1 To the chaunter, vpon Sosanim, an instruccion of the chyldren of Corah, a songe of loue. Mi herte is endytinge of a godd matter, I speake of that, which I haue made of the kynge: My tonge is the penne of a ready wryter.
Psalms 45:1 Cross References - Matthew
2 Samuel 23:2
2 the spyryt of the Lord spake in me, and his wordes were on my tonge.
Ezra 7:6
6 This Esdras was a quicke scribe in the lawe of Moses, whiche the Lord God of Israel dyd geue. And the kinge gaue him al that he requireth accordynge to the hande of the Lord his God vpon him.
Job 32:18-20
Job 33:3
3 My herte shall ordre my wordes a ryghte, & my lyppes shall talke of pure wysdome.
Job 34:4
4 As for the iudgement, let vs seke it oute among our selues, that we may knowe what is ryghte.
Psalms 2:6
6 Yet haue I sette my kyng vpon my holy hyll of syon.
Psalms 24:7-10
7 Open your gates (O ye princes) lette the euerlastynge dores be opened, that the kyng of glory may come in.
8 Who is this kyng of glory? It is the Lorde strong and myghtie, euen the Lorde myghty in batell.
9 Open youre gates (O ye princes) let the euerlastynge dores be opened, that the kyng of glory may come in.
10 Who is this king of glory? It is the Lord of Hoostes, he is the kynge of glorye. Selah.
Psalms 49:3
3 My mouth shall speake of wysdome, and my hert shall muse of vnderstandynge.
Psalms 69:1
1 To the chaunter vpon Sosanim of Dauid. Helpe me, O god, for the waters are come in, euen vnto my soule.
Psalms 80:1
1 To the chaunter, vpon Sosanim, a Psalme of Asaph. Heare O thou shepeherde of Israel, thou that leadest Iacob lyke a flocke of shepe: shew thy self, thou that sittest vppon the Cherubyns.
Psalms 110:1-2
Proverbs 8:6-9
6 Geue eare, for I will speake of great matters, and open my lyppes to tell thinges that be right.
7 For my throte shalbe talking of the trueth, & my lyppes abhorre vngodlinesse.
8 All the wordes of my mouth are righteous, there is no frowardenesse nor falsede therin.
9 They are all playne to suche as will vnderstande, and ryght to them that fynde knowlege.
Proverbs 16:23
23 The hert of the wyse enfourm his moueth, and amendeth the doctryne in his lyps.
Song of Songs 1:1-7
1 2 O that thy mouthe woulde geue me a kysse, for thy brestes are more pleasaunt then wyne,
3 & that because of the good & pleasaunt sauoure. Thy name is a swete smelling oyntment, therfore do the maydens laue the:
4 yea, that same moueth me also to runne after the. The King hath brought me into his preuy chambre. We wil be glad and reioyce in the, we thynke more of thy brestes then of wyne: well is them that loue the.
5 I am black (O ye daughters of Hierusalem) like as the tentes of the Cedarenes, and as the hanginges of Salomon:
6 but yet am I fayre & welfauoured withal. Maruell not at me that I am so blacke: & why? the sunne hath shyned vpon me. For when my mothers chyldren had euel will at me, they made me the keper of the vyneyarde. Thus was I fayne to kepe a vyneyarde, which was not myne owne.
7 Tell me (O thou whom my soule loueth) where thou fedest, where thou restest at the noone daye: lest I go wrong, and come vnto the flockes of thy companyons.
Song of Songs 1:12
12 When the king sitteth at the table, he shal smell my Nardus:
Isaiah 5:1
1 Nowe wel then, I wyl syng my beloued frende a songe of hys vyneyarde. My beloued frende hath a vyneyard in a very frutefull plenteous grounde.
Isaiah 32:1-2
1 Beholde, the kynge shal gouerne after the rule of ryghtuousnes, & the princes shal rule according to the balaunce of equyte.
2 He shalbe vnto men as a defence for the wynde, & as a refuge for the tempeste, like as a riuer of water in a thurstye place, and the shadowe of a great rocke in a drye land.
Matthew 12:35
35 A good man out of the good treasure of hys herte, bringeth forth good thinges. And an euill man out of his euill treasure, bringeth forth euil thinges.
Matthew 25:34
34 Then shal the kinge saye to them on his right hand. Come ye blessed chyldren of my father, enheryte ye the kingdome prepared for you from the begynninge of the worlde.
Matthew 27:37
37 And they set vp ouer his head the cause of his death written. This is Iesus the kinge of the Iewes.
Ephesians 5:32
32 Thys is a greate secrete, but I speake betwene Christe and the congregation.
2 Peter 1:21
21 For the scrypture came neuer by the wyl of man, but holye men of God spake as they were moued by the holy ghoste.