nyghte season in a pyler of fyre, to shew them lyghte in the waye that they wente.

Nehemiah 9:19

19 yet forsokeste thou them not in the wyldernes, accordynge to thy great mercye. And the cloudye pyler departed not from them on the daye tyme to leade them the way neyther the pyler of fyre in the nyght season, to shewe them lyghte in the waye that they wente.

Psalms 105:39

39 He spred out a cloude to be a couerynge, and fyres to geue lyght in the nyght season.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.