3 And beholde certayne of the scribes sayd in them selues, thys man blasphemeth.
Matthew 9:3 Cross References - Matthew
Leviticus 24:16
16 And he that blasphemeth the name of the Lord, shall dye for it: all the multitude shall stone him to death. And the straunger as well as the Israelyte if he curse the name, shal dye for it.
Matthew 7:29
29 For he taught them as one hauing power, and not as the Scribes.
Matthew 26:65
65 Then the hye Priest rent hys clothes sayinge: He hath blasphemed: what nede we of anye more wytnesses? Beholde nowe ye haue heard hys blasphemy
Mark 2:6-7
Mark 7:21
21 For from within, euen out of the herte of men, procede euel thoughtes: aduoutry, fornication, murther,
Mark 14:64
64 ye haue hearde the blasphemy, what thynke ye? And then they all gaue sentence, that he was worth of death,
Luke 5:21
21 And the scribes and pharyseis began to thinke saiynge: What felowe is this which speaketh blasphemy? who can forgeue synnes but God onlye?
Luke 7:39-40
39 When the pharysey which bade him, sawe that he speake within him selfe saiyng. If this man were a Prophete, he woulde surely haue knowen who and what maner woman this is which toucheth him, for she is a synner.
40 And Iesus aunswered and sayde vnto him: Simon I haue some what to saye vnto the. And he sayed: Maister saye on.
John 10:33-36
33 The Iewes aunswered him, saiynge: For thy good workes sake we stone the not, but for thy blasphemye, and because that thou beynge a man, makest thy selfe God.
34 Iesus aunswered them: is it not wrytten in youre lawe. I saye: ye are Goddes?
35 Yf he called them Goddes vnto whom the worde of God was spoken (& the scripture can not be broken)
36 saye ye then to hym, whom the father hath sanctifyed, & sent into the worlde, thou blasphemest, because I sayed. I am the sonne of God?
Acts 6:11-13
11 Then sent they in men, whiche said: we haue heard him speake blasphemous wordes against Moyses and against God.
12 And they moued the people and the elders and the scribes: and came vpon him and caught hym,
13 and brought him to the counsell and brought forth false witnesses whiche sayde. This man ceaseth not to speake blaspemous wordes against thys holy place, and the lawe,