Psalms 4:1 Cross References - Matthew

1 To the Chanter in Neginoth, a Psalme of Dauid. Heare me when I call, O God of my ryghteousnes: thou that comfortest me in my trouble: haue mercy vpon me, herken vnto my praier.

Exodus 34:6-7

6 And when the Lord walked before him, he cried: Lord Lord God full of compassion and mercy, which are not lightly angry but abundaunt in mercy and truth, 7 and kepest mercye in store for thousandes, & forgeueste wyckednes, trespace, and synne (for there is no man innocent before the) and vysitest the wyckednes of the father vpon the chyldren and vpon chyldrens chyldren, euen vnto the thyrd and fourth generation.

1 Samuel 17:37

37 And Dauid spake moreouer, the Lorde that delyuered me out of the handes of the Lyon and out of the handes of the Beare, he shall delyuer me also oute of the handes of the Philistine. Then sayde Saul to Dauid: go, and the Lorde be wyth the.

1 Samuel 19:11-12

11 But Dauid fled and saued him selfe that same nyght. Then Saul sent messengers vnto Dauids house, to watche hym and to sley hym in the mornyng. But Michol his wife tolde it hym saying. 12 Yf thou saue not thy selfe thys nyghte, to morow thou art a dead man.

1 Samuel 23:26-28

26 And when Saul hearde that, he folowed after Dauid into the wyldernesse of Maon. And Saul and his men went on the one syde of the mountayne, and Dauid and his men on the other. And Dauid as a man amased, made hast to get from Saul, for Saul and his men had compased Dauid and hys men rounde about take them. 27 But there came a messenger to Saul saying: Hast the & come, for the Philistines are come in, & roue the land. 28 Wherfore Saul returned from persecutyng Dauid, & went agaynst the Philistines. And therfore the place is called, Sela Mahelecoth.

1 Chronicles 25:1-6

1 And Dauid and the captaines of the hoste appoynted out to do seruice, the sonnes of Asaph of Heman and Iduthun, whiche dyd prophesie with harpes psalteries & symbales: & the multytude of them were men to do seruyce in their offices. 2 The sonnes of Asaph: Zaur, Ioseph, Nathaniah, Aserealah, to wayte on Asaph, whyche prophesyed by the kynge. 3 The sonnes of Iduthun: Godoliah, Zuri, Isaiah, Rasabiah and Mathathiah, Semei, syxe, at the handes of their fathers Iduthun wyth harpes: which Iduthun prophesyed for to thanke and prayse the Lord. 4 The sonnes of Heman: Bokiahu, Mathaniah, Vziel, Zubuell, Ierimoth, Hananiah, Hanam, Eliathat, Gedalthi, Romanthi Ezer, Iesbokasah, Malothi, Hothir and Mahazioth. 5 All these were the sonnes of Heman the kynges Sear of vysions with the worde of God, to lyfte vp the horne. God gaue to Heman .xiiij. sonnes, and thre doughters. 6 All these were at the hande of their father to synge in the house of the lord with symbales, psalteries, and harpes in the seruyce of the house of God. And at the hand of the king was Asaph, Iduthun and Heman.

Job 36:16

16 Euen so shall he kepe the (yf thou wylte be contente) from the bottomlesse pytte that is beneth: and yf thou wilt holde the quyete, he shall fyll thy table with plenteousnesse.

Psalms 6:1

1 To the chaunter by Negynoth vpon Sheminith, a Psalme of Dauid. Oh Lorde rebuke me not in thyne anger: Oh chasten me not in thy heuy dyspleasure.

Psalms 11:7

7 For the Lord is righteous, and he loueth righteousnes: hys countenaunce beholdeth the thinge that is iust.

Psalms 17:6

6 For vnto the I crie: heare me O God: encline thine eares to me: & herken vnto my woordes.

Psalms 18:18-19

18 They preuented me in the time of my trouble, but the Lorde was my defence. 19 He broughte me forthe also into lybertye: and delyuered me, because, he had a fauoure vnto me.

Psalms 22:1

1 To the chaunter vppon Aieleth of the dawnyng, a Psalme of Dauid. My God, my God: why haste thou forsaken me? the wordes of my complaynte are farre fro my health.

Psalms 24:5

5 He shal receaue the blessing from the Lord, and mercy from God his sauiour.

Psalms 25:16

16 Turne the vnto me and haue mercy vpon me, for I am desolate and in misery.

Psalms 31:8

8 Thou hast not delyuered me ouer into the handes of the enemye, but hast set my fete in a large rowme.

Psalms 40:1-3

1 To the chaunter, a Psalme of Dauid. I waited pacyently for the Lord, which enclined hym selfe vnto me: and herd my callynge. 2 He brought me out of the horryble pitte, out of the myre and claye: he set my fete vpon the rocke, & ordred my goinges. 3 He hath put a newe songe in my mouthe, euen a thanckes geuynge vnto oure God. Many men seing this shal feare the Lord, and put their trust in hym.

Psalms 41:12

12 Thou hast vpholden me because of my innocency, and set me before thy face for euer.

Psalms 42:1

1 To the chaunter, a monicion of the sonnes of Corah. Like as the hert desyreth the water brokes, so longeth my soule after the, O God.

Psalms 45:1

1 To the chaunter, vpon Sosanim, an instruccion of the chyldren of Corah, a songe of loue. Mi herte is endytinge of a godd matter, I speake of that, which I haue made of the kynge: My tonge is the penne of a ready wryter.

Psalms 56:1

1 To the chaunter, vpon the domme stock doue: whiche flyeth ferre of, Michtam of Dauid, when the Phylystynes toke hym in Geth. Be mercifull vnto me (O God) for men will treade me doune: they are dayly fightynge and troublynge me.

Psalms 57:1

1 To the Chaunter destroy not Michtam of Dauid, when he fledde from Saull into the caue. Be mercyfull vnto me, O God, be mercyfull vnto me, for my soule trusteth in the: and vnder the shadow of thy winges shal be my refuge, vntyll wyckednes be ouer past.

Psalms 67:1

1 To the chaunter, in Neginoth, a Psalm and songe. God be mercyfull vnto vs, blesse vs, and shewe the lyght of hys countenaunce vpon vs. Selah

Psalms 76:1

1 To the chaunter, in Neginoth, a Psalm and songe of Asaph. In Iuda is God knowne, hys name is great in Israel.

Psalms 86:3-5

3 Be merciful vnto me, O Lord, for I cal dayly vpon the. 4 Comfort the soule of thy seruaunt, for vnto the, O Lord, do I lyft vp my soule. 5 For thou Lorde arte good and gracyous, and of greate mercye vnto all them that call vpon the.

Psalms 116:6

6 The Lorde preserueth the symple, I was brought downe, and he helped me.

Psalms 116:16

16 O Lorde, I am thy seruaunt, I am thy seruant, and the son of thy handmaide, thou hast broken my bondes in sonder.

Psalms 119:75-77

75 I knowe, O Lorde, that thy iudgmentes are right, and that thou of very faithfulnes hast caused me to be troubled. 76 O let thy mercyful kyndnesse be my comforte, accordynge to the promes that thou hast made vnto thy seruaunt. 77 O let thy louyng mercies come vnto me, that I may lyue, for thy law is my delite.

Psalms 119:132

132 O loke thou vpon me, & be mercifull, as thou vsest to do vnto those that loue thy name.

Psalms 143:2

2 And entre not into iudgement with thy seruaunt, for in thy sighte shall no man lyuyng be iustefied.

Isaiah 45:24

24 sayinge: Verelye in the Lorde is my ryghtuousnes and strength. To hym shall men come: but all they that thyncke scorne of hym, shalbe confounded.

Jeremiah 23:6

6 In hys tyme shall Iuda be saued and Israell shall dwell without feare. And thys is the name that they shall call hym: euen the Lorde oure ryghtuous maker.

Habakkuk 3:19

19 The Lord God is my strengthe, he shall make my fete as the fete of hertes: and he whiche geueth the vyctorye, shal bryng me to my hye places, synging vpon my psalmes.

1 Corinthians 1:30

30 And vnto him partaine ye in Christe Iesus, whiche of God is made to vs wysdome, and also rightuousnes, and sanctifiynge and redemption.

2 Corinthians 1:8

8 Brethren I woulde not haue you ignoraunt of oure trouble, whiche happened vnto vs in Asia. For we were greued out of measure passinge strength, so greatlye that we despeared euen of lyfe.

2 Corinthians 1:10

10 & which delyuered vs from so greate a death, and doth delyuer. On whom we truste that yet here after he will delyuer,

2 Corinthians 5:20-21

20 Nowe then are we messengers in the roume of Christ: euen as thoughe God dyd beseche you thorowe vs: So praye we you in Christes stede, that ye be atone with God, 21 for he hath made hym to be synne for vs, whiche knewe no synne, that we by hys meanes should be that ryghtuousnes whiche before God is allowed.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.