1 O prayse the Lorde all ye Gentyles, laude him al ye people.
Psalms 117:1 Cross References - Matthew
Psalms 66:1
1 To the chaunter, a Psalme of Dauyd. O be ioyfull in God, all ye landes,
Psalms 66:4
4 O that all the worlde woulde worshippe the, synge of the, and prayse thy name. Selah
Psalms 67:3
3 Let the people prayse the, O God, yea let all people prayse the.
Psalms 86:9
9 All nacyons whom thou hast made, shall come and worship before the, O Lorde, and shal gloryfy thy name.
Psalms 148:11-14
11 Kynges of the earth and all people, Prynces and iudges of the worlde.
12 Yonge men and maydens, olde men and chyldren:
13 let them prayse the name of the Lord, for his name only is excellent, and his prayse aboue heauen and earth.
14 He exalteth the horne of his people, all hys saynctes shall prayse hym, the chyldren of Israell, euen the people that serueth him. Prayse the euerlastyng.
Psalms 150:6
6 Let euery thing that hath breth, prayse the Lorde. Prayse the euerlastynge.
Isaiah 24:15-16
15 & praise the name of the Lorde God of Israel, in the valeys, and Ilandes.
16 We heare sunges sung to the prayse of the righteous, from al the endes of the worlde. Therefore I must speake: O myne vnfrutefulnesse, O my pouerte. Wo is me, all is full of synners, whiche offende of purpose and malice.
Isaiah 42:10-12
10 Synge therfore vnto the Lorde, a newe songe of thanckes geuynge, blowe out hys prayse vnto the ende of the world. They that be vpon the sea, and all that is therin, prayse hym, the Iles and they that dwell in them.
11 Let the wyldernes with her cities lyft vp her voyce, the townes also that be in Cedar. Let them be glad that syt vpon rockes of stone, & let them crie downe from the hye mountaynes:
12 ascribinge almightynes vnto the Lorde, and magnifying hym amonge the Gentyles.
Romans 15:11
11 And agayn. Prayse the Lorde all ye gentyles, and laude hym all nacyons.
Revelation 5:9
9 and they songe a new songe saiyng: thou art worthy to take the boke, and to open the seales therof: for thou wast kylled, & hast redemed vs by thy bloud out of al kynredes, and tonges, and people, and nacions
Revelation 7:9-10
9 After this I behelde, and lo a greate multitude (which no man coulde numbre) of al nacions and people, and tonges, stode before the seate, and before the lambe, clothed wyth longe whyte garmentes, and palmes in their handes,
10 and cried with a loude voyce, saying: saluacion be ascribed to him that sitteth vpon the seate of our God, and vnto the lamb.
Revelation 15:4
4 Who shal not feare. O Lorde, & glorify thy name? For thou only arte holy and al Gentyls shal come and worshippe before the for thy iudgementes are made manifeste.