Proverbs 15:5 Cross References - Matthew

5 A foole despyseth hys fathers correccyon, but he that taketh hede whan he is reproued shalhaue the more vnderstandyng.

1 Samuel 2:23-25

23 & sayd vnto them: why do ye suche thynges? For I heare youre wycked deades of all these people. 24 Oh, naye my sonnes: for it is no good reporte, that I heare how that ye make the Lordes people to trespasse. 25 If one man synne agaynste another daysemen maye make his peace: but yf a man synne agaynste the Lorde who can be hys dayse man? Notwythstandynge they herkened not vnto the voice of theyr father, because the Lorde wolde slaye them.

2 Samuel 15:1-6

1 After thys Absalom gat him charettes & horsses & fyftye men to runne before him. 2 And therto he vsed to ryse vp erlye in the mornynges & to stand by the wayes side that led to the gate of the cytye. And all the men of Israel that had complayntes & came to the kynge for Iudgemente, he called vnto hym & sayde: of what cytye arte thou? And when the other aunswered: thy seruaunte is of suche a trybe of Israel. 3 Then sayde Absalom vnto hym: se, thy matter is good and ryghteous, & yet no man is deputed of the kynge to heare the. 4 Then Absalom sayd moreouer: Oh, that I were a Iudge in the lande, and that all men whiche haue pleyes and matter in the lawe, shulde come to me. For I wold do them iustice. 5 And also when any man came nye to him to do hym obeysaunce, he put forth his hand & toke him to him & kyssed hym. 6 And on this maner dyd Absalom to all Israel that came to the kynge for iudgement, & therwyth stale the hertes of the men of Israel.

1 Chronicles 22:11-13

11 Now my sonne, the lord be with the, that thou mayst prospere & buyld the house of the Lorde thy God, as he hathe sayde of the. 12 And the Lord geue thy wysdom & vnderstandynge, & make the gouerner of Israel, & to kepe the law of the lord thy God. 13 For then thou shalt prospere. Yf thou shalte be dylygent to do the ordynaunces and lawes whiche the Lorde charged Moses with, to delyuer to Israell. Plucke vp thyne hert and be strong, dread not nor be discouraged.

1 Chronicles 28:9

9 And thou Salomon my sonne: knowe God thy father, and serue hym with a pure hert, and lust of soule. For the Lorde searcheth all hertes, and vnderstandeth all the Imaginacyons of thoughtes. If thou shalte seke hym, he wylbe founde of the: But & yf thou forsake hym, he wyll caste the of for euer.

1 Chronicles 28:20

20 And Dauid sayde to Salomon hys sonne: harden thy self, and be strong, and do it, feare not, nor let thyne herte dyscourage the. For the Lorde God my God is wyth the, & shall not leaue the nor forsake the, vntyll thou haste fynyshed all the worcke that must serue for the house of the Lorde.

Psalms 141:5

5 Let the righteous rather smite me frindly, & reproue me: so will I take it, as though he had poured oyle vpon my head: it shall not hurt my head, yea, I will praye yet for theyr wickednesse.

Proverbs 1:23

23 O turne you vnto my correccion: lo. I wil expres my mynde vnto you, & make you vnderstande my wordes.

Proverbs 6:23

23 For the commaundement is a lanterne, and the lawe a lyghtie, a chastening, and nurtour is the waye of lyfe:

Proverbs 10:1

1 The Parables of Salomon. A wyse sonne maketh a glad father, but an vndiscrete sonne is the heuinesse of hys mother.

Proverbs 13:1

1 A wyse sonne wyll receaue hys fathers warnynge, but he that is scornefull, wyl not heare when he is reproued.

Proverbs 13:18

18 He that thynketh scorne to be refourmed, commeth to pouertie & shame: but who so receaueth correction, shal come to honou

Proverbs 15:31-32

31 The eare that herkeneth vnto wholsome warnnynge, and enclyneth therto, shal dwell amonge the wyse. 32 He that refuseth to be refourmed, despyseth his owne soule: but he that submytteth hym selfe to correccyon, is wyse.

Proverbs 19:20

20 O geue eare vnto good counsayll, & be content to be refourmed, that thou mayest be wyse here after.

Proverbs 25:12

12 The correction of the wise is to an obedient eare, a golden cheine & a Iewel of gold.

Titus 1:13

13 Thys wytnesse is true, wherfore rebuke them sharply that they may be sounde in the fayth,

Titus 2:15

15 These thynges speake, and exhorte, and rebuke, wyth all commaundyng. Se that no man despyse the.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.