1 The song of the steares. Lorde, remember Dauyd and all his trouble.
Psalms 132:1 Cross References - Matthew
Genesis 8:1
1 And God remembred Noe & al the beastes & al the catel that were with him in the arck. And God made a wynde to blowe vpon the erth, & the waters ceased:
Exodus 2:24
24 And their complaint came vp vnto God from the labour. And God remembred hys promise wyth Abraham, Isaac, & Iacob.
1 Samuel 18:1-30
1 And when he had made an ende of speaking vnto Saul, the soule of Ionathas was knit wyth the soule of Dauid. In so much that he loued hym as hys owne soule.
2 And Saul toke him that daye & would let hym go no more home to hys fathers house.
3 And Ionathas and Dauid bounde them selues the one to the other, for Ionathas loued him as hys owne soule.
4 And Ionathas put of his owne coote that was vpon hym, & gaue it Dauid, and therto hys mantel, hys swerde, his bowe and hys gyrdle.
5 And Dauid went oute to all that Saul sente hym, and behaued hym selfe wyselye. And when Saul hath set him ouer his men of warre, he pleased al the people, and Sauls seruauntes therto.
6 And it happened as they went, when Dauid was returned from the slaughter of the Philistine, that wemen came out of al cytyes of Israel syngynge and daunsyng, agaynste Saul, wyth tymbrelles, wyth ioye, and wyth fydilles.
7 And the wemen that played sange therto, & sayd: Saul hath slayne his thousand & Dauid hys ten thousand.
8 Then was Saul exceding wroth & the sayinge displeased him, and he sayde: they haue ascrybed vnto Dauid ten thousand, and to me but a thousande, & what can he more haue saue the kyngdome?
9 wherfore Saul loked on syde of Dauid from that daye forward.
10 And it happened on the morow, that the euyll spirite sente of God came vpon Saul, so that he prophesyed in the myddes of the house. And Dauid played on the instrumente wyth hys hande as he was daylye wont.
11 And Saul had a speare in hys hand, and hourlde it entendyng to haue nayled Dauid to the walle. But Dauid auoyded out of hys presence two times.
12 For Saul was afrayde of Dauid, because the Lorde was wt him, and was departed from Saul.
13 And then Saul put Dauid from him and made hym a captayne ouer a thousand, and he wente oute and in before the people.
14 And Dauid was wyse in al that he toke in hande, and the Lorde was wyth hym.
15 Wherfore when Saul sawe that he was so exceding wyse, he was afrayd of him.
16 But al Israel and Iuda loued Dauid because he wente oute and in before them.
17 Then sayd Saul to Dauid. Beholde my eldest doughter Merob, her I wyll geue the to wyfe: Only play the man and fyghte the Lordes batelles. For Saul thoughte myne hande shal not be vpon hym, but the hande of the Philistines.
18 And Dauid answered Saul: what am I? and what is my lyfe or the kynred of my father in Israel, that I shoulde be sonne in lawe to the Kynge:
19 How be it when the time was come that Merob Sauls doughter shoulde haue bene geuen to Dauid, she was geuen vnto Adriel a Meholothite, to wyfe.
20 How be it Michol Sauls doughter loued Dauid. And when it was shewed Saul, the thinge pleased hym well.
21 And he sayde: I wyll geue hym her that she maye be a snare to hym, to bringe the hande of the Philistines vpon hym. And Saul sayde to Dauid: thou shalt thys daye be my sonne in lawe agayne.
22 And Saul commaunded hys seruauntes, to comen wyth Dauid secretely and saye: Beholde the Kynge hath a fauoure to the, and all his seruauntes loue the, be therfore the kinges sonne in lawe.
23 And Sauls seruauntes spake these wordes in the eares of Dauid. But Dauid answered: semeth it to you a light thing to be the kinges sonne in lawe, when I am a poore man and of smalle reputacyon?
24 And Sauls seruauntes tolde hym agayne sayinge: of this maner answered Dauid.
25 Then sayde Saul: this wyse saye to Dauid: the kinge careth for no nother dowry but for an hundred foreskynnes of the Philistines, to be auenged of the kynges enemies. For Saul thought to make Dauid fall into the handes of the Philistines.
26 Then hys seruauntes tolde Dauid these wordes, and it pleased Dauid well to be the kynges sonne in lawe.
27 And shortlye after Dauid arose wyth his men, and went, and slue of the Philistines two hundred men, and brought there foreskinnes, and satisfyed the Kynge thereof to be his sonne in lawe. And so Saul gaue hym Michol hys doughters to wyfe.
28 And when Saul sawe and vnderstode, how that the Lord was with Dauid, and that Michol hys doughter loued hym,
29 he was the more afrayed of Dauid, and became Dauids enemie for euer.
30 And when the Philistines went out to warre, Dauid behaued hym selfe wyselyer then all the seruauntes of Saul: so that hys name was moche set bye.
2 Samuel 15:1-20
1 After thys Absalom gat him charettes & horsses & fyftye men to runne before him.
2 And therto he vsed to ryse vp erlye in the mornynges & to stand by the wayes side that led to the gate of the cytye. And all the men of Israel that had complayntes & came to the kynge for Iudgemente, he called vnto hym & sayde: of what cytye arte thou? And when the other aunswered: thy seruaunte is of suche a trybe of Israel.
3 Then sayde Absalom vnto hym: se, thy matter is good and ryghteous, & yet no man is deputed of the kynge to heare the.
4 Then Absalom sayd moreouer: Oh, that I were a Iudge in the lande, and that all men whiche haue pleyes and matter in the lawe, shulde come to me. For I wold do them iustice.
5 And also when any man came nye to him to do hym obeysaunce, he put forth his hand & toke him to him & kyssed hym.
6 And on this maner dyd Absalom to all Israel that came to the kynge for iudgement, & therwyth stale the hertes of the men of Israel.
7 And at fourtye yeres ende Absalom sayde vnto the kynge: let me go I praye the to Hebron, & paye my vowe which I haue vowed, vnto the Lorde:
8 for thy seruaunt vowed a vowe when I was in Gesur in the land of Siria saying: yf the Lord shall brynge me agayne to Ierusalem, I wyl serue the Lorde.
9 And the Kynge sayd: go in peace. And so he arose and went to Hebron.
10 Then Absalom sent spyes thorow out al the trybes of Israel sayinge: as sone as ye heare the voyce of the trompet blowe, saye: Absalom raygneth kynge in Hebron.
11 And wyth Absalom went .ij. hundred men out of Ierusalem that were called. And they went with pure hertes & wist nothing of the matter.
12 And Absalom sente also for Ahithophel the Gilonite Dauids counseller, and fet hym out of hys citie Giloh, when he sacrifyed sacrifyces. And there was wrought strong treason. And the people drue to Absalom great multytude.
13 And there came a messenger to Dauid & sayd: the hertes of the men of Israel are to folow Absalom.
14 Then sayd Dauid vnto all hys seruauntes that were wyth hym at Ierusalem: vp & let vs flee, for we shall not else escape from Absalom: Make spede to depart: leste he come sodenly & catche vs, & bryng some myscheue vpon vs, & smyte the cytie with the edge of the swerde.
15 And the kynges seruauntes sayde to hym: beholde thy seruauntes are ready to whatsoeuer my Lord the kynge shall appoynte.
16 And the kyng and all hys houshold departed a fote. And he left behynde hym ten wiues that were hys concubynes, to kepe the house.
17 And so the king & al the people went out a fote, & taryed farre from the house,
18 And all hys seruauntes went by hys syde. And al the Cerethites & all the Phelethites, and al the Hethytes euen .vi. hundred men which were come a fote from Geth, went before the kyng.
19 Then sayd the kyng to Ethai the Gethite, wherfore shuldest thou go wyth vs also. Returne and abyde wyth the kynge, for thou art a straunger, and arte remoued from thyne owne place.
20 Thou camest but yesterdaye, and shulde I vnquyet the to daye to go wyth vs? I wyl go whether I go. But returne thou and carye agayne thy brethren: Mercy and truth be with the.
Psalms 25:6-7
Psalms 120:1
1 The song of the steares When I am in trouble, I cal vpon the Lorde, and he answereth me.
Psalms 121:1
1 The song of the steares. I lyft vp myne eyes vnto the hylles, from whence commeth my helpe.
Psalms 122:1
1 The songe of the steares. I was glad, when they sayed vnto me: we wyll go into the house of the Lorde.
Psalms 123:1
1 The songe of the steares. Vnto the lyft I vp mine eies, thou that dwelleste in the heauens.
Psalms 124:1
1 The songe of the steares. If the Lord had not bene of oure side (now may Israel say)
Psalms 125:1
1 The song of the steares. They that put their truste in the Lord, are euen as the mounte Syon, which may not be remoued, but standeth fast for euer.
Psalms 126:1
1 The songe of the steares. When the Lorde turneth agayn the captiuitie of Syon, then shall we be lyke vnto them that dreame.
Psalms 127:1
1 The song of the steares. Except the Lord buylde the house, their laboure is but loste that buylde it. Except the Lord kepe the cytye, the watchman waketh but in vayne.
Psalms 128:1
1 The song of the steares. Blessed are all they that feare the Lord, & walke in his wayes.
Psalms 129:1
1 The song of the steares. Many tyme haue they foughte agaynst me fro my youth vp (may Israel now saye.)
Psalms 130:1
1 The song of the steares. Ovt of the depe cal I vnto the O Lord,
Psalms 131:1
1 The songe of the steares. Lorde, I am not hye mynded, I haue no proude lokes. I do not exercise my selfe in greate matters, whych are hye for me.
Lamentations 3:19
19 Zain. O remembre yet my mysery & my trouble the wormwod and the gall.
Lamentations 5:1
1 Call to remembraunce (O Lorde) what we haue suffred, consydre and se oure confusyon.